45. 'U' For Understanding!
Thanks for all your inline comments
narbhi_fan suryaarjuna missingmypassion Neenu_neenu Tachiedadi chauhankrishna sanaliaqat95 Titas28 jiya070 ManishaJain650 user78290620 ayatkhan97 pari527379 Aspiramdoc DiwakarMisra Archana1989 hijk2017 sufanazan user635991450274 Priya0706 pavithra82 anrawsnarayan jiya070 arshi-suchi Galaxy267 Neenu_neenu amiamuami Aspiramdoc ib123456 Aspiramdoc riyaaaravi Andetheres Neenu_neenu Tachiedadi Priya0706 and all others if I missed any
Dedicating to suryaarjuna riyaaaravi Tachiedadi since I liked some of ur comments 😬 though you guys didn't guess everything correctly 😔
A very very special dedication to missingmypassion and IndraPriyadarshini for identifying the surprise that was present in the previous chapter! None of the others guessed it 🤧
I haven't edited this chapter much.. You may have to read some dialogues adding emotions by yourself 😛
Happy Reading to all of you 😃 let's see what Shivaay, Annika and your author are up to🙃😉
"Good Morning Annika.. Here's some tea for you" he smiled extending a cup towards her.
"So, was all that really a dream?" she thought wiping her eyes and face. If it was not, how would he even be reacting so casually. That too after all that she had confessed, specially about Rohit, she wondered.
"Ok you just have this.. I will go get the breakfast. It is ready too" he smiled walking towards the door.
She felt like her head would burst anytime if she did not get a clarity of whatever happened the previous night. She, in fact, mentally prayed that her confession was all really a dream only. But, he had almost walked towards the door.
"Stop him Annika" she thought.
"Sh..Shivaayyy" she called a little loudly. Shivaay just froze at the doorstep, as his eyes went moist with tears, tears of happiness!
He quickly composed himself and turned towards her.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Woh..actually..huh.." she mumbled, not able to figure out how to ask him about it.
"Keep thinking huh... I will be back in two minutes" he smiled and left quickly before she could call him again while she sat there blinking.
Two things kept lingering in his mind, one was an important information she had conveyed and the other one was something really special to him.
"It.. It was not intentional" he recalled her words.
"I know Annika.. I knew it was not..but never knew you had so many things bottled up in your mind. And, I am happy that you finally told me everything. If not, I did not have any idea how to find out" he thought to himself, arranging the food on the tray.
"What was that reaction? He was so casual.. Now what should I assume of that?! God, feel like my head will burst if I don't come to know" she thought, when he correctly entered the room, with the same smile.
"Smiling again?" she blinked as she noticed his reactions.
"Annika.. Annika..have this" he waved his hands in front of her, trying to get her out of the trance and she continued staring at him.
"Eat it when hot itself.. Pasta hai... how is the aroma?" he sniffed and acted like enjoying the food.
She did not know how to bring up the topic and kept looking at the food and him simultaneously.
"Annika.." he called softly.
"Hmm?" she asked.
"Nothing was a dream.. You told me everything last night, alright? Now, stop blinking and finish the food before it cools down" he explained and her reaction to that startled him.
"What?" she freaked out. First of all, she wondered how he understood that was what had been running in her mind. Next, it was not a dream and he was still so calm?!
"Kyaa hua?" he shrugged.
"Shivaay.. are you even serious? Your wife is telling you that she was eager to get married to some other guy and still not come out of that past, and you are here acting like we have come to a picnic spot?" she shrieked.
"WIFE" he thought, as a small smile formed on his face, making her eyes go even wider.
"What??What did you just say?" he asked purposely wanting to hear that from her yet another time.
"Like seriously Shivaay?" she asked and he nodded casually, still smiling.
"OK then listen.. Your wife is telling you that she wanted to get married to some other guy and has still been struggling to come out of it, and you are.. you are talking to me like we are at some picnic spot" she shouted not realizing what she had just said.
"Relax.. calm down.. We will talk Annika.. but after the breakfast" he suggested.
"Annika.. you trust me right?" he asked looking into her eyes.
"Lots.." she replied in the same intent, composing herself while losing herself in those ocean blue eyes.
"Then eat.. I promise we will talk after that" he smiled and she nodded slightly with lot of confusion.
She kept looking at him every now and then throughout the breakfast, but he seemed to be quite calm and composed.
Minutes later, they were done and he came and sat next to her after cleaning the place.
"Hmm.. let's talk now.. What did you want to know?" he asked.
"You.. you are not angry with me?" she asked softly.
"Well.. I am not angry.. But, I thought you were the one angry with your parents" he teased her.
"I was upset.. upset with them" she pouted. "Shivaay.. you know what... I have always been really proud of them.. They have always supported me. In fact, I was the first person in my hometown to do a Masters degree from a city like Delhi.. our family was the first to give too much emphasis to education or career or whatever for women.. And, I really respect Mumma for that.. Mumma and Papa raised me righteously and I have never thought twice about questioning something I felt was wrong.. You remember. Remember our first meet right.." she paused and he was amused that she still remembered how they met, and his heart fluttered. "But, that doesn't change the fact that whatever she did for me was because she wanted me to be in par with Rohit...hai na?? I know.. I know I couldn't question them about any of this back then, but.. it was all not right, hai na?" she explained with questioning eyes.
He listened carefully to whatever she had to say.
"Annika.. I will say something?" he asked slowly.
"Hmm?" she asked looking into his eyes.
"Annika.. just listen to me carefully.. and whatever I am going to say now may or may not be right..But, just give me a chance to finish and then let's think about it" he said and she shook her head sideways that she did not understand what he meant.
"Hmm.. First understand one thing.. I am always on your side.. Shivaay is always on Annika's side.. " he stressed and continued, "but whatever I am going to say now might not quite sound like that.. Yet, I really want you to listen" he explained slowly and she nodded gently with a subtle smile. She knew he was on his side always, but what was this he was telling her?!
"Annika.. for once, can we think of this whole thing from your parents' point of view?" he asked hesitantly and she did not understand what he was trying to convey.
"I did think from their point of view, Shivaay... but they never thought from mine" she complained like a little kid.
"Well.. maybe not really" he stated and she glared at him.
"How do you say so? I am.. I am not against them, Shivaay.. But, I feel I was always overshadowed by their emotions, by their favouritism or whatever you could call it for Rohit.. I mean I am happy and really satisfied with most of the things that happened.. Probably, I was mostly lucky for all that happened to me was good so far.. But, most of the times, it was not my choice at all.. I just gave in to all their wishes and demands..And, that is what upsets me" she confessed.
"Hmm well.. maybe they were also forced to make a choice in this" he said thoughtfully.
"Matlab?" she was perplexed, as she knew that her parents were the one who had made all the decision. But, here she wondered if Shivaay was trying to tell her that her parents themselves were confused about this proposal in the first place.
"Accha let me make it clear...for a moment, let's assume that our wedding was fixed and your parents agreed to wait for a year, just like how the Pandit ji had recommended. And here,Trust me, Annika.. I was also ready to wait for a year.. But, anyways.. let's forget that.." he paused and continued " Now let's assume during the course of this one year, you stayed with your parents and they had to answer a number of questions about say maybe the wedding, the waiting time, about us or whatever be it.. And, you also know that all this is highly possible.. well, anyways and they just went on answering everyone patiently, alright.. fine.. that's one thing..Well and then let's assume.. a year passes and then your parents and you get to know... huh probably.. say you get a call from Mumbai, from the Oberoi family..that Shivaay and his family are no longer interested in this wedding..that they want to call it off and the wedding eventually breaks.. Now, think and tell me, what would be your parents' reaction?" he asked and tears came streaming down her cheeks.
"I know it is just a hypothetical situation Annika.. but, what if the same thing that had happened with Rohit's family happened again with the Oberoi family as well? Do you think they would have been able to handle it? Do you think you would have been able to handle it?" he asked in the same soft voice and she felt something in her break.
"He is right! What if the same thing had happened again?!" she was petrified.
"How would your parents be able to believe some random Oberoi family, whom they hardly knew, though they liked them personally, when their very own family members did not keep up their promise? Just think once, Annika" he explained with a lot of patience.
"Sh.. Shivaay.. I never thought of this" she sobbed.
"I am not saying this justifies whatever they did, Annika.. But, they still did have a point right.. I mean their fear and insecurities were not meaningless" he said thoughtfully. That was when she got reminded of how her mom had taken her dad inside to discuss something when the Panditji said the constraints with the dates about their wedding.
"Probably, that was what Mumma and Papa discussed and decided.. And, without even thinking twice, I have been accusing them all along, right" she expressed. "I am so wrong.. I should not have judged them, right? I was wrong.. I have always been wrong, hai na?" she said as her eyes welled up with tears.
"Annika... this was not to break you or make you cry or anything.. And, this is just a possibility.. my guess..." he said placing his hands on her palm.
"But.. but you are right.. You know, I did not even bother to discuss once with them why they did all this.. They have always been very friendly with me.. Accha.. all that was also fine.. I did not even bother to talk to them after the wedding.. I was outright rude.. Of course, they did not ask me anything.. But, atleast Mumma would have guessed from my behaviour right.. They both will be so hurt.. I did not.. did not even bother to talk to them once after they went back...That's so wrong.. I feel so disgusted with my attitude" she expressed sadly.
"So what? We will talk now" he suggested casually.
"Now? But, will they forgive me?" she asked doubtfully.
"They can never get angry on you, Annika.. trust me.. and waise bhi I am sure they would not have any idea that you were so annoyed and all" he chuckled.
"How come? They must be wondering why their daughter did not bother to call them even once after they went back.. I am really scared" she was worried.
"Hmmm..What if they are not? What will you give me?" he asked raising his brows and she was taken aback.
"Are you sure?" she asked hesitantly.
"You did not answer my question Annika" he smiled.
"Huh.. Whatever you ask for" she stuttered.
"Pakka?" he asked looking at her intently.
"Hhh.. Haa.. Pinky..promise" she said after giving it a thought. However, she wondered how he was so sure.
"Accha chalo then... we will talk to them right away.. so that I win the challenge" he winked taking his phone and dialling their number.
"Let's give them a surprise." He whispered to her after placing a video call. She sat a little away from him, while he decided to speak first.
"Shivaay Beta" Harsh said excitedly, picking up the call.
"Uncle.. where is aunty?" Shivaay asked him.
"She is coming.. here she is" he replied cheerfully, as Meera joined them.
"So, is this the Goa house, beta?" Meera asked and Annika who was a little away was surprised, surprised that her parents were updated about the Goa plan, which was a very recent development. She assumed that Daadi or Pinky would have happened to speak to them and informed them about it.
"Haa aunty.. this is the house" Shivaay replied with a smile.
"You said you will go there and call us.. And, it has been two or three days, right" her mom asked with raised brows and Shivaay bit his tongue.
"Sorry Aunty.. thoda late hua.. But, you know I have a surprise for you both, so that I can compensate for my mistake" he said and they looked puzzled at each other and then at him.
"Surprise? What kind of surprise, Shivaay?" Harsh asked.
"Here is the surprise" he said joyfully pulling Annika closer by placing his hand on her arm from behind and shifted the focus of the video to both of them now.
"Annika" her mom's eyes were moist.
"Papa.. Mumma" her words staggered.
"So, you are finally free and got time to speak to us, right?" her mom faked an anger and Annika's eyes widened in surprise.
"Time? Nahi Mumma woh actually..." she started when she was cut off by her dad.
"It's ok Annika.. Mumma was just pulling your leg.. We know how busy you were with the event.. Shivaay told us" her dad explained and she immediately looked towards him, while he simply smiled.
"He told you?" she asked trying to gather words.
"He did, Annika.. he was constantly in touch with us.. If not daily, he used to call us atleast once in two days and keep us posted about you.. He said how tired you used to come back home and directly hit the bed.. You were too stressed, is it?" her mom asked with a lot of concern.
"No Mumma.. not really.. Shivaay and the others made sure I was stress free" she explained with moist eyes looking at him. "But, I am really sorry for not speaking to both of you.. I will make sure I call you regularly from now on" she added.
"Annika was missing both of you so much.. So long, Daadi and others were there.. But, here there is no one as such right.. So, I just thought I could make her and the both of you a little happy" Shivaay confessed and Annika was genuinely pleased when she heard that.
"Accha.. so now that she will start calling us, I don't want you to stop calling us, thik hai.. you also stay in touch" her parents warned him and he nodded with a broad smile.
They spoke casually for some more time about the recent developments in the town and Shivaay also explained about his project. Annika felt finally relieved that Shivaay had not only cleared the misunderstanding she had with her parents, but also ensured that they had never misunderstood her at all, all this while. Her heart felt quite light after the confession and of course after her brief talk with her parents.
As they disconnected the call, Shivaay noticed Annika's gaze on him.
"Do I look any different?" he asked her.
"So, you were keeping in touch with them all this time, woh bhi without my knowledge?" she asked him with her hands across her chest.
"Huh woh actually.. yeah Annika.. I mean I did not want to hide this from you or anything..But, I knew you were not talking with them and they would be feeling bad. So, I just lied to them that you were too busy and would call them sometime soon.. I mean you were slightly busy.. But.. Anyway, they were convinced with whatever I said and so I just decided you know.. to maintain this..." he told her hesitantly, fearing that she was angry with him.
"Thank you.. Shivaay" she said "Thank you so much"
"Let's just leave it there, ok? I mean let this be between us.. They are happy and that's what matters now.. And one more thing..whatever you told me, about the day before our wedding, does anyone know about it?" he asked further.
"No.. Just Chanda and her boy friend. Now, it is you" she replied.
"Then, let that also be within us, okay?" he asked and she nodded her head slowly. However, he felt she was a little hesitant about something.
"You want to say or ask something?" he asked.
"Woh actually..." she stammered.
"Hmm.. it's ok..tell me" he said.
"Woh actually.. Rohit.. about Rohit" her voice just came out as a whisper.
"What about him?" he asked very casually.
"I mean.. I told you right, Shivaay" she said hesitantly.
"So what, Annika?" he chuckled.
"You are laughing?" she asked him blinking.
"Aur kyaa.. come on Annika.. Let's be little practical, alright.. I mean, he is my sister's husband now.. And, I also know how much they love each other.. It was me who helped them all through, from the beginning.." he paused and looked at her "Even otherwise.. this is not a movie or something, right.. where I find out about your past and then go look for the guy and bring him here, so that you can meet and sort out things.. Practically, that is also not possible.. Atleast, after knowing that he is happily married" he winked and whispered to her with a smile.
"Huh? Haa woh toh hai hi" she replied trying to register each of his words in her mind.
"How is this guy so casual, practical and calm about the whole thing?" she wondered with confusion. "I mean, he is right.. Practically, it is not possible... but, isn't he angry with me?" she thought looking at him.
"I can never get angry at you, Annika.. and I also know what you have for Rohit is just respect and the usual affection for a family member and nothing more than that.. maybe that is why I am so casual about the whole thing, I don't know.. And, if you really had feelings for him, you would have definitely opened up about that to me, yesterday.. It is just the confusion in your mind that is not letting you move on.. Take all the time you want, Annika.. I am not sure where this journey is going to take us.. but, I am sure, or atleast I feel it is going to be a beautiful one" Shivaay thought looking into her eyes.
Both of them were lost in their own individual pool of thoughts, when Annika was the first one to come out of it.
"You are so nice" she said accidentally.
"What?" Shivaay asked. He had not listened to what she said as he was not in his senses.
"You are very .. huh.. understanding, Shivaay.. thank you so much" she confessed and his heart fluttered at it.
"Bahut ho gaya yeh sorry and thank you" he sighed and she simply smiled in response.
"So, all set now? You don't have any other doubts right? Ready to keep your promise then?" he asked with slight mischief in his eyes. She knew he wouldn't be asking anything extreme, but at the same time, she was clueless what it would be.
"Huh? Haa.. yeah.. what is it?" she asked eagerly and he smiled. Exactly at the same moment, his phone buzzed.
"Really?? Oh wow.. that's great... Ohhh.. yeah Uncle, I will inform Annika.. she is fine now..yeah.. oh tonight only.. acha no problem.. we will come and visit tomorrow then.. Haa ok uncle, bubye" he said disconnecting the phone.
"Who was it?" she asked.
"It was Gupta uncle.. D'souza uncle is fine.. Good that Lynda stopped him from shooting himself on his head.. And you know what Annika.. Lynda was blackmailed, by her Bua.. you know, the one who left them and went.. blackmailed her saying that she has some proof against her dad and that was the reason she was forced to fight with her dad.. Gupta uncle said that he will explain to us in detail when we meet... Uncle will be shifted to the general ward tomorrow.. We will go and meet him, thik hai?" he said and she nodded happily. She felt like her own dad was saved from a very big problem.
"Anyway, now back to your promise" he said and Annika's eyes immediately widened.
"Now that everything is clear.. now that everything is settled.. can I ask you something?" he asked slowly and she looked at him curiously, as he slowly extended his right hand towards her.
"Friends?" he asked looking at her eagerly for her response and her lips quickly curved up into a smile.
"Sure" she replied cheerfully with a broad smile, as though she had been waiting for it and now he was impressed.
"Thank you Annika" he said after a little while.
"Thank you? For what? for accepting this friendship?" she frowned. Did he think she was so bad that she would refuse to even befriend him, was the thought that came to her mind.
"No.." he chuckled.
"Then?" she asked even more curiously.
"For.." he paused smiling as she looked at him intently. "For calling me..." he paused again and her heartbeat raced wondering what he was trying to say.
Now, tell me honestly, what would have happened if I had ended the story here itself? Well, after all Annika accepted the friendship right?! 😅😅😅 Let me know 😛
Did you expect this maturity/behaviour from Shivaay? Does it seem genuine?🧐
By the way, what do you think this Shivaay is trying to tell her in the end?? Why do you think he is thanking her??🤔🤔
Guesses please🙃🙃🙃
Until we meet again, a happy weekend and an upcoming week 😬
Hit vote if you liked the chapter and let me know your views in the comment box below 😉
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