The Whole Package
Makil Oliver - 19 at the top
***Makil's POV***
After an evening of dinner, stimulating conversation, and eye candy, Grey leads me back to his Aston Martin. The car is freaking gorgeous. Black on black on black, my dream car. Swoon.
One day!
I'm not sure how I landed this position. However, I will work hard to climb my way up the corporate ladder.
I realize that on paper, I am overqualified. I don't mind. Working for Greyson Parker has been my goal since high school.
Parker, Inc. is a solid company with a stable reputation. Anyone would be a fool not to take any offer for a position there.
Personally assisting the hottest bachelor in Manhattan is just a bonus. I indeed would have applied to be a janitor just to have my foot in the door.
Grey talks briefly of his achievements, goals, and desires regarding Parker, Inc. I listen carefully, storing the information away like a reporter.
I interrupt only to point out directions to my bare minimum studio apartment. It isn't much. It's a roof over my head and a warm place to lay my head down.
Once upon a time ago, I lived a different life. Unfortunately, life happens, and I did well to get scholarships and grants to make it thru college.
Thankfully, an anonymous benefactor financed my expenses while I gained my education. As they preferred to stay anonymous, I have never sought out their identity. That would be rude. I'm not that person.
Upon graduation at NYU, I received just enough money to secure my shabby studio and a few hot meals. I am eternally grateful for the gifts I was blessed with.
This position came at the perfect time. Money was fading, and I started to worry I would need to work at a restaurant to feed myself. Life apparently took pity on me and finally agreed to throw me a fucking bone.
Grey pulls up to my humble abode and placed his car in park. The area isn't terrible, but I prefer his $300,000 car wasn't a sitting duck. I would feel guilty if a speck of pollen rested against the Vanquish' matte paint.
"Thank you for dinner, the position, and the ride. I appreciate it. I look forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning." I turn to Grey to say goodbye with an honest smile resting upon my lips.
"You're welcome. Your presence was refreshing. I will see you in the morning. I will pick you up at 7 am. Don't keep me waiting, please." Grey returns my good nite with a wink.
Jesus, he is breathtaking.
"Sir, I don't mind taking an Uber. I will see you at the office." I respectfully release Grey from the burden of picking me up. He is my boss, not my personal chauffeur.
"I told you to call me Grey. I will be here at 7 am sharp. Text me when you are in your apartment safely, please." Grey gets out of the car and books it to my side to open my door for me.
As I step out, I turn to thank him once again.
"Thank you, Grey. 7 am." I confirm before giving him one last smile and turning to walk towards my apartment.
I run up the stairs and unlock the door before walking in and locking it back.
I race to the window and watch Grey pull out of the parking space.
I head to my dresser and grab a pair of sweats to sleep in.
Once settled in for the night, I pick up my phone to text my boss and fulfill his request.
The Whole Package (Me): I made it inside without incident. Have a wonderful evening and sleep well. See you in the morning.
That's a funny name the IT guy programmed for me. Hmmm.
I shut the screen off and set my phone down on my bedside table. I grab my favorite book, The Iliad by Homer. I fall deeply into the pages as I try to relax from my exciting day.
My phone chimes. Alerting me of a text. I snatch the phone and click on my messages.
Daddy Ares (Grey): Thank you for easing my worry. I look forward to seeing you. Get some sleep. We will grab breakfast before we head to the office. Sweet dreams. 🐒
I giggle at the monkey emoji. I'm sure that was an accident. Either way, it put a smile on my face. I click my new phone shut and close my eyes. I snuggle down into the blankets and drift off to sleep.
I wake to the sound of my phone blaring an annoying buzzer, signaling my time in dreamland is up. I jump from bed, straighten the blankets and rush towards the shower.
After I'm clean, I wrap a towel around my waist and begin the task of shaving. I hate shaving. But, I love the smooth skin left behind from the tedious routine.
I walk to my closet and put on my black button-up and grey slacks. I grab a blazer and slide into my black cap toe boots. Thank god I had the foresight to stock my closet with office attire. It would suck to need a new wardrobe this early on.
I styled my thick brown mop into something worthy of a professional setting and grabbed my keys and phone. I chugged a glass of water and then ran back to my bathroom. I forgot my cologne. Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue. I have to remember to thank my best friend Lani for that. It was my graduation present. She's a fucking gem.
I stand beside my window and wait patiently for the black dream car (and man) to show up. As soon as I spot his Vanquish, I run downstairs to meet him.
He is already out of the car and standing tall beside the open the door to the passenger side.
He sure looks yummy in that suit.
I thank him kindly before taking my seat. He closes my door and rushes to his side to jump in.
"Good morning, Mak. How did you sleep?" Grey starts the conversation.
"I slept well. How about you?" I politely reply.
"I slept well, too. I plan on stopping at a little cafe. Will that be okay?" Grey offers.
"Yes. Thank you." I smile widely.
His scent infiltrates my nose, and I calmly inhale deeper.
He smells like a god.
Once we are flying down the Manhattan streets, time slips by with fury. Before I know it, we are parked in front of Pershing Square Cafe. The place is quaint, and the aroma of pancakes assaults your taste buds the minute the doors are open.
Grey escorts me to a small booth in the corner; a window allows the morning sun to beam in. We both order a stack of pancakes with fresh fruit. He orders his coffee with french vanilla creamer. I order my favorite, white chocolate mocha.
"Once we get to the office, I will go over my usual schedule, and we will get you acquainted with your regular assignments. As my personal assistant, I will have you working closely with me. Please check-in and out as you make your way thru the day. When you are comfortable with our routine, I will introduce you to the business side. Reports, meetings, and financials. Under normal circumstances, I don't allow my assistants this type of confidential information. However, I am fully aware you are much more than an assistant. I have adjusted the numbers of your salary to reflect the additional responsibilities I will give you. Does that seem fair?" Grey explains himself.
"Yes, sir. I'm at your disposal. Thank you." I reply.
"Do you have any aversion to travel?" Grey continues.
"No sir, although I have never been out of New York," I respond.
"That will change quickly. You will escort me on all trips and to each meeting. As I said, we will work closely. You will be spending the majority of your time with me. If you become overwhelmed, just let me know, and we can work something out." Grey smiles gently at me, his brown eyes glimmering under the cascade of rays from the morning sun's glow.
"I'm positive that won't be necessary. I am more than capable of handling you." I console.
Grey looks up thru his dark, long lashes over his coffee cup and smirks.
I realize the implication of my words, and a warm heat flushes thru my cheeks.
Oh god, he probably thinks I'm hitting on him.
I'm not! Although, he is definitely something I would handle.
"Um, I mean. I can handle the workload, sir." I choke the words out thru my embarrassment.
Grey throws his head back in a deep chuckle, and my breath hitches in my throat. Even his fucking laugh drips with masculinity and sex.
We order two more coffees to go. Much to my dismay, Grey settles the bill, and we head back to the office.
We walk side-by-side through the reception area on the first floor and make our way to his elevator. The floors tick off one by one until we reach the 20th floor where our offices rest along with Mark's.
Grey leads me thru our floor with his hand gently placed on the small of my back. I secretly relish the contact and make no effort to break it.
Mark's boisterous presence is announced in what appears to be his signature salute.
"Good morning Mother Fuckers." Mark bellows out while raising his coffee into the air and laughing heartily.
"I see we are as professional as always." Grey laughs while smacking Mark in the back of the head.
This elicits a small giggle from my throat.
These two are crazy.
Mark pouts in mock pain.
"Pussy." Grey whispers.
"I'm calling Human Resources." Mark pokes his tongue out at Grey.
Grey hits him again for good measure.
"Get to work before I call Human Resources." Grey jokes.
The morning slides by with Grey and me in constant proximity. He walks me thru the password settings and sets up an iPad for me, explaining its necessity for meetings and such.
I'm aware that the iPhone 11 he has provided me with and the MacBook would be sufficient to handle his needs. However, I'm not arguing with Ares, God of Sin.
We go over my hire contract. I take a seat in his office and read all the fine print. Lord knows I am going to scale thru the pages with a fine-tooth comb.
"This contract says I have an opt-out if I choose to leave the company. What does that entail?" I question Grey carefully.
"As long as you give a sixty-day notice, you will have no penalty. However, if you fail to provide notice, you forfeit your benefits. The standard for the industry." Grey states blandly.
I nod my head in agreement.
"I do not see a non-disclosure agreement." I point out reluctantly.
"It goes without saying. However, I agree. Having it in writing would be more beneficial. I will have that printed up for you by lunch." Grey flips his pen towards me, smiling up at me in the process.
His smile temporarily has me in a haze.
"Is there a regulation for office romance?" I ask. I don't know why I thought about it. I'm not here for a relationship. I just am shocked there isn't a procedure outlining the risks.
"We are all adults here. I don't mind whatever relationships bloom or fade within my company. I prefer that any drama be kept outside the confines of these walls. As long as my employees respect my business, I don't meddle in their personal lives." Grey explains, and I accept his answer with another nod.
"Is there a particular reason you asked? Did you spot some young lady you have a liking for?" Grey sits up in his chair and leans his elbows down on his desk. His fingertips meet into a steeple, and he hums lowly.
"No, sir. I'm not interested in any ladies." I subtly drop the hint that I prefer my partners with muscle and bulge. Breast and clits do nothing for my sex drive.
"Good to know." Grey throws me a curious smile and leans back in his chair. He crosses his ankle over his knee and beams up at me with a sexy grin.
I continue thru the pages of my contract. I sign the necessary lines and hand them over to my boss. In return, he hands me one last paper, and my eyes do nothing to hide my shock.
$95,000 a year. Two weeks paid vacation.
This has to be a fucking joke.
"Grey, there is a typo on this page." I point out.
Grey delicately removes the paper from my hand and jots something down on it. He returns the paperwork to me across the desk.
"I apologize; that should say three weeks paid vacation. And, expenses will be covered by the company for all work-related adventures." Grey shakes his head as if he can't believe they left that out.
"Sir, that is a substantial amount of money. I don't feel comfortable with that salary as an assistant." I close my eyes, willing myself to be the ethical person I know I am. That amount of money is more than I hoped for. But, I refuse to take advantage of Grey.
"Nonsense. You will prove your value, and I will provide you with compensation at my leisure. Please accept the terms by signing here." Grey points his pen at the dotted line, and I sign without comment.
Grey snatches the paperback and winks.
Be still my rapidly exploding heart!
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