***Grey's POV***
I am so fucking stupid.
So god damned stupid.
I ruined our perfect day.
I didn't mean to. I got caught up in the conversation. It wasn't even anything of consequence. I just literally got sucked in.
Before I knew it, that plastic chick was rubbing all over me. I side stepped her a few times. I got lost in the talk and didn't pay attention to how anyone else saw what was happening.
Mak has every right to be pissed. I would blow a gasket if the situation was reversed.
All I want to do is go beg for mercy at his precious feet. Against my own judgement, I am a half mile away. Having walked across the ocean, literally, I am up on the pier with two pissed off friends.
I can't even argue. I deserve the lectures.
Mario stayed behind. He said it was to keep an eye on Mak. I know that to be true. He views my baby as his little brother. However, I saw the disappointment in his eyes as he walked away.
I fucked up.
"Quit harping on it. Just let him come to you." Mark warns me for the hundredth time.
"I know." I groan loudly.
"This is a lesson learned." Kip speaks softly. He hasn't been half as harsh as Mark.
"Yeah, you aren't kidding. I'm so completely shit. Just trash." I groan as I pace the pier.
"He will come to you. He just needs to come to terms with everything. Calm down." Mark explains.
"Yeah, well, I just destroyed all sense of security in a perfect relationship. So excuse me for fucking kicking myself." I bark.
"Well, next time, just fucking don't. You're his first line of defense, Grey. That is the issue. He stood there vulnerable while some girl pawed at what is his. Give him a fucking minute to wrap his head around the bullshit. I'm sure it's more than he thought he had to handle today. Hell, you're just my friend and I got jealous." Kip yells loudly and has me shrinking back quickly.
"Okay, I'm done yelling at you." Kip looks at me with apologetic eyes.
"It's fine. I much rather hear the harshness I earned than the ocean whispering the silence." I wave my hand over the vast blue water that does nothing to soothe my anxiety.
"Wanna come up with a game plan?" Mark asks reluctantly.
"Grovel?" I chuckle worriedly.
"Apologize." Kip corrects me.
"I plan on it." I promise.
"Confirm that he is it for you. Build him back up. Shower him with attention, the way you always do. Shit, that kid is head over heels for you. He is just a bit pissed." Kip chuckles.
"Pissed? How about livid? He told me not to act like his Daddy unless I was fucking him. He grew balls of fucking titanium in seconds." Mark gawks as he remembers Mak snapping at him.
I laugh whole heartedly. God damn my baby has a bite to match his bark.
"I seriously wanted to bust out laughing. But, no way I was bringing that shit down on myself." Kip holds his side while recollecting the moment.
"It's been a few hours. I miss him." I whisper mostly to myself. I don't like the feeling of him being so close yet, so far away.
"Next time might not end with him in your arms. Think about how your actions pace your future, Grey." Mark effectively embeds his wisdom in my heart.
"Yeah, I will definitely be more mindful of my actions." I agree.
I lean over the worn wood railing of the Malibu Beach pier. I listen as the ocean crashes in on itself. The fading sun warms a serene halo of orange over the water. My head meets my arms. I just want to fix everything.
"Hey." I hear a soft, scratchy whisper and turn my head to meet the swollen eyes of the speaker.
He reaches his hand out towards me and nods his head away from the crowd. I hesitantly slip my hand into his and follow the path he leads me thru.
I don't say anything while Mak steers us down the pier. My eyes stay trailed on the back of his head. Honestly, I'm just so disappointed that I let myself get caught up in something that hurt the man I love.
Not for one second, while in conversation with those people, did I worry that Mak may have gotten the wrong impression. Because, really, I wasn't interested. So, I paid no mind to it all. But, when you have a life with someone you really should. I should have had Mak's feelings at the forefront of my mind. I'm his first line of defense and I failed.
Our feet hit the cooling sand. Mak walks me a little farther down the beach. He plops down and I lower myself beside him. I can truthfully admit; I have no idea what to expect.
"I'm not mad Grey." Mak breathes out the words slowly. I feel a heavy weight settle in the pit of my stomach. "I'm hurt."
"I don't expect you to be perfect, but you always are. So, I have become accustomed to it. If that even makes sense." Mak runs his fingers through his hair and I realize that playing with his hair is my favorite job.
"The alcohol could have played a part in my reaction. But, if I'm being honest. I don't regret how I acted. It's how I feel. I feel hurt. I was angry. I am just so disappointed. You always put me first. So, when you didn't, it came as a shock. Maybe, I shouldn't hold you to that standard. I do, though. I won't lower my standards to assuage anyone. I know you wouldn't want me to." Mak talks to me in a way that earns my respect.
I look over at him. His face portrays every single feeling he explains. I nod silently. I don't utter a word, in case he isn't finished.
"I love you so fucking much. That won't change. I just want you to be aware of what I felt in that moment. Please don't ever put me in that position again. Okay?" Mak looks over at me. I swear my breath caught in my throat.
He looks so tired. He seems so exhausted with his feelings.
"I'm so truly sorry. You are one hundred percent validated on every single point. I apologize for hurting you. It wasn't my intention but, that doesn't change the fact that you got hurt. I promise to be more aware in the future. Mak you are everything to me. I would never jeopardize what we have for anyone or anything. I love you. Please forgive me." I whisper.
"I forgive you. But, if there is another time, I won't hesitate to rip the person's arm from their body and beat them with it. You are MINE." Mak smirks at me and I chuckle.
Fuck, I love him.
"Although tempting, that won't be necessary." I promise.
Mak stands and climbs in my lap. I wrap my arms around his body and breathe deeply when he presses his head to my chest.
"I love you, baby. I'm so very sorry." I whisper into his head.
"I love you too, Daddy." I can feel the smile that spreads against my chest from his face.
"You wanna go home?" I ask gently. I will do whatever he wants.
"Nope!" Mak pops that p like bubble gum.
"Whatever you want." I promise the love of my life.
"Well, I'm starving. So, there's that. I'm thirsty. I'm horny and I want my night at the beach." Mak giggles at me.
"Let's get the guys and we can eat at one of these dives here. Then we can spend the rest of the evening enjoying the beach. When we get home, I will make sure you are well taken care of." I promise.
Mak looks up at me and I can't help it. I smash my lips into his and greedily take out my anxiety on his mouth. My tongue begs for entrance that Mak surrenders in seconds. His fingers find their home in my hair. I could cry at what an amazing feeling it is to have him in my arms again. He's so perfect.
I let my hands rub his ribs in a deep, massaging motion and continue my assault on his lips.
Mak moans and throws his head back. My lips kiss a path down his neck. I bite softly into the throbbing pulse that thumps against his smooth flesh.
"Daddy." Mak breathlessly pants.
"I wanna fuck you." I warn him.
"Please, Daddy. Oh, please." Mak begs me and I quickly stand up. I walk leisurely to the ocean.
"Shirt off. Walk with me." I urge Mak. He slides down my body. My shirt is now lying in the sand and I dive straight into the cool evening water.
Mak catches up and throws himself onto my back. He wraps his legs around my waist. I swim us deeper and pull him to my chest.
My hands find both our shorts and I shimmy them down to where are hard-ons are exposed.
I don't give Mak a single warning when I press down on his hips and pop the head of my cock thru his delicious ring. I almost moan as his tight cavern sucks me in.
"Yes, Daddy." Mak whispers in my ear. I move my hips gently, not to alert the few beach goers who are still loitering the beach. No one else is in the water. It's fucking cold, so we are safe there.
As the sky gets darker, my hips pump faster, knowing we won't be exposed.
"Fuck." I grit out. The ocean acts like a drift and helps my hips collide smoothly with Mak's exquisite body. Mak holds on tight and starts bouncing on my cock sinfully. I let one of my hands find his face and bring him closer to my lips.
I kiss him softly and plunder his hot tunnel with my cock.
"Daddy. Stroke me." Mak whines. I oblige. I wrap my fingers around his dick. He leans back, holding tightly to my neck. He continuously bounces down on my shaft with his sweltering heat.
"Yes, there." Mak squeals. My hand moves frantically to drag his orgasm from him.
Mak throws his head back with a throaty moan as his cock twitches in between my fingers. I milk out every drop. Then I grab his hips and thrust him on to me quickly. I drop my face into his shoulder and groan deeply as I plant my seed inside his walls.
"Thank you, Daddy." Mak pants.
I pull out of him and slide our shorts back up. He hugs me like a monkey. I make our way back to the shore. He doesn't bother getting down when my feet hit the sand. I go to bend and pick up our shirts but, I am met mid way with the articles of clothing.
"That was fucking sexy." Mark rubs his erection thru his swim trunks.
"Figures you watched." I roll my eyes.
"You two made up I see." Kip claps his hand against my shoulder.
"Mak seems to love this idiot." I chuckle.
"I really do." Mak smiles up at me. I kiss his nose.
"Good. Can we eat now? I'm fucking famished." Mario groans.
As promised, we find a dive bar on the beach. We eat and talk. Things feel slightly strained. I know that's just regret clawing at me. Mak smiles and laughs just like always. He seems to be fine.
I, on the other hand, am not. Hurting someone you hold so dear doesn't feel good. I feel the ordeal in my bones. I am so disgusted that even a second of pain was felt by my love. I smile on cue. But, inside I just can't feel the same.
There won't be a next time. I'm a quick learner. Mak is priceless. Losing him would be my death. I can't.
I hear the song Mark played this morning replay in my mind.
I fucked up for nothing.
Please, bathe me now wash me clean please set my heart on fire like gasoline. Bathe me now, wash me clean just set my heart on fire like gasoline.
I will burn myself alive before something like this ever happens again.
We spend the rest of the evening walking the beach and talking amongst our group. I try to let the events of today lay to rest. I won't forget the immense pain I felt at causing my baby pain. I won't ever initiate that again.
A little territoriality is a good thing. But, striking jealousy means someone feared losing something.
It can't happen again.
Mak will never lose me. I will make damned sure to never lose him either.
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