4. illegal activities and flushed faces.
(Amphetamine by Smino)
|4.| illegal activities and flushed faces.
Mom wasn't home, again, and Oliver was out picking out some shit for a date he'd had with his fiancé, I didn't know people who were serious about each other still dated or cared about how they looked for that matter, but he'd droned on and on the night before while we were playing video games... or, he was playing them and I was bored in the house by myself.
Since when did he play video games anyways? But that didn't matter, he was gone planning some candlelit dinner by the lake and I'd got the mail. Thumbing through a few envelopes, all I'd seen was bills until my eyes caught a letter that seemed pretty urgent. In bright red lettering, final notice was printed and I found myself carefully opening it.
There wasn't much for me to do and figuring this out before it stressed her out wasn't the worst waste of my time. There were too many problems my mother had to deal with no and I could at least make sure that this problem wasn't too big. Pealing the glue softly, I pulled it open gently making sure not to rip it, she'd be pissed if she saw it ripped.
I'd remembered years prior where my mother had caught Oliver thumbing through our medical bills. She had been so angry that he noticed, his mental issues costing us a bit much and it was pretty expensive with all the extensive research needed. She was ashamed on how many times they had sent out notices and after yelling at him so much that he had left the house and spent time elsewhere. Inked became his hideout whenever he disappointed her from then on and she ended up crying her eyes out when she thought we were all asleep.
I wasn't ready to hear her crying over something like this, as selfish as that sounded.
To: Clara Elizabeth Remmer
and all others occupying the property.
Skimming through it, my eyes caught the reasoning, my heart sinking. It felt like everything was pulled from under me, all the stability, everything and in a blink of an eye, we were worse off than before.
• • •
"Let me get this straight, you need money?"
Parker chuckled, looking down and eyes meeting my shoes before trailing back up to my face, almost as if he were sizing me up. That made me uncomfortable, as did the way he rolled his eyes afterwards and leant back on the bench of a basketball court downtown. "Well, yeah."
"Look around, white boy." I had to admit, at first... I was slightly offended at the nickname. Of course, when I realized that he literally grew up on the side of town that people who looked like me would make fun of... when I realized how me living in the suburbs made it seem like I was mocking him, it brought me down a few rungs on the self-pity ladder.
You could tell Parker wasn't a huge fan of where he lived although he didn't really look like he belonged there. The city didn't care to invest in keeping this side of town clean and the people inside didn't necessarily have the funds to move out and really, hanging out with Emerson's little product of a boyfriend did teach me a lot about how unfair it was that people that looked like Parker were initially placed here and told to figure things out.
But really, I wasn't getting anywhere if I tried to show my remorse for that, Parker didn't know me and I could tell he wouldn't care about me sobbing over the hand he was unfairly dealt. Instead, I kept looking at him and waited as he fished a blunt out his pocket and went to light it. "I ain't the person to ask." My palms itched as I watched him spark a flame and burn the tip, sucking the smoke into his mouth before holding and exhaling.
"I'm not asking to borrow money, I owe a lot already." I wasn't sure how much my debt was at that point but I knew that I didn't have the funds to pay that off so how the fuck was I supposed to single-handedly save my house? "I need to have a steady cash flow, gotta help my mom, ya know?" The least I could do was lighten the load, the eviction notice burned in my back pocket and I felt so guilty holding onto it without telling her but she didn't need this stress.
I wasn't sure exactly why what I said put him on defense but it did and he folded his arms across his chest, leaning further back. "Just cause I'm black don't mean I'm a drug dealer."
"I didn't say that." There was something interesting about the way Parker interacted with me, slightly cautious but completely defensive. "Look, you get money from these parties, I need money, cut me in on some." And he looked like he wanted to laugh, I mean, I would've too... some guy coming up to you and asking for a cut on your business without providing any assistance.
So I made sure to say something that resonated with him. Maybe I'd bring something to the table, "I know you can't go to certain neighborhoods without trigger-happy cops all over the place, let me in and I'll help."
"Using your white privilege to help the greater good," he'd joked and almost hesitant, he stared at me for a while, "not bad."
And we were both staring at each other then, it was a bit chilly so I sucked my chapped lips into my mouth and Parker studied my movements. Looking around, he seemed to think before his stone face wavered and right before I thought he was gonna say no, he tilted his head, one or two twists falling to the side. "Party at Pine Lake, Thursday, the nigga's too pussy to go to the trap, he wants a quarter."
• • •
"Fuck, Eli." Her nails were digging into my back, her voice high pitched due to an angle I'd hit and she was breathing heavy. "Elliot!"
The bed creaked slightly with every harsh movement, my dick sliding out of her and coaxing a reaction, my body pausing as she rocked down on me. We'd gone from riding to her laid out for me and honestly, tiring her out wasn't easy, but I liked a challenge.
I'd never had sex with women with so much stamina nor did I ever have a woman taking over when fucking, maybe it was the age gap. She was significantly older and I was sure she'd had sex over twice as much as I had, maybe why she was a pro at edging both of us on the brink of insanity.
I'd wanted her so long.
"Yeah?" I also loved being vocal, maybe that's why I attempted to strike up a conversation. I loved to hear her stumble over her words and her high pitched whines when she tried to respond.
"Stop being a fucking tease," her voice was slightly angry as she pulled me closer to her and wrapped her toned legs around my upper thighs, pulling me back into her. Grunting at the harsh movement, I watched her eyes roll back in her head and I'd found where I needed to be.
Sex. She was sex on fucking legs. Her brown hair pooled around her, flushed face and wet lips, throat fucking raw from the sloppy blow she'd given me earlier. Oliver would be fucking livid if he caught us like this, would probably kick my ass and cut all ties with her but I didn't care.
No one had been home, ever since Oliver had graduated, mom went back to work. She was so convinced that her boys were getting better that she didn't feel the need to check up on me. And boy, there were hints, Mackenzie's lace thong had somehow ended up in the trash that week earlier and I was sure my mom knew that I was sexually active. Maybe she thought Mack was my girlfriend, thought that she was the only girl I was fucking.
But she and I hadn't talked in a week and there was a pretty brunette nestled in these sheets with me.
"Jesus Christ, that's hot." Smoke was surrounding us, a half-dead blunt laying in the ashtray that I always kept taped to the bottom of my bed when I wasn't using. She was 21, twenty-fucking-one and she was in my bed. Nothing was legal.
Sitting up, I felt the sweat on my forehead and her body slick. I'd grabbed the back of her thighs, her following my command and wrapping her legs around my waist again. She was so fucking tight. "How the fuck are you so good at this?" Pushing me back, she'd settled back on top and her tits were right in my face. I was gonna cum soon and she knew it. Smirking up at the way her walls clenched around me, I bit my bottom lip and she lifted herself, moaning louder than ever and rocking herself on my dick.
I'd flicked my tongue on her nipple, pinching at the other one, the metal feeling cold on my tongue and I knew she was sensitive. Body shaking, she nearly came undone in my hands. A door closing harshly held back her orgasm, me still slowly thrusting into her as she bit down on my shoulder. Someone was in the house with us but with the fact that it was probably Oliver, I wasn't planning on stopping... that is, until I'd heard his voice calling out to me.
"Shit." Morgan whispered, her finally recognizing him and we both paused, her eyes were wide as she pulled off of me, my dick still hard and she hissed. Hopping off my bed, she grabbed for her thong that laid in a pile with my clothes, pulling it up her slim legs. Grabbing the rest of her clothes, she looked around my room and froze when Oliver's voice got closer.
"Eli, I know you're here!" I rolled my eyes, his footsteps coming down the hall and pushing Morgan into action, her eyes locking on my closet.
"What are you doing?" I'd drawled out quietly, trying not to freak her out even more.
"I'm fucking hiding, what does it look like?" It looked like her tits were uncovered and the perfect size, turning me on again. She was actually a model and I was actually hard as hell, I really needed to finish and fucking soon.
"My brother doesn't scare me." Maybe we could finish, I didn't care if Oliver heard, I'd fucked plenty of times with him in the house. Jovie was a screamer, Mack was loud as well, wouldn't be anything new.
"I don't care. He's my goddamn co-worker, I'm not letting him catch me naked with his baby brother."
That was funny, real funny considering she was biting my shoulders almost crying from how much pleasure she was receiving. "Ain't nothing baby about me," and she knew that.
"Elliot, you're underage." I was sixteen, who cared? "I'm not going to jail for a quick fuck." But we both knew Oliver wouldn't hesitate to say something, he'd say she was taking advantage of me or something, paint me like a victim when I knew exactly what pussy I was in.
She must've thought she hurt my feelings or something cause her attempt to console me with a hand on my shoulder seemed awkward and sincere. "Elliot-"
But that apology was cut short when footsteps got closer and she pulled my closet door open and slid her slender body in there quickly. My closet was about the size of a box so I knew she wasn't enjoying herself and her squeal was pretty funny.
I didn't have time to laugh, however, because Oliver's shove at my door was forceful and it had flung backwards so harsh, I was almost sure it would fly off the hinges. "Why the fuck aren't you in school?" There he stood, arms crossed over his chest like a dad and he kind of looked like one too. His facial hair had grown in and he'd gained weight since Emerson, he'd gotten a bit taller as well, a full six foot and he'd look at me in a way I was sure was supposed to make me feel small.
"What the hell man, don't you knock?" I was pretty much naked, underwear hastily pulled on and I was sure my chest was flushed, my back covered in marks. "Get out." I looked like I had just gotten done having sex but with the lack of another body, Oliver assumed I was spending quality time with my hand.
And he wasn't fazed by it, not at all, he didn't flinch a bit. "Oh, you can jerk off later, get to school." There he went again with telling me what to fucking do and, I mean, I wouldn't have been that annoyed if I weren't in the middle of something and my dick wasn't still hard in my boxers. I skipped school for a good reason, I never skipped either so he didn't have to be so fake-concerned.
The look he gave me afterwards was something laughable, the way he stared at me as if what I said was completely out of pocket... my brother wasn't my damn guardian, he wasn't my mentor, he wasn't any of the shit he was trying to be. "Are you seriously trying to fuck up your life?"
"Just, leave me alone, man." I was already tired of this conversation, we had it almost everyday. He'd be upset that I didn't do exactly what he wanted and he thought he could yell a change into me so mom would be impressed. And he'd probably tell her that I skipped anyways, it wasn't like I wasn't gonna get in trouble for it. No matter what, he wasn't gonna let it slide so why not leave me alone?
Oliver sighed, cutting to why he was really there and it made me think about how much my family seemed to worry even if they shouldn't have. I was fine, "Logan says you been hanging out downtown." But Oliver had been hanging out there before, his favorite hangout being in the tattoo shop.
"You did too." And he had no place saying anything about what I did, he didn't even know what I did.
"I didn't do fucking drugs, Eli."
"I smoke, big deal." And experimented with other drugs. It made me loose, it disrupted my thinking and it made me feel so much better than before. I was such a fucking mess before I started going to Inked on a daily basis, family therapy suggested that it was possibly depression and whatever else fucked up problems I could've had.
"Bobby said she saw you buying pills." And Bobby and him had been so damn close, I should've seen it coming.
"Bobby's a fucking liar."
She also couldn't be trusted and that made me slightly conscious about the ecstasy in my underwear drawer. I thought not buying from her would be enough to keep Oliver from finding out but she'd apparently seen and for some reason she found it necessary to talk.
Rolling his eyes, Oliver seemed to get sick of this conversation rather quickly, "Get dressed."
And I knew that going to school would be the only way to get him out my room for Morgan to leave and more importantly: so he didn't start looking around. Oliver was exactly the type to call some rehabilitation center so I agreed to do whatever he wanted, grabbing some jeans once he was out of my room.
Oliver's idea of enforcing his status would be intimidation, or it used to be, now it was more a look of disappointment that rarely affected me. Eventually, he'd revisit the topic by coming back as soon as he felt fit and giving me one of those looks so I had to speed up if I wanted to get Morgan out of here and not having him see. "He's gone."
And it was silent, absolutely no movement, I'd gotten a bit antsy at that point. She was extremely adamant before about not letting him see her and normally, I wouldn't have cared but there was a chance of her getting arrested and I didn't really want to ruin her life. "Your closet smells like weed and gonorrhea." Rolling my eyes, I sighed and pulled a hoodie over my head not caring much about a shirt underneath.
Handing Morgan her own clothes, I watched her pull on her dress quickly, tying her hair up in a ponytail with a hair tie that she had on her wrist. Initially, I'd asked her to come over and hang out but with the dress, it was easy access. "I can sneak you out the back, come on." Pulling her dress down her body, I thought about how much fun it was taking it off and my teenage libido was acting up again.
"Next time we fuck, we're going to rent a hotel room." She'd whispered when we were heading down the hall and through the bathroom to get to another hallway. Maybe Oliver had been outside but I was happy to see he wasn't in the kitchen. Quietly pulling Morgan through, I unlocked the door. I always snuck out of this one, no one really used it and it exited out the side where I would round our neighbor's yard in the back and hop their fence to make it to the side street where I told Morgan to park when she'd just got there.
"Next time?" Crossing my arms, I raised a brow, hoping she'd get the hint that I didn't plan on there being a next time. I mean, I would've loved it if there was but I mean, the thought of her not really wanting to have sex was reasonable once the risk presented itself but I wasn't opposed if she wasn't.
"You gotta make me cum, don't you, kid?"
Smiling at that, I opened the door, choosing to leave it on that note. Once she left out the door, I watched her hastily creep around the house and through the neighbors yard, over the fence... whistling when her dress had hiked up. Almost instantly, she turned around, shoes in hand and sticking her tongue out with her middle finger in the sky.
Laughing at that, I watched her cross over and closed the door, all I could do was breathe out a breath shocked. He actually didn't catch us?
"What are you doing?" Speak of the devil.
Jumping nearly three feet in the air, I turned around almost completely sure he had seen her but the look on his face said otherwise.
"None of your business."
And he had that amusing annoyed look on his face again that made me calm down again. "Get in the car, smart ass." And laughing, I agreed, ignoring the confused look on his face.
School was boring. Gaining most of my credits early on the year prior, I'd only find myself enveloped in tons of filler classes and maybe one or two core classes. Often, I'd find myself bored in statistics, everything came easily to me and it was expected for me to graduate with the next upcoming year since I'd tried to fill up more extracurricular classes for the next year, they'd look amazing on transcripts.
An academic scholarship was something I'd worked so hard on, just thinking about how much college would cost... it gave me a headache worse than forgetting my insulin and I tried to wipe my mind clear when I was sitting in my fifth period class, bored out of my mind. Ceramics was an easy ass class, all I had to do was sit around and mold shit in silence... at least, I was in silence, others were having full conversations.
Maybe I was too busy not caring but I didn't notice much when the door opened, all I knew was the ceramics teacher had stopped guiding some students and started talking boisterously and excitedly. It had quieted down a bit when I looked up and seen Cilla giving a soft smile to the woman she was talking to. She looked slightly uncomfortable with conversation as she stood in front of the class.
Her slender body ended in black vans, lengthly legs hidden in some adidas sweatpants, and a yellow t-shirt that fit a bit baggy like a shirt from the boys' section but also showed a bit of skin at her abdomen.
She dressed like a boy and her hair was tied up, almost as if she didn't care enough to get ready that day and I really resonated with that. She didn't seem like the type to really care about that kind of stuff, her long arms crossed over her body and book bag a plain black.
Pricilla was pretty thankful, as far as I could see, when the teacher had told her to take a seat and due to the tables being occupied by groups that seemed too close to be comfortable sitting by, she made her way to mine. The only person that sat next to me was a kid named Patrick who was never there and when he was, we had small conversation.
I didn't really care much about talking to a lot of people, I didn't ignore others when they talked to me but being the kid who's brother went to juvie and almost killed two people, no one really made the effort. Maybe that's why when Cilla made her way to my table and sat down, keeping her eyes on the teacher who was bringing over supplies, maybe that's why tried to talk to her.
And I was a bit more reserved when talking to girls now, less out there with the smiles and talking, Mackenzie never failed to complain about the fact that I never "communicated" with her. I wasn't someone who talked to women the first time really talking to them, they mostly came to me or a few words was enough to have them attempting more that led to less talking and more action.
But for some reason my, "Nice to see you again, Canada," was slightly sincere and my lips had quirked up in a slight smile.
That was wiped away when she looked at me with a raised brow, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I couldn't have looked that different than before, maybe she just wasn't good at faces but I'd just seen her a few days prior. A lot had happened in a few days and I still knew her name.
I must've looked a little confused because she'd started to laugh at my face. Pointing a bit, she relaxed into her chair and her voice came out a little breathless. "I'm kidding, Pyro."
She had the weirdest laugh, some mix between a soft chuckle and a giggle with a hiccup or two at the end and it kind of made me smile too. She scrunched her nose, just the slightest bit and her amused look was almost disgusted. I wasn't sick of this girl, she seemed pretty cool, at least.
"Elliot, can you show Pricilla the tools?" Nodding, even though I had no real intention of doing that, I laid my chin on my hand and watched as Cilla typed something on her phone, eyes darting across the screen and brows furrowed. She was concentrated, one earphone plugged in with the other dangling, I wondered what kind of music she listened to. Her knee was to her chest and her elbow sat on top. She looked so comfortable like that and I was almost positive I'd break my neck trying to do the same.
When she looked up from her phone, she met my eyes, raising a brow and it was then I realized I was studying her a bit too much. Her hair was shiny and long and wasn't completely slick, a few strands sticking out from her ponytail but it wasn't too messy. She looked carefree and she had such a chill energy to her that I chose to make conversation.
"How's your first day?" I'd asked and her shrug was accompanied by a wave of her hand.
"So, so."
She must've noticed the look on my face or, at least, the lack of response cause she clarified almost instantly. "Uneventful." I hadn't heard that before but maybe it wasn't a saying around here, she wasn't from here after all. "I see you don't show up for classes, slept in?"
Slept in, slept with a girl five years older than me... close enough. "You could say that, why?"
"We have first and third together."
And that made me smirk at the thought of her noticing that I was gone. "So you do remember my name." First and third, I'd see more of her, maybe that wasn't so bad.
"Don't get too flattered," she spoke, rolling her eyes although the look on her face and the teasing way she picked at her nails had me interested. "I do, Will Grayson."
God, she was hot.
Updated: Tues, December 26th
What's your favorite song? Lets make a pyromaniac soundtrack.
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