Limons, Infant Annihilator(band), and probably should run
Me: Dad, you and Pennywise have a dare then we all have a dare
Daryl: What's my dare?
Me: Peach_Graves dares you to do anything to her
Daryl: Anything, hmm ~? ;)
Me: Be gentle with her, she's a friend
Daryl: I'm not gonna do anything too bad to her. *drags her to his bedroom*
Me: *facepalms* Why does he do this? Anyway, Pennywise you have a dare. BluZombieMedic dares you to eat a limon
Pennywise: Hehehe, okay. *eats one* HOLY FUCK THAT'S SOUR
Ghostface: *laughing while stuck in Hell*
Freddy: O_o
Ghostface: Please help me D:
Me: No
Ghostface: :'(
Me: You know what you did. And besides I can't go against Daryl, he's my dad anyway
Ghostface: (´∩`。)
Me: Anyway, finally Madamance dares us all to watch the music video for 'Decapitation Fornication' by Infant Annihilator (WARNING: I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I JUST WITNESSED! BUT... IT WAS KINDA FUCKED UP)
Me: ... What the hell did I just witness?
Jason: *holding CutieDandere*
Michael: *also holding CutieDandere*
Leatherface: *hiding behind me*
Hannibal: That... That was... Disturbing...
Freddy: *holding Karma*
Norman: *broken again, also holding CutieDandere*
Jack: What the fuck did I just watch?
Carrie: *hiding*
Annie: I couldn't understand the words. But that was pretty disturbing
Christine: *wtf*
Patrick: This gives me ideas...
Will: I... I don't even know what I just saw...
Chucky: The fuck was that?!
Alice: And I thought the undead were disgusting
Daryl: I've seen worse
Me: Well... That'll do it for us, bye guys
Jason: *waves*
Michael: *waves*
Leatherface: *waves*
Hannibal: Farewell, have a pleasant evening*
Freddy: Bye...
Norman: *broken*
Ghostface: *still stuck in Hell*
Jack: Goodbye dear readers ~
Carrie: *still hiding*
Annie: Bye everyone
Pennywise: Be sure to come back soon for more fun, rides, and games ~
Patrick: Later
Christine: *says goodbye in car language*
Will: Bye guys
Chucky: Later bitches
Alice: Goodbye
Daryl: Goodbye sexy readers ~
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