Hello friends ,firstly high I'm not dead ,just been going through alot of things as of late ,and haven't had energy to do anything , now before you continue to read this warning this is a bit oc and is the very first time I've ever written for Philza , now this little ramble was written waaaaaaay back before purgatory and back when the codes were still a problem xD , I never had the courage to post this before ,this was a ramble/idea of mine that turned into a short lil story TwT ,it's still a. Ramble tho ,I've mainly retired my days of writing (also this Def takes place before Phil's lore so this is even more so iffy xD,I have not rewritten this or reread this since ...so enjoy?}
The code has gotten smarter, to the point it can mimic voices, it comes back as wilbur, just to fuck with Phil more, at first it manages to trick Phil, but phil is observant he can tell it isnt the real wil ,its personality is cold, its laughter is robotic , when he smiles his eyes go dull, it all seems fake, but he doesnt just want to randomly attack his son without reason, especially not in front of Tallulha, as it would break her heart but he cant let that monster hurt her…but its not hurting her, and then it happens hes watching over the kids and wilbur, someothers are also there, its some type of event, something happens to wil and just like he suspected it to, it transforms into a code, he makes sure the kids are sent away so his daughter doesnt see what hes about to do, ever the “code breaker” he slays his “son” well no, not his son , its an imposter , a code.
As the others discuss he looks through his “son's” items, and he feels himself pausing there's photos and letters here , photos and letters he sent and wrote to the real Wilbur, it can't be can it? No this isn't his son, his son wouldn't try to hurt his own daughter like this, but that could only mean….his letters , the photos did not get sent to the real wilbur, they were sent to the imposter, and because of that this imposter was able to learn how to act like the real wilbur and not like some fake, he helped it , even if it was by accident, honestly he shouldn't be so surprised this island had been out to get him since day one, this is just another thing to add on to the trauma, he shakes his head to gather his thoughts as he looks down to the photo, he needs to stay strong, if not for himself , for them, for his kids ,even if their some experiment there still his kids , their all he has now, with wilbur gone, missa missing and no way of getting in contact with kristin , he has to raise them alone, even if he’s not truly alone......
{Also fun random fact I while after I wrote this in my notes ,I saw someone write a fic of a similar context of code Wilbur so ye! Someone who could Def write it better then me xD}{anyway this is something of what my rambles will be like ,so if ya want more lemme know ,I mainly watch philza ofc ,}
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