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***Grey's POV***
"Did you ask? I can do it. I just thought it would be nice if you did. Since, I was hoping that maybe they would say yes. If it came from you, you know." My baby sits on the bar stool swinging his legs back and forth. His hands are tucked under that delicious ass. He looks so fucking adorable.
"I told you I would." I stare at my love with a crooked grin.
"Annndddd? Come on. You're killing me smalls." Mak whines.
"I'm small? Hmmmm. I recall being called a god. Huge. Monster. Never small." I chuckle and lunge towards Mak. I grab him in my arms and kiss his sweet mouth.
Mak grabs me on both sides of my head and pulls me back with a lustful grin. "You're stalling handsome."
"I know." I wink and pluck his lips again.
"Greyyyyyy." The whining is so cute. I want to squish his cheeks.
"Okay. Okay. They said sure." I smile devastatingly at Mak.
"Yessss." Mak squeals and I roll my eyes. Like anyone would tell him no.
"Did you ask them where? I'm going to wake them up. They have been asleep forever." Mak wiggles from my grip and runs down the hall. I follow him blindly, as always.
"Come on Mak." Mark yells through the door.
"How did you know it was me?" Mak jumps in bed with them and pushes his butt between Mark and Seb.
"Two things." Seb holds up two fingers. "We heard your loud ass and you wake us up every morning." Seb bumps Mak with his shoulder.
"I can't help it. I missed you guys so much. Please don't hate me." Mak bats his eyelashes between the two.
"Oh Jesus. Not those things again." Mark groans and covers his chuckle with his hands.
"Their a deadly weapon." I admit. I sit down at the edge of the bed.
"Where do you two want to go?" Mak asks. He bounces happily on the bed.
"Out." Seb confirms.
"Well, duh Silly. But, where?" Mak looks at Mark, expectantly. Then he turns his gaze to Seb.
"I don't actually care. But, I can tell you something to make you smile." Seb pinches Mak's cheek.
"Lay it on me." Mak waits patiently for Seb.
"Alex and Gavin are landing in thirty minutes." Mak squeals again. He throws his head back and cups his hands over his eyes.
"Are you smiling?" Seb grabs at Mak's hands, revealing a bright grin.
"Let's go get them at the airport. Please. Please. Please." Mak is surely begging his ass off today.
"Come on. Let's go. Grey can drive." Mark and Seb fold back the covers, showing off that they are fully dressed. I laugh. They played my boy.
"Daddy. Pick me up." Mak crawls over to me and I stand to do as he asked. He loves me holding him. I like it too.
I carry Mak around like the monkey he is. I collect our stuff and head for the door.
"No coffee? Awe, Mak." It's Mark's turn to whine.
"The two travel mugs are on the counter you loser. I put them in there once you text me the plan." I point at the mugs in the kitchen.
"You tricked me." Mak makes a shocked expression.
"Yeah. Doesn't feel very nice to think you aren't going to get what you want, does it?" Mark laughs as Mak starts pouting. No doubt, Mak knows Mark is referring to the little surprise in Italy. I don't think he is really upset. He just likes fucking with Mak.
"You're all mean." Mak turns his head into my shoulder to hide from us.
"We were just messing around." Seb pulls Mak's face up and Mak winks.
He is so much trouble.
"Jesus, I thought we hurt his feelings." Seb chuckles and rubs Mak's back.
We get to the car and get buckled in. We head out to the airport to welcome Alex and Gavin home.
It doesn't take too long before the two men come walking through the terminal. They are all smiles and full of bags.
Mak jumps from my arms and lands in Gavin's. He gets so excited.
"Miss me?" Gavin smirks.
"No, I jump in random guy's arms on the weekends to boost their confidence." Alex busts out laughing and Gavin shakes his head.
"He's too much." Alex shakes my hand. He gives Mark and Seb a long hug.
"How you feeling?" Alex looks Seb over from head to toe.
"Really good. I got a plasma transfer. It's helping out a lot." Seb shows Alex the large bruise on his creamy skin.
"Ouch, fuck. They nailed you." Alex grabs Gavin's hand and we walk back the way we came.
"We're going out tonight. You guys game? Please. Say yes." Mak bounces down the parking lot.
"Sounds great. What time?" Alex looks at me for confirmation.
"We always do seven. You guys are one of us now. So, make a note. Always seven." I open the truck for everyone to get in.
"And, where are we going?" Gavin looks at Mak. Smart boy.
"Haven't decided. What do you think?" Mak turns in the front seat to look at Gavin who is in the back.
"Oooooh. Let's go to a strip club." Gavin claps his hands like the idea is diabolical.
"Let's not and say we did." Alex cuts his eyes over at Gavin.
"Someone's in trouble." Seb sings the words. So childish.
"I stay in trouble. Daddy says I'm a trouble maker." Gavin leans against Alex. He looks up and bats his eyelashes.
"That's why you're a trouble maker. You get me hard in the middle of a car. Can't do shit about it." Alex leans down and kisses Gavin.
"I'm sorry Daddy. Let me make it up to you." Gavin slides his hand over Alex's crotch.
I take the opportunity to focus on driving.
"So, any other ideas? Something that won't get Gavin punished." Mak laughs out.
"Let's go to dinner. Then, we can all go to that bar where I met Mark." Seb looks over at Mark. The love is so readily apparent.
"Sounds perfect." Mak turns back around. I grab his hand and put it to my lips.
"I love you Mak Oliver." I whisper.
"I love you Daddy." Mak leans over and kisses my cheek. I pull into the garage at the penthouse.
"You two staying at Ma's?" Seb questions.
"No, we are going to my penthouse. I had our stuff delivered earlier. The movers are unpacking it." Alex grabs their stuff and we head up stairs.
Seb gets a little winded and we help him to the couch in the living room.
"I really need to work out. I'm tired of being tired." Seb complains as he sits down.
"Baby, you're doing fantastic. Just give yourself time." Mark sits beside his love and cradles him against his chest.
"Alex, Gav make yourselves at home." I wave at everybody as I head towards the room. I gotta get a shower if we intend on leaving this house at a decent hour.
"Daddy." Mak calls for me, stopping me in my steps.
"What is it baby?" I turn back and walk to him. He's sitting beside Mark on the couch.
"Where are you going?" Mak asks me.
"Shower. Wanna join?" Mak lifts his arms and shakes his head aggressively.
"Come on monkey." I roll my eyes and cuddle him to my chest.
"You were going to be naked, under water. Without me?" Mak looks at me like I stole the last brownie.
"I thought you were busy." I set him down in the bathroom, on the counter.
"I'm never too busy for my sexy Daddy. Ever." Mak trails his nails down my biceps and looks up at me under his lashes.
"Have mercy." I descend on his lips hungrily.
"Daddy. Fuck me." Mak purrs the words as he moves his lips to my ear.
It doesn't take long before Mak is pressed against the shower, my cock buried deep within his fantastic ass. We lick, kiss and devour one another. Our arousal washes away with the heavily streaming water.
Once we finally get cleaned, we get dressed. We both slip on lounge clothes. It's too early to get dressed for the night.
I carry Mak back to the living room. I see everyone watching television. We join them.
"Where is Kip and Mario?" Mark asks.
"They had to go to Mario's mama's house. They said they would be back in time for dinner." I run my fingers through Mak's hair as he lays on my chest.
"It's gonna be awesome. I'm so excited to do something." Seb lays against Mark. Mark keeps him snuggly in his arms.
"We are going to catch an Uber to the house. We will be back by five." Alex lifts Gavin to his side and waves at us.
"See you guys soon." I call out.
As they walk out, my father walks in.
"What's the plan tonight?" Dad questions. He goes to the fridge and grabs a beer, sitting down on the recliner across from me.
"Dinner and the bar." Mak smiles. He gets off my lap and rushes to Dad's. He lays up against my Dad's shoulder. Dad swings his arm over Mak's head and cradles him to his chest.
"I swear to God. My boy loves you more than me." I groan. I get up and go fetch drinks for everyone in the kitchen.
"Almost." Mak giggles.
"Keep pushing, Baby." I warn my little heathen.
"Thank you Daddy." Mak reaches up and kisses me. He takes his beer from my hands.
"Don't drink too much." Dad tells Mak.
"It's one beer, Daddy Parker." Mak smiles and takes a sip.
"Just want to save the partying for later. Amelia is coming too." Dad's announcement makes my baby happy.
We kick back and relax. We watch a basketball game and then a PGA tournament. Soon, we all get up and start getting ready.
Dad offers to help Mark with Seb. But, after Mark explains about Seb's treatment, Dad leaves to get ready.
Mario and Kip show up. They go to their room to get dressed. I take Mak to our room so we can slip into our evening attire.
"Grey?" Mak asks.
"Yeah, baby." I turn and see him sitting on the bed. I bend down and crouch beside him.
"Do I get on your nerves?" Mak asks me.
I'm not sure what the fuck just went on. Where the hell did that even come from?
"Baby? Are you serious?" I ask. I look at him incredulously. I'm honestly at a loss for words.
"It's just, I know I'm a handful. I steal your Dad, your friends. I take up all your time. I'm sorry." Mak closes his eyes and bows his head.
Holy hell? Is he running a fucking fever? I put my hand to his head to check. I'm so flabbergasted.
"Makil Oliver." I gruffly call out.
Mak looks up at me and I can see he is fucking serious.
"This isn't my Dad. My friends. My home or my life. This is Ours. Everything is absofuckinglutely nothing without you. So, whatever thoughts you are having, lose them. You don't get on my nerves. You are the best damned thing that has ever happened to me." I grab my love and hold him in my arms. I can't even believe I just had to verify any of that.
"Okay. Just warn me before I push it. I can't lose you." Mak lays his cheek on my chest.
I run my fingers through his hair. I can't believe he worries about that. It's so far off the mark. It's absolutely absurd.
I kiss his head and lift him up with me. I lead him to the closet and bend down to help him put on his shoes.
He looks down on me and gives me that sweet smile that makes my life perfect.
I reach over into my bottom drawer, grab my socks and a tiny little thing that I hope will make him realize how ridiculous he is.
"Mak?" I ask.
Mak looks down and stares at me.
"Yes, Daddy?"
"I love you baby. I hope you understand how much I absolutely love you." I stand up and grab his face between my hands.
"I know Daddy. I love you too."
"Would you do something for me?" I rub my thumbs over his cheek bones softly.
"Anything Daddy." Mak nods his head in between my hands.
"Marry me." I whisper.
I move my hand down to Mak's and drop his engagement ring into his palm.
Mak's breath gets caught.
"Yes, love?"
I stare at him knowingly.
"Did you just propose?"
I chuckle. He's not that naive.
"I love you. Be my husband. Marry me." I grab his face and kiss his quivering lips.
"Yes." Mak whispers against my lips. Yes. Daddy, yes." Mak nods into my hands and kisses me over and over and over.
"I love you Daddy. God. Yes. Fuck yes."
"Come on. We're going out." I pull him towards the living room.
Everyone stands there waiting for us. I pick up Mak's hand and slide his ring down his finger.
"You just couldn't fucking wait?" Mark growls irritatedly.
I scratch the back of my neck and smile.
"I might have ruined it." Mak giggles.
"Oh really? How?" Kip stares at Mak questioningly.
"Oh, do tell." Mario crosses his arms.
I explain how Mak had a mini stroke, thinking that he was a bother to me.
That blew them away.
"Okay. I can see how that was an opportune time." Seb kisses my Mak on the cheek. "Don't be foolish. You complete one another."
Mak nods and I pull him into my arms and kiss his delicious lips.
"Time to celebrate." Dad claps his hands and we follow them all out to the limo.
I'm kind of glad Mak needed the reassurance. Gave me a reason to pop the question before dinner.
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