S13 E10: Deismond Calls Out Noah (Cruiserweight)
Commentator: Welcome everybody to PWE! We are five weeks away from Royal Rumble and tonight, we are going to hear from the pup that will take on Noah for the Cruiserweight Championship at Royal Rumble.
Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship, Deismond!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Deismond: *grabs microphone* Five weeks! Five weeks left and Noah loses the Cruiserweight Championship to me! Five weeks left and Noah's pathetic little title reign ends because of me! Five weeks left and we will no longer have to hear Thea e words! "Here is your winner, and still the Cruiserweight Champion, Noah!" My god, just saying it makes me want to puke! So Noah, you better savor these five weeks, you better hope they go by slowly, you better hold that title as tight as you can. As a matter of fact, just keep the Cruiserweight Championship warm for me and at Royal Rumble, I'll gladly beat you down like the failure that you are and be the greatest Cruiserweight Champion in all of PWE!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Noah: *grabs microphone* Are you done?! Are you done Deismond?!
Deismond: Am I done what? Speaking the truth? No! I'm not done yet but I'm glad that you're out here because I actually wanted to say this part to your face! Noah, you may have beaten all those other Cruiserweights here so you can keep that title right there on your shoulder but the thing is, those pups that you beat, none of them were me!
Noah: Wait a second! Do you have bad memory or are you just a liar? Last time I checked, I beat you at Survivor Series to retain this title once again and what did you do afterwards?! You attacked me like a coward and you spat in everyone's face that had ever respected you! Well guess what Deismond?! You thought Survivor Series was bad but at Royal Rumble, it's gonna be a lot worse than what I did last time we fought! You won't be walking out of Royal Rumble as the Cruiserweight Champion! In fact, you'll be lucky to be able to walk out at all! *drops microphone*
Deismond: Is that what you think?! That's what you think right? Well here's what I think!
Commentator: OH! Deismond just spat in the face of Noah! And he connects with the Heaven's Grave to Noah!
Deismond: What I wanted to say is that you are not as good as you think you are! And at Royal Rumble, the Cruiserweight Championship will be mine! *drops microphone*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Commentator: Oh my god! Deismond with a very disrespectful message to Noah! Things just got personal now and this will be one hell of a fight at Royal Rumble! Thanks for watching PWE! Goodnight everybody!
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