Nurse Yuki?
as we finally entered the quartz made hospital Jacky still pestered me about Mr.Shiny rock. I will admit her ignorance and size talking to a dressed up rock made her cute. And I'm sure it got the attention of some women. Supposedly a guy with a young child and being able to be all sweet with them while they are sweet to you attracts all girls...almost all (Mr.ima steal yo gurl) when I left the cinnamon smelling elevator I took to the nurse to see if visiting hours were soon now. but as she looked up at me I meat pink eyes. her pink hair was nicely tied up only a few curls leaving her hair tie. As she looked at me her smile grew, I could see her sharp teeth and her gaze slowly make it a way to Jacky who was on my head. "oh Taurtis nice to see you again what are you doing here I thought you were still at Yandere high" she said taking out a pen and papers and writing down some things that were flashed on her computer. "Grian and J decided we were going to move here and well I found Sam was here about 5 years ago" I said placing my hands on Jacky and bringing her so I could carry her. "wow so is this like your kid because shes cute" Yuki said as she pinched Jacky's rosy cheeks making her smile and giggle. "your pretty too ma'am" Jacky said politely as she still held on to her bunny and rock. "thank you dear, so Taurtis you here to see someone other than me" she said smiling I smiled to for the first time in a while. "heh yeah Sam I was just here to see if visiting hours were open" she nodded in confusion "wait what happened why is Sam here? " her worried tone filled my ears. "yeah something bad happened I rather not talk about it but thanks anyways" I said I went to where Sam's room was.
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