Survivor Series
Announcer: And now, PWE presents, the one night where the Heavyweights and Cruiserweights fight each other, Survivor Series!
*opening pyro*
Commentator: We know that everyone is going to enjoy this PPV tonight! Welcome to Survivor Series! And we are kicking things off with the Cruiserweight Championship match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Cruiserweight Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Istanbul, Deismond!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Australia, he is the Cruiserweight Champion, Noah!
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Deismond and Noah lock up in an armlock and Deismond kicks in a headlock but Noah escapes it and connects with a knee to the stomach of Deismond and he went down and Noah went for the Black Magic early but Deismond grabs his foot and connects with a back elbow to the muzzle of Noah and he connects with a dropkick and Noah is down!
Referee: 1..! 1!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 1 and Deismond lifts him up but Noah connects with an elbow to the muzzle of Deismond and he drops him with a knee to the face!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Deismond kicks out at 2 and Noah connects with a quick kick to the sides of Deismond and he throws him into the corner and went for a corner clothesline but Deismond counters with a back elbow and he climbs to the top rope and drops Noah with a Tornado DDT!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 2 and Deismond connects with a few stomps to the chest of Noah and he lifts him up and throws him into the corner and he connects with a corner dropkick! Noah is in pain and Deismond drops him with a German Suplex but Noah gets up quickly and connects with a lightning fast Enziguiri!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: And Deismond kicks out at 2 again and Noah lifts him up and throws him into the corner and connects with some nasty elbows and forearms to the muzzle of Deismond and a reverse exploder suplex! Noah is fired up! He's going for the Black Magic! He misses the knee strike but Deismond with a rollup!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Noah escapes the pin and Deismond with a massive chop to the chest and he lifts up Noah and drops him with a Lumbar Check! Now he throws Noah into the ropes and he went for the Heaven's Grave but Noah held onto the rope to stop himself.
Deismond: You think you're clever?!
Commentator: OH! Noah with a Running Sideways Knee to the face of Deismond and he's fired up again for the Black Magic and he went for it but Deismond grabs a hold of Noah's right leg and drops him down and locks in a Heel Hook! Noah screaming in pain! Is he gonna tap?! No he doesn't! Noah able to kick Deismond in the face to make him release the hold. Noah trying to get up and he does but he's still holding his leg in pain and Deismond takes advantage with the Heaven's Grave! This is it! We have a new champion!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Noah kicks out at 2 and Deismond can't believe it! But he shakes it off and lifts up Noah and goes for another Heaven's Grave and he hits it! But Noah rolls out of the ring. That would've been it right there if Deismond could've caught Noah so he couldn't roll out of the ring. Uh oh, Deismond is looking to fly, and he does! Noah down on the floor and Deismond throws him back in the ring and he's setting up for the Heaven's Grave once again but Noah ducks out of the way and he hits him with a knee to the stomach and another reverse exploder suplex! And Noah connects with the Black Magic!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the Cruiserweight Champion, Noah!
Commentator: What an incredible match and what an incredible way to kick off Survivor Series! And Noah lifts up Deismond and offers his paw for a paw shake and he accepts.
Noah: We put up a hell of a match.
Deismond: Yeah. I guess we did.
Commentator: And now Deismond exits the ring and what the hell?! It's that same hooded pup that attacked Noah at Hell In A Cell! And he went for a Pedigree but Noah able to fight it this time and connect with a knee to the stomach of this pup! Noah is setting up for the Black Magic and- OH MY GOD!!! Deismond came back in the ring and dropped Noah with the Heaven's Grave!
Deismond: You are not better than me!
Commentator: What?! Deismond just attacked Noah while he was dealing with that hooded pup! And the hooded pup gets back to his feet and drops Noah with a Pedigree! Who is that pup?! Now he leaps over the barricade and is exiting the arena once again and oh no, Deismond pulls Noah out of the ring and throws him face first into the ring post! Now he throws him shoulder first into the steel steps! And Deismond is just continuing to beat down on Noah and he drops him with another Heaven's Grave right on the floor!
Deismond: After everything I have been through in this company! Every loss I ever suffered! This takes the cake! I've been too nice! And that stops now!
Commentator: Deismond just laid out Noah and now it's time to move on to our triple threat match for the Universal Championship.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Universal Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers, first, from Alabama, Axe!
Commentator: He is one of our most bizarre pups in PWE but he has a big opportunity tonight to win the Universal Championship.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Texas, Danger!
Commentator: He hasn't won yet in PWE but he is still a very scary pup and I would not want to face him at all.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing last, from New Jersey, he is the Universal Champion, Spike!
Commentator: Spike has held the Universal Championship since Annihilation and I think he is going to hold that title for the rest of his career in PWE.
Referee: *holds title up* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Axe and Danger going after Spike! That's a smart strategy, get rid of the big dog so it will be a one on one match. Oh and Spike just launches them off of him and he hits a corner splash to Danger! And he hurls Axe across the ring and connects with a corner splash to him as well. Now he throws Axe out of the ring and he lifts up Danger but Danger able to pop him with a right paw and back him into the corner and start to hammer away on Spike! Danger went for another right paw but Spike catches it and pushes Danger off of him and he hits a big kick to Danger! Oh and Axe from behind with a steel chair to the back of Spike! And he begins to constantly whack Spike with the chair and he's down on both knees! And another chair shot and Spike is down! Now Axe connects with a Running Senton!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Spike able to kick out at 2 and Danger gets back to his feet and lifts up Axe and throws him into the corner and starts to pummel away on Axe and Danger twists the arm of Axe and climbs to the top rope and connects with the Old School! Oh and Spike with a shoulder ram to Danger and that sends him out of the ring! And Axe gets back to his feet but Spike drops him with a shoulder ram as well! And Spike lifts up Axe and drops him with a Running Powerslam!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: And Danger pulls Spike out of the ring and throws him face first into the ring post! Now Danger connects with a big kick that sends Spike over the barricade, into the crowd! Now Danger on the apron and Axe hits him with a clothesline and Danger is down on the floor! And Axe with a Running Senton off the apron to Danger! Now he lifts him up and throws him into the ring and Axe connects with a quick crossbody to Danger and he lifts him up and went for a Uranage but Danger grabs Axe by the throat and drops him with a chokeslam! Danger is setting Axe up for the Tombstone Piledriver but Axe slips out of it and he drops Danger with the Uranage!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Danger kicks out at 2 and Spike now back at ringside but Axe grabs the steel chair again and hits Spike right on the back again! And he continues to beat Spike down with the steel chair but Spike grabs the chair and he pushes Axe off of him and now he has the chair in his paws! And Spike with a hair shot to the back of Axe! And Danger with a chokeslam to Spike onto the floor! And one to Axe as well! Now Danger lifts up Spike and throws him back in the ring and he lifts Spike up for the Tombstone Piledriver but Spike able to reverse the lift and drop Danger with a Running Powerslam! And he lifts Danger up again and drops him with the Spiky Edge!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the Universal Champion, Spike!
Commentator: Spike has retained the Universal Championship once again! Now it's time to move on to our last championship match for tonight, and that is the PWE Championship match.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the PWE Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from New York, Leon!
Commentator: Dante and Drake would've been here tonight but when Tracker attacked them, they were not medically cleared to come out here tonight.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Zelina: *grabs microphone* Ladies and gentlemen, get out of your seats and show respect to the pup that will destroy Leon tonight just like he did to his Shield buddies, Dante and Drake! He is the PWE Champion, Tracker!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, accompanied by Zelina, from Adventure Bay, he is the PWE Champion, Tracker!
Commentator: Tracker has been very successful ever since he had Zelina by his side and if he beats Leon again tonight, it's gonna be really hard to take the PWE Championship from him.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Leon and Tracker lock up in an armlock and Leon pops Tracker with a right paw and he throws him into the corner and connects with a few right paws to the muzzle of Tracker! And Leon bounces him off the rope and connects with a big kick to the face of Tracker!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Tracker kicks out at 2 and Leon lifts up Tracker and throws him into the corner once again but this time Tracker gets the knees up and he connects with a dropkick to Leon!
Referee: 1..! 1!
Commentator: Leon kicks out at 2 and Tracker locks in a headlock but Leon flips him over and pops him with another right paw and he connects with a tilt-a-whirl slam!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Tracker kicks out at 2 and Leon lifts him up and connects with another right paw and he drops him with a clothesline over the top rope! Tracker lands on the apron and hits Leon with a shoulder ram to the stomach of Leon and he went for a springboard clothesline but Leon decks him with another right paw and Tracker hits the apron face first! Now Leon exits the ring and throws Tracker face first into the ring post and he throws him back in the ring and Zelina climbs on the apron and went for a Hurricanrana to Leon but he caught her and he sets Zelina on the floor gently.
Leon: What are you doing?!
Commentator: And Tracker went for a suicide dive but Leon with a lightning fast Superman Punch and he gets back in the ring and went for a spear but Tracker hits him with a side kick to the stomach and he throws him into the corner and starts to hammer away on Leon and he's down in the corner!
Zelina: Tracker! Vamanos!
Commentator: And Tracker connects with the double knee to the face and he lifts up Leon and went for the La Sombra but Leon gets out of it and decks Tracker with another right paw! And he hits Tracker with a Samoan Drop! Now Leon cocks up the fist and he hits another Superman Punch to Tracker! Leon is fired up! And he drops Tracker with a spear!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Tracker was able to get his foot on the rope and Leon just yanks him into the middle of the ring and starts to hammer away on Tracker! Now Leon is firing up for another spear but Zelina on the apron distracting the ref and Tracker with a chop block to the right hamstring of Leon and he lifts him up and drops Leon with the La Sombra!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the PWE Champion, Tracker!
Commentator: Tracker has retained the title against Leon once again! With Zelina by his side, he is unbeatable. Now it's time for the biggest match ever in PWE, the first ever Survivor Series Elimination match!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is the first ever Survivor Series Elimination match! How this works is there will be 5 pups on each team and if one pup from the team is pinned or submitted, that pup will be eliminated. This will continue until one team loses all 5 members!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the Heavyweights! Riley! Samuel! Luka! The Intercontinental Champion, Nishka! And the United States Champion, Baron!
Commentator: The Heavyweights have a very impressive team here tonight, it's gonna be hard to beat them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, the Cruiserweights! James! Doctor Thug! Everest! Eleanor! And Uno!
Commentator: The Cruiserweights have an impressive team as well. This is going to be a hell of a match!
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! The Heavyweights and Cruiserweights are trying to figure out who should go first!
Eleanor: Hey! I got this!
Everest: Yeah! That's my cousin right there you idiots!
Commentator: Looks like Eleanor is starting up this match, but which Heavyweight is entering first?
Eleanor: Come on! I don't have all night! I want to beat all of you!
Commentator: And Luka enters first! Eleanor is just laughing!
Eleanor: Are you kidding me?! All right, I'll go easy on you.
Commentator: OH MAN! Luka with a spinning heel kick to Eleanor just like that! And h lifts her up and drops her with the Silent Treatment!
Referee: 1..2..3! She's out!
Ring Announcer: Eleanor has been eliminated!
Commentator: Wow! I can't believe that just happened! It is now 5 to 4. Everest can't believe it and oh wait a minute. Looks like Uno is stepping up this time. Here we go! Luka and Uno lock up in an armlock and Luka changes it into a headlock but Uno pushes him off and Luka with a shoulder tackle to Uno! Luka went for a clothesline but Uno leapfrogs over him and hits a Hurricanrana to Luka but he lands on his feet and drops Uno with a clothesline! Now Luka tags in Samuel and h lifts up Uno and throws him into the corner and starts to hammer away on Uno and he went for an Irish Whip into another corner but Uno counters it into his own Irish Whip! Now Uno hits a superkick to the stomach of Samuel and he hits a suplex!
Referee: 1..! 1!
Commentator: Samuel kicks out at 1 and Uno tags in Doctor Thug and ooohhh! This is a good one I never thought we would ever see! Doctor Thug and Samuel lock up in an armlock and they both escape at the same time and Doctor Thug went for a clothesline to Samuel but he was able to avoid it and Samuel hits a Pele Kick to Doctor Thug! Now Samuel went for a Calf Crusher but Doctor Thug uses his strength and drops Samuel with a Spinebuster! Now Doctor Thug is fired up and he went for clothesline once again but Samuel with a rollup!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Samuel almost had Doctor Thug right there and he connects with a few flurries and lariat to Doctor Thug! Now he leaps over the top rope and went for the Springboard 450 Splash but Doctor Thug got the knees up in time and he hits Samuel with a clothesline! Both pups are down and need to tag up. Samuel and Doctor Thug are crawling to their corners and Samuel tags in Riley and Doctor Thug tags in James! Uh oh, here we go! Listen to this crowd here tonight! James and Riley staring each other down and they lock up in an armlock and Riley pushes James off but he hits a high knee to Riley! Now James connects with a few punches to the face of Riley and he hits a suplex to Riley! Now James hits a knee to the stomach of Riley and he went for a superkick but Riley flips James over but he lands on his feet and connects with a step-up dropkick to Riley! And now James lifts up Riley but he hits him with a kick to the muzzle and a German Suplex to James!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: James kicks out at 2 and Riley tags in Baron. James and Baron now staring each other down but James backs in the corner and Everest tags herself in.
Everest: I'll take it from here! Since you can't do anything yourself!
Commentator: Everest in the ring and Baron with a dropkick out of nowhere! Now he connects with a knee strike right to the bridge of the nose of Everest and he hits a spinning heel kick to the stomach Everest and went for a clothesline but Everest with a Hurricanrana and a quick kick to the side of Baron's head! Now Everest throws Baron out of the ring but he grabs Everest's foot and pulls her out of the ring but Everest with a low blow to Baron! The ref didn't see it! Baron is down and Everest back in the ring and the referee is counting!
Referee: 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....10! He's out!
Ring Announcer: Baron has been eliminated via count out!
Commentator: It is now 4 to 4 and the Heavyweights can't believe what just happened! Now Samuel gets back in the ring and drops Everest with a Pele Kick! Now he connects with a few flurries and a lariat! And Samuel lifts up Everest again and went for a Samuel Clash but she is able to kick her way out of it but Samuel hits another Pele Kick and he drops Everest with a sliding forearm! Now he leaps over the top rope and went for the Massive Forearm but- oh wait a minute! Samuel almost hit the ref and oh!! Everest with a low blow to Samuel! The ref didn't see it!
Referee: 1..2..3! He's out!
Ring Announcer: Samuel has been eliminated!
Commentator: It is now 4 to 3 because of Everest's cheap shots. Now Nishka in the ring and she drops Everest with a superkick and the Husky's Hustle!
Referee: 1..2..3! She's out!
Ring Announcer: Everest has been eliminated!
Commentator: It is now 3 to 3! Nishka waiting for one of the Cruiserweights to come in, who's it gonna be? It's gonna be Doctor Thug! Here we go! Nishka and Doctor Thug lock up in an armlock and Doctor Thug pushes her off but she connects with a knee to the stomach, and a German Suplex! Now Nishka with a dropkick that sends Doctor Thug into the corner and she connects with a lightning fast elbow right to the muzzle of Doctor Thug! And she went for the Husky's Hustle but Thug able to lift her up and drop her with a powerbomb! Now Doctor Thug goes in the corner and climbs to the top rope and hits the Deal With It!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Nishka kicks out at 2 once again and now Doctor Thug tags in Uno and he's going up top for the Draw 4 but Nishka rolls out of the way when lands face first on the ring canvas! And Nishka locks in a kneebar! Nishka has the kneebar locked in! And Uno taps out!
Referee: He tapped! He's out!
Ring Announcer: Uno has been eliminated via submission!
Commentator: This is very bad for the Cruiserweights! It is 3 to 2! Now James gets in the ring and he and Nishka stare each other down and now they lock up in an armlock and James flips her over and locks in a headlock but Nishka gets back to her feet and hits an elbow to the muzzle of James and she flips him over and connects with a quick kick right to the back of James! Now Nishka gets in the corner and Luka tags himself in and Nishka hits a knee strike to James! Now Luka takes Doctor Thug off the apron and he went for the spinning heel kick to James but he reverses it into a rollup!
Referee: 1..2..3! He's out!
Ring Announcer: Luka has been eliminated! Commentator: Luka can't believe what just happened! And hey! Luka with a spinning heel kick to Nishka and now he is leaving.
Riley: What the hell was that for?!
Commentator: Why did Luka just attack Nishka?! And it looks like Riley is gonna get in the ring with James and he went for the Warzone Madness but James able to hold back with his strength and he connects with an Attitude Adjustment to Riley! Now he lifts Riley up and went for the Ripcord Knee but Riley counters it into the Warzone Madness!
Referee: 1..2..3! He's out!
Ring Announcer: James has been eliminated!
Commentator: This is not good for Doctor Thug, he's all alone. Now Doctor Thug gets back into the ring and I think he just realized that he has to face two of the best Heavyweights in PWE today! And Riley went for the Warzone Madness but Thug drops him with a Spinebuster! And he lifts up Riley and hits the Ending World!
Referee: 1..2..3! He's out!
Ring Announcer: Riley has been eliminated!
Commentator: We are down to Doctor Thug and the Intercontinental Champion, Nishka! Nishka gets back in the ring and hits a clothesline to Doctor Thug out of nowhere! She lifts him up and drops him with the Husky's Hustle!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, the Heavyweights!
Commentator: That was a hell of a match! And Nishka won it for the Heavyweights! We hoped you enjoyed Survivor Series! Thanks for watching! Goodnight everybody!
The results for Survivor Series are:
1. Noah defeated Deismond to retain the Cruiserweight Championship but was then attacked by both Deismond and the mysterious hooded pup.
2. Spike defeated Danger and Axe to retain the Universal Championship.
3. Tracker defeated Leon to retain the PWE Championship.
4. The Heavyweights defeated the Cruiserweights in the first ever Survivor Series Elimination match.
Ok, now that Survivor Series is finally written, I'll be taking a break from PWE to write "Psycho Classmate" Feel free to check that story out. Peace!
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