Juggling with baiting
Circuses are the source of entertainment but do you know?
life is none other than a circus. Circling with a trapezes notion,
Swinging in the air, only two ropes to behold
It's a weird acrobatic play, a fun for many more
one wrong move, you're grieving in the down.
then those players with juggling, too many balls in the upstream
for you to catch in one take, but do you know life doesn't take retakes?
catch them at once, musings of colourful prey
one swing in the air, a breath holding waiting
What if they fail to catch them?
you're mourning with life's baiting, a clown is making moves
to make everyone happy, they're laughing
with their heart in mouth, with odd faces
growing a pang in the distance, a loppy-sided
smile, tears gleaming in the eyes.
a ringmaster is the prime key, to make an executive—
an exception, you don't appreciate easy things
the trapezes make your heart, a little bit faster
those juggling with fireballs, take you in a motion
that's why, you couldn't see the tears of a clowning face.
ringmaster bows down, putting the show to an end.
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