Lab AU (Karlity)☠️☁️
I am back, actually I was back last Friday but I had no ideas until now sooooo...... ye anyway here you are people.
TW: I guess growling and hissing but let me know if I missed anything else
🌀Karl wheezer POV🌀
The names Karl Jacobs, and im a scientist at the lab near my house. I always wanted to be a scientist cause it looked so cool and I was kinda right. Besides the abuse that they do to the experiment everything else is so cool and fun to do when you get to test out things. I was walking through the doors until my boss/ the leader of us all Steve walked up to me and told me this.
"Hey Karl , i got another experiment for you to look after for us" he said
"OK then lead the way" I said as we started to walk to the room.
As we were walking to the room he kept on telling me how crazy and wild this thing is and how I have to be careful with this weird beast which made me a but scared. We got to the room and before he left the room he gave me a cheat plate and a baseball bat to protect myself and also the shock collar remote for the thing before leaving the room which made me even more scared. The corners of the room were pitch black but I saw some eyes glowing in one of the corners and some growling when I got closer. The more I got closer the more more I heard Hissing and growling for then thing. When I was like a yard away from him could see in his eyes that it was scared before growling and hissing again. I guess me holding the bat made me look like I was about to hit him with it. So I put the bat down and took a few steps forward which made it snap. It lashed out at me but he was luckily chained to the corner by the wrists like how you would see a monster in a movie would. I got a good look at it or should I say him. It's a boy! Everyone was making him look like he was like a giant monster but no. It's like a duck hybrid boy with duck wings on his back and head, a duck tail, and some duck legs as he was in a white t while it had a label with the numbers of his assigned numbers which was '405' and some white shorts showing all of his duck legs. He kept one hissing at me with made me pull out the remote for the shock collar that he was wearing. As soon as he saw the remote he's face went from fearl to scared. I kinda let my guard down before he hissed at me again which made me flinch and accidentally pressing the button for the shock collar. He screamed as I turned it off. I watched as he fell on his knees and started to shake and cry making me feel so bad and like I was a monster. I tried to calmly walk up to the hybrid but it backed up whimpering with tears in his eyes.
"Hey hey I'm sorry, I did not mean to do that, I just got scared that's all" I said in a calming voice trying to gain his trust.
He crawled a bit out of the corner shaking because he's still a bit scared. I put my hand put while slowly walking towards him. As soon as I was close enough I went for the kill and put my hand on his face cheek and started to pet it like you would pet a cats face. His shaking started to go down as he closed his eyes. Then all of the sudden I heard a purr meaning that he was relaxed and calm which was good.
"Oh right almost forgot, my name is Karl, what's your?" I asked the boy even though I did not know if he knew how to talk, but surprisingly he could.
"M-my name is Quackity" he said still a bit shy and scared.
I smiled at the response "That's a nice name Quackity." Which made him look up at me and smiled a but while blushing.
"T-thank you, I-i never had a complaint f-from anyone" he started to stutter and blush a bit.
I sat down infront of him and he also sat down infront of me. He tried to crawl towards me but was stopped by the chains on his wrist.
"How about this, if you don't go crazy then I'll let you out ok?" I offered to him which he agreed.
I unlocked the chains and he slowly crawled to me, we looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then I smiled which made him smile as well. Then it was time for lunch but I wanted to stay with Quackity so when I got my lunch I came back to Quackity's room and aye my lunch there so I can see him more. I was eating till I saw Quackity looking at me then my food, as soon as I saw him he instantly turned his head away like he was embarrassed. I smiled a bit, soon I heard his tummy rumble showing that he was hungry, so I split my sandwich in half and offered it to him.
"Here, you seem hungry, have the other half of my sandwich" I offered Quackity
He hesitantly grabbed the other half and ate it. We finished the lunch because I also shared some other stuff in my lunchbag and it was 5:48 meaning it was almost closing time and the night shift. I was about to pack up and leave until I felt something grab my wrist. I looked down to see Quackity looking at me with sad eyes like he does not want me to leave. This hurt my heart seeing him all sad, but then I got an idea. I went to Steve and try to ask him if I could bring Quackity home with me. I mean I live alone so I won't be worried about someone scaring Quackity. I approached Steve and started to try and convince him.
K-"Hey Steve I have an idea that might help out studies even better about our experiment 405"
S'"Oh my yes let me hear it please"
K-"well here me out, how about I take him out and see how he will deal with normal human things, because it seems like he does not know how to deal with stuff"
S-"hmmmm... it's genius but are you sure that you can keep it safe and not scaring everyone"
K-"yes yes! I'll be real careful, trust me!"
S-"OK then take notes and I'll see you tomorrow"
I was super excited to take Quackity home with me, I walked into my house with Quackity and he was so curious about everything in my house, I guess he never seen anything like this stuff. We went to my bedroom and I found some clothes for Quacktiy to wear for bedtime.
"Do you know how to change your clothes?" I asked him to which he shook his head no so that means I have to help him.
After I helped he I layed down a sleeping bag where Quackity will sleep tonight. I got into my bed and started to fall asleep.
*in the middle of the night*
I woke up still tierd and I was kinda thirsty, i was gonna get up until I felt something on my back since I was sleeping on my stomach at the time. I turn my head the best I can to see Quackity sleeping on my back like a cat could, and I could hear some purring as well. That just made me not want to get up because of how cute he was and this also showing me how much he trust me, so I slowly turned to my back and moved Quackity to be on my stomach so we both can be more comfortable, and that's when i started to drift off to sleep again.
YES I FINALLY FINISHED THIS and I hope yall enjoyed this and let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this but other then that I'll see yall soon and I hope yall have a good day/night
Word count:1394
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