Announcer: And now, PWE presents, SummerSlam!
*opening pyro*
Commentator: Welcome to the biggest party of the summer, welcome to SummerSlam! We have epic matches here tonight and we're kicking things off with the 6 pup tag team match.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a 6 pup tag team match scheduled for one fall!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Virginia, Nishka!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: And her partners, first, from Michigan, Riley!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: And from Adventure Bay, Marshall!
Commentator: Marshall said he was ready for SummerSlam and he also said that he taught Nishka and Riley some new moves so let's see what happens.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: And their opponents, first, from Adventure Bay, Zuma!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: And his partners, from Adventure Bay, the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: Ever since the Sky Warriors changed their attitude, they actually have been unstoppable so far, and now they have Zuma teaming with them tonight so this will be a tough team to beat.
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Starting off with Nishka and Chase and they lock up in an armlock and Nishka connects with a knee to the stomach and a Hurricanrana and Chase is a little surprised by this.
Marshall: That's what I taught her!
Chase: Shut up!
Commentator: OH! Nishka with a high knee and that sends Chase out of the ring and Nishka is looking to fly, and she does! She goes over the top rope and Chase is down. Now she throws Chase back in the ring and she goes to the top rope and she hits a missile dropkick and Chase is down once again.
Marshall: That's what I'm talking about!
Commentator: Looks like Nishka is setting up for something but Chase runs and tags in Skye.
Chase: Not that easy!
Skye: Now it's my turn!
Commentator: Skye and Nishka now staring each other down and it looks like Marshall wants in this thing. And Nishka tags in Marshall and Skye is a little surprised, she was expecting to fight Nishka.
Marshall: Come on! Show me what you got!
Commentator: And Skye ran at Marshall but he drops her with a clothesline! Now he lifts her up and throws her into the corner and hits a corner clothesline and he threw Skye back into their corner!
Skye: Who do you think you are?!
Commentator: And Zuma tags himself in and Skye went for a punch but Marshall went for the MKO but Skye pushes him into Zuma and Zuma hits a kick right to the face!
Zuma: That's how it's done!
Commentator: Now Zuma locks Marshall up in a headlock and Marshall flip him over but Zuma never let go and he drops Marshall face first into the ring canvas!
Referee: 1..! 1!
Commentator: Marshall kicks out at 1 and Zuma now punching the face of Marshall and one stomp to the chest!
Zuma: Hey! Skye! Your turn!
Commentator: And a tag back to Skye and she twist his arm and oh my lord, what was that?
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Skye placed her right foot into e back of Marshall's head and then she pushed his face down, kid of like a stand up Curb Stomp. Now Skye pulls Marshall's arms towards her and she digs her knee in his back.
Skye: Tap! Tap out Marshall!
Riley: No! Come on Marshall!
Commentator: Riley and Nishka are getting the crowd fired up and Marshall is trying to escape Skye's painful hold and he gets back to his knees and he flips Skye over him and she lands on the middle rope. Now Chase tags himself in again and he gets in the ring lightning fast and a cheap shot to Nishka and a punch to Riley. Now Chase hits a knee right on the jaw of Marshall.
Chase: You're not going to beat us! You hear me?! You shouldn't have come back! And Chase went to bounce off the rope but Riley pulls the top rope down and that makes Chase fall over and land on the apron. And Marshall has in Riley! Riley hits a superkick to Chase and he falls back in the ring now Riley gets in the ring and hits a clothesline! And a dropkick! And he gets back to his feet quickly and connects with a jumping neckbreaker! That's new.
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Zuma stops the pin-fall and Nishka hits a superkick to Zuma! Skye gets back in the ring and hits a knee right to the muzzle of Nishka, and the Turbulence! And Marshall with an MKO to Skye! Oh and Chase with a kick to the side of Marshall's head! And Riley went for the Warzone Madness but Chase counters it and plants Riley down. Now Chase is setting up for the Breaking The Law and he goes for it but Riley moves out of the way and hits a German Suplex and Chase lands on the back of his neck! Now Riley hits the Warzone Madness!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Chase kicks out and Riley thought he had him. Now Riley is setting it up again but Skye hops on the apron and is distracting the ref and Zuma with a discus forearm to Riley and Chase hits the Breaking The Law!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: And Nishka was able to stop the pin fall this time and Chase knew that was probably it and he crawls to the corner and tags in Zuma. Zuma gets in the ring and he connects with the Brainbuster to Nishka! And he hits a discus forearm to Marshall!
Zuma: I've had enough of you all!
Commentator: And Zuma went for the Brainbuster to Riley but he lands on his feet and he hits a reverse exploder suplex and he lifts up Zuma and hits the Warzone Madness but Zuma gets up real quickly and he hits a discus forearm to Riley and the Brainbuster connects!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, Zuma and the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: That was a hell of a match to kick off SummerSlam! Now it's time for our next match, which is the United States Championship match.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Adventure Bay, Rubble!
Commentator: Rubble said that he is more focused this time and that he is ready to become the United States Champion.
Samir: Ladies and gentlemen, get out of your seats and show some respect for the United States Champion..
Samir and Sunil: Satu!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from India, he is the United States Champion, Satu!
Commentator: The problem is whether you're focused or not, Rubble has to keep an eye on Samir and Sunil during this entire match if he wants to win the United States Championship.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Rubble and Satu facing off again for the United States Championship and they lock up in an armlock but Satu hits a knee to the stomach of Rubble and a show of disrespect by pushing at his face. And Rubble didn't take too kindly of that and he drops Satu with a clothesline! Now Satu rolls out of the ring with the Singh brothers checking on him and Rubble exits the ring and went for a punch but the Singh brothers get in the way and Satu takes advantage with a big kick! Now Satu throws Rubble back in the ring and he hits a knee right to the muzzle of Rubble but he bounces off the rope and Satu capitalizes once again with a high knee and Rubble is down.
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Rubble kicks out and Satu locks in a headlock and Rubble gets right back to his feet and he flips Satu over and hits a clothesline and Satu tried to escape again but Rubble grabbed his legs this time and he flips him over and he lands face first on the ring canvas.
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Satu kicks out and Rubble with a few punches and stomps and Satu gets up to his feet again but Rubble hits a Spinebuster! Now he lifts up Satu and he throws him into the corner and hits a corner clothesline and he hits a suplex!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Satu kicks out once again and Rubble lifts him up once again but Satu connects with a few headbutt sand he went for the Khallas but Rubble hits a few elbows and he connects with the Dreamcrusher!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Satu kicks out and Samir and Sunil were a little scared at first and now Rubble is getting a little frustrated but he lifts up Satu and he throws him out of the ring and the Singh brothers check on him and Rubble exits the ring once again and Samir and Sunil are distracting him again, but this time Rubble throws Samir into the steel steps, and Sunil into the ring post! Now Satu gets back to his feet but Rubble throws him face first into the apron and Satu gets back in the ring and now Rubble is setting up for the Broken Dreams but Satu hits a knee to the stomach of Rubble and he went for the Khallas once again but Rubble reverses it into a DDT!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Satu kicks out at 2 once again and Rubble thought he had him and now he lifts him up once again and he goes for a suplex to Satu but he hit him with a knee to the side of the head and he connects with a Khallas!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Rubble kicks out at 2 and Satu can't believe it, he knew that was it and now he lifts him up for another Khallas but Rubble reverses it this time but Satu hits a high knee and another Khallas!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the United States Champion, Satu!
Commentator: Satu overcomes Rubble once again and this time, he did it without the Singh brothers. Now it's time for our next match which is the Intercontinental Championship match.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Intercontinental Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Adventure Bay, Rocky!
Commentator: Rocky said that he was ready to bring the Intercontinental Championship back to him but is that going to be tough for him? Definitely, Luka is one tough pup.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Luka!
Commentator: He may not be able to speak, but his moves in the ring speak for him and they aren't pretty. I think Luka is going to be the Intercontinental Champion for a long time.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Rocky and Luka lock up in an armlock but Luka pushes him off and Rocky went for a clothesline but he gets caught and gets thrown into the corner and Luka connects with a running dropkick into the corner. Rocky is stunned and Luka went for that spinning heel kick early and Rocky rolls out of the ring. And Luka now mocking Rocky and he gets back in the ring and went for a punch but Luka hits a dropkick and he lifts him up for a powerbomb but Rocky starts punching him in the face and he lets go of Rocky and he connects with a chop block to Luka's right knee.
Rocky: You're not meant to be champion!
Commentator: Luka may not be able to speak but you can tell by the look on his face that he is in pain and now Rocky connects with a stomp to the chest and he lifts him up and drops him with a belly to belly suplex!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Luka kicks out at 2 and now Rocky starts hammering away on Luka and he lifts him up and goes for a German Suplex but Luka lands on his feet and hits a superkick to the stomach and a Falcon Arrow!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Rocky kicks out at 2 and Luka lifts him up once again but Rocky hits a knee to the stomach and he connects with a clothesline and Luka gets back to his feet once again and he went for the spinning heel kick once again but Rocky hits an elbow right on the right leg of Luka. Rocky has been targeting that leg ever since he chop blocked his right knee and now he hits a DDT to Luka!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Luka kicks out once again and Rocky thought that was it and now he lifts him up and hits a knee right to the muzzle and he went for the Reverse STO but Luka counters into the Silent Treatment!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Rocky kicks out once again and Luka thought that was it, he thought Rocky was down and out but now he picks up Rocky again and he went for the spinning heel kick but Rocky ducks and Luka hit the ref. The ref is down and Luka hits the spinning heel kick while Rocky wasn't looking and the cover.
Referee: *still down*
Commentator: The ref is down still and Luka now trying to tell him it was a three count. Wait a minute, what the hell?! Tundra now in the ring and Luka has no idea. The ref is down so he can't do anything about it and Tundra with the Avalanche Knee Strike! Now she puts Rocky on top of Luka. Oh no not like this! Not like this!
Referee: 1....2.....3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new Intercontinental Champion, Rocky!
Commentator: I cannot believe what just happened! Luka got screwed out of his title and Rocky is the Intercontinental Champion once again. Now it's time to move on to the next match, which is Rachel and Sasha defending the Tag Team Championship against a mystery team.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Tag Team Championship!
Commentator: We're about to see the mystery team.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers, from New York, the Shield!
Commentator: We haven't seen the Shield in a long time so this will be a huge opportunity for them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, they are the Tag Team Champions, Rachel and Sasha!
Commentator: I wonder how they feel that they have to face the Shield tonight. This will be a tough match for them.
Referee: *holds up titles* Ring the bell
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! We're starting off with Rachel and Dante. They lock up in an armlock and Rachel connects with a kick to the face and she hits a missile dropkick to the left leg of Dante. Now she lifts him up and throws him into the corner and hits a double knee to the sternum of Dante and he's down.
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Dante kicks out at 2 and now Rachel tags in Sasha and she connects with a side kick right to the back of Dante and a missile dropkick to the face!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Dante kicks out at 2 again and Sasha locks in a headlock but he escapes it easily and connects with an Enziguiri to Sasha!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Sasha kicks out at 2 and now a tag to Leon. Leon lifts up Sasha and connects with a right paw and another and he throws her in the corner and went for a corner clothesline but Sasha got the knees up in time and climbs to the top rope and hits a flying crossbody but Leon rolls her up and connects her with a Samoan Drop!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Sasha kicks out at 2 once again and now Leon starts hammering away on Sasha and he tags in Dante again and he connects with a few stomps and throws her in the corner and Dante goes for a corner splash but Sasha hits an elbow and she leaps to the middle rope and hits a facebuster! Now Sasha is crawling towards her corner to tag in Rachel, and she does. Rachel now hits a few forearms to Dante but he hits a kick to the stomach and went for Dirty Deeds but Rachel hits a slap right to the face of Dante and connects with a dropkick! Rachel is setting up for the Snap DDT but Dante charges her into the corner and he tags in Leon. Uh oh, this won't be good. Rachel went for a punch but Leon hits the Superman Punch! He's charging up, setting up for the spear and he went for it but Rachel sidestepped him and he went shoulder first into the ring post and she connects with the Snap DDT! Now she tags in Sasha and she goes to the top rope and hits a double knee to the face and a tag to Rachel and she connects with the Sparkle Splash!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, and still the Tag Team Champions, Rachel and Sasha!
Commentator: That was a great match and now-oh wait, what the hell?! The Sky Warriors just blindsided Rachel and Sasha!They said that they were coming back for the Tag Team Championship and Chase connects with the Breaking The Law to Sasha! And Skye hits the Turbulence to Rachel!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Commentator: The Sky Warriors sent a message to the Tag Team Champions, they want those titles back. Now it's time for Cruiserweight action!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight lumberjack match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Cruiserweight Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here are the lumberjacks.
Commentator: All of these Cruiserweights will be at ringside to make sure that both James and Everest stay in the ring.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Adventure Bay, Everest!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Virginia, he is the Cruiserweight Champion, James!
Commentator: I'm ready for this match, and there is James' girlfriend, Eleanor, wishing him good luck.
Referee: *holds title up* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! James and Everest are not even hesitating, they charge right at each other and exchange forearms and punches and kicks and now Everest slaps James across the face and he hits a clothesline out of nowhere! Everest rolls out of the ring and some of the Cruiserweights throw Everest back in the ring. That's their job tonight and James hits a knee to the stomach of Everest and he throws her in the corner and hits a leaping clothesline and he goes up top and hits a blockbuster and Everest goes down.
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Everest kicks out at 2 and now James locks in a headlock and Everest connects with a few elbows and reverse exploder suplex! Now she kicks James out of the ring but the Cruiserweights throw him back in the ring and Everest hits a superkick to James!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: James kicks out at 2 and now Everest hits a knee right to the side of James and she goes for a German Suplex but James hits a few elbows and Everest releases her grip and James hits a clothesline and Everest is down. Now James climbs to the top rope but Everest shakes the rope and James loses his balance and lands on some of the Cruiserweights! Theo, Scott, and Andrew broke James' fall and Doctor Thug picks up James and throws him back in the ring and Everest connects with a few more stomps to the chest of James and she lifts him up and throws James into the corner and Everest went for a corner clothesline but James connects with a superkick! Now James hits a sling blade and Everest is down once again. Now James is fired up, he connects with a kick to the stomach, and a forearm, and a Moonsault facebuster!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Everest kicks out at 2 and James lifts her up and connects with a suplex and Everest rolls out of the ring and she comes face to face with her cousin, Eleanor.
Everest: Get out of my way!
Commentator: And Eleanor throws Everest back in the ring and James hits another superkick but Everest with a low blow out of nowhere! Both pups are down and Everest is starting to stir back to her feet and now James is as well and Everest is charging at James but he strikes with a low blow to Everest! Just like what happened before, James hits Everest with deja vu and now James lifts up Everest and connects with the Ripcord Knee.
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: What the hell?! Eleanor stoops the pinfall and she-oh no! Oh my god! What?!! Eleanor just hit James with a low blow and now Everest with the Frostbite out of nowhere.
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and the new Cruiserweight Champion, Everest!
Commentator: I cannot believe what just happened! Eleanor just helped Everest win the Cruiserweight Championship?! After all these two have been through?! You gotta be kidding me! You have got to be kidding me!! I don't believe this! But now it's time for the Universal Championship match.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Universal Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Adventure Bay, Samuel!
Commentator: Samuel said that he may not have beaten Spike before, but he is confident about tonight.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from New Jersey, he is the Universal Champion, Spike!
Commentator: No one has been able to take that title from Spike and if Samuel can tonight, then that would be something.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Oh and Spike just blasted Samuel out of the ring and he exits the ring as well and just launches Samuel over my table but he lands on his feet and leaps off my table and went for the Massive Forearm but Spike caught him and heaves him into the barricade! Now Spike charges at Samuel and connects with a shoulder ram that sends Samuel crashing into the barricade again. Spike throws Samuel back in the ring and he hits a corner splash and he threw Samuel all the way across the ring! Now Spike just lifts Samuel up with one paw and he drops him with a chokeslam.
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Samuel kicks out at 2 and now Spike starts hammering down on Samuel and he throws him into the corner and connects with another corner splash but Samuel hits a Pele Kick but Spike- oh my lord! Spike almost decapitated Samuel with that clothesline! My god! Now Spike lifts him up with ears but Samuel is trying to fight out of his grasp but Spike hits a massive knee right to the stomach which makes Samuel scream in pain and he heaved Samuel across the ring once again. Samuel rolls out of the ring but Spike exits the ring and he shoulder rams Samuel into the barricade once again and he lifts up Samuel and throws him face first into the steel post! This is getting hard to watch and Spike heaves Samuel back in the ring and he hits once another corner splash and he is setting up for the Spiky Edge but Samuel fought out of it and hits a kick to the hamstring of Spike and he hits a sliding forearm! Now he's hammering away on Spike but he kicks him off with ease and scoops him up and plants him with a Running Powerslam! Now he lifts up Samuel and hits the Spiky Edge!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, and still the Universal Champion, Spike!
Commentator: I'm calling it right now, no one is going to beat Spike and take that title from him. No one! Now it's time for our main event. Blu defends the PWE Championship against Duke in a No Holds Barred match!
Referee: The following contest is a No Holds Barred match, and it is for the PWE Championship!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from Adventure Bay, Duke!
Commentator: And you see here that Duke has unleashed his demon side for tonight and this may not be good for Blu.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Alaska, she is the PWE Champion, Blu!
Commentator: Blu said she moved on from Duke breaking her heart but she is still going to enjoy getting her paws on him.
Referee: *holds up title* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! This is going to be hellacious. Blu and Duke lock up in an armlock and Duke pushes her off and hits a punch right to the face of Blu and he throws her out of the ring and goes up top and went for a Coup De Gras outside the ring but Blu climbs on the apron quickly and hits a forearm right to the muzzle of Duke and she hits a superplex from the top rope! Now Blu hits a knee to the stomach of Duke but he took it like it was nothing and hits some knees to Blu's stomach and some punches! Now Duke throws her out of the ring again and he exits the ring as well and he grabs- Uh oh, he has a kendo stick. And Duke went to swing it at Blu but she had one to and hits Duke right across the stomach with it! And Blu starts whacking Duke with it and hits a knee right to the muzzle and she throws him into the ring post and sends him over the barricade, into the crowd and Blu follows. Now these two are brawling in the crowd and Duke went for a punch but Blu hits Duke with the kendo stick and she throws him into one of the guardrails and he goes down and she whacks him with the kendo stick once again Duke screams in pain once again. Where are these two going? It's No Holds Barred but these two can only pin each other in the ring but Blu and Duke are brawling backstage and Blu we not for another whack with the kendo stick but Duke hits a chop block to the left leg of Blu and oh man! Duke just threw Blu face first into a mirror and it just shattered in Blu's face! Now Duke lifts her up and they're heading back to the arena and Duke is just connecting with punches to the face and Blu is bleeding, someone check on her! But Duke doesn't care, he is still hitting punch after punch and now they're back in the ring. Now Duke looks under the ring and he grabs a table and sets it up in the ring and he was looking to powerbomb Blu through it but Blu fought out of it and she connects with a Hurricanrana and Duke goes through the table! Both pups are down!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ring Announcer: Wait. Who is that?
Zelina: *grabs microphone* My name is Zelina and I want everybody to witness my client here tonight!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Commentator: Who is that?! Apparently it's a luchador and now he's heading to the ring and he just went after Blu and hits a knee right to the muzzle and a Hammerlock DDT! Now he turns his attention to Duke and he hits a Hammerlock DDT to Duke as well! Who is this pup?! Now he places- wait what? He places Blu's feet over Duke's shoulders and Duke's feet over her shoulders!
Referee: 1...2...3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Both shoulders were down so who won this match?
Referee: All four shoulders are down so there is no winner.
Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that all four shoulders were down so therefore, this match is a draw. So still the PWE Champion, Blu!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Commentator: And Now this luchador pup lifts up Blu again and hits another Hammerlock DDT!
Zelina: And now, for all of you to witness my client. Please welcome, the new Tracker!
Commentator: WHAT?!! Tracker is the luchador for pup. He took off the mask and Zelina is smiling about it. Tracker has returned here tonight!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Commentator: I cannot believe what just happened. SummerSlam sure was crazy. Thanks for watching SummerSlam! Goodnight everybody!
The results for SummerSlam:
1. Zuma and the Sky Warriors defeated Nishka, Riley, and Marshall.
2. Satu defeated Rubble to retain the United States Championship.
3. Rocky defeated Luka to become the new Intercontinental Champion thanks to an assist from Tundra.
4. Rachel and Sasha defeated the Shield to retain the Tag Team Championship but was then attacked by the Sky Warriors.
5. Everest defeated James to become the new Cruiserweight Champion after Eleanor shockingly struck James with a low blow.
6. Spike defeated Samuel to retain the Universal Championship.
7. Tracker returned and placed all four shoulders down during Duke and Blu's match, making it a draw and making Blu still be the PWE Champion but was then attacked by Tracker as well.
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