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***Mak's POV***
The elation in Mark's eyes, his steps, his voice is beyond fulfilling.
We bring Mark and Seb back home to our place. Eventually they can live at Mark's. Maybe.
Daddy Parker left us quickly after dropping us home. He wanted to get Angela home and then he wanted to see Amelia. I do not even blame him.
We got home late. The time difference is a fucking bitch. Jet lag is real and alive, within all of us.
We settle Mark and Seb in, offering our services at any hour. Work isn't for three more days, thank you baby Jesus.
Grey made sure to have a nurse meet us at home to check on Seb. Before she left, we thanked her and got her card.
"Sebastian, anything at all, we are literally across the house. Don't hesitate." I hug him gently. I throw myself in Mark's arms and hug him fiercely.
"Thank you, Mak." Mark whispers in my ear.
I pull back and cup his face gently in between my hands. He leans down so I can see him from my tippy toes. "I love you Mark Fletcher. I am so fucking happy for you."
"You are an angel, best friend. A certified rock star." Mark kisses my nose and my forehead.
"Breakfast at 8. I assume we won't get the same grumpy start as the last few months." I yell out with a giggle before pulling the door almost closed.
"Asshole." Mark's voice travels causing me to snicker quietly.
I wave a goodnight to Kip and Mario while they shuffle down the hall to their room. We never really got around to letting them move back to Kip's place. I don't care if they ever leave. I love all of us.
I grab a bottle of water on the way to our room. Grey is in the bathroom, the shower already started. I quickly make my way towards my heart and sigh when his warm arms embrace me tenderly.
"All tucked in?" Grey whispers into my neck.
I nod quietly. The weight of all these months allowing me to enjoy a moment of real peace.
"You tired, sweet man?" Grey moves us closer to the shower.
"Beat." I agree. He gets us under the magnificent spray and helps clean me and wash my hair. I'm so damn spoiled.
"We can sleep in tomorrow." Grey offers softly. His fingers work magic over my scalp.
"Nope." I pop the p while turning in his massive arms.
"Want to see Mark and Seb?" Grey smiles knowingly at me.
"Yes, Daddy. I wouldn't have even let them sleep, but doctors orders and all that shit." I admit with absolutely no shame.
"So kind of you." Grey chuckles and turns the water off. He pulls me from the shower and dries both of us off. We slip on our pajama bottoms, just in case we are needed in the middle of the night.
We check our phones to make sure they aren't on silent and plug them in. I crawl into the covers and sigh in relief. God I missed our bed.
Grey wraps his arms around me and I nuzzle into his chest. My favorite place is next to his heart.
"Good night baby." Grey kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight Daddy. If you wake before me please don't let me sleep."
I'm not sure the whole sentence even escapes my lips before sleep snatches me and takes me under.
I wake feeing alive, refreshed and ready to scream off the balcony. I'm so fucking excited. I jump up, stirring Grey as I throw myself over his god like body.
"Daddy. Wake up. It's morning." I kiss his lips, his nose, his cheeks and his whole chest.
"Goddess, you are too chipper." Grey groans as he opens his eyes to look at me.
"Please." I beg. I bat these eyelashes to get my fucking way.
"You're just wrong for that." Grey rolls over on top of me. He kisses me and pulls back to bless me with a blistering smile.
"Coffee is calling my name." I moan at the thought of the golden blessing from the gods.
"Mmmhmm. You're planning on intruding in Mark's room." Grey gives me a smirk.
"Nooooo." I shake my head and grin.
"Yessssss. Go on now. Go get em up." Grey pats my butt. I peck his lips and fly out of the bedroom like my pants have caught fire.
I rush down the halls like a kid on Christmas. This is my Christmas. I won't ask for anything ever again.
I skid to a halt in front of Mark's door. My hand softly raps on the wood.
"Come on Mak." Seb chuckles.
I bust through the door and launch myself into their bed. I wiggle my way between the two.
"Been awake long?" I ask with a smile. I turn to both of their delightful faces.
"About ten minutes." Seb curls up to my side and hums.
"Hungry?" I ask hopefully.
"Starving." Mark groans and wraps his arm around my waist.
"Hey. Hey. You two are getting too comfy. It's wake up time." I bop both of their noses.
"Shhhhh. You're warm." Seb buries his nose into my hip as I sit there.
"Are you cold?" I ask worriedly. Fuck. What temp is the thermostat on?
"A little. Coffee would warm me." Seb bats HIS eyelashes at me. Fucker.
"Save that for Mark. I will get your coffee. Meet us in the kitchen in seven minutes." I scoot off the bed after placing a kiss on both of their cheeks.
"Seven? Not six? Five?" Mark cocks his eyebrow at me.
"Mark, don't test me boy." I glare at the smart ass.
"Seven minutes." Seb nods his head while moving to stand.
"Baby, I will help. Hold on." Mark jumps from the bed quickly. He rushes to Seb's side of the bed. He lifts Sebastian by his underarms and walks him slowly to the bathroom.
I smile before turning to go to the kitchen.
"They up?" Grey asks me. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me sweetly. I nod.
"What am I making for breakfast?" Grey looks down on me as I move out of his arms to start the coffee pot.
"Waffles. Bacon. Eggs." I give him an award winning smile with my request.
"Hungry?" Grey asks. He turns and walks to the fridge.
"Don't know what Seb is going to want. Mark loves waffles. As we all do. Kip loves eggs. Bacon is well, bacon. Can't go wrong." I shrug while bouncing along to the music filtering through our Alexa.
"You are so thoughtful." Grey works diligently. I pour the coffee adding my secret ingredients without anyone's knowledge. I make the best coffee because I use chocolate syrup as the sweetener and heavy whipping cream instead of milk. But, they don't need to know that.
"I love your coffee." I turn and smile as Mark sets Sebastian at the dining table.
"Baby. It was cold for Seb last night." I announce.
"We can fix that. Mark use your app for your room." Mark nods in agreement. He grabs two cups of coffee and takes one to his love.
"How are you feeling Sebastian?" Kip comes in with Mario beside him. I hand over their cups before placing Grey's on the counter by the stove.
"I'm okay. Just glad to be home." Seb stares at Mark like he lights the sky with his morning rays of beauty. I lean against the counter soaking in the love that radiates from all of us.
"I'm glad your home, baby. I missed you so fucking much." Mark leans his forehead down on Seb's. He places a soft kiss on Seb's lips.
"Sorry, love." Seb closes his eyes and it looks like he is sad.
"Don't be. It's all better." Mark cups his hand over Seb's jaw and rubs his thumb down the crisp bone.
Grey walks over and places plates in front of everyone. I walk over and grab a couple to pass around as well. I bring Grey's coffee.
I rush back into the kitchen and make one last cup before sitting down.
Grey chuckles at me. The front door opens and so I lift the cup into the air. Daddy Parker grabs it before kissing my forehead.
"Thanks." Daddy Parker takes a seat beside me, across from Mark.
"I see you're in a good mood." Martin gives Mark a wink.
"The best." Mark gives us all a comforting grin.
"What's the plan today?" Mario asks. He passes the syrup to Daddy Parker. Martin pours it on his waffle and digs in.
"God Grey. This is sinful." Seb moans. Mark moves around in his seat causing me to smirk wickedly.
"We are going to see Dr. Parson's first. Then whatever Seb wants." Mark gives us the disclaimer. We don't mind. Whatever makes Seb comfortable.
"Ma is going to meet us at the office. Then I wouldn't mind relaxing. It's been a long time since I have relaxed." Seb looks at all of us for acceptance. We nod and eat. Sounds perfect.
"What would you like in the house? Mario and I will go to the grocery store." Kip offers. What a fucking gem. I hate grocery shopping.
"We will text it to you." Grey thanks Kip and I smile. I fucking love our family.
"Your mom wants to meet Seb." Daddy Parker tells Mark.
"That's fine. We can let you know before we leave the appointment." Seb picks up his coffee and moans again.
"Jesus. That's liquid crack." Seb gulps from the cup.
"That's Mak for you. He does some witch voodoo on the coffee." Martin laughs after he says it.
"Love it." Seb smiles at me.
"Do you need us to get you anything? At all?" I ask. I stand up and start clearing plates.
"No. I don't think so. Do you mind if ma and my siblings stop by? I know they are dying at this point." Seb looks over to Grey.
"Seb. This is your home. You don't even have to ask." Grey shakes his head at the ridiculous gesture.
"When am I meeting your family?" Seb asks Mark.
I lift my eyes at the question. I turn to Grey and he gives me a soft shake of his head.
"No rush." Mark kisses Seb and gets up to follow me back into the kitchen.
"Wanna explain?" I whisper quietly.
"Not really." Mark turns me around and leads me to the balcony. He closes the door quietly.
"I haven't told him." Mark drops his head on my shoulder.
"You kinda have to, babe." I run my fingers through his hair.
"I made it seem like we were super close." Mark admits.
"Why? It's not like he is going to give two shits?" I lift Mark's face and make him look at me.
"I'm embarrassed." Mark whimpers.
The door slides open and Daddy Parker interrupts us.
"Mark" Martin groans lowly.
"I know. I know." Mark gets pulled into Martin's strong arms.
"Don't start this off like this. Trust him." Daddy Parker rubs his hands up and down Mark's muscular back.
"I will. But, he has so much going on." Mark explains.
"He will be disappointed in you for keeping things from him." I give my advice. I may not know how Mark feels, but I know this isn't his burden to bear.
"I will. On my time table. Just let me get through this first. I just need to get us settled. I will tell him." Mark promises.
Daddy Parker nods his head in acceptance and I agree as well.
"The appointment is in an hour. Does Seb need help in the shower?" Daddy Parker offers.
"Let me ask him. I'm not sure I can do it. But, I don't want him to feel uncomfortable." Mark walks away and goes back inside. We follow. He whispers in Seb's ear before nodding at Martin.
Martin takes the lead and helps Seb up. Then he walks with Mark to get Seb ready. The treatments have made Seb unstable on his feet. We haven't gotten a shower seat yet. Martin will take care of it.
"Dad helping Seb?" Grey whispers to us.
"Yeah, Mark was leary." I nod.
"Dad can handle it. Nothing to worry over." Grey takes my hand and we finish cleaning the mess. Grace will be by shortly to clean the house; so we do the minimum.
"We are headed to Publix. We will be home before Mark and Seb." Mario and Kip head out of the door.
"What are we going to do?" I ask Grey.
"We are going to Angela's and Mark's. We need to get Seb's stuff and Mark's place needs to be checked on. We will grab some more of his stuff." Grey grabs his keys and leads me towards the door.
"Bye Daddy Parker. Bye Seb. Bye asshat. Love you guys." I shout as Grey gets me out of the door.
"I love that he is back to happy." Grey leads me into the elevator.
"Me too. I'm so damn happy." We make it to the car and Grey plays my chivalrous prince. He opens my door and helps me in.
"I love you Mak." Grey kisses the palm of my hand.
"I love you too, Daddy." We drive down the Manhattan roads to take care of things for our best friends.
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