Pretend Play
(Quick Notice! So I've changed my original CC a LOT during my hiatus, so he doesn't fit the CC in this book. But I also love the CC in this book, so I decided to make this a separate AU from mine-
The Y/N universe: CC edition!
here is y'all's manz, this is the design ONLY for this book. This isn't my original AU design.
anyways onwards with the chapter!)
"Hey Charlie! Whatcha doin?" I peeked over into the prize room. Charlie had recently came back after staying with Henry a bit. Henry said something about looking for his wife- I don't really know anymore-
"I play pretend!" Charlie said in a broken-up English. I keep on forgetting she died at 3-
"Oooo~ can I join you??~" I grinned as Charlie nodded happily "Yes yes! You be ruler and I be knight!" Charlie giggled excitedly "I always wanted to be knight!" she said, running off to the counter and getting some stuff.
I chuckled as she brought back a toy sword and tiara. I got on my knees, as if I'm getting crowned "Ruler Y/N!" she said before she put the crown on my head. "Now sit in box! Box is Palace!" Charlie said as she pushed me towards the box "Alright Alright I'm going!" I laughed as I walked up to the box and sat in it.
"Knight Charlie on duty!" Charlie said as she saluted playfully. "And deputy knight Theodore is here to help!" she said as I watched her put down her bunny plush on the chair.
"Hey Charlie, have you seen- whaaat's happening?" CC said as he peeked in, extremely confused. Charlie pointed her sword up to his neck "Halt! No one shall pass the castle walls!" Charlie huffed, crossing her arms.
I stifled a laugh at CC's face. CC raised an eyebrow as he looked at the crown on top of my head, and bent down to Charlie's level "Well I need to see the Ruler- it's urgent" he patted her head, but Charlie didn't budge.
"You need appointment with ruler to see ruler. Do you have slip?" Charlie said monotonously. CC blinked. "I- why would you-" he sighed, looking at me pleadingly.
I just gave a playful huff and looked away, trying not to laugh at his loud groan. "No slip no see ruler" Charlie crossed her arms again.
CC tapped his chin before he gave a mischievous smirk "Well you can't keep the prince away from his lover right? Our wedding is soon!"
My face turned red at the proclamation. Charlie looked at him confused "wait, you're the prince??" she gasped
"Why yes! After I saved them from the dragon they fell in love me instantly and wanted to marry me after!" he said proudly as I rolled my eyes, groaning in embarrassment. Why is he like this-
Charlie's eyes sparkled in awe and bounced on her toes "really?! How big was the dragon?!"
"Verrrry big! And scary~" he grinned as Charlie's eyes sparkled more. "But it's another story for another time! Right now the prince needs to see his lover~" he winked at me as I hide my flustered face with my hands.
"yes yes! Right this way Mr. Prince!" Charlie said excitedly as she let CC through. CC joined me in the large present box we call a 'palace'.
"Sooo~ about our wedding-"
"shut it you rat"
"Aw cmon!"
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