Where Everything Began
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***Mak's POV***
Don't ask where that little moment of panic came from. I couldn't tell you. I just had this sense of fear overwhelm me. I suddenly felt like maybe I was annoying. Maybe, I'm a lot to handle. I'm touchy, needy and most of all I'm always around.
Grey, as usual, washed every fear away.
He's my anxiety blanket wrapped in the sexiest package ever. Grey is so much more than a boyfriend, well fiancée. He is everything I need, want and desire. He just has a way with me.
After finally getting out of the house, we get into the limo. It takes a big vehicle to carry our crowd all over Manhattan.
Amelia looks like a million dollars. I swear, how she was never a model is beyond me. Martin is, well Daddy Parker, duh. That grizzly bear of a man has stepped in and become the dad I always needed and the one I thought I would never have.
Seb and Mark are cuddled together. Nothing brings my heart more joy than watching those two together. It's like fate couldn't stand the thought of keeping them apart. I know I couldn't. The idea is preposterous. It's funny to think that Mark was a womanizer at one point.
We pull up to the fanciest restaurant I have ever laid eyes on. Now that I see it, I feel terrible. I ruined Grey's big night. My meltdown had him propose prematurely. I didn't know I was going to freak out. I didn't know he had these plans. I hope he isn't upset.
"What are you thinking so hard about?" Grey kisses my lips as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the limo.
"Nothing Daddy, I love you." I push my face into his chest, seeking his warmth.
"If you love me, you don't lie. Spill it." Grey cups my jaw and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip.
"I'm just sorry." I whisper the words. I can't unfeel the guilt. It just kind of sits on my chest like an unwelcomed elephant. Not that anyone would willingly let an elephant sit on their chest. But, whatever.
"Because I know you, I understand what you're thinking. You're wrong. It doesn't matter how I got to ask. It just matters that you are the one I proposed to. It matters that you said yes. So, for me, please stop badgering yourself over things of no consequence. If you don't want to ruin this night, and I know that is not your intention, than just be happy. I am happy. I am so fucking happy. Mak, you and only you, make me happy." Grey's lips capture mine once again and I sigh into his mouth. He is so fucking perfect.
"Let's go eat. I'm starving, fiancée." I wrap my hands around Grey's large bicep and place a kiss through the blue button up.
"He good?" I hear Mark as he whispers into Grey's ear.
"He's amazing." I roll my eyes playfully and smile.
"Just checking." Mark reaches his hand over and ruffles my hair.
Eleven Madison Park is gorgeous. The decor reminds you of something you see in a wedding magazine. The ceilings are extremely high, the lighting sits low. The round tables are double clothed and individually placed for four.
We walk through the main dining hall to the back. A private room is set up, much like a small rehearsal dinner, fitting.
We have two servers to guide the ten of us through our dining experience. It reminds me of the day I met Amelia and Martin. God, I was a fucking wreck. Actually, I still am. Let's just hope I don't threaten to fertilize the gardens with my dinner.
"Baby? What are you drinking tonight?" Grey ducks his head close to mine and asks me gently.
"Water, for now. I would like to settle down before I introduce heavy drinking to my nerves." I go back to looking over my menu. It's pretty useless. I have no clue what anything is. They don't even have pictures to use as a guide.
Being a genius doesn't exactly help you in social situations. If you have never eaten or heard of these dishes, they might as well give you a menu in Brail.
"I'm not sure what to pick. I don't recognize these names." I confess my lack of knowledge to my beautiful fiancée.
"I will order my favorites. It worked out well the last time." Grey leans down and pecks my lips. I smile remembering our dinner at the Korean Steakhouse.
That was my first real date. I had just had my first real kiss. All of which lead to my first and only boyfriend. Sitting beside this man, I can't help but be reminded of how wonderful life has been since I took an entry level position at Parker, Inc.
"We are celebrating so many things this evening." Martin stands up, holding his wine glass in the air.
"First, and foremost, my son finally decided to put a ring on Mak's finger. Took him long enough." Martin chuckles.
"Yeah. Yeah." Grey shakes his head. Daddy Parker has been one of our biggest advocates.
"Fate has chosen to push you two together and what a wonderful hand she played." Martin smiles at me and winks.
"Actually, that was Cupid." Mark stands up and smirks at Grey and I.
"Cupid?" The question rolls off my tongue effortlessly. I admit. I'm lost.
"Me. Call me Cupid." Mark grins and I send him my best impression of what the fuck.
"How are you involved?" Grey asks.
"So, where everything began." Mark chuckles and I see Seb isn't an innocent bystander.
"My best friend needed a man. Me, Cupid, decided to give him a little push. That day you were looking for an assistant, you had so many interviews that bombed epically. Do you really think that a professional agency sent over that many under qualified candidates?" Mark raises his eyebrow and gives the details a moment to sink in.
"You." Grey laughs.
"Yes, me. I hand selected the most unreliable interviewees I could collect. Saving the best, and only acceptable candidate, for last. Mak Oliver showed up on the company site and I knew I had a winner. A few catastrophes and one angry boss later, the cutest boy in the world waltzed into our office."
"Over qualified and eager to place his foot in the corporate world, Mak came into his interview with a bang." Mark doesn't realize how deadly accurate that statement is. I literally sported a bruised kneecap for a week.
"Grey takes one look at Mak's impressive assets. Wahlah. Permanent place at Parker, Inc. and well on his way to burrowing into my best friend's heart. Now, if you think it went smoothly from there, that's where you're wrong." Mark sends both of us an incredulous look.
"These two danced around each other like prima ballerinas. They shared glances, purposefully brushing against one another and the sexual tension was stifling. Much the same as it is everyday." That gets a chuckle from everyone and a deep blush out of me.
"So, as fate would deem necessary, I had to do the right thing and offer a little interference. A push." Mark looks at Grey and he groans into
his hands.
"Imagine my surprise when my best friend and boss sends our perfect little assistant out for lunch one day. You know the day Mak. Phillies, basketball, yeah that one. Grey comes in my office, shaking like a teenager asking his date out to the prom."
"Is this necessary?" Grey guffaws.
"Absolutely, now don't interrupt." I wink at my love and urge Mark to continue.
"I offer to take the plunge for him. He declines. Instead we agree for me to bail on dinner. Now, a year later I have more friends than I deserve, two very best friends and I'm going to be best man at your wedding. Don't worry, I already bought the tux." Mark walks over and kisses both of us on the cheek.
"Love you two dearly. Congratulations!" Mark hugs our necks before sitting back down.
"Grey, I'm a bit shocked boy. You never seemed one to let the nerves get to you." Martin laughs and I stifle my giggles.
"Okay, my turn." Grey gets up and glares around the table.
"LOOK. Look at HIM." Grey points to me and I bat my lashes.
"How the fuck was I supposed to walk up to THAT and just pour my feelings out? The boy had me from the first I'm okay. And, all I could think was I'm not." Grey breathes out heavily and I don't hide my smile or the manic giggles.
Grey grabs my hand and lifts me from my seat. He turns so we can look dead at one another. Hazel and Brown, locked in love.
"Breathtaking. Utter perfection." Grey brings his hand up to cup my jaw. "I couldn't look away. I wanted to touch you, feel you, love you. Every single moment we were together was a precious second. When we were apart, I counted those moments until I could be with you again." Grey takes my left hand and kisses my ring before pressing my hand against his heart.
I blink away tears.
"I did need a push. I couldn't move. I was stunned still. Makil Oliver, you completely devastated me. In the most amazing way, you stilled my beating heart. Time and time again you blinded me with your heart, your love and the undying friendship you offered to everyone around you." I lift my hand and swipe my thumb under Grey's eye, capturing the small tear that got away.
"I found myself not falling in love, no I ran towards love. I gripped onto it and held it with hulking strength. Everything about you was stunning. It is still is. I knew I would marry you and I prayed you would say yes. Thank you." Grey kisses my lips gently and I chase the kiss as he breaks away.
"Fuck. I need tissues." Mario coughs and wipes his eyes. Kip kisses his temple and helps to clear away his tears.
"I do have a question?" I ask with a smirk of pure evil.
"What's that baby?" Grey asks.
"Who programmed my name as The Whole Package into my company phone?" Daddy Parker laughs so loud with Amelia echoing giggles behind it.
"Oh, that would be me." Mario stands and focuses on the both of us.
"This isn't your day boss." Mario just shakes head.
"Where everything began. Let me tell you my experience." Mario winks at Grey. "My Boss, Grey, places a phone call to the IT department and tells me to program this name into a new phone. The Whole Package. Being the nosey fucker I am, I had questions. Twenty minutes in, Grey is busy explaining the depth of his new assistant's eyes, the dimples, the perfect shape of his lips. Don't get me started on the sexy way his glasses fell down over his nose when he banged his knee into the desk." I whine childishly. He knew.
"I laughed for a solid ten minutes while setting up that phone. You could literally hear the wedding chimes in the background. Then I meet the kid." Mario whistles loudly.
"All I could think, was Grey has no hope. Mak was literally The Whole Package. If I had to hand select an angel for Greyson Parker, Mak would be the one. Everything you did was exactly what would have Grey puddling at your feet. It was a lost cause. I kicked back and enjoyed the pieces falling into place." Mario raises his glass with a congratulations and sits back beside his love.
"I want my turn." Amelia stands up. I blush bashfully. She is such a presence.
"Grey has always been the perfect son." Amelia holds up her hand and places it over heart. "It was hard watching him pour his everything into a company, neglecting the part of him that should want someone to be by his side. Cupid had other plans." Amelia turns to Mark and says thank you.
"We had been planning on setting Grey up with someone. However, no one was good enough for our baby. That is until I met Mak. Imagine my shock when this child, who we had followed through his entire school career, ends up on the arm of our son. I had my worries for about a minute. Mak is quite a bit younger and I knew he had a rough life. But, I was pleasantly surprised. Mak, you are everything I could have dreamed of in a son n law. But, you're more than that. I have watched you. I have witnessed the way you handle my son, his father, me and his friends. Everything about you is perfect. I know you have moments where you doubt your place. Don't. Don't do that. You are exactly where you need to be. Exactly who we need, who we love and most importantly who we cherish. Besides, your Daddy" Amelia bursts into giggles. "Grey, he loves you endlessly. Welcome to our family officially."
I walk over to my mother n law and hug her gently. My tears are evident. There is no use in hiding them. "We love you baby." Amelia kisses my cheek.
"I love you guys. All of you." I turn to the people who are everything to me. I take my place next to my future husband.
"I have been through enough to know the difference between good and bad. You guys are so much better than good. In every one of my darkest moments, before I was blessed with each of you, I walked alone. Well, in college I had a best friend. Lani James. But, anyways, I was alone after my parents went to jail. I had no expectations going into the working world. I just wanted to make enough money to live in an apartment that didn't require ten deadbolts and an endless supply of paint. The moment I met Greyson Parker, that changed."
I look at Grey and smile.
"I literally called you Daddy Ares, God of Sin." I giggle at that. I was dead on.
"That first month was fucking torture. Being around you, wanting you. I was ashamed. I was willing to risk have nothing for the prospect of having everything. I confessed my feelings that night out of pure abandonment. I was ready to walk away empty handed." I close my eyes remembering the fear that had shook me to my core as I made my proposition to my boss.
"You were never going to lose anything." Grey picks my chin up and smiles that sexy smirk at me.
"It was a risk I was willing to take, obviously. You smelled like God. And fuck if you didn't taste like him too. I have struggled and I have fought my way through darkness to be here. You and this family are the reason I made it. I love you all so fucking much. I am so blessed. Everything I ever wanted landed right in my lap. Thank you for being beside me. For choosing me and for offering me my forever." I lean up on my tip toes and grasp my man's face. I kiss him whole heartedly with all the love I have pouring from my very being.
"Okay. I'm really going to have to ask this?" Seb looks at me so seriously. I worry for the words that will come out of his mouth.
"Two questions. One, where the fuck is dinner? And two, are you two planning on making us cry all night?" Seb shakes his head. I run over to him and engulf him in a huge hug.
"Sorry Sebby. Love you're beautiful face. Someone get dinner before he gets hangry." I jump back with a giggle and hide behind Daddy Parker as Seb grabs at me.
"Don't worry Mak, I will get you at the bar." Seb bellows out.
"Fuck your face. We can play darts to see who is the best." I laugh evilly.
"Hell no peacock." Mark stats laughing.
"We are missing something." I hear Amelia giggle out.
"I will show you how it's done." I wink at my beautiful mother n law to be.
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