Little gem
A/N: Me and my friend were roleplaying and we decided that we liked this enough to share to you all. I couldn't find the best place to mark as an end and move to the next chapter, so I said 'screw it' and just put it all into one massive chapter. Hope you enjoy this little roleplay between my friend and I's OC's.
A/N 2: Note that this does have abuse and suicidal thoughts and actions. If you do not like that or can't handle it, then this is your warning to leave now.
Opal curls up on the floor, trying to get some sleep. But it's hard when she's laying on bruises and broken limbs. She's trying to get some rest before Yellow gets her again.
Crystal walks into Yellow's chambers and was going to ask something until he hears slight whimpering behind her throne. "Yellow, what is that sound?"
Opal sits up, hearing a new voice. She slightly pokes her head out from behind the throne, staying hidden. She's shaking a little
Seeing the slightly shaking gem behind Yellow's throne brings a slight frown to his face. His eyes move to Yellow and narrow slightly at her. He sighs and puts his hands into his pockets before walking up to the shaking gem and holding a hand out for her to take, "The names Crystal." He says boredly.
Opal shuffles back slightly, taking a moment to calm down enough to take his hand. "O-Opal.." she shakily stands up, her entire body aching. She smiles slightly at him
Crystal looks at Opal and inspects the marks on her body. He sighs and crouches to short gems level, "Who did this to you?" His bored expression still present but the smallest hint of worry was in his voice.
Opal looks down and points to Yellow, shaking a bit "M-my diamond d-d-did.."
Yellow turned her head to Opal and scowled at her. Rage building within her. "Yellow, what did you do to her?" Crystals voice held more worry for the short gem as he stared up at his adoptive Yellow mom. "She is a useless gem that can't do anything right. So I punish her to keep her in line." Yellow spat.
Opal whimpers, hiding behind Crystal. She's trying not to cry, because Yellow hurts her for that too. She just stands behind him, trembling.
"Opal, come here!" Yellow demands. Crystal eyes Opal before grabbing her hand and holding her protectively, "I don't think she wants to be with you, Yellow." He spoke protectively. Yellow slams her hand on the armrest of her throne, cracking it. "I don't care what she wants! She will come to me if she wants to or not!"
Opal whimpers, shaking. She slightly clings to Crystal, tearing up. She shakily starts walking over to Yellow, after bringing herself to let go of him.
"Tsk. Fine, go. I'm out of here." Crystal turns away from everyone, places his hands back into his pockets and walks out of Yellow's chambers. Before he walks out the door he turns his head towards Yellow. "See you later mom."
Opal looks at him. "Y-yellow's your m-m-mum??" She stares at him. She covers her mouth, then looks at her. "I-I-I-I mean, m-my d-d-diamond!"
Crystal looks at the small gem before turning back and walking out the door. Once the doors were closed , Yellow eyed Opal then snatched her up with her massive hand roughly and placed to fingers onto Opal's head and squeezed. Not enough to crush her head but just enough to cause serious pain. "You dare get my son involved with you again and I'll crush your pathetic little head. Understand me!?"
"A-a-ah!!! Y-yes m-m-my diamond!!" Opal starts crying out of fear and pain, trembling.
Yellow gets bored of Opal and drops her to the floor without a care. "Get up from the ground you pathetic gem and get of my sight. I'll call you when you're needed again."
Opal nods, whimpering. She runs out, trembling. She runs until her legs ache and she collapses onto the ground, panting. She lays on her back, staring at the sky.
A Jasper with Blue stripes and long white hair, baring the Yellow Diamond ensignia came over to Opal and looked down at her. "Get out of here runt!"
Opal whimper. "S-sorry.." she shakily stands up, tearing up. She tries to walk away.
Crystal was walking along a yellow bridge above Yellow Diamond's chambers when he looked down and saw Opal limping away. He sighs and jumps off the bridge he is on and lands a few feet behind Opal. "What am I getting myself into?" He whispers annoyed at himself before calling to the small hurt gem. "Hey, Opal!"
Opal flinches and looks at him. "O-oh.. hi.." she slightly smiles.
The red haired boy walks up to Opal and looks down at her. "You Okay?" He says with a bored tone.
Opal shakes her head. "But i-it doesn't s-s-seem like you c-care, anyway.. Y-Yellow isn't y-y-your mum, I-I-is she?"
Crystal narrows his eyes at Opal with slight anger. "No, she isn't my mom, but I treat her and Blue like my parents and they treat me like their son." Crystal lets out another sigh."Now onto the real problem. I saw that you were limping, does it hurt when you walk?" He spoke in the same bored tone.
Opal grips her arm, feeling a bit guilty. She nods. "Y-yeah, a l-little.."
He eyes her leg for a second before placing his arms around her, lifting her up and placing her on his back. "Try not to fall, ok?"
Opal stares for a moment and holds onto him, nodding. "O-okay.."
"Good. Now off to visit Blue." Crystal took to the direction of the palace while looking back every few minutes at Opal to make sure she wasn't going to fall.Opal holds onto him tightly, looking down.
Crystal arrived at the palace and walked inside. He grabbed Opal and put her on the ground. He took Opal's hand and continued to walk to where Blue was. After walking for a while, Crystal stopped and looked down at the small gem. "I wanna know, what do you think of me? Be honest." He said while he turned his head away.
"I-i like you.. y-y-you're really nice, w-when nobody e-else is.." Opal smiles at him, still looking like she's in a bit of pain.
He looks back at her with a raised brow but still kept his bored expression. "What do you mean 'nobody else'? Am I the first person to be nice to you?"
Opal nods, rubbing her arm. She looks down.
Crystal nods his head in understanding before holding Opal's hand once more and continued to the throne room with her in tow. "You know, you're the first person I've been nice to besides my Diamond moms and their Pearls for a long time."
"R-really?" Opal looks at him, surprised. The boy nods his head as he opens the throne room doors and the two of them walk in. They see Blue on her throne working when Blue looks at Crystal and Opal. "Crystal! What a lovely surprise! Who's your friend?"
Seeing Blue in front of him brought a smile his face. "Hi mom! this is Opal. I don't really know a lot about her except that Yellow hates her and hurts her. Now that I think about it," He looks down at the small gem beside him in slight worry, "Why does Yellow hate you Opal?"
"S-she said I'm w-w-wrong and shouldn't h-have existed.." Blue gasps, staring at Opal. "You poor little gem! That's horrible. I'll have a talk with her later. Let's take a look at you." Blue goes to pick her up. Opal panics and steps back fearing that the blue monarch will hurt her. "N-no!!" She covers her mouth.
Crystal bends down and gently grasps Opal's shoulders. "If you don't want Blue to look at you then are you willing to allow me to look at you?" He asked as he looked into her eyes.
Opal whimpers slightly, but calms down a bit. She nods. "Y-yeah.." Blue looks at the little gem, concerned.
Crystal looks at Opal carefully and nods to himself. "Ok, from what I can tell, you have many lacerations on your body, multiple broken bones, and bruises all over." A frown made its way to Crystals face from how much pain the small gem has been through. "I can heal you but I can't fix your bones. Do you want me to heal you?"
Opal thinks for a moment. "Y-Y-Yellow said s-she'd c-c-crush my h-head if y-you got involved.."
"I'm willing to protect you if she tries to do anything to you. In the short time that I've known you I've grown to want to protect you," A sad smile spreads across Crystals lips, "You remind me so much of my little sister... I'll ask you again, do you want me to heal you?"
Opal looks at him. She tears up, nodding. "Y-yes, please.." Blue is pissed. "Excuse me a moment.." she smiles at the two and walks out, going to Yellow. "Yellow!!!!!"
Crystals hand glowed a soft white as he gently placed it on Opal's chest. Slowly but surely the wounds on her body healed and went away. When he pulled away a searing pain rang through his arm as black veins spread up his hand and halfway up his arm. Crystal winced and gritted his teeth at the pain as he held onto his arm.
"O-oh my stars!! A-a-are you okay?" Opal grabs his hand and looks at his arm, feeling horrible.
Crystal falls to the ground on his knees. "T-the more I h-heal t-the more I b-become corrupted." He said through gritted teeth.
"If y-you told m-m-me that, I w-wouldn't have let y-you heal me!!" Opal tears up, feeling so guilty. She digs her nails into her arms, drawing a little blood.
Crystal grabs Opals arm with his uncorrupt one. "What are doing!?" The red haired boys corrupted hand glows white once more as goes to heal the wound on the small gem.
Opal rips her arm away. "D-don't!! Y-you'll c-c-corrupt more!!" She steps away from him. "I-I can't h-hurt you a-a-again.."
Crystal looks at Opal intently before sighing and letting his power disappear. He knew that she wasn't going to budge now. He lets out a sigh and stands up holding his corrupted arm. "Ok. Let's go find Bl-" The red head was interrupted by a loud crash outside the palace. Crystal ran to the nearby balcony and saw that it came from Yellows chambers. The boys eyes widened at the sight before him. He saw his mom's fall onto a yellow bridge. He quickly turned around and grabbed Opal's hand and ran towards them.
"Ah!" Opal follows him, trying to keep up with her tiny legs.
30 minutes ago
Blue walks into Yellow's chambers, pissed. "Yellow!!"
Yellow looked up from her holo-screen to see a pissed off Blue. "Is there something you need, Blue?" She asked with a raised brow.
"Why would you hurt such an innocent little gem??" Blue is clearly talking about Opal.
Yellow slowly narrowed her eyes as she realized Blue was talking about the pathetic defective organic gem. "She is defective and can't do anything right, so she needs to know her place, Blue!" Yellow stated as she rose from her throne. "You have no obligation to protect that defect!"
"I do if Crystal's concerned about her! She can barely talk because of you! She won't even let me go near her!"
Yellow was fuming as she went over and punched the wall, causing it to crack. "I told that defect to not involve Crystal in this!!! I am tired of him being abandoned. She will just abandon him like everyone else did!!" Yellow pauses then looks right at Blue, "... I'm going to shatter her for disobeying me."
Blue was getting angry that Yellow wouldn't listen. "Don't you dare!! She's the only friend, aside from us, that he has!!"
"And how long do you think it will take for her to abandon him..." Yellow pinches the bridge of he nose in annoyance, "I'm tired of this, I'm going to shatter her and you can't stop me. Now get out of my way!"
"No!!" Blue uses her energy manipulation to summon a blue orb in her hand and throw it at Yellow. The power hits Yellows chest causing tears to come from her eyes and knocks her back a bit. "You would dare use your power against, ME!!" The Yellow giraffe giant wipes the tears away and stares at Blue in shock before she clenches her fist and uses her light destabilization and sending a bolt to Blue.
"Argh!!!" Blue falls to the ground, panting a little. She growls at Yellow and throws another orb of energy.
Yellow saw the attack coming and rolled out of the way before running at Blue and pushing her into the wall roughly causing it to break and the both of them fall to the platform below. Yellow, being attentive rolled once she hit the platform and stood up while Blue roughly landed on it causing it to crack beneath her.
Blue winces and looks up at Yellow, growling. Opal runs in with Crystal, panting. She's completely out of breath.
"Moms, stop!!" Both Diamonds turn to look at Crystal. Yellow was about to say something until she noticed the corruption on his arm. She then looked at Opal and saw her wounds were gone. Her eyes widened as anger flooded her. "You made my son use his healing on you didn't you!! I knew I should have shattered you long ago!!" Yellow yelled.
Opal whimpers, covering her ears. She hates yelling. It scares her. "I-I-I w-wouldn't h-h-have let him i-if i knew! I-i-I'm sorry!" The little gem yelled through tears.
"Yellow, stop! You're scaring her!" Blue told Yellow.
"And yet he still did!! Now look at him!! His arm is corrupted and it's all your fault you sorry excuse of a gem!! And I will not stop Blue!!! She will learn her place!!" Yellow's arm started crackling with her power as she aimed it at Opal and shot a bolt towards her.
Opal gets shocked and screams in pain, starting to cry. "I-I-I'm s-sorry!!"
"Yellow stop!!" Blue runs over and pushes her over in to the ground.
Crystal's eyes widen as he sees Opal on the ground writhing in pain. A tear falls from his eye as he raises his hand and snaps his fingers, stopping time. "I won't lose another person I care about." He turns his hand to his left as he watches time start moving backwards. He stops when Yellow is about to shoot Opal and resumes time. With a quick motion Crystal jumps in front of the blast and takes the full hit. He looks at Opal and smiles sweetly at the small gem. "Are you ok, Opal?" He says weakly before falling to ground in pain.
"Oh my stars!!" Opal runs over and checks to see if he's okay. "I-I-I'm sorry!" She starts crying, shaking. Blue stares, covering her mouth.
"Shhh, it's ok, it wasn't your fault, Opal." Crystal tells her as he laughs weakly, "You really do remind me of my sister." Yellow was shocked at what she had done as she drops to her knees with wide eyes. She looks towards Opal and rage builds within her once again. "This is all your fault, you made me hurt my son!!! I'll shatter you!!"
Opal starts crying, holding Crystal close. "D-do it.. p-p-please.." she's suicidal now. She thinks this is all her fault and can't forgive herself. She just sits there, crying. Blue looks at Yellow, growling.
"Yellow, this is your fault!! You were going to make him lose his friend!! You were worried about him being abandoned again, but what about taking someone away??" Blue yells in frustration.
Yellow stops in her tracks as she hadn't realized that. She looked at Crystal, then to Opal, then to Blue. After what Blue said had sunk in she fell back to her knees once more as tears fell from her eyes. "I-I'm so s-sorry Crystal." She said through tears. She told she was sorry to Opal but she still blamed her for everything.
Opal stays near Crystal, looking down. She calms down and wipes her tears away. She blushes slightly, having a thought. But she doesn't say anything. Blue picks up Crystal and looks at Opal. "Opal, are you blushing at my son?"
"N-no! I-I'm thinking o-o-of a f-female.." Opal says flustered.
Yellow heard what Opal said and grew angry over her loving a gem. "Gems aren't meant to love." She hissed under her breath so no one would hear her. Crystal groaned as he couldn't move from the pain but still made a comment. "Really Opal? W-who?" He said through a pained breath.
Opal blushes more. "U-um.." she mutters the name.
Crystal winced in pain as he got up on his elbows. "I-I'm sorry, I c-couldn't hear that. Could you repeat that Opal?"
"U-u-um.. B-Blue Diamond's p-p-pearl.." Blue looks at her before smiling, putting her hand on her cheek. "Aww! So cute!"
"Why am I not surprised. She is shy and adorable like you, Opal. I can see why you fell for her." Crystal laughed for a bit but a searing pain jolted through him. "OOOOWWWW!!! Mom, can you please take me to the healers."
"Of course. We'll be right back. Be nice, you two." Blue walks away and Opal looks up at Yellow.
Yellow held back her anger and wanting to shatter the defect right here as she knew that she needed to 'play nice' for the time being. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Opal. I see now that my son cares for you quite a bit. You sorta remind me of his sister."
Opal looks at her. "U-um.. I-it's a-alright.. and t-thanks..? W-what was she l-like?"
"She was sort of like you in a way. Short, but a bit taller. She shy and kind, always put others above needs her own. So I can see why Crystal would take a liking to you. I'll even go as far and say that he probably sees you as his sister now." Yellow chuckled, but was laughing on the inside at how easy it was to get the defect to trust her.
Opal smiles a bit. "I w-wish I c-c-could meet her.. where i-is she?"
Yellow had a false tear fall from her eye. "Shattered."
Opal looks at her. She tears up. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Enough about this though, I bet you want to go see if Crystal is alright. Don't you? Run along." Yellow turns away from Opal and scowls before leaping up to the platform she fell from. "I'll contact you in a bit, I need to... Speak to you about some things." Yellow yelled down to Opal. With that Yellow entered her chambers and ordered some peridots to fix the the hole in her wall.
"Uh, o-okay!" Opal runs to the healers, looking for Crystal. She runs around and finds Blue, who takes her to him.
Crystal was laying Blue's bed in her chambers when he heard the door open. He looked up and saw Blue with Opal enter. "Hey mom, hey Opa- Owowow." He winced as he grabbed his side. The healers came up to Blue and saluted. "My Diamond, we were able to treat the electrical wound but we were unsuccessful in healing the corruption on his arm." The healers told Blue.
"Thank you.. that will be all.." Opal feels horrible. Blue walks over to Crystal as she dismisses the healers. She sets the small gem on the bed.
"H-how are y-y-you f-feeling?" Opal asks.
Crystal smiled at the little gem he sees as his sister. It made him happy that someone other than the Diamonds and Pearls truly cared for him. The only other one that showed this much worry for his well being was... His sister. "I've been better. Are you alrigh- Ow. Are you alright."
Opal nods, smiling. "Y-Yellow and I h-h-had a c-conversation. It w-was nice. S-s-she told me a-about y-y-your sister.."
Crystals smile slowly faded away as a tear fell from his eye. "Wh-what did she say?" He spoke sadly.
"S-she said s-s-she was n-nice and kind a-and almost as s-short as m-me.. I-I'm s-s-sorry about w-what happened.. w-w-what w-was her n-name?"
"Sally." That was all that came out of his mouth before he broke down in front them. "I-I d-don't e-even know who sh-shattered h-her," His face contorted into pure rage as he looks at Opal, "But when I do I'll shatter them myself." His cries quickly returned as he covered his face with his hands.
Opal stares at him. She hugs him and hums gently to comfort him. She smiles at him, wiping his tears. Blue smiles at them. "My pearl will certainly like you little Opal." Opal freezes and blushes a lot, squeaking a little. "Pearl, come in here, please!!"
Blue Pearl walks in and salutes her Diamond. "You called, My Diamond."
Opal looks at her and blushes more, covering her face. "Crystal, help.."
"I would like you to meet Opal." Blue picks up Opal in her hands and places her on the floor near Blue Pearl.
Blue Pearl does a curtsy bow. "Greetings, Opal. It's a pleasure to meet you." She spoke softly just above a whisper.
"U-um.. p-p-pleasure to m-meet you too.." Opal uncovers her face and smiles at her slightly. Blue smiles. "Why don't you two go for a walk?" Opal is dying inside. Blue gets a message and looks at her screen. "Oh, but before you go, Yellow wants to talk to you, Opal. You can walk there together!" Opal is still blushing a bit. "G-great.." she looks at Blue Pearl. "Shall we go?"
Blue Pearl nods to Opal and gently grasps her hand with her own. The two walk over to Yellow Diamonds chambers, once there Blue Pearl lets go Opals hand much to Opals dismay and does another curtsy bow. "It appears this is where we part ways. I must return to my Diamond... I hope to see you again soon." Blue Pearl pets Opals head and gives her a smile before walking back to Blue Diamonds chambers.
Opal blushes and smiles back. "I-I hope to s-s-see you a-again too!" When she's out of sight, she does a little fist pump. She walks into Yellow's chambers, smiling. "Y-Yellow?"
The lights to Yellows chambers light up revealing Yellow Diamond on her throne. When Yellow saw Opal she gave a false smile as she stood from her throne. "Opal! So glad you could make it." Yellow exclaimed with false joy.
Opal smiles back. "H-hey! W-w-what did you w-wanna talk a-a-about?"
"I'm assuming that you mentioned my sons sister to him didn't you." Yellow asked with a raised brow.
"I-I did.." Opal looks down.
"Did something happen to him?"
"H-he j-j-just started c-crying.."
Yellow narrowed her eyes. "I can tell you're hiding something. He said something didn't he?"
"H-he s-s-said he d-doesn't know w-who shattered her.. h-he also s-s-said her name is S-Sally.."
Yellow took a step towards Opal. "There's more isn't there?"
"N-no.." Opal takes a step back.
Yellow takes another step forward. "I know when you're lying to me. Tell me what he said." She spoke dangerously.
"H-he'll shatter w-whoever s-s-s-s-shattered her w-when f-f-finds out.." Opal continues to step back, shaking.
"I see," Yellow turned to her side and eyed Opal, "I bet you're wondering who shattered his sister, right?"
Opal nods slightly. "Y-yes.."
Yellow chuckles, then smirks. "I know who shattered his sister."
Opal stares. "R-really?? W-w-who?"
Yellow smiled widely as she laughed, "ME!"
Opal stares. "W-what..?" She slowly backs away, trembling like a leaf. Her eyes are wide and full of horror. She trips over her own foot and stares up at the tall, terrifying gem.
"There's a reason why I abuse you." Yellow took a step forward. "The way you scream," another step "The way you shake and plead for the pain the stop," another step, "Just. Like. Her!" Yellow was right in front of the terrified gem as an evil smirk played on her lips. "And the face she made when I shattered her was beautiful."
Opal covers her mouth, staring. Tears well up in her eyes as she trembles with fear. She quickly scrambles to her feet as she heads for the door as fast as she can, which isn't very fast, considering Yellow can catch up with two steps.
With an easy two steps Yellow already caught up to the terrified gem and snatched her up roughly. "Where do you think a pathetic defect like you is going? I can't have you telling Blue or my son about what I did." Yellow laughs, "If you tell any of them what I did I will shatter you. Got it?" She punctuates by placing her thumb on top of Opal and beginning to press down.
Opal starts crying out of fear and pain. She's too scared to say a word and she can't move her head. She just stays here crying.
Yellow press a little harder, intensifying the pain. "I can't hear you!" She barks.
"A-ah!!" Opal cries a little more. "Y-y-y-y-y-y-yes, m-m-m-my d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-diamond.." she looks at her, still trembling.
Yellow smirks and lifts her thumb up. "Good. Now go," she drops Opal to the ground with a thud, "I have work to do and I don't need a pathetic defect like you distracting me."
Opal runs out, shaking. She runs as fast as she can back to Blue's chambers. She stop outside and curls up next to the door, crying her eyes out. She's so scared and so horrified, she can barely do anything else. She covers her mouth so nobody inside can hear her.
A message from Yellow appears in front of Opal. She was terrified but knew she had to read it. Tapping the screen the message appeared before her. 'Tell him or Blue and I will shatter you AND Crystal.'
Opal stares. She just starts crying more, purely panicked.
The door to Blues chambers opens and Blue Pearl walks out. Turning her head she sees Opal as a complete wreck. She hurried over to her and pulled her into an embrace. "What happened?" She spoke softly as to not frighten the little gem out more than she already is.
Opal hugs her back tightly, crying into her shoulder. Feeling her gentle embrace is enough to calm her down a bit, just so she can at least get the words out. "I-I-I went t-to see Y-Y-Yellow a-a-a-a-a-a-a-and.."
Seeing Opal so distraught brought a frown to Blue Pearls face. "Shshsh, it's ok, you're safe, you can tell me." Blue Pearl spoke as she gently pet the little gems head, rocking her back and forth in her arms to calm her down.
Opal calms down a bit more. "I-I-I c-can't.." she looks down
Blue Pearl lightly kisses the little gems head as she continues to stroke her hair, "I won't tell anyone," Blue Pearl moved the hair from her eyes to reveal her gorgeous deep blue eyes, "I promise." She finishes with a smile.
Opal stares at her, blushing a lot. She looks down, thinking for a minute. "W-well..." she takes a deep breath. "Yellow shattered Sally!" she whisper shouts, shaking. She didn't even stutter.
Blue Pearl was stunned at what Opal told her, "That is a lot to take in... But I made a promise not to tell... Even if this is something that Crystal should know about." It then hit Blue Pearl, "Why aren't you aloud to tell anyone? Were you threatened?" She asked worried.
Opal nods. "S-s-she said i-if i t-t-told B-Blue or C-Crystal, then s-s-she'd s-shatter me and h-him.. s-s-she hurts m-m-me because I-I'm l-l-like her.." she starts shaking more.
Blue Pearl was confused. She tilted her head to the side slightly in confusion. "Like her how?
Opal looks down. "Y-Yellow s-s-said s-she was nice and k-kind and put o-others first.. a-and I'm s-s-short.. Y-Yellow u-u-used to h-hurt me b-because of this.. s-she liked our s-screams.. s-s-she l-likes how s-scared we g-g-got and our p-p-pleads.. s-s-she even s-said she l-l-loved her face w-when she s-s-shattered h-her.." she starts trembling, taking Blue Pearl's hand and tightly squeezing it. "P-please, y-y-you can't tell a-anyone! S-s-she'll h-hurt you t-t-too!" She tears up slightly.
Blue Pearl smiled sweetly and picked the small gem up and held her lovingly, "Shshsh, everything is alright, nothing will happen to me, to you or to Crystal. Everything will be ok," Blue Pearl booped Opals nose, "I promise. Now how about we see Crystal and see how he's doing. Okay?"
Opal blushes and smiles slightly, nodding. She wipes her tears away, taking slow, deep breaths.
Blue Pearl carried the small gem in her arms into Blues chamber where Crystal was still in bed. "Blue had to work so she told me to watch over him until she can come back." She told Opal. Blue Pearl brought the small gem over Crystal and placed her down next to him. "Hey Opal, how are you doing?" He smiled to the little gem, happy to see her.
Opal smiles, trying not to break down in front of him. "I-I'm fine! H-h-how are y-you?
"I'm better now. Still hurt all over but I'll be able to move soon, don't you worry. I just can't wait to get up and move around again," He stares at Opal and smiles at the small gem. "Hey Opal? Can you come a little closer?"
Opal comes a bit closer. "Y-yeah?"
Crystal lifts his arms as best he can and hugs Opal. "Thank you for being such an amazing friend."
Opal freezes. She tears up, gripping her arm tightly as she digs her nails in. She starts shaking.
Crystal pull back and sees Opal crying, "Why are you crying? Is something wrong?" He asked worried.
Opal covers her mouth, trying so hard not to burst everything out. She shakes her head and gets up, running away from him. She jumps off the bed and runs outside.
"Opal! Wait!" He called but she was already gone from sight. "Was it something I said?" He looked to Blue Pearl in worry who shook her head. "No, it was not you, far from it even. Sh-she just has a lot on her mind right now. I'll make sure she is ok." Blue Pearl curtsy bowed then left to search for Opal.
Opal is sitting on the bridge, staring over the edge. She hugs her knees tightly, trembling. She bites her arm, feeling horrible. She draws a little blood, crying.
Blue continued to look around until she spotted Opal on the bridge crying to herself. She walked up behind her and pulled her into a hug. "Is everything alright?" She asked worried for the little gem.
Opal shakes her head, putting her bloody arm down. "N-n-no.. I-i-i c-can't l-l-lie to him.. i-i-I'm horrible.. I-I-it would b-b-be better I-if I d-d-disappeared.."
Blue Pearl gasped and quickly turned Opal around gripping her shoulders slightly. "Don't you ever say that. You did nothing wrong. Yellow Diamond did this, not you. And you're not horrible, you're perfect the way you are." Blue Pearl finished a smile then kissed Opals cheek.
Opal blushes and cries more. She hugs her tightly.
"I said that everything will be ok and it will. Trust me."
Opal nods, just crying into her shoulder. She clings to her.
Blue Pearl picked up the clinging little gem in her arms and carried her back to Blues chambers. Once inside, Pearl sat down next to giant bed with Opal still in her arms. "Is she ok?" Crystal asked in worry for the gem he saw as a sister. Blue Pearl looked at him then nodded, "Yes, she will be fine."
Opal cries herself to sleep, cuddling up to Blue Pearl with a little smile.
The red haired boy looks at the sleeping from of Opal and smiles, "She looks so peaceful when she's asleep." He whispered with a chuckle. Blue Pearl nodded in agreement as she kissed the top of the little gems head.
Opal blushes lightly, smiling as she sleeps.
3 hours later
Crystal pushes himself up from the bed and painfully walks over to the two sleeping gems. He gives them both a smile before walking, albeit with trouble from the pain, out the door to stretch and get the knots out of his limbs.
Opal later wakes up and sits up, yawning. She rubs her eyes and looks around. She sees Blue Pearl sleeping and smiles, blushing. She kisses her head.
The door to the room opens with Yellow Pearl and Yellow Diamond walking in. The two spot the little gem that just woke up and smirk evilly towards her. Yellow's Pearl was quick to run up to Opal and grab her arm roughly, dragging her over to her Diamond.
"H-hey!" Opal slightly struggles, shaking.
With a quick turn, Yellow Pearl slapped the little gem with hard slap. "Be quiet and quit struggling you useless gem."
"Ah!" Opal whimpers, tearing up. She holds her cheek, which is already turning red. "B-but i d-d-don't wanna leave B-Blue Pearl.."
"I don't care what you want. If my Diamond wants you, then you will do as your told." Yellow Pearl hissed as she kept dragging the little gem along with her, following her Diamond back to her chambers.
Opal bites Yellow Pearl's arm. This is the first time she's been THIS resistant. She just wants to get back to Blue Pearl.
Yellow Pearl winces in pain as she releases the little gem, "Ow, how dare you!" Yellow Diamond turned her head and saw Opal bite her Pearls arm. "You're not going anywhere." She said as she stomped towards the small gem.
Opal screams and jumps back, shaking. She looks at her and tries to run away.
A yellow hand was quick snatch her up and bring her up to her captures face, "You've made a grave mistake." Yellow spoke in low tone.
Opal stares and whimpers, trembling. She already just starts crying out of fear, trying to get out of her grip.
"Whine and cry all you want. I'm not letting go." Yellow took the crying gem back to her chambers with her Pearl following not far behind while tending to her bitten arm. Once the three of them arrived, Yellow dropped the gem roughly to the ground and ordered her Pearl to guard the door so Opal wouldn't escape.
Opal quickly scrambles to her feet and runs for the door, shaking.
Yellow Pearl snatched the running gem up and threw her back roughly, "If my Diamond says you can't leave, then you will not leave."
"Y-you can't t-t-tell me what t-to do!!" Opal covers her mouth, thinking she just screwed up. She tries to run out again.
The massive Diamond moved in front of the frightened gem quickly and slapped her across the room, slamming into the throne with a loud smack.
Opal screams and winces, shaking. She looks at Yellow, trembling. She tears up.
"Are you going to cry again?" Yellow laughs out, "Well if you're going to cry then do it you pathetic, useless, sorry excuse for a gem!" She spat.
Opal starts crying, curling up a bit. She gets up and jumps off the throne, trying to run again.
Yellow smirks and shakes her head disapprovingly, "When are you going to learn," She picks up the small gem, "that you can't ever," Yellow throws her into the wall hard and laughs at her pain, "escape me."
"Ah!!" Opal falls to the ground, shaking and crying. She can barely move. She just lays there, shaking.
The loud footsteps of Yellows boots get closer and stop right in front of her. Yellow bends down and puts a finger to her head, "Do that again and I'll force you to watch as I shatter Blue's Pearl right in front of you and I'll take immense satisfaction in watching you suffer!!" Yellow presses her finger into her head, "IS! THAT! CLEAR!!" She yelled into the little gems face.
Opal's eyes widen as she stares at her. "Y-y-y-y-yes, m-m-m-my d-d-d-d-d-diamond!!" She starts shaking at the thought of Blue Pearl being shattered.
Yellow smirked at the shaking gem beneath her finger. She applied pressure once more to the small gems head before standing back up and kicking her back into the wall, "Good."
"Ah!!" Opal hits the wall hard and falls to the floor again. She whimpers.
20 minutes ago
Crystal limped back into Blue's chambers only to find a frantic Blue Pearl. "Woah, Pearl, what's wr-" the boy stopped himself and noticed that little Opal was gone, "where's Opal?" He asked. Blue Pearl ran up to him with a tear stricken face, "I don't know! One moment she was sleeping with me and the next she is gone!" Blue Pearl spoke worried. She didn't know what happened the little gem and it was eating away at her not knowing, especially with Yellow Diamonds threat. "Ok, how about we go to Blue and see if she might know where she is. Alright." The red haired boy tried to comfort the frantic gem in front of him but to no avail. So he took her hand and wal- limped to the palace where Blue was working.
Blue is doing work. She sees the door open with Crystal and Blue Pearl coming in. "Hello, you two. Where's Opal? Is she alright?"
"We don't know where she is mom. Blue Pearl is frantic and from what it looks like, scared." He told his Blue mom.
Blue stares. "Oh my.." she thinks for a moment. "Come on. I think i have an idea where she is.." she picks the two up and carries them to Yellow's chambers, knocking on the door.
Yellow's Pearl opens the door and looks up to see Blue Diamond. Her eyes go wide and sweat comes down her forehead, "Is something you need, B-Blue Diamond." She spoke nervously.
"I would like to speak to Yellow. It's about Opal.." Blue puts Crystal and Blue Pearl on her shoulder and crosses her arms
"One moment please." Yellow Pearl shut the door and ran up to her Diamond, "My Diamond, Blue Diamond is here and she's asking about the defect." Yellow Diamond looked towards the door then got rid of her holo-screen, got up from her throne and went over to shaking gem, "You will act perfectly fine when Blue Diamond comes in. If you don't then I WILL shatter Blue's Pearl AND shatter Crystal right in front of you. Clear?"
Opal nods, shaking. She takes deep breaths, trying to calm down as much as possible.
"Good. Pearl, go and let them in." Yellow Pearl bows and salutes then goes back to the door and opens it for Blue Diamond to enter.
Blue walks in, putting Crystal and Blue Pearl on the floor. She looks at Opal. "Opal! There you are! Are you okay?" Opal nods, pulling a fake smile.
Blue Pearl runs over to Opal and pulls her into a hug, kissing her head until she realized that everyone was staring at her and blushed embarrassed but still hugged the little gem. Crystal limps to Blue Pearl and Opal, joining in on the hug, "When I came back I saw that you were missing and Blue Pearl was really worried about you. Why didn't you tell her that you left?" The red haired boy asked concerned. Honestly he was just glad that she was ok. He separated from the two and narrowed his eyes at Opal, 'Something is off, but I can't put my gem on it.' He thought.
"I-i didn't w-w-want to wake h-her up.. i'm s-s-sorry.." Opal tears up a bit, blushing lightly as she hugs Blue Pearl back.
Blue Pearl pets the small gems head softly, "It's ok, you have nothing to apologize for." Though Blue Pearl knew what was really going on, but she couldn't say anything. Especially in front of Yellow Diamond. "Yes, I called Opal here to help me with some of my work and she has done an excellent job." Yellow lied to Blue with a smile.
Blue crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes at her. "Well, then if everything's fine, we'll be leaving.." she picks up all three gems and walks out. Once they're out, Blue looks at Opal sternly. "Opal, what did she really do with you?" Opal flinches at the question, holding onto Blue Pearl tightly. Clearly not wanting to talk about what really happened.
Crystal eyes Opal from the corner of his eye and narrows them, 'She's hiding something. I just know it.' The boy thought. He looked to his mom and spoke, "Hey mom?"
"Yes?" Blue looks at him.
"Opal is hiding something, something that she doesn't want us knowing about," Crystal whispered to his mom as he put his head down and frowned, "I'm really worried about her."
"Don't worry. She'll tell us when she feels comfortable."
The red haired boy closed his eyes sighed in defeat and put his hands in pockets while putting his bored expression on his face, "Alright." Even though he wasn't going to push any further with it he was still extremely worried about the little gem he's grown to love like family.
Blue smiles and takes them back to her chambers. Opal keeps hugging Blue Pearl.
When they arrive, Crystal jumps off of Blue's shoulder walks over to a wall and sits on the ground while watching Blue Pearl and the little gem intently. Blue Pearl takes Opal and gently lands on the ground before walking over to the bed and placing her down on it, "I think Crystal is catching on to us, what do we do?" Blue Pearl whispers to Opal so no one else hears them.
"A-a-act like we're h-hidin something e-else.. We n-n-need to think of a b-b-backup.."
"But what? The moment he realizes what we're hiding he's going to be very angry. What's going to throw him off?" Blue says getting slightly worried.
Opal thinks. She blushes deeply as she gets an idea. "U-u-um.."
Pearl sees the blush on Opal's face, "Do you have something?"
"S-s-sorta.. B-but it's n-n-not very g-good.."
"It can't be that bad of a plan." Blue Pearl tried to reassure Opal.
Opal rubs her arm. "U-um.. I-I-it could b-be that w-w-we're.." She trails off, still blushing
"That we're what?" She asked slightly confused.
"T-t-together...r-romantically.." Opal buries her face in her hands, blushing a lot.
Blue Pearl's eyes go wide blushing furiously as she puts a hand to her own cheek, "Oh my. I-I g-guess that c-could work." Pearl stutterd out flustered.
Opal looks down. "Um, c-can we..? B-b-be in a-a-a r-relationship..? I-I do a-a-actually l-like you.." She continues to blush.
Blue Pearl finally got control of herself and put a cupped Opals cheek with a hand and stroked it with her thumb as she smiled at the little gem, "I... Like you too." Blue Pearl slowly moved her face closer to Opal.
Opal blushes and does the same, putting her hand on Pearl's.
The two of them get closer until their lips are almost touching. Blue Pearl closes the gap between them and captures little Opals lips with her own.
Opal blushes a lot more, closing her eyes. This is like heaven to her.
While the two gems were enjoying the kiss shared between them, they didn't know that Crystal was staring at them. He narrowed his eyes and got up from the ground, "Tsk." He put his hands into his pockets and angrily walked out the room unnoticed.
The two gems separated and stared in each others eyes lovingly.
Opal is panting. "Oh my stars.."
"That... was... Amazing." Blue Pearl said panting. In truth, she wanted more but knew not push things so she doesn't frighten the little gem she loves.
"You can say that again.." Opal smiles. She didn't stutter at all.
"You didn't stutter!" Blue Pearl exclaimed happily hugging Opal.
"I-i didn't?" Opal smiles, hugging back. Blue smiles at them."You two having fun?" The little gem stops and her face turns a dark shade of pink."H-how much d-d-did you see..?"
"I-I-I'm terribly sorry m-my D-Diamond, I f-forgot you were still here." Blue Pearl said extremely embarrassed.
"Don't be sorry. It was lovely to watch."
Opal buries her face in her hands, her face very red. "C-c-can one o-of you e-e-end m-my misery and s-s-shatter me n-now?"
"Alright." Blue Pearl kissed Opal once more, "Did I end your misery?"
Opal blushes more. "It seems i-i-I'm in h-heaven now, so y-yeah.."
"Then I'll take that as a yes." Blue Pearl giggled until she looked around the room and saw Crystal was gone. "Ummm, where's Crystal?" She asked everyone.
Opal looks around. "He left," Blue explains. "He looked angry."
"D-d-do you think i-i-it's b-because of u-us?"
"I don't know. What do you think, My Diamond?"
"He thinks your hiding something, so it might be because of that. Or because he saw you two kiss." Opal feels horrible.
Blue Pearl looks down feeling guilty, "I think we should look for him, My Diamond."
"Of course." Blue picks them up and walks out. Opal digs her nails into her arm, tearing up. She feels so guilty that she makes herself bleed a bit.
"Where do you think he could have gone, My Diamond?"
"I don't know. Maybe he went to Yellow?" Blue walks to Yellow's chambers. Opal tries to hide what she's doing to herself from Blue Pearl.
As all three of the gems were going to Yellow's chambers they heard a loud come from the palace. Blue Pearl looked to the palace, "I think I know where he went."
Blue runs to the palace. "Crystal?"
The gems saw Crystal in the throne room scream angrily through tears as he punched the wall, putting a hole in it. "I can't believe this! I've been searching for someone to love me all my life!! And Opal gets it sooooooooo easily!!" He punches the wall again before collapsing to the ground crying, "I lost my parents, my sister was shattered and I've abandoned by everyone all my life! Sometimes I just want to unleash all my power so I can die." He cries out. unbeknownst to him the three gems that entered heard everything.
Opal stares, starting to cry. "I-it's my f-f-fault.. it's a-a-all my f-fault.." she starts shaking, biting her arm to the point where it bleeds. It's definitely not a good idea, since she hasn't eaten or drank anything for a while. Blue walks over to Crystal. "Crystal.."
Crystal's eyes darted to the voice and saw that Blue, Blue Pearl, and Opal were in the room with him. "H-how much did y-you hear?" He questions as he starts backing away slowly.
"Enough.." Blue kneels down in front of him. She picks him up. "Crystal.. don't beat yourself up over something like this.."
Crystal rubs his arm as he looks down, "I just feel so alone, even when I'm not I still feel alone. I wish someone would love me so I'm not alone anymore." He spoke sadly.
But we love you.." Blue gently kisses his head.
"I'm not talking about familial love, I'm talking about romantic love. That's what I've been searching for for so long."
Blue sighs. "Just because you don't have it now, doesn't mean you never will.. someone will love you.. i promise.."
The boy looks at Blue with hopeful eyes, "Really?"
Blue nods. "Really.."
Opal has bled a lot. It's a miracle nobody's noticed. She groans slightly about to pass out, blood dripping from her arm and staining her mouth.
Crystal looks past Blue and sees Opal bleeding out behind Blue Pearl. His eyes go wide as he rushes off of Blue and runs over to Opal, "Opal!!" Everyone finally notices and is left speechless at the sight before them. Crystal picked up Opal in his hands and summoned his healing power on his corrupted hand, "I'm not losing you, Opal." He said as more tears fell.
Opal pushes him away. "N-no!! Y-y-you'll corrupt a-again!! I-i-i can't d-do t-t-that to y-you again!!"
"I don't care if I become corrupted!! I won't lose another sister!!" Crystal put his hand on to Opal and held her in place so she wouldn't get away and healed her wounds. When he took his hand away, he scream in agonizing pain and fell to the ground with his head down. as the black veins moved up the rest of his arm and stopped when it touched his right eye, which turned completely black but still had the red iris. When the pain died down to tolerable levels he looked up at Opal, "Are.... You.... Ok?" He said through pained breaths.
Opal stares, crying. "N-no.. no, I'm not okay!!! I make everything worse!!! I made you sad because I'm with Pearl!!! You keep trying to help me, but you always get hurt!!! It would be better if i was just dead already!!! Yellow was right!!! She should've shattered me, just like she did to Sally!!!" Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth, shaking as she steps away.
Crystal's eyes widened as he stared at Opal. His face then contorted to anger, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YELLOW SHATTERED SALLY!!!!" He quickly stomped up to Opal and picked her up by the collar roughly, "You knew what happened to my sister and you didn't say anything to me?" He spoke low and dangerously, his anger was reaching the boiling point as his corrupted eye twitched.
"Y-Y-Yellow s-said she's s-s-shatter us i-i-if i t-told y-y-you or B-Blue.. B-Blue Pearl and i-i-i were w-waiting f-f-for the right t-t-time to t-tell you.." Opal is trembling, trying to pull his hand off.
"Waiting for the right time? When were you going to tell me?" Crystal raises Opal up to his eye level and stares right into her and yells, "WHEN!!!!" Blue Pearl came up behind Crystal and put a hand on his shoulder, "Please, put her down." She begged. Crystal turned his head slowly to Blue Pearl, "You both knew? And neither of you told me?" He pauses for a second stares at Opal, "You both knew and neither of you told me?... When were you going to tell me? WHEN!!!! Were you never going to tell me? Is that it?" He spoke with a voice filled with betrayal.
Opal whimpers. "I-i-i-i d-don't k-know! I-i wanted t-t-to! B-b-but.."
He pulled Opal closer to his face, "But what?"
Opal whimpers, trembling. She's so scared. "Y-Yellow s-s-said s-she'd kill y-you and m-m-me.."
Crystal drops Opal to the ground and starts walking to the door but stops and looks back at the small gem, "I really wish you had told me sooner about this Opal. Want to know why?"
The boy sighs, "If you think I'm mad at you then you're wrong. I'm mad that you didn't tell me about this sooner. Because if you did. I would have done something to save you sooner." He smiles to the little gem, "I told you before: I'm not going to lose another sister. And I'd be damned if Yellow tried to shatter you."
Opal stares. She starts crying again. She still feels horrible.
Crystal sighs and walks back to Opal and pats her head gently, "Don't worry my little Opal, I'll make sure nothing happens to you any more. I promise. K" He finishes with a smile.
Opal hugs him, crying. She buries her face in his chest.
The red haired boy hugged the crying gem closely for a few seconds then put her on the ground and stood up narrowing his eyes, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a 'chat' with Yellow." Crystal turned around and began walking to the door again.
Blue picks him up and carries him to Yellow's chambers. Opal grabs Blue pearl's hand and runs after them.
They reach the door to Yellow's chambers and Crystal knocks on the door harshly. Yellow Pearl comes and opens the door only see two very pissed off gems, "May I hel-" Crystal raises his fist and punches Yellow Pearl right in the gem, cracking it and knocking her to the ground. Crystal steps passed the knocked out Pearl and walks right up to Yellow Diamond."You. Shattered. My. Little. SISTER!!!" Yellow chuckles and stands up, "So the little defect told you? I knew I should have just shattered her like I did your sister."
Blue growls. She storms over and punches Yellow in the face. "How dare you!!"
Yellow stumbled back a few feet but regained her balance and ran at Blue, punching her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her.
Blue falls back, wincing as she holds her stomach. Opal and Blue Pearl get there and Opal can hardly breath. She pants outside the door for a moment before going inside. "C-Crystal.. B-B-Blue.." her eyes widen as she stares at the scene before her.
Yellow looks down at Crystal and goes to stomp on him but every time she does he teleports out of the way. But in reality he's stopping time and moving out of the way. He looks over to and notices Opal and Blue Pearl have arrived, "What are you doing here? Both of you, stay out of this!!" He yells to them before rolling out of the way of Yellow's foot.
"N-n-no!!" Opal summons her slingshot and shoots balls of light at Yellow.
Yellow just stares at Opal with a raised brow, "Do you think you can harm me with that sorry excuse of weapon?" Yellow runs over to Opal and raises her foot above her, "I'll show you how to really cause harm!!"
Opal screams and runs away from under her foot, pulling Blue Pearl along.
"Opal!!" A tear rolls down Crystal's face as he raises his hand up and causes a loud snap to echo through the room from his fingers as he freezes Yellow Diamond in time.
Opal stops and stares. "Holy mother of stars!!" She pulls herself and Blue Pearl away from Yellow, like to the other side of the room. She clings to Blue Pearl.
"THIS IS FOR MY SISTER!!!" With snap of his fingers, Yellow Diamond's gem shattered before everyone's eyes, the shards falling to ground below.
Opal stares in horror. She covers her mouth and backs away, her eyes wide and full of fear.
A few seconds later everyone hears a second gem shatter, Crystal falls to the ground, his shards fall to the floor as his form slowly deteriorates before their eyes.
Opal runs over, crying. "Crystal!! N-nononono.. t-this is all m-m-my fault.."
Crystal weakly puts a hand to Opals cheek, "I... I guess I couldn't... keep the promise I made you. Huh, Opal?" His voice was distorted from his gem being shattered.
Opal is shaking. She holds his hand. "P-p-please, n-no.." she looks at Blue. "W-we can save h-h-him, right??"
"I-I'm afraid we can't.. unless.." Blue thinks.
"Unless what?? I'll do it!!"
"Unless we go to... White." Blue Pearl finishes with slight fear.
"You won't... Make it in time... We are on the complete... Opposite of Homeworld." Crystals legs completely crumble away, "I love you all." He says weakly before passing out.
"We're going right now!! I'm not letting him die for me!!" Opal yells as Blue picks them all up and runs to White, aggressively knocking on the door when they arrive. Opal hugs Blue Pearl, shaking.
Blue Pearl holds Opal comfortingly and kisses her head, "If anyone can save Crystal, it's White." She tried to reassure her little girlfriend.
Opal nods, looking up at her. "O-o-okay.." she kisses her cheek. Blue knocks on the door. "White, open the door!! It's about Crystal!!"
The doors to White's chambers open and standing at the end of the room in all her radiant glory was White Diamond. "Ah, Blue, what brings you here?" The smile and tone of White could be described as creepy.
"I-it's C-C-Crystal!" Opal shouts for Blue. "P-p-please, you h-have to b-b-bring him back!" She tears up, shaking a bit as Blue walks them all in.
White raises an eyebrow as she looks at the little gem that spoke to her, "And why should I bring him back? What is he to you?"
"H-h-he's like a b-brother! He w-w-was the f-first p-person to ever b-be nice to m-m-me! Please, i-i-I'll do a-anything!"
"Anything you say? You should pick your words carefully little gem." White eyes Crystal and sees his form crumbling away, "... Alright, I'll bring him back, but in return, the little gem becomes mine. Understood? Now Blue, bring him to me."
Opal nods vigorously. Blue walks over and holds Crystal up to her. "Opal, are you sure..?"
"Yes!" Opal didn't care what would happen to her, all she wanted was for her brother to come back safe and sound.
"Know that there is no going back on this." White took the dying boy in her hands and closed her eyes for a second before opening them as a blinding white light came from. White closed her hands as the bright light emanated from them. Just as quickly the light came it disappeared, her eyes going back to normal. White opened her hands to reveal Crystal, with his gem put back together and his entire body healed. White placed the unconscious boy on the ground as he started to wake up. His eyes flutter open as he sits up holding his head looking around, "Wh-where am I?"
"Crystal!!!!" Blue puts the little gem down and runs over, hugging him. "Oh my stars, you're okay.."
"Opal? Opal!" Crystal hugs the little gem closely, "How am I alive? When I snapped my fingers and shattered Yellow, I was sure to be dead." He questions while hugging the little gem tighter.
"We got White to help.. in exchange for me belonging to her.."
"While I was able to revive you, Crystal, I wasn't able to rid of your corruption. I'm afraid that is permanent. And what the little gem has told you is true, she belongs to me now." Crystal couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at Opal, "You gave up your freedom for me?"
"Of course! You gave up your life for me.." Opal smiles at him. She hugs him tightly.
"Opal" He looked down in sadness as he hugged tighter. "You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have given up your freedom." White smiles down at the two of them, "I bet you want to spend time with your brother don't you? I'll let you be with him for today. But come tomorrow, you will be in here quite often. Now run along." She told them.
Opal nods. She helps Crystal up and walks out with him, holding Blue Pearl's hand.
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