Daddy N Law
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***Mak's POV***
That day after Mark had his anxiety attack, he became our main focus. He needed us and we wanted to be there for him.
In my darkest moments, I had this group of people who loved me immeasurably. The Parkers, Kip, Mario, Mark and Grey are my support system, my family.
Mark needed that same support. So, we gladly offered it.
Things weren't getting better but, his functioning levels were commendable.
He tried really hard not to add any unneeded stress to our plates. He failed. Everyday we could see the toll his heart was taking on him. It made me teary eyed to watch.
Amazingly enough, his work didn't seem to suffer through all the craters and sink holes in his emotions. He was nothing if not thorough on the job.
Sitting at my desk, I type away. I am answering the slew of emails from prospective contracts that have contacted us.
Mark comes over and sets a stack of reports on my desk. I smile brightly at my friend. He manages a cordial smile of his own and walks to his office.
I sigh knowingly.
"Mak can you come here please?" I hear Grey calling out for me.
I finish typing out the last of my response on an email. I click send before standing from my desk. I push my chair back and stand up. I walk quickly to Grey's office.
"I'm here. What can I help you with?" I take my seat on the corner of his desk.
"I missed you." Grey smiles as he pulls me into his lap.
"It's like ten thirty babe. We literally have been apart for an hour." I giggle as Grey's well manicured facial hair scratches against my chin. His lips are busy suckling at my neck.
"Too long." Grey mumbles into my flesh.
"You're a mess." I tangle my fingers in his hair and push him further into the crevice he is exploring. His hands wrap around my thighs and I lean into his touch.
"You two are fucking insatiable." Kip walks in and sets down my glorious coffee.
"Thank you." I smile sweetly at the angel who never passes up a chance to shower me with caffeine.
"Don't be jealous." Grey lifts his face from my neck and smiles ruefully at Kip.
"Shit, fucking porn stars are jealous of you two jack rabbits." Kip laughs.
"We're making up for lost time." I wink as I take a sip of the holy grail of beverages.
"I think you have that base covered." Kip waves as he walks back out of the office.
"Do you think we have too much sexy time?" I ask incredulously.
"No, I don't think we have enough." Grey nips my bottom lip as I purr into his mouth. His tongue expertly escapes into my mouth causing me to spin around and straddle his muscular body.
Grey's fingers dig into my clothed back and he deepens our kiss.
I fucking love working with my boyfriend.
"Are you two going to fuck with the door wide open?" I blush while turning to see Daddy Parker cocking an eyebrow at our current position.
"Not now, we aren't." Grey growls lowly at his father.
"Don't growl at me boy. My bark is bigger than your bite." Daddy Parker grabs Grey's coffee as Grey pouts adorably.
"What is with you stealing people's coffee?" Grey whines.
"It's not stealing. You gave it to me." Daddy Parker takes a seat on Grey's leather couch. He sips Grey's coffee naturally. I stifle a giggle.
"If that's how you see it." Grey rolls his eyes and looks at me pitifully.
I hand my coffee over so my baby can take a sip.
"At least someone loves me." Grey throws a playful glare at Daddy Parker.
Martin shrugs and continues gulping at Grey's morning sunshine.
"So, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Grey shifts me so my back is up against his chest.
"I need Mak." Martin admits.
"I'm flattered." I giggle.
Martin spits his sip of joe out in front of him. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand.
"Jesus, you took that wrong." Daddy Parker chuckles.
I add fuel to the fire and wink at the handsome god.
"Grey. Bridle your steed." Daddy Parker laughs out.
"I was trying to. We were interrupted." Grey chuckles. He hides his face in my back.
"Lord, help me." Martin sighs dramatically.
"I'm at your Service Martin. What can I do for you?" I wiggle my eye brows and burst into laughter when Martin shakes his head and rubs his hand down his face.
"Maybe I should do it myself." Martin chuckles.
"Your choice but, it would be easier if I helped." I shrug.
Grey's laughter causes my body vibrate as he guffaws into my back.
"You two need help." Martin continues laughing as I realize there is no way I can say anything in this situation without it playing out like a come on.
"No, actually we finish without help." Grey almost falls backward in his chair as his innuendo flies from his perfect lips.
"Tell you what, you two fuck and let me know when we can have a serious conversation." Martin stands up he chuckles playfully at us.
"No. Come on Daddy Parker. I'm all yours let's get busy." I promise as I stand up.
Martin looks at me incredulously and then yanks me off Grey's lap. I bend down and kiss Grey before following Grey's sexy Father out of the office and towards the elevator.
"Okay. So, what are we doing?" I question seriously.
"We are investigating." Martin presses the buttons to open the elevator and then hits the garage floor.
We walk to Daddy Parker's massive truck and he helps me in by picking me up and putting me in the seat effortlessly. I don't see why his truck has to be lifted so fucking high. I need a scissor lift to have any hopes of getting in it by myself.
Martin closes my door and walks around, sexily might I add, to his side. He opens the door and easily hops in.
Starting the beast of a machine, he pulls out and goes straight out on to the less busy side streets of downtown Manhattan.
"I think I found something worth looking into regarding Sebastian." Martin admits. He turns down a couple streets and I realize we are headed to his house.
"That would be a fucking miracle." I add excitedly.
"Yeah, tell me about it. I was beginning to believe you guys made that boy up." Martin cuts his eyes at me and his sexy crows feet make that devastatingly gorgeous crinkle highlight the corner of his eyes.
I smile at the handsome giant.
Grey is going to get even better looking than he already is as he ages. Fuck me Satan. I am a blessed soul.
We pull into the circular driveway of Parker Estates. Martin gets out and comes to my side. He lifts me by my hips and places me down on the driveway. My feet do that shitty thing where static electricity tingles and snaps your bones into a painful shock.
I cringe while walking behind Daddy Parker.
He leads me to his office and pulls a seat up beside his at the desk. He moves his mouse and the laptop springs to life.
Martin types in his intricate pass code and a shit ton of files open before my eyes.
I scan the documents, making sure not to miss a single detail.
"This is perfect. How did you find this?" I beam at my future Father n law.
"Mario has been working on it, honestly." Martin divulges.
"I could kiss his whole face." I say ecstatically.
"Yeah, Grey would rip his head off of his body. Let's not do that." Martin reaches over and ruffles my hair.
"Territorial sex god." I say under my breath.
"Yeah. You don't have much room to talk. I heard about your beach trip." Martin stares at me, daring me to put up an argument.
"Shit. I was ready to beat the hoe with her can of spray tan." My chest rumbles thinking of the plastic bimbo that dared to touch my man.
"Calm down, feisty kitten. Grey isn't a stupid man. He wouldn't dare touch another soul. I would beat him within an inch of his life." Martin winks at me. His protectiveness warms my whole body.
"Thanks Daddy Parker." I lean up and kiss his cheek.
"I love you Mak. So does Grey. No worries." Martin types something in on the keyboard and I watch the screen intently.
My eyes light up when Martin opens a video showing surveillance footage.
"Where is that?" I ask. My eyes widen as I see Sebastian and his manager step out of an SUV. The footage is slightly grainy. But, Sebastian is easily recognizable.
"Facility in Italy." Martin leans back in his chair. He props his ankle over his knee and steeples his fingers in front of his lips. His elbows lean on his armrests.
"What kind of facility?" I question.
"Son, I don't want to jump to conclusions. But, it explains a lot." Martin looks at me sadly.
"Martin please. Just tell me. I'm dying here." I whisper.
"It's a cancer center, Mak." Martin's eyes look as if he just told me someone died.
Taking in the information, all the pieces snap into place. I sigh and lean my head down on the desk. My eyes refuse not fill at the thought.
I knew there had to be an explanation. This is nothing like I expected. It's so much worse than the thought that Seb didn't want Mark.
"Son, don't stress. I know that's a loaded statement. But, the best thing to do, is personally get to Sebastian and analyze his condition. Cancer doesn't always mean death. Treatment doesn't automatically lead to a cancer diagnosis."
"This is gonna be hard. Telling Mark that Sebastian is sick. How the hell are we going to just throw that in his lap? He might not handle it well, Martin." I whisper. I'm afraid if I say the words too loudly, they may manifest into reality.
"Mark is in love with that boy. I think we owe it to him to let Mark make his own decision. He can decide to walk away. But, at least he has all the information. We can't keep it from him, Mak. We won't. We are just going to have to continue supporting him regardless of the choice he makes. That's what family does." Martin's hand rubs my back. My brain throbs from the struggle of processing the heavy reveal.
"I will stand beside Mark. There is no question there. I just don't want this to break him. I'm scared of that." I admit softly. I can't even formulate a proper response to this situation. Mark will have it rough regardless of his choice.
I have an idea of how Mark will respond. Knowing someone for the better part of a year, day in and day out, that will give you a clear picture of their character.
I smile to myself.
Yeah, I know Mark.
"What's going on in that brilliant mind, Mak?" Martin scoots closer and places his hands on either side of my jaw. His warm brown eyes meet my hazel orbs and he smiles at me softly.
"Book the jet, Daddy Parker. We are taking a trip. Let's get Mark his man." I smile widely at my future father n law.
Yeah, this is Mark. He isn't going to let Sebastian do this alone. I have faith. Mark is completely in love with Sebastian.
It's going to be a wild ride but, we will all be there every step of the way.
"Six seats. We are all going. We are in this together. Let's tell Mark. We are bringing Sebastian home." I state with a deep conviction.
This is it.
We are bringing Seb home.
My heart swells at the idea.
"It's already booked." Martin winks at me and I lunge into his arms.
Fuck my world, I got the best Daddy n Law ever.
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