No Way Out
Announcer: And now, PWE presents the final PPV before Wrestlemania, No Way Out!
*opening pyro*
Commentator: Welcome everybody to the final PPV before Wrestlemania, welcome to No Way Out! Tonight, we are kicking things off with Cruiserweight action!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a six man Cruiserweight tag team match scheduled for one fall!
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Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Virginia, James!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, Everest!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing last, from Michigan, Riley!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: And their opponents, first, from California, Theo!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing last, representing Thug Life, from Massachusetts, Scott and Andrew!
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: And it looks like Riley and Andrew are going to start this match, and they lock up in an armlock, and Andrew throws Riley off of him, but Riley with an inverted dropkick out of nowhere! Now Riley with some elbows to the side of the head, and Andrew pushing him off and a clothesline to Riley! Andrew now tagging in Scott, and working together with a double suplex to Riley! Cover!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Riley gets the shoulder up at 2! Scott now bringing it into a headlock and James and Everest are trying to get Riley to stay in this, and Riley getting back to his feet, and flipping Scott over and connecting with a big elbow drop! Now Riley tagging in Everest, and a backslap to Scott! And another, and a superkick to the stomach and knocking Andrew off the apron, and an Enziguiri to Scott!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Oh and Theo stopping the count, and Everest with a slap to the face of Theo and that cost her! Scott caught her with a wicked headbutt and now a Spinebuster! Cover!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: This time James stopped the pin and now James flying over the top rope, landing on Andrew! Theo looking to catch him, but James with a superkick and throwing Theo into the barricade, and Riley taking out Theo with a suicide dive!
Scott has nobody to tag and Everest crawling over to tag in James, and she does! James now bouncing off the top rope with a 450 Splash!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: And Scott was able to kick out and James with a knee right on the muzzle of Scott, and that backed him into his corner, and Theo tags himself in and James has no idea! James with a forearm to Scott and bouncing off the rope but Theo collided with a launching forearm, and now with a DDT!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: And James kicking out, and now Scott and Andrew getting in the ring and Everest and Riley launching into them! Now James with what he calls the Green Asteroid, and going up top and colliding with the Blazing Arrow!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, James, Everest, and Riley!
Commentator: What an incredible match to kick off No Way Out, but we're just getting started! Up next we have a rematch between Zuma and Axe!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Adventure Bay, Zuma!
Commentator: Four weeks ago, Zuma and Axe has a match and Zuma said he wanted a rematch so the rematch was officially made for No Way Out!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Alabama, Axe!
Commentator: This pup cost Zuma the PWE Championship, that's why they fought four weeks ago, and that they're having a rematch!
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Zuma and Axe lock up in an armlock and Axe changing that into a headlock, and Zuma flipping him over and a headlock of his own! Axe with an elbow to the face, but Zuma with some forearms, but Axe with a clothesline! Now Axe with a Running Senton!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Zuma gets the shoulder up at 2 and Axe now hammering away on Zuma, and now he's looking for the Uranage, but Zuma able to flip out of his grasp and collided with a massive elbow, and that sends Axe rolling out of the ring! Zuma looking to fly, and from over the top rope, Zuma lands on Axe! Now Zuma with a suplex into the barricade! Axe is screaming in agony, and Zuma climbing back on the apron, and collides with a Tornado DDT on the floor! Both pups are down!
Referee: 1....2....3....4....5....6....7! 7!
Commentator: Zuma was able to get back in the ring and restart the count, and now going back to ringside, to bring Axe back in the ring! But Axe with a Sister Abigail into the barricade! Now throwing Zuma back in the ring, it's like Axe was playing possum for a little bit, and now Axe collides with the Uranage! And picking Zuma back up, and he hits another Sister Abigail!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings and crowd boos*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, Axe!
Commentator: Zuma wanted a rematch, but Axe still defeated him, I guess there is no stopping Axe! What a hell of a fight we just witnessed, and now it's time for the PWE Tag Team Championship match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the PWE Tag Team Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers, from Adventure Bay, Chase and Skye, the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: When these two pups formed as a team, they have been nothing but impressive! And tonight is their opportunity win the PWE Tag Team Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Michigan, they are the PWE Tag Team Champions, Jack and Wayne, the Dobermen!
Commentator: Ever since Royal Rumble, the Dobermen attacked the Sky Warriors, and they injured Chase's leg, but now he says he's 100% and he's ready to fight!
Referee: *holds titles up* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Chase starts this match with Wayne, and they lock up in an armlock, and Wayne driving Chase in the corner, and a punch right to the face of Chase! But Chase with a punch of his own, and pushing Wayne back, and a running knee! Now tagging in Skye, and she's going to the top rope, and collides with a 450 Splash!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Jack coming in and stopping the match, but Chase taking Jack out with a clothesline, and Wayne looking for an elbow, but Skye with a Hurricanrana! The Dobermen are outside the ring, and Skye looking to fly, and Chase gives her a boost by launching her into the champions! Skye putting Wayne back in the ring, and a backslap to Wayne, and Wayne with a clothesline, taking Skye down! Now Wayne tagging in Jack, and he hits a Fallaway Slam to Skye!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Skye kicks out at 2, and Jack locking Skye with a sleeper hold! Skye struggling to get Jack off of her; and now she's starting to fade, but Chase getting the crowd fired up to get Skye to stay in this match! Now Skye backing up into the corner, making Jack let go of his grip! Jack now climbing to the middle rope, but Skye caught him with a superkick! This is Skye's chance to tag in Chase, and Jack crawls over and tags in Wayne, and Skye tags in Chase! Here comes Chase! Chase with a clothesline, and another clothesline! And a spinning elbow drop! Now Chase is fired up! A inverted suplex, and now the Warriors Heart connects! And tagging in Skye again, and she goes to the top rope and the Shooting Skye Press!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
Commentator: We have new Tag Team Champions!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, and the new PWE Tag Team Champions, the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: They have finally claimed what they have wanted for so long, congratulations to the Sky Warriors! Now up next is the Cruiserweight Championship match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Cruiserweight Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Massachusetts, Doctor Thug! And introducing second, from Indonesia, she is the Cruiserweight Champion, Eleanor!
Referee: *holds title up* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: And Doctor Thug not wasting any time, he drives Eleanor into the corner, and an elbow to the side of the face! And now a punch to the stomach, and throwing Eleanor across the ring! Doctor Thug is focused on getting the Cruiserweight Championship, and now a german suplex to Eleanor! And another, and looking for a third one, but Eleanor with an elbow to the muzzle, and a roundhouse kick, and Doctor Thug down to one knee, and Eleanor going to the top rope and hits a leg drop and Doctor Thug went face first into the canvas!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Eleanor almost had him, and now with some elbows to the face, and Doctor Thug kicking her off, and a clothesline! My god, he almost decapitated Eleanor with that clothesline! And now Doctor Thug with the Ending World!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Eleanor was able to get her foot on the rope, and Doctor Thug is livid! Now Doctor Thug setting up for the Ending World again, but Eleanor with a superkick, and looking for the Ram Head! Oh wait a minute! Theo, Scott, and Andrew, now running to ringside, Scott distracting the red, and Andrew and Theo with a cheap shot to the champion! This isn't right, and here comes James, Everest, and Riley! James taking out Scott, Everest with a superkick to Theo, and Riley with a clothesline to Andrew! And Doctor Thug from over the top rope, taking all 6 of the pups out! And going back in the ring, and Eleanor hits an elbow, but Doctor Thug with another wicked clothesline, was the Ending World again!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new Cruiserweight Champion, Doctor Thug!
Commentator: What a great opportunity for this pup! He did what he said he was going to do and that is win the Cruiserweight Championship! And Theo, Scott, and Andrew lifting up Doctor Thug, celebrating! And now it's time for the main event, the first ever Elimination Chamber match for the PWE Championship! And there it is, the Elimination Chamber, slowly coming down, it is a full chamber of destruction and torment! And 6 pups will be locked inside this Chamber to see who will be the PWE Champion! How it works is that the first four pups to enter, will go inside the glass pods, and the last two to enter will face off! Every five minutes, a timer for 10 seconds will countdown and one of the pods will open and that pup will enter in the match! The Elimination Chamber is ready, and the referees opening the gate!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is an Elimination Chamber match! And it is for the PWE Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing the challengers, first, from Adventure Bay, Samuel!
Commentator: Samuel is now in the chamber and he walks inside one of the glass pods.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from New York, Leon!
Commentator: Now Leon staring down Samuel and he walks into the next glass pod.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing third, from Adventure Bay, Rocky!
Commentator: Rocky said he respects Samuel, but tonight it's every pup for themselves! Now Rocky walking into the next glass pod.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing fourth, from Tennessee, Troy!
Commentator: Troy now staring down the three pups in the pods, and he walks into the last glass pod.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing fifth, from Adventure Bay, Duke!
Commentator: Duke has been nothing but impressive ever since he came to PWE, and tonight he has a big opportunity to win the PWE Championship! But whoever wins this match, will face Danger in the main event of Wrestlemania!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing last, from Adventure Bay, he is the PWE Champion, Marshall!
Commentator: Marshall still hasn't proved that he can defend the title without cheating, but tonight could be the night where he does it without cheating!
Marshall: *gives title to the ref and walks inside the chamber*
Referee: *gives title to the timekeeper and walks inside the chamber*
Timekeeper: *closes the chamber and locks it*
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go, Duke and Marshall lock up in an armlock, and Marshall with a knee to the stomach and throwing him over the top rope!
Marshall: None of you are on my level!
Commentator: Marshall taunting all five of the pups, and Duke with a quick kick to the nose of Marshall, and bouncing off the top rope and a clothesline! And now a Sling Blade to Marshall! Duke with a kick to the stomach, and looking for the Stunner, but Marshall pushing him off, and a big kick and Duke is down!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Duke gets the shoulder up at 2! Marshall bringing it into a headlock, and slamming Duke down!
Crowd: 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1!
*timer goes off*
Commentator: Who's pod will open first? And Troy's pod opened, and Troy now in the ring and a double clothesline to Marshall and Duke and throwing Duke over the top rope and now both pups standing on the steel outside the ring, and Troy with a suplex right on the steel and Duke screaming in agony! Now Troy throwing him into the steel chains and Duke could be out cold! Now Troy going back in the ring and Marshall caught him with an MKO!
Referee: 1..2..3!
Commentator: And Troy is eliminated just like that!
Ring Announcer: Troy has been eliminated!
Commentator: The gate opening for Troy to get out, and he does, now Marshall going to the outside of the ring, and picking up Duke and throws him through the empty pod that Troy was in!
Crowd: 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1!
*timer goes off*
Commentator: And Samuel's pod is now open, and Samuel with a clothesline to Marshall, and throwing him back in the ring! Marshall looking for another MKO, but Samuel pushes him off, and connects with a knee right to the muzzle of Marshall! Now Samuel clotheslining Marshall over the top rope, back on the steel, and Samuel throwing Marshall in to the chains, but Marshall grabbed the chains, stopping the damage that could've been done! Marshall with an elbow to Samuel and throwing Samuel into the chains, but he climbs the chains and kicks Marshall in the face, stunning the champion! Samuel leaping on the champion with a Tornado DDT! Both pups are down! Samuel went back first into the steel and Marshall went face first into the steel! All three pups are down and now the next pod is getting ready to open!
Crowd: 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1!
*timer goes off*
Commentator: Rocky's pod is now open, and here he comes, picking up Samuel and throwing him in the ring, and climbing to the top rope and he hits a diving forearm!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Samuel got the shoulder up in the nick of time! And Rocky picking him up and suplex into the turnbuckle! Now Rocky going for the Spiral Kick, but Duke with a quick kick to the back of the head! And Samuel with an RKO to Rocky! Samuel with the cover!
Referee: 1..2..3!
Commentator: And Rocky is gone!
Ring Announcer: Rocky has been eliminated!
Commentator: Now the gate opening for Rocky, and Samuel and Duke going at it with forearms a right paws, and now Samuel with a knee to the stomach, and Duke with an elbow to the face, and Samuel with a clothesline, and Duke with the Stunner! But Samuel rolls out of the ring, smart move by Samuel, now Duke getting a little frustrated, but Marshall with a clothesline out of nowhere! Marshall putting Duke on the middle rope, and the Vintage DDT!
Crowd: 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1!
*timer goes off*
Commentator: And the final pod is open, and here comes Leon! Leon with a jumping clothesline to Marshall, and a right paw to Duke! Now Leon with a big kick to the face of Marshall! Marshall rolling out of the ring and Leon spearing Marshall through the pod!
*crowd chants "holy shit"*
Commentator: Leon back in the ring, and now a Samoan Drop to Samuel! And a Superman Punch to Duke! Samuel with a clothesline to Leon, but Leon back up and a Superman Punch to Samuel as well! Leon looking for the spear, and he hits it! But Marshall throwing Leon out of the ring and picking up Samuel and hits the MKO!
Referee: 1..2..3!
Commentator: And Samuel is eliminated!
Ring Announcer: Samuel has been eliminated!
Commentator: Now the only pups left are Duke, Leon, and Marshall! Now Marshall picking up Leon, and Leon with a right paw to the champion, and looking for the spear, but Marshall countering the spear in midair with a MKO! And Duke from the top rope, with the Coup De Gras!
Referee: 1..2..3!
Commentator: And Leon is gone!
Ring Announcer: Leon has been eliminated!
Commentator: The only pups left are Duke and Marshall! Duke is setting for the middle dropkick into the corner, he hits it, and a Sling Blade, and the Stunner! Come on Duke! He's going to the top rope, and he hits the Coup De Gras!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
Commentator: We have a new PWE Champion!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new PWE Champion, Duke!
Commentator: Duke has won the PWE Championship! This pup's dreams have come true! Now we know, in the main event at Wrestlemania, Duke will defend the PWE Championship against Danger! Thanks for watching No Way Out! Goodnight everybody!
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