Chapter 1
*Pax's PoV*
"Pax Hun come on you don't want to be late to school do you," my moms sweet voice entered my box filled room. I groan a roll over shoving my face into my pillow. I'd much rather be in hell with my dad at this moment, god damn.
"Leave me alone," I groan, throwing whatever was beside my bed at the door causing a big bang to erupt.
"Pax don't throw stuff and get out of bed," she pounded on my door.
"Fine woman," I cried in despair not wanting to get out of my warm bed.
"Don't woman me I'll take your hair dye away," she grumbled making me shoot out of the bed running over to my closet.
"Please not don't do that I'm up," I yell grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom in my room. Fancy.
I could feel the grin on her face, I could sense it. That ass she knows me to much. I turn on the water letting it run for a little bit while I grab my speakers out of a box, placing them on the counter I plug in my iPad. Scrolling through the various apps I find my most used. Spotify. I grin as I tap it, popping up it instantly shows my favorite band. I hit shuffle and my favorite song comes on. I click the repeat button as I turn up the music waking George my step dad up.
As I step in the shower Charlie Scene starts to rap.
"Ohhhhhh I'm gunna get it this time yes come on come on," I chant as the rap part gets closer.
"Up in the club like, "What's up?", Got a little money, I'mma run amuck, Dudes look at me, like, "He's drunk", Girls look at me look at me like, "That's what's up", Girl, you a, dime, I'm a diamond, I'm digging that ass like I'm mining, Dime sack hidden in my beat-up Chucks,Watch my back as I roll this blunt, Sipping on a Mai Tai, I'm like, "Hi", Loosing vision in right eye, So many times I always was a shy guy, Always been a Sci-Fi guy wearin' tie-dye, Up in the club smoking weed now, So drunk, I can't see now, Charlie Scene in the VIP, And I think these girls want the D now," I scream at the end finally getting it all perfect. I laugh wildly, I hope today goes well.
After my shower I swipe to the next song and 'Believe' comes on. I squeal a bit as my one love 'Johnny 3 Tears' raps in this song. I let Danny sing then mentally prepared myself for the major raping that's about to go down.
"Don't you know, little boy, they'll lay you to waste man, Little do they know every song is a life span, Never taken one, but I'm taking my last chance, To hold all we know and let go with both hands, Oh don't you know that clouds are made from concrete?, Right through the stone can you hear my heart beat?, Beats through my bones like the memory left me, Not for a second or a minute when I dream, I wanna go home like the home that I keep, You can dig six or sixty six feet, We can live forever still your misery missed me, Hold this song together with a bottle of whiskey, Look into the mirror at the lines that time drew, Seen em painted white and the eyes that shined through, My heart beats heavy in an open chest, And I wanna say goodbye, but there's nobody left," I end breathlessly extremely proud of myself for getting that all right. How I love Johnny.
I pull on a pair of boxer then slide on my jeans, leaving my shirt for last. I rub the towel violently trying to get my lavender hair dry so I can spike it, I grab my hair stuff thingy off the counter, putting a little on my finger tips I rub my hands in my hair avoiding my short brown hair on the side. I grab the concealer off the counter next to my hair stuff and pat some of the makeup under my eye, rubbing it in carful not to remove it from my face.
I wonder down the stairs to see George and my mom in the kitchen.
"JOHNNY BOY," I yell, George sighs knowing that I'm referring to Hollywood undead by calling him that.
"Sup pax how did you sleep?" he asked. My happy mood instantly vanished at the thought of me sleeping.
"What kind of question is that I don't sleep, mom coffee please," I look towards my mom who has a sad look on her face.
"Pax sweetie you need to sleep," she said handing me my extra sized mug.
"Mom I'm fine, ok I'm fine I'll see you tonight ok I might go out exploring later after school," I said kissing my moms cheek then grabbing a monster and put it in my rainbow bag.
"Ok pax drive safe," she smiled as I took a sip of my coffee exiting the house.
"Shit how the hell am I going to get there on time, damn it well fuck," I sigh as I enter my jet black with dark purple pin stripes 2016 Ford Mustang Shelby gt500. (Hm that just sounds sexy af) I pull out of the driveway and head down the street, holly lord these people are rich. Thank you George's parents for being in that car crash I owe you so much.
I follow a car full of teenagers that are hopefully going to school, which I'm lucky enough that they are. I grab my iPhone 6 out of the cup holder next to my coffee, I don't even have any friends what's the point of checking it. I open the door as I grab my coffee and bag slinging it over my shoulder. I gather my composure and head to the front of the school, I pass the jocks and cheerleaders, then some thing a bit different. The swim team, that's odd at my last school the swim team was the joke of the school but judging by the sign in the front saying 'good luck swimmer at nationals' it's fucking serious.
I make my way in the building slightly shaking at all the stares I'm getting, I shutter at the whispers I'm hearing probably calling me a fag or a queer but hey the truth is the truth. I walk into what I guess is the office.
"Pax Archer," I say to the lady working the front desk.
"Aww the new boy," she smiled.
"Yep that's me," I say as she types away.
"Miss. Rought," I guy around my age said as he walked in.
"Yes J.D," the lady who is typing away said.
"We still have practice tonight?" He asked.
"Umm yeah I think, why" she asked.
"Just wondering, I forgot my suit," he laughed.
"Jack Daniels again," she scolded, I had to hide my laugh.
"Yeah I'm sorry Patience hid it last night," a small blush crept up on his cheeks.
"That girl is something else J," she sighed.
"Something is right," he smiled.
"Ok here you go Pax you have Mr. Kiln germane for first period history," she smiled.
"Oh hey patience has that class too," J.D or whatever his name was said.
"Umm cool I guess," I frown my eyebrows.
"Jack why don't you show Pax here to his first period, maybe you won't have to do as many laps tonight," the lady smirked, he gleamed.
"Yeah sure whatever it takes," he laughed, "come on.... What's your name again?"
"Pax, Pax archer,"I shoot a smile his way.
"Jack Daniels," he smiled a stretched an arm out for me to shake his hand, "I like your hair pax."
"Well thank you," I smile and shake his hand firmly.
We walk out of the office, him leading the way to my first period class.
"Hey um J.D could you do something for me?" I ask.
"Sure what do you need," he smiles.
"Could you go in my bag and get the monster out for me?" I asked again.
"Yeah sure I guess," he opened my bag and got out my huge can of monster, "dude what the fuck your going to kill yourself with this shit."
"Nah I drink one everyday," I wave him off as I pop open the cap.
"Do you sleep at night my god," he shook his head.
"Nope," I say as I take another sip.
"Whoa what you don't sleep at night," he gawked.
"No is sleep normal?" I ask looking at him weirdly.
"YES, how the hell do you not sleep, how do you have no bags under your eyes," he threw his hands up in the air.
"Have you ever heard of makeup because it's a magical thing for people like me," I sigh as I bring out the concealer from my back pocket.
"Dude why don't you sleep," he asked concern filled his voice.
"I just don't, thanks for walking me to class I'll see you around," my smile a bit weary.
"Yeah, hey pax you a have a place to sit at lunch?" He asked me.
"I was probably just going to eat in the bathroom why?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Come sit with me I'll pick you at your fourth period alright who do you have," he said with a grin.
"Umm Flynn," I say as I look at my schedule.
"Ok see you later pax, oh I like your name by the way," he yelled as he ran away.
You know paxy boy he's cute.
I shutter at the voice in my head, but it did have a point that boy was definitely not something you would hide in the attic. But only if I could get him to dye his hair mint green. YUMMY.
I walk into class, the old teacher looked up at me and smiled.
"Hello you must be archer," he said.
"Yep pax archer that's me," I grin.
"Take a seat in the back mr. Archer," he pointed to the back of the room. I walked back there moving my phone into my front pocket.
"Sky look at his hair it's amazing," a girl laughed as I pasted her seat.
"Kylie yes I see his hair," the other girl sighed.
I take a seat in the back and take out my phone, signing I unlock it and go on tumblr. Scrolling through absent mildly until the end of class.
The bell rang loudly as everyone flooded out of the boring class. I walk to my next class and do the same thing, scrolling aimlessly throw tumblr then going on Twitter then back to tumbler.
Lunch come slowly as I exit math, I wasn't expecting J.D to be there. Nor did I expect him to talk to me again, that's what always happens. Someone shows me around and then I never hear from them again. I walk out of the class heading over to where my locker is supposed to be. I grumble under my breath as my monster is running low.
"PAX," someone yelled, God I hate this I don't fucking like people.
"Yes," I put up my happy facade again.
"Come on Ive been looking for you," J.D said as he came up to me.
"That's cool," I slam my louder shut drinking the rest of my monster.
"Come on cheer up," he grinned.
"Unless you pull a monster from your ass no," I said as I walked away.
"The school has them in the lunch room," he ran up beside me.
"Nice," I smile.
We walk into the cafeteria and I already want to shrink away.
"You have food or are you buying food?" He asked me.
"Um I have food," I lied.
"Cool the drinks are over there," he pointed.
I already want to get away from J.D and I am determined to get away from him.
How do you like it so far, I'm like in love with Pax.
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