***Grey's POV***
I wake up Sunday morning to the most amazing sight and feeling. Mak. He is wrapped in my arms, our hands intertwined and his messy bed head is tickling my face as he sleeps above my heart. I squeeze softly so more of his skin is making contact with my own.
A soft sigh of content escapes my lips as I snuggle the ball of bliss in my arms. He yawns and stretches his fingers.
"Oh, good morning handsome." Mak whispers in a gruff morning voice.
"Mmmmm, good morning baby." I whisper as I nuzzle his hair and close my eyes in delight.
Mak turns in my arms and starts running his fingers thru my hair. A purr vibrates thru my throat. My mood is elated with this beauty in my arms.
"Somebody likes this." Mak coos.
"Somebody loves this." I confirm with a pleasant grin of pure satisfaction.
Mak continues his delicious petting. His hands move to the nape of my neck where he ghosts his nails over my cropped hair. I bury my nose into his chest like the little baby I am.
"You're spoiling me, sir." I croak playfully.
"It's only spoiling if I don't intend on continuing." Mak states as a matter of fact.
I pull Mak into my chest. Covering his stunning face in peppered kisses. He moans and my downstairs neighbor wakes up. My cock is twitching as Mak kisses me gently on the lips.
The greed monster appears and I pull him into the kiss deeply. My tongue massages his pallet as I attempt to steal his air. I hum into his mouth as my body alights in desire.
Mak climbs onto my body, his legs straddling my waist. The fabric of our boxers make contact and my dick becomes a pillar of steel. I attempt to calm down but, Mak's kisses make my head dizzy.
I pull away as pre-cum beads to my tip.
"Baby, you have to get down. I am trying not to attack you." I whisper unwillingly.
"Don't wanna." Mak mumbles into my mouth.
My balls are quickly filling with evidence of my arousal.
I smack Mak's ass and he ruts against my hardened member. His moan is like an aphrodisiac and has my body begging.
I kiss him hard and bite his bottom lip. A deep sound of satisfaction vibrates into my mouth.
My hips match Mak's torturous grind and I have little control. Our bodies are grinding and Mak's hand is wrapped in my hair, one is rubbing my bicep and his kiss continues to unglue me.
His thick, hard cock is pressed against my own. The feeling is incredible and I don't want it to stop. I grab his ass and roughly knead him so he's pushing against me harder.
His back arches and I lift up to not lose the contact of our lips. Tingles are working thru every point of contact. My breathing becomes erratic as his hips grind against me in tandem.
We both groan into each other's mouth as our pleasure builds quickly. I yank Mak onto my face, pulling his boxers down just as he mounts my mouth.
He moans deeply as my lips wraps around his exposed arousal. I lick the tip, the slick, sweet juice tastes divine. I suckle on his cap while I consume it. I suck him into my mouth completely and devour his shaft.
He rocks slowly against my mouth. I am so aroused I feel delirious. I guide his hips by his ass and he cums with a loud moan of pure sin. I drink his orgasm like a dehydrated man. He is sweet and salty and I never want the fountain to dry. His body collapses; his forehead against the headboard.
"Fuck Grey. God damn." He heavily pants above me.
I continue licking his dick softly, not ready to release him. He wiggles his ass. I smile while sliding his cock out of my mouth. I kiss his tip and chest before he slides down to my body.
"I could drink you all day." I smile beneath him.
He kisses my neck and moves to my chest. His kisses are soft and hungry. When he makes it to my hips he bites down into the v of my muscle on each one and my dick jumps in approval.
Once his mouth ghosts my tip, I'm far past gone. His silk lips wrap around my titanium pole, his tongue massaging my cap. My eye lids close and flutter at the sensation.
His finger presses lightly against my perineum and he kneads the delicate flesh as he sucks up and down my shaft. His head bobs against my lap. My toes curl and my legs stiffen from his beautiful assault.
My slit scrapes wickedly against his throat and my hands wrap around his face in a gentle hold. He eagerly sucks me and I explode into his mouth. My body relaxes against the mattress and I feel empty.
He cleans my cock with his mouth and I melt under his tongue.
"Unbelievable." I whisper in adoration.
"You are delectable." Mak says with a blinding smile.
I reach up and pull his lips into my mouth. I kiss him deeply and purr in content.
"Shower." Mak mumbles.
I lift him from my spent body and we go to get a shower.
Once we are dressed I cook him breakfast as he sits on my counter beside me. His stare is locked onto me and I feel whole.
I cook eggs and bacon with toast. I pour us two glasses of orange juice and start feeding the hunk who has his legs wrapped around my waist.
"You're a very good cook." Mak states with appreciation.
"Thank you baby." I say between pecks on his lips.
When we finish exchanging bites, I set the plates to the side. Mak wraps his arms around me and I carry him to the couch. He settles on my lap and I turn on sports center. His face lights up as he watches the tv excitedly.
My hands roam over his back, rubbing it as he sighs into my chest. I steal mouth watering kisses during commercials. I feel pure joy from the man who is occupying my lap.
"I could get used to this." I nuzzle into his neck.
"Me too." Mak hums.
I squeeze him into me and blissfully inhale his masculine scent. We watch television for so long that are bellies start grumbling in protest.
"Do you want to get lunch?" I offer.
"Yes." Mak smiles as he kisses my lips with his forehead nestled against my own.
We go to a bistro on the north side of Manhattan. I have never been there but, Mak sees it and decides we are going to give it a try. It has a very intimate ambiance. The lights are dim. The wood is dark and the clothed tables are sparse. We order food and talk between one another.
Every moment spent with Mak is delightful and draws my soul closer to his. He speaks with passion on any subject he dares to broach. I attempt to bring up his parents with no real confidence he will answer.
Mak surprises me when he sighs deeply and sets down his fork. His eyes are intently boring into my own. He folds his hands and places his chin upon them. He waits a moment and I can see it is truly a difficult subject.
I wait patiently as he collects his nerve. His eyes gleam with determination. Sorrow dances behind the stunning hazel orbs.
"I no longer have parents. It's not that they are deceased. I simply refuse to claim them." Mak speaks lowly and dejection is thick in his voice.
"I would like very much to understand." I speak with truth. My intense need to know this part of him laces my words.
"My biological parents were horrendous people. We lived a great life. We had more than we could truly need. However, they wanted more than they deserved." Mak breathes his distaste before continuing.
"Money flowed like water thru our home. Lavish trips, the best labels you could purchase, cars of luxury, anything that screamed status was on display for the world to witness. I never speculated much on the ins and outs of our financial status. It held little value to me, truthfully." Mak shakes his head.
"Once I became old enough to ask questions, things changed. My parent's found distractions easier than communication. At 13, I prodded into their careers, desperate for deeper revelations than the information given to me over the last two years." Mak looks quietly at me. I decide he is grasping for the words to explain.
"When they refused to provide me with answers, I chose to start an investigation. While the contents of my search were enlightening, I can't help but feel that somethings are easier when left unknown. However, I can't bring myself to regret my decisions. Any of them." He states with conviction.
"I uncovered the root of our money. Dirty money. Deeply seated deception is what I unveiled." Mak grabs my hand as he tilts his head to the side. He rests his chin upon his knuckles. Anger takes form in his features. I still myself for the big reveal.
"My parents were in a corrupt web of money laundering. Their Cash Intensive Businesses were a safety net to conceal the actual source of their income. Human trafficking. More explicitly, sexual slavery. My dna donors were smuggling refugees into foreign countries and enslaving them to a life of sexual abuse. They essentially were pimps." Mak makes a face of pure disgust as he closes his eyes.
"What did you do with the information?" I ask wearily.
"At first, nothing. I sat on it. I spent months delving into details. I tried desperately to find a conclusion that didn't lead to the obvious fact that my parents were criminals. When I failed to do so, I took steps to approach them." Mak sips his wine before clearing his throat.
"Although, I wanted to believe my parents could stop their criminal behavior, I did not trust them. So, before I brought the knowledge to them, I set them up. I placed tracking programs on their personal devices and alerted authorities to the information I uncovered. Once the evidence was in place, the detectives used me to perform a sting operation. I was a senior in high school, 15. Whether they told the truth or not wouldn't matter. The damage was done. They would be in jail by the time I graduated." Mak confesses. Nothing short of embarrassment my was etched on his face.
"Mak, baby, you do realize you're a hero, correct?" I ask the incredible man who sits in front of me.
He says nothing.
"I am so proud of you." I state with absolute awe.
"They weren't." He huffs.
"I imagine not." I chuckle.
"They were so angry. They actually attempted to attack me at the trial. When they failed, they used venomous words to try to break me. To me they were vile criminals. No words they spoke held any value." Mak explains.
"So, how did we get to where we are today?" I ask knowing there is a little more left to hear.
"I got an emergency emancipation. Since I had already graduated and was attending college, the judge granted it with one exception. I was to receive financial support from a benefactor. I don't know the person. But, they made it possible for me to graduate without a real job." Mak admits.
My mind spins the information I have been given. The details float like particles of dust settling on a piece of unused furniture. A picture begins to form. Ideas are running sprints thru my challenged brain.
"Are you in any danger?" I ask, hoping the answer to be no.
"I was." Mak admits.
"But, now?" I question.
"Not that I'm aware of. Details about me disappeared with the help of certain people. Once again, I am unaware of their identities." Mak informs me.
"Mak, I don't like this." I confirm.
"I don't love it myself. But, I don't regret it." Mak pleads with me.
"I will always keep you safe." I promise.
"I'm sorry." Mak whispers.
"For what?" I ask incredulously.
"Because, this isn't a battle I wish for you to share." Mak tells me.
"I am more than capable of fighting this battle, if and when it becomes necessary. Just trust me. We are a team now. So, stop stressing over inconsequentials. I gladly accept the baggage if I get you." I swear to him.
Mak stands and comes to me. My open arms embrace him. His forehead falls onto my own and he whispers "I love you Grey."
Without hesitation I pull him into an intimate kiss. When I pull away I respond.
"I love you Mak. If that's your real name."
He giggles against my lips.
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