|| taylor's first 48 questions
1; BerryAllen
How tf do you come up with you tutorials? They're always so amazing and goals. Whenever I want to make up something, I just stare at my phone for two hours then give up
Honestly, I have no idea, haha. Most of the time, I either get some inspiration off of Instagram or I just notice some things in the real world and use my brain juices to relate it to Wattpad. I encourage you to keep trying though; practice makes perfect!
What is your favourite song/album, and why? (Gosh that was such a cliche question XD)
it's not cliche at all! It's almost impossible for me to pick a single song or album though...I have a strong passion for Halsey's Badlands album, Zella Day in general, Twenty One Pilots, and then deep down burried in my heart is my passion for Eric Church and the Dixie Chicks, lmao (I'm so random when it comes to music)
3; If you could be any character from a movie or tv series, who would you be?
now it's my turn to be cliche and say probably Allison Argent. I admire that she would do anything to protect her friends, and she did that with her dying last breath. No, I wouldn't want to die, but I like how she went out. Plus, she kicked some major ass.
4; michonnes
what tv shows do you watch, and what would you do with your life if all of those ended all of a sudden? i'd probably cry and complain for hours lmao
That list could go on for so many miles, but here's a few I usually keep up with: Teen Wolf, The Flash, Agents of SHIELD, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The 100, Arrow (until you know who died), Shadowhunters (I'm so far behind omfg), The Walking Dead (also so far behind), and I used to watch Under the Dome, but it kinda lost my interest after season 3. If all of these ended all of a sudden, I would first take my TV and throw it out of my window, and then proceed to lock myself in my room until I starved to death. (jk I have to eat)
5; whats your role model, if you do have one?
There are so many people I look up to. Sure, celebrities and writers are one, but I think I really look up to my cousin the most. She's taught me so much since the day I was practically born, and she just is the kind of person I strive to be. She's shaped who I really am today, in all honesty. She taught me how to look at the world in a different way, and I guess that's why I like writing so much. I guess I need to thank her, haha.
6; devoiders
where did you learn to start editing?
I'm not gonna like, but @amysponds was the one who truly inspired me. I remember her one day mentioning Superimpose in an old group KIK chat and then she made a separate one to teach all of us noobs, and here I am now. So thank you foxy roxy (:
7; mumundae
If you could be a celebrity for one day or forever which celebrity would you be? If you could create your own tv show what would it be about
One celebrity...probably Holland Roden. I'd kill for her looks and her fabulous hair, plus she's dated like half of the Teen Wolf cast, haha. If I had my own TV show, you know it'd have to be about the Supernatural or something of that nature. I could never just have a drama show...I'd stab myself, tbh. I'd probably center it a lot around werewolves, since they've been my favorite creature for like ever.
What got you into doing edits?
I kinda already answered this in devoiders question, but other than the amazing moony helping me out, instagram did. I loved seeing everyone's edits and it just inspired me to do more of it.
What's your favorite book?
Favorite book...probably either The Maze Runner or the Shiver series by Maggie Steifvater. I'm like in love with that series right now; I highly recommend to read it if you like Teen Wolf (:
Wattpad author, probably boywonders besides the fact that he can't finish a book (I'm just kidding David, haha) I love how he uses big vocabulary, which is a huge weakness of mine, and he is just amazing at putting feelings down into words. For real life author, I'm not really sure. I never really read just one author's works, but I really should.
11; lexiiica
what got you in to teen wolf, or any other tv show you watch?
I REMEMBER THIS SO WELL! My friend was over one day and we were bored, and she asked me if I watched Teen Wolf. I told her no, and she continued to ramble on and on about this Scott guy and how cute he was and how dorky his best friend was, so I had to check it out. I remember watching the first episode in complete confusion as she sat there with heart eyes the whole time. To be honest, I almost didn't keep watching it for some reason. I'm very freaking glad I did, because look at me now *sings* All of my other shows were either just something I thought looked good, other than TVD. My mom made me watch that one, haha.
12; SaenaeChan
Do you play any musical instruments?
oh dear lord, I tried the piano once upon a time and then I gave up. I wish I didn't, because gosh, I could be so good by now. I am in Honor's Choir however, so I guess that makes up for it, haha. My sister plays the guitar and watching her play makes me wish I knew how to play that too; I quite often bust into her room and sing whatever she's playing, haha.
13; covetstyles
who did you look up to when you first started to get into writing?
Well, the account is no longer here anymore, and I'm ashamed for ever looking up to this person. When I first got on Wattpad, I read almost all of her books and fell in love. She planted the idea of writing my own fanficion into my head. But a few months and a friendship blossoming down the line later, things happened and let's just say that I've put it past me.
14; -lydiamartins
What made you want to start writing?
I kind of just answered this in the question above, but that girl wasn't the only one who inspired me. @CuteHelloGoodbye wrote a teen wolf fan fiction that I read in like a weeks time because it was that good to me, and that was also what made me start writing.
15; @shamelessmaximoff
A movie you had high expectations, but ended up disappointed?
Where does this list even start...Insurgent, The Scorch Trials, Paranormal Activity 5, and MockingJay part 2. Yeah, they were still semi-good movies, but I think for me, Insurgent was just too much like TMR to me, The Scorch Trials was NOTHING like the book, Paranormal Activity 5 was just all around bad, and the I was ticked at the end of MockingJay that we DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SEE THE EPIC FIGHT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Like, I knew that her sister dies and all, but just think about it. This book series started with Katniss saving her sister only for her to die in the end. Talk about ironic. Plus, I hated how Katniss treated Gale at the end of the movie. GALE DESERVES BETTER!!
16; jess_stories
What is your favorite book out of all the books you wrote so far?
Afterlife, without a doubt. The idea of having someone on the other side was in my head for a long time before I finally started to write it, and I think that is the only story I've really gotten right when it comes to a love interest. All of my other stories involving a love interest always are too rushed it seems and don't have that "chemistry". My readers seem to love Corey as well and I love him and Allison together so much and it's just my all around favorite.
17; tumblr_hoe
what is your biggest pet peeve?(trust me i have a lot)
OH GOD, SAME! I hate when people ask for fonts of the covers I make when I put it in the chapter, I hate when people use double negatives, I hate when people wear jeans to concerts at school to perform, and I hate when you're standing there talking to your friends and one of them will step forwards into the circle and cut you off from the group. JUST A DAY IN THE LIFE OF TAYLOR.
18; -VoidHuntress
If you had to pick would you rather keep Arden and not bring back Crystal? Or get rid of Arden and bring back Crystal?
First off, HOW DARE YOU FOR ASKING THIS QUESTION! But as my username states, I'd rather have Crystal. I love Arden so much though...uGH. YOU MAKE ME UPSET!
19; -voidmendes
which any supernatural creature from teen wolf would you want to be?
werewolf tbh. I love their eyes, I could paint my long bomb ass claws pink, and I'd just be a slay wolf.
What is the reason you like to edit book covers and where did you learn all those from?
For other people to be honest with you. I just meshed together my passion for editing and helping people and wala, there comes editing book covers. I learned it from Roxy as I stated earlier, but also from amazing accounts on Instagram.
21; twerkingforfood1
How do you find inspiration ?
First, I look at other accounts to get ideas in my head, and if that doesn't work, then I try to look around me at what I see. The world can hide many things that can implant ideas in your head; sometimes it's just a little hard finding what those things are.
22; gabbyh27
What made you decide that you would love Teen Wolf forever?
I honestly have no idea...I started writing fiction right when Allison died. It gave me passion I guess...her death inflicted me a lot, as cheesy as that sounds. Plus, I just friggin loved Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Posey, haha.
23; Do you like reading, writing, or making book covers better?
oooh, that's a tough one. It kind of depends on my mood on certain days; some days I wanna write, others edit, and then others read. I'll base my answer off of one thing though; which is if I were to use any one of these hobbies as a job in the future, it would have to be TV show writing. I personally don't think I'm solid enough to be a professional writer (nor do I want to be), but I think being apart of a TV show writing area where I can pitch ideas would be best to my abilities.
24; devoidstallison
why did you start wattpad?
First I'd like to say I love your username, Stallison all the way! But I think what happened was I got KIK for some odd reason to try it out and then way back then, they had like a weird feature where you could connect with other apps to promote them and Wattpad was one of those. I clicked on that, found a cool TVD Fic, and boom, here I am today.
25; SilverArgents
if the teen wolf writers decided to kill lydia off in season 6 and didn't give her storyline a good clousure, or any at all, would you set up a hunger strike, a sleep strike or an oxygen one?
26; and if you could, would you make stydia happen way before, like in season 3, or would you leave things the way they are now and make them confess their undying love for each other during season 6?
hmm...personally, if I was Jeff, I wouldn't have done it in season 3a or 3b. I liked those two seasons because he gave us hope for the two of them, and that was when they really grew as friends. I hated that they didn't talk about the kiss in episode 11, so I would have made that happen, but in all honestly, making them happen in season 6 kind of dragged it out. I would have done it in season 4 or at least 5, but I guess we still get stydia either way ((:
27; compelledwriter
If you could bring 1 person back to life or if they left bring back into the gods who would it be?
28; Stydia or Stalia?
STYDIA ALL OF THE WAY, OKAY? I still like Stalia though; they can be cute at times (:
29; Opinions on Arden Cho ? About her not going to be on teen wolf anymore?
Arden Cho is like that person you look at and wonder...why can't I be her? Gosh, just watching her on TV and on her snapchat stories makes my day. She's so spunky and creative, not to mention her youtube channel with her songs. Gosh, she's so awesome. I'm more than upset that she's leaving...Teen Wolf lost a hell of a good actor/character.
30; @amysponds
Why is barbara gordon such an angel?
because God needed more angels and Barbara was just on that list
31; Who is the best Robin?
I only know one, SO JASON TODD
32; When can you come to my house and bring me French fries?
That day will come, I swear. The day I can fly and I have $$ is that day.
33; why is arrow(I like to call it error) such a crappy tv show?
ERROR I'M SNORTING!! I would like to know as well. It was good up until season three...I stopped a long time ago during this season, smh.
34; @CLBishungry
What is Teen Wolf about?
It's about an adorable puppy getting bit by a werewolf which makes him more of a ferocious puppy, and this puppy has a sarcastic puppy friend who everyone loves and is in love with Lydia Martin, who has strawberry blonde hair (don't tell him otherwise). There's also this guy named Derek Hale who hates feelings but is one of the sweetest guys around, oh, and you can't forget the cute Allison Argent who is dating the main puppy character, but things get complicated because she is apart of a family of hunters who hunt cute puppies like him. That's about season 1 right there...many things happen from there.
35; What is your inspiration when you make covers?
Other edits on instagram, songs, TV shows, and of course, music. Just whatever around me tends to inspire me in what I do (:
36; what's wrong with a little chaos?
I see the word chaos and automatically go to Void!Stiles, whoops.
37; Who's your favorite solo artist/band?
ahh, this is so hard. Favorite band is Twenty One Pilots, and then my favorite solo is either Zella Day or Halsey. I love to many artists to choose!
38; Favorite book ?
I kinda already answered this above, but it's still Shiver or TMR (:
39; Favorite show aside from tw ?
hmm, either The Flash, The 100, or Agents of SHIELD. I can't just choose one!
40; What keeps you motivated? Or, in perspective, what keeps you going in life / what gives you a meaning to continue what you do?
My motivation is you guys. I wouldn't be doing what I do without you; you guys are the only thing I really look forward to at the end of the day. I've made so many friends on here, and I love talking to you all. So, keep doing what you do! <3
41; How long does it take you to make a cover
TOO FREAKING LONG! Depends on the effect, but usually 15-30 minutes I'd say, counting searching for the right photos.
42; What Tv shows do you recommend for a person who likes TW already?💜
If you're into the supernatural type of stuff, then The Vampire Diaries and The Originals is a good choice. Then if you're into apocalyptic type of stuff, The Walking Dead is good and so is The 100. Oh, and if you'd like to watch the best 12 episodes of your life, The River was AWESOME! (I'm so sad they cancelled it...)
43; What type(s) of music do you like?
I'm all over the place tbh. Dubstep, rap, country, Indie; you name it. 99.9% of the time I'll like whatever type of music you recommend to me :P
44; Can you drop it like its hot
I'll still be dropping it like it's hot even as they lower me into my grave
45; Pick one to save from falling into a lava put Dylan O'Brien or Grant Gustin
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Probably Dylan uGH I HATE YOU
46; Star Wars or Star Trek
*Awkward because I haven't seen either, whoops*
47; Marvel or DC
DC for life, dude. Marvel has it's perks but I've never been a huge fan like I am with DC
48; Is it Biles or Stiles
Duh, it's Biles Bilinski!
thank you guys for the questions! I had a lot of fun answering them (:
Hannah and I will continue with the rest soon; we'll let you swallow all of these first, haha
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