War Games
Announcer: And now, PWE presents, War Games!
*opening pyro*
Commentator: Welcome everybody to the PPV that is definitely going to be a hell of a one! Welcome to War Games! As you can see, there are two rings and there is a giant steel cage hanging above. That is for our main event, which is the first ever War Games match! But first, we are kicking things off with the United States Championship match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the United States Championship!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Virginia, Baron!
Commentator: Baron lost the United States Championship against Duke at Wrestlemania. But tonight, he has a chance to win the title back and become the United States Champion once again.
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, he is the United States Champion, Duke!
Commentator: Duke said that he was going to be the United States Champion for a very long time. Let's see how he does against Baron in this rematch!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Baron and Duke lock up in an armlock and Duke connects with a knee to the stomach of Baron and he throws him into the corner and connects with a few forearms. Now Duke went for an Irish Whip into the other corner, but Baron stops it and drops Duke with a clothesline! Baron lifts Duke up and connects with a few knee strikes to the stomach and he went for a suplex, but Duke knees Baron in the side of the head in midair and he drops him with a clothesline!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Baron kicks out at 2 and Duke locks in a headlock, but gets dropped with a back elbow from Baron and he climbs to the top rope and Baron drops Duke with a flying uppercut! Duke is down and Baron connects with a massive knee strike!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Duke kicks out at 2 and Baron connects with a few stomps to the stomach of Duke and he lifts him up for the Breakdown, but Duke lands on his feet and connects with a Pele Kick! Now Duke throws Baron into the corner and drops him with a running corner dropkick! Duke now charges at Baron and connects with a missile dropkick to Baron in the corner!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Baron kicks out at 2 once again and Duke is getting frustrated.
Duke: Can you not count to 3?! Are you stupid?!
Commentator: OH! Baron connects with a massive elbow that echoed throughout the whole arena and he connects with a Snap Suplex!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Duke kicks out at 2 and Baron lifts him up for the Breakdown, but got countered once again and Duke drops him with an elbow smash!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Baron kicks out at 2 once again and Duke is livid! He thought he had Baron beat right there. Duke now just stomping away on Baron and he pummels him with elbows!
Duke: You were never a good champion! You will never be the United States Champion ever again!
Commentator: Oh and Baron reverses with a roll-up!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Duke kicks out at 2 and Baron connects with a kick to the stomach, a punch to the face, a stomp to the foot, and a massive knee strike! The Four Furies connect! Baron is fired up and he's setting up for the Breakdown and he hits it!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Duke was able to get his foot on the rope and Baron is in shock right now. He thought he was about to be the United States Champion once again. Baron now lifts Duke up and he went for the Breakdown once again, but Duke counters into a spiral neckbreaker! Now Duke climbs to the top rope and he hits the Coup De Gras! Wait, Duke isn't covering Baron! What is he doing? Duke climbs to the top rope once again and he connects with another Coup De Gras!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the United States Champion, Duke!
Commentator: Duke retains the United States Championship in a hard fought match. Baron may have lost, but he put up a good fight! Up next, we have Noah taking on Isaac for the Cruiserweight Championship.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight match scheduled for one fall! And it is for the Cruiserweight Championship!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Australia, Noah!
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, accompanied by Pursuit, from Virginia, he is the Cruiserweight Champion, Isaac!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Noah has been waiting for this opportunity once again and now he has it. Noah and Isaac lock up in an armlock and Isaac connects with a headbutt.
Isaac: Come on! Give me your best shot!
Commentator: Oh and Noah drops Isaac with a roundhouse kick! Isaac rolls out of the ring and Pursuit is checking on the champion. Oh and Noah takes them both out with a suicide dive! Now Noah throws Isaac back into the ring and he connects with a few knees to the sides of Isaac and he lifts him up for a reverse exploder suplex, but Isaac gets out of it and connects with a knee of his own to the stomach and he connects with a DDT!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 2 and Isaac locks in a headlock, but Noah connects with a Jawbreaker and he throws Isaac into the corner and connects with an Enziguiri! Now Noah connects with a few knee strikes to the stomach of Isaac and he connects with a suplex!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Isaac kicks out at 2 and Noah is fired up! He drops Isaac with a knee to the stomach! And he throws him into the ropes and drops him with a Hurricanrana! Now Noah hits a back elbow to the muzzle of Isaac and he drops him with a superkick!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Isaac kicks out at 2 and Noah climbs to the top rope, but Pursuit hops on the apron and pays for that immediately! Noah dropped him with a kick and he leaps off the apron and connects with a launching knee strike! Noah gets back in the ring but Isaac caught him with a kick to the stomach and he drops Noah with a Flatliner!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 2 once again and Isaac now just stomps away on the stomach of Noah and he delivers a few elbows to the face! Now Isaac lifts him up and he throws him into the corner and connects with a few more punches to the face of Noah! Isaac now went for the Country Slam, but Noah counters into a neckbreaker! Noah lifts Isaac up and drops him with the reverse exploder suplex! Here we go! Noah is looking for the Black Magic! And he hits- Wait! Isaac caught Noah's foot and he drops him with a massive headbutt! Now Isaac hits the Country Slam!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 2 once again and Isaac thought he had the match won! And Isaac is just hammering away on Noah out of frustration and he lifts him up for another Country Slam, but Noah gets out of it and connects with a knee to the back of Isaac! And he drops him with the Black Magic!
Referee: 1..2..! Hey! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Pursuit now attacking Noah! Come on now!
Pursuit: You wanna put your paws on me?! Nobody messes with me!
Commentator: And Pursuit drops Noah with the Police Brutality! And Isaac gets back to his feet and drops Noah with another Country Slam!
Commentator: I can't believe that Pursuit ruined that awesome Cruiserweight Championship match! I wonder what Noah will have to say since he just got screwed out of an opportunity. Anyway, up next we have Nishka taking on Demon one more time for the Intercontinental Championship!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the Intercontinental Championship!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Virginia, Nishka!
Commentator: Nishka has one more opportunity tonight! This is the last match that she and Demon will have for as long as Demon is the Intercontinental Champion.
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Demon!
Commentator: Ever since Demon showed up in PWE, he has destroyed every pup that he has faced. Will this be different? We'll find out right now!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Nishka goes right after Demon with some right paws! And she connects with a few knees to the stomach, but Demon drops Nishka with a massive clothesline! Demon now connects with a German Suplex and that could be the first of many! Now Demon lifts Nishka up and drops her with another German Suplex!
Demon: I told you that you won't be Intercontinental Champion anymore!
Commentator: Oh and Nishka slaps Demon in the face! And she connects with a superkick! Now Nishka is getting somewhere! She connects with another superkick! And a dropkick that sends Demon onto the apron! Nishka now connects with another superkick that drops Demon onto the floor! Nishka is getting fired up! And she takes Demon out with a suicide dive! And she climbs back into the ring and drops Demon with another suicide dive! Nishka throws Demon face first into the ring post and back into the ring! Nishka climbs up to the top rope and drops Demon with a Tornado DDT!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Demon kicks out at 2 and Nishka now connects with a few stomps to the face of Demon! And she lifts him up and throws him shoulder first into the ring post! Now Nishka connects with another superkick, but Demon lifts her up and drops her with an F5 out of nowhere!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Nishka kicks out at 2 and I can't believe that after all Nishka has done to Demon in this match, he just F5s her out of nowhere and almost picked up the victory! If that doesn't make you impressed of Demon, nothing will. Demon now delivering punches and brutal elbows to the head of Nishka and he lifts her up once again for another F5, but she lands on her feet and drops Demon with a neckbreaker! Now Nishka connects with yet another superkick and she drops Demon with the Husky's Hustle!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Demon kicks out at 2 and Nishka is getting frustrated! But she can't let that frustration take over, she has to focus on beating Demon and winning the Intercontinental Championship once again! Now Nishka connects with punches, elbows, and forearms to the face of Demon and she locks in an armbar! This is new! Nishka has Demon screaming in pain!
Nishka: Tap! Tap out! Tap out you son of a bitch!
Commentator: Nishka is about to break Demon's arm! Oh but Demon gets to his feet and he lifts Nishka up and drops her with another F5!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner and still the Intercontinental Champion, Demon!
Commentator: Nishka gave it her all, but Demon still won and is still the Intercontinental Champion. Up next, we have the Universal Championship match between two former Shield members.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the Universal Championship!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from New York, Dante!
Commentator: Dante turned his back on his brethren known as the Shield. He injured Drake and now, he's aiming to beat Leon and become the Universal Champion.
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from New York, he is the Universal Champion, Leon!
Commentator: Leon said that he was going to make Dante pay for what he did. He said he was going to beat the living hell out of him. Let's see if he can do it!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! And Leon and Dante exchange forearms at one another just like that! Now Leon connects with a right paw that sends Dante into the corner!
Leon: You betrayed us Dante!
Commentator: Oh! Leon with another right paw and you could hear that throughout the whole arena! Now Leon lifts Dante up and drops him with a suplex! Oh but Dante gets up and slaps Leon right in the face!
Dante: Is that all you got?!
Commentator: And Leon went for a clothesline, but Dante avoids it and pushes Leon into the corner and starts wailing on him with punches! Now Dante drops him with a neckbreaker!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Leon kicks out at 2 and Dante locks in a headlock. He has it locked pretty good! Oh but Leon drops him with a Jawbreaker and he drops him with another right paw as well! Leon is fired up and he connects with a jumping clothesline! And another jumping clothesline! Dante went for a punch, but gets dropped by Leon with a big kick right to the muzzle! Now Leon lifts him up, but Dante connects with a facebuster out of nowhere!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Leon kicks out at 2 and Dante starts pummeling away on Leon with punches, stomps, and elbows! And he lifts him up and throws him out of the ring!
Now Dante exits the ring and he connects with a massive clothesline that drops Leon onto the floor!
Dante: The Shield is dead!
Commentator: Dante now climbs back into the ring and bounces off the ropes and drops Leon with a suicide dive! Dante throws Leon back into the ring and he climbs to the top rope, and gets dropped with an elbow drop right to the face!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Leon kicks out at 2 once again and Dante is getting frustrated! He thought he was about to win the Universal Championship!
Dante: Why won't you stay down?! What are you trying to prove?! YOU SUCK!! AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!! THE SHIELD IS DEAD!!
Commentator: Oh! Leon with a massive right paw and he gets to his feet and drops him with a Superman Punch! Leon is ready for it! He's looking for the Spear! And he hits it! Wait! Dante rolled out of the way and countered the spear and he drops Leon with Dirty Deeds!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new Universal Champion, Dante!
Commentator: Dante did it! Dante beat Leon and took the Universal Championship away from him! Now, up next, we have Riley taking on Tundra for the Undisputed Championship!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the Undisputed Championship!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Michigan, Riley!
Commentator: Riley has a huge opportunity tonight! He has the opportunity to hold one of the championships on the heavyweight roster! Will he do it? We'll find out!
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, she is the Undisputed Champion, Tundra!
Commentator: Tundra said that Riley is nothing more than a weak pup that should've stayed on the Cruiserweight roster. I think she's wrong about that and Riley will show her what he's got!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Riley and Tundra stare each other down and they lock up in an armlock and Tundra connects with a knee to the stomach and she connects with a forearm as well! Now Tundra backs Riley into the corner and connects with a few kicks to the stomach and she went for another knee, but Riley caught her and drops her with a clothesline! Riley now lifts her up and drops her with a suplex, but Tundra rolls out of the ring. Riley now bounces off the ropes and connects with a suicide dive! He enters the ring again, but this time he takes Tundra out from over the top rope! Riley throws Tundra back into the ring and he climbs to the top rope, but Tundra connects with a roundhouse kick and that sends Riley onto the apron! Tundra now connects with another roundhouse kick and she connects with a suplex to Riley back into the ring!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Riley kicks out at 2 and Tundra connects with some knees to the sides of Riley and she lifts him up for the reverse exploder suplex, but Riley connects with a few elbows to the face of Tundra and he connects with a DDT!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Tundra kicks out at 2 and Riley lifts her up and throws her into the corner and connects with a kick to the stomach and he went for a suplex once again, but Tundra kneed him in the face in midair and she connects with some forearms and elbows and she throws him over the tope rope and onto the apron! Tundra went for another roundhouse kick, but Riley avoids it and pops her with a right paw and he brings her onto the apron and now both pups are brawling it out on the ring apron! Riley went for a superkick, but got caught by Tundra and she clotheslines him back into the ring! Oh and Riley springboards over the top rope and connects with a Tornado DDT to Tundra onto the ring apron! Both pups are down and the ref begins to count!
Referee: 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7..! 7!
Commentator: Riley got back into the ring to restart the count and he exits once again and he lifts Tundra up and throws her face first into the ring post and he drops her with a superkick! Now Riley throws her back into the ring and he climbs to the top rope and connects with a Tornado DDT once again!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Riley thought he had the match won! I can't believe Tundra kicked out! She suffered two Tornado DDTs, and one of them was on the hardest part of the ring. Riley is now pummeling away on Tundra, stomping, kicking, punching, elbowing, anything that involves hurting Tundra! Riley now lifts her up and drops her with yet another superkick!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Tundra kicks out once again and Riley can't believe it! He is in shock right now! I think everyone is shocked at this! I know I am! Riley lifts Tundra up once again, but this time, Tundra countered! She connects with a knee to the stomach and she drops Riley to his knees with a roundhouse kick! Tundra now went for the Avalanche Knee Strike, but Riley connects with a massive clothesline and he climbs to the top rope and drops Tundra on the back of her neck with a Reverse-Hurricanrana! Riley is fired up! He connects with a superkick! He leaps onto the apron and connects with another Springboard Tornado DDT! Now he is looking for the finishing touches! He's trying everything to keep Tundra down in order to win his first championship in the heavyweight roster. Riley went for the Warzone Madness, but Tundra uses her strength to hold Riley in the air and connects with another roundhouse kick! Now Tundra drops Riley with the reverse exploder suplex! I think it's about to be over. Tundra is going for the Avalanche Knee Strike and she hits it! Oh! But Riley gets to his feet and connects with a superkick and he drops Tundra with the Warzone Madness! This is it!
Referee: 1..2..!
Commentator: Wait a minute! It's Rocky! Oh come on! He just attacked the ref! What is happening right now?! Rocky is now beating the hell out of Riley!
Rocky: You will never be a champion! You're pathetic!
Commentator: And Rocky hits Riley with the Reverse STO!
Rocky: Tundra! Hit him with it!
Commentator: Tundra is now setting up for the Avalanche Knee Strike and she hits it! This is not right!
Commentator: Oh my god! It's James! James is here! Rocky and Tundra are in disbelief! Here he comes! James connects with a clothesline to Rocky! And one to Tundra! Now he connects with a few stomps to the stomach of Tundra and Rocky drops James with a big kick!
Rocky: So much for your little return huh?!
Commentator: Oh and Riley drops Rocky with the Warzone Madness! Tundra gets back to her feet but runs right into a superkick by James! And Riley hit hers with the Warzone Madness once again! And the ref is back in the ring!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new Undisputed Champion, Riley!
Commentator: Riley has finally done it! He has won his first title in the heavyweight roster! Congratulations Riley and it's nice to see James back once again! Now up next, we have Tracker VS Samuel for the PWE Championship!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is for the PWE Championship!
Zelina: *grabs microphone* Ladies and gentlemen, get out of your seats and show some respect to the soon to be PWE Champion once again! He is the El Liboro! Tracker!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, accompanied by Zelina, from Adventure Bay, Tracker!
Commentator: Zelina sent out a tweet saying, "Tracker is ready for War Games! He's ready to be the PWE Champion once again!! He's ready to end Samuel!"
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, he is the PWE Champion, Samuel!
Commentator: Samuel said that he was going to be a fighting champion, and he has proved it ever since he won the title at Wrestlemania. But Tracker seems to be more focused than he has ever been in his entire carrer. This could be bad for Samuel if he's not careful.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Samuel and Tracker lock up in an armlock and Tracker connects with a slap to the face of Samuel, and Samuel drops Tracker with a clothesline!
Samuel: Slap my face again! I dare you!
Commentator: Tracker gets back to his feet and he went for a punch, but Samuel avoids it and drops Tracker with a dropkick!
Zelina: Tracker! What are you doing? Focus!
Commentator: Zelina telling Tracker to focus and he gets back to his feet once again and Samuel just stares him down. Tracker went for a clothesline and misses. Samuel went for a German Suplex, but gets decked in the face with a vicious back elbow from Tracker! Now Tracker throws Samuel over the top rope and connects with a dropkick, sending Samuel onto the floor!
Tracker: EL LIBORO!!
Commentator: Tracker now exits the ring, but gets decked in the face with a punch by Samuel! Samuel now throws Tracker face first into the ring post and back into the ring. Zelina looks concerned, Tracker hasn't been doing so good in this match. OH! I spoke too soon! Tracker just decked Samuel with a massive back elbow to the muzzle! Tracker now throws him shoulder first into the ring post and he connects with a German Suplex!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Samuel kicks out at 2 and Tracker locks in a headlock, but Samuel hits a few elbows to the face of Tracker and he connects with a Pele Kick! Now Samuel throws Tracker into the corner and connects with a few punches to the face and he went for a Snap Suplex, but Tracker counters it and slings Samuel onto the ropes! Tracker now drops Samuel into the corner and he doesn't want to be there!
Zelina: Tracker! Vamãnos!
Commentator: And Tracker connects with the double knees to Samuel into the corner! Now Tracker is going for the La Sombra, but Samuel counters it into the Calf Crusher! The Calf Crusher is locked in tight!
Zelina: No no no no no no! Reach for the ropes Tracker!
Commentator: Tracker is trying to get his paws on the bottom rope, but Samuel is making sure he doesn't reach them. Oh! Tracker connects with a back elbow to the back of Samuel's head! Now Tracker lifts him up and drops him with the La Sombra!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Samuel kicks out at 2 and Tracker thought he had him! Zelina thought that was it as well!
Zelina: Tracker! Stay on him! Destroy him!
Commentator: Zelina telling Tracker to stay focused and he is doing so. Tracker lifts Samuel up and keeps on pummeling away on him in the corner! Now Tracker decks him with vicious elbows to the side of Samuel's head! Tracker lifts Samuel up and sets him on the top rope. It looks like Tracker is going to the top rope as well. Tracker went for the Hurricanrana from the top rope, but Samuel caught him! Oh my god! The strength of Samuel! Wait, what is he doing?! Oh no! Don't do this Samuel!
Zelina: NO!!!!
Commentator: OH MY GOD!! Samuel just hit Tracker with the Samuel Clash from the top rope! That's it!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Zelina just put Tracker's foot on the bottom rope! Zelina just helped Tracker stay in this match! And it looks like Samuel didn't like that.
Samuel: Are you kidding me?! Are you really pulling this stunt again?!
Zelina: What are you gonna do about it?!
Commentator: Oh my god! Samuel just kicked Zelina right in the face! And he is locking in the Calf Crusher on Tracker's business manager!
Samuel: Keep sticking your nose in my business!
Commentator: You can just hear Zelina scream in pain and Tracker now stomps on the head of Samuel! Now he throws Samuel into the ring and he connects with another La Sombra!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new PWE Champion, Tracker!
Commentator: Tracker has won the PWE Championship once again! He is now a two-time PWE Champion! Congrats to Tracker, but Samuel has got to be disappointed in himself. Tracker is now checking on his business manager, Zelina, who seems to be hurt. But I don't think it matters, these two are celebrating once again! Now it is time for our main event! It's time for the very first War Games match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is the first ever War Games match! And it is for the Tag Team Championship!
Commentator: And there we go, you can see both rings being covered by a giant steel cage! Now it's time for the tag teams to get out here! Because I am ready for this hellacious match we are about to witness!
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers, first, from Massachusetts, Scott and Andrew!
Commentator: These two were Cruiserweights at first, but now they have advanced to the heavyweight roster to make a statement! Now is their chance!
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, Rachel and Sasha!
Commentator: These two have held the Tag Team Championship a couple times. They would love to do it again.
Ring Announcer: Introducing third, from Georgia, Frank and Brad, the K9s!
Commentator: Now these two have never held the Tag Team Championship, but tonight could be their night!
Ring Announcer: Introducing fourth, from Michigan, Jake and Wayne, the Dobermen!
Commentator: These two have held the Tag Team Championship and I think they would love to do it once again as well!
Ring Announcer: Introducing last, from Adventure Bay, they are the Tag Team Champions, Chase and Skye, the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: These two have held the Tag Team Championship more times than any other team in PWE and they are one damn good tag team! But tonight, is no ordinary match! This match will all be about one thing; WAR!!
Referee: *holds up titles* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! The Sky Warriors go right after Scott and Andrew! And Rachel and Sasha go after the Dobermen! Now the K9s are getting involved in this hellacious brawl! Skye connects with a kick to Andrew's stomach and she sends him face first into the steel cage! Jake connects with some forearms to Rachel and Brad connects with the Poetry in Motion to Wayne! Now Sasha climbs to the top rope and takes out the K9s, the Dobermen, and herself! Chase connects with a clothesline to Scott and Skye is just stomping away on Andrew! Oh and Scott just drops Chase with a headbutt and he backs him into the corner and starts to deliver punches and elbows to the face of Chase! Now Skye climbs onto the shoulders of Scott and starts to punch him in the face as well, but he just falls backwards and Skye got planted!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Skye kicks out at 2 and the K9s are back in action and they go right after Scott and Andrew! Oh but Andrew drops both Frank and Brad with double clotheslines! And Rachel and Sasha go right after Andrew and pay for that dearly! Andrew just hurled Rachel to the other ring! And Scott does the same to Sasha! And the Dobermen connects with a double superkick to Scott! And one to Andrew! Oh but Chase drops Wayne with the Shepherd's Shredder! And Jake decks Chase with a right paw and he went for a superkick, but got caught by Chase and gets dropped with a headbutt by Chase!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Frank stops the pin and starts to hammer away on Chase! Now Skye gets back into the chaos and she starts to connect with kicks to the face of Frank! And Brad climbs to the top rope and takes Skye out! Oh and Chase drops Brad with a massive clothesline!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Brad kicks out at 2 and Chase lifts him up and hurls him face first into the steel cage and he throws him into his partner, Frank! Now Chase goes right after Scott and Andrew and he is just hammering away on both of them! And Scott and Andrew hoist Chase up and he goes crashing face first on the steel in between the two rings! That had to hurt! And now Rachel and Sasha are going after Scott and Andrew, and they pay for that dearly! They just got bulldozed by Scott and Andrew! And now they powerbomb both Rachel and Sasha right on top of Chase! Scott and Andrew have been on a roll in this match! Oh! Skye with a superkick to Scott! And she went for one to Andrew, but he caught her and drops her with a Spinebuster!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Wayne stops the pin and he starts to hammer away on Scott, but Andrew grabs him and drops him with a neckbreaker! And the K9s are back in the action! Frank and Brad go right after Scott and Andrew and Brad drops Andrew with the Twist Of Fate! Frank does the same to Scott and now Brad is climbing to the top rope, but Jake goes right after Frank! Now Rachel and Sasha are back and they're getting involved in the brawl! Now Skye is back in the action and she just leaps on top of everyone and now everyone is brawling it out! Wait, what is Brad doing? Oh my god! He's climbing up the steel cage! I don't know if this is such a good idea Brad! Don't do it! OH MY GOD!!! Brad just took out everybody with a Swanton Bomb from off the steel cage! Frank gets back to his feet, but gets dropped by Chase with the Breaking The Law!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Andrew stops the pin and he and Chase are in the second ring now, brawling it out! Now Chase connects with a few punches to Andrew, but Scott- Wait, what does he have? Oh my! It's the steel cage door! He ripped it out of its locks and he just whacked Chase on the back with it! Now he lifts Chase up and powerbombs him right on the steel cage door!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, and the new Tag Team Champions, Scott and Andrew!
Commentator: What a hell of a match it was! I can't believe what I just watched! And Scott and Andrew are the new Tag Teams Champions! We hope you enjoyed this hell of a PPV! Thanks for watching! Goodnight everybody!
1. Duke defeated Baron to retain the United States Championship
2. Noah defeated Isaac via disqualification because Pursuit attacked Noah before he could win the Cruiserweight Championship.
3. Demon defeated Nishka to retain the Intercontinental Championship.
4. Dante defeated his former Shield brethren, Leon to become the new Universal Champion.
5. James returned and he helped Riley defeat Tundra in order to become the new Undisputed Champion.
6. Tracker defeated Samuel to become a two-time PWE Champion.
7. Scott and Andrew survived War Games and became the new Tag Team Champions after powerbombing Chase on the steel cage door.
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