Dates & Another New Killer
Me: Michael has a question, jordannicole323 asks if Michael would take them on a date
Michael: *shrugs* *writes* 'Sure, I guess'
Me: Next we have a new killer joining us
Freddy: Who is it this time? Pennywise the clown? Cujo the mutt?
Me: Everyone please welcome Carrie White
Carrie: *waves shyly*
Me: Everyone be nice to Carrie or I will sacrifice your soul to a very specific blade of grass and you shall suffer the wrath of Squidward
Freddy: O_O
Me: Or I'll give you to the yandere fangirls
Freddy: NUUUU ;-;
Me: Freddy, deal with it *locks him in karmakiller16's room* you're welcome Karma
Freddy: HALP MEH
Carrie: *backs away slowly*
Me: Freddy's always like that, everyone is pretty cool. Except Ghostface, he's loud and hyper
Ghostface: AM NOT D:
Me: Stop yelling before we summon Squidward
Ghostface: *is running away from Squidward screaming*
Squidward: *chases Ghostface while dabbing*
Ghostface: *hides in -Emo-Frisk-'s room*
Squidward: My job is complete now *teleports away*
Carrie: ... Does this always happen?
Me: Only on Wednesday (first person to get this reference gets a cookie)
Carrie: Okay
Me: Anyways, bye guys
Jason: *waves*
Michael: *waves*
Leatherface: *waves*
Hannibal: Farewell. Have a pleasant evening
Freddy: *is with Karma and too 'busy' at the moment*
Norman: B- bye e- everyone
Jack: Goodbye dear readers ~
Carrie: Bye
Scene from Carrie
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