99 Problems
***Grey's POV***
This starts when Grey drops off Mak.
I watch as Mak slowly trudges towards the gazebo. I can't stay and watch too long. It could impair our plan.
I drive away quietly to meet my father, Mark, Kip and Mario. We sit in a secluded area with authorities. The wire transmits the conversation into a computer that records the whole conversation.
The sounds of leaves swaying, birds chirping and unstable breathing fill the first minutes of recording.
He's so scared. Every breath screams his fear like a wailing child.
My knees bobble up and down. My elbows rest against them. My feet tap the ground below us. My hands vibrate my head upwards and down.
I run my fingers over my cheeks and sigh deeply into my cupped hands.
"We got this son. Calm down please." Dad soothes me.
I look around and take note of the three stern faces around me. Mark, Kip and Mario nod their heads at me in unison. I groan lowly.
Stay calm Greyson. Stay. Fucking. Calm.
No words are exchanged for quite some time. The heavy foot steps of the offender can be picked up as light thuds.
"Can that go louder? It's barely audible." My dad instructs.
The agent adjusts the frequency. Mak's strangled breaths can be heard clearly. The cough infested breath of Carl Fucking Luger is raspily filling the silence.
I can pick up the distinct sound of Mak's feet thumping against the old wood floors of the gazebo.
"Oh my, Jackie." The fat bastard purrs. The use of that name lights the wick to my anger.
"Just looking at you reminds me of the fun we had." Carl chuckles. The sound is devious and slightly demonic.
Mak stays quiet. I can only imagine the scenarios dancing in his intricate mind.
"Oh don't be that way. At least look at me." Carl whines. His voice drips with provocation.
"He has a lot of fucking nerve." Mark growls angrily.
"This is why I like 'em younger. Too much sass when you get your bearings." Carl chuckles throatily and you can hear his hand swishing across material.
"You're a sick fuck." Mak spits the words off his tongue acerbically.
"Don't I know." Carl guffaws. His smoker's coughs interrupts his self appreciation.
"Get to the point of this charade." Mak huffs out.
"Jesus Mak is dishing it." Kip smiles proudly.
I nod my head in agreement. My baby is doing well.
"Now, now. Let's not rush. I'm rather enjoying myself." Carl breathes huskily. You can hear the shuffling of his feet. The bench creaks as I imagine him sitting down.
"That makes one of us." Mak sneers.
A light chuckle escapes my lips. I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against a tree. I tilt my head toward the sky and listen intently.
"Damn, you're feisty. That could have been fun." Carl chuckles once again at his demented humor. I find no amusement in his words.
"Jackie. My favorite toy. I have missed you." Carl lulls the words out. I ball my fists and tuck them tightly under my biceps.
"Let's take a walk. I promise to wrap up this meeting soon. Just a small walk." Carl offers.
"Don't do it." I anxiously loud whisper.
"We are right here. Nothing is going to happen." The agent assures me.
I look at my Dad and he nods his head. He reaches his arm out and places his hand on my shoulder. He adds weight. He gives me a silent signal to stay put.
We hear their bodies shuffle and the sound becomes slightly less clear.
"Which direction did they go?" Mario belts out.
"Doesn't matter. We have agents everywhere." The conductor promises.
My eyes meet Mark's and he looks just as worried as I feel.
"Dad, something feels wrong." I warn.
"It's okay." The agent shoos me away with his hand. It effectively pisses me the fuck off.
"You have turned into a handsome man. I'm proud of you." Carl talks distantly as if his pride is a gift.
"I don't need your approval." Mak snaps back at the filth before him.
"It's there regardless." Carl dismisses Mak's hateful statement.
"Jackie, I need those files." Carl starts the true reason he has made this trip.
"I imagine you do." Mak replies snarkily.
"This isn't funny. I have been nice. I am being nice. Hand me the files and we can act like we never knew one another." Carl demands.
"I don't have them." Mak confesses.
"Don't play stupid." Carl warns.
"Oh, really. I. Do. Not. Have. Them." Mak enunciates each word. "They were seized in my parent's case."
I look over at our entourage and realize the news doesn't shock Carl, at all.
He knew that.
Suddenly, everything comes washing over me. The picture is clear. He knows Mak is not in possession of the files.
I turn to my dad as realization hits me like a Mack truck. He didn't want the files.
"Dad." I yell. The five of us jump up and start running frantically. Our hands grip our guns as we swiftly pull them from the holsters. The officers move behind us.
The park is way bigger than I thought. They are no where in sight.
"Where the fuck are they?" I growl out. Our feet pound the dirt as we jog thru the immense green landscape and our eyes scan between the trees.
We run straight off the park's borders and I see Carl leaning against an SUV. Mak is no where to be seen.
"Over there." I point towards the culprit.
His hips gyrate towards the door of the SUV.
"Now that you have some experience, this will be more pleasurable. I can't wait for you to wrap those luscious lips around my cock. Watch you squirm as you suck my seed from my sack. Oh, yesss." Carl growls.
My anger boils as the words rip out of the trash can's vile mouth.
The cops grip my biceps on either side and attempt to hold me back. My Dad grabs me by the waist and spins me around. Mark lands in front of me and holds me by my jaws.
"They got him. Calm down." Mark urges.
I don't calm down I fight. I fight hard.
"Fucking find him." I growl savagely.
My breaths come out in roars. The beast has been awakened.
Kip and Mario flank me on either side, waiting for me to make a move.
The officers slowly creep towards Carl.
His voice is clear as day and has my blood evaporating.
"What do you think you are doing? You can't possibly believe you will pull that trigger." Carl chuckles.
I turn my head to the side. My eyes scrunch as I try to figure out what the actual hell is happening.
The air stills around my body as a loud, piercing bang reverberates thru the air.
I watch as Carl falls forward and a body lies beneath him. A gun firmly clasped between two different hands.
"MAK." I scream.
I break thru the barrier of bodies around me and run towards the scene. My feet hit the dirt like I am Usain Bolt.
I attempt to pull Carl off Mak to no avail. As I am pulling, he suddenly rolls to the side. I cut my eyes left and my dad smiles down at me.
My eyes immediately zone in on Mak. He has a large red blood stain on the left side of his chest. I immediately panic and rip his shirt off.
I am relieved to see no wound.
I yank Mak into my arms and rock him back and forth. His limp body lays heavily in my arms. I bend down and kiss his forehead. I kiss his nose. I kiss his lips. I run my fingers thru his sticky hair.
"It's Carl's blood." My Dad announces.
"Good." I chuckle. I must be a maniac. The sight of his gun wound makes me giddy.
The cops rush past me and grab Carl's hands. They cuff him and apply pressure to his wound.
"Is he dead?" I hear a whisper.
I look down and tears pour down my love's angelic face.
"Not yet." My dad sneers.
"Everyone move back." The paramedics yell.
I watch as they struggle to shift the grotesquely obese man on to a stretcher.
"Who pulled the trigger?" The agent asks.
"Probably me." Mak admits. He still lies in the cradle of my arms.
"We are going to need a statement." The agent replies.
"Sure." Mak agrees. He smiles up at me and I can't help but smile back.
"You okay?" I ask. My eyes prick with tears.
"Yeah. I am." Mak promises.
My dad helps Mak and I to our feet. Mak sways and I grip his waist firmly. Mak coughs deeply and starts rubbing his throat.
My eyes horn in on his movements. That's when I notice the fingerprints.
"Can we get a camera?" I ask loudly to anyone within hearing distance.
A detective walks over and starts moving Mak's body around. He openly takes dozens of pictures, from every angle. A paramedic comes and examines Mak as I stand anxiously beside him.
"That's gonna leave a bruise." The paramedic confirms.
I roll my eyes.
No shit Sherlock.
"If you would like to write your statement here, that will save you a stop at the precinct." The detective offers.
Mak agrees and begins filling out paperwork from the comfort of my lap. We sit on the trunk of the police car and he writes down his version of events.
"Do you think we got him?" I ask my Dad.
"Yeah, Son. Mak you did good. I'm proud of you." My dad kisses Mak's forehead.
"I'm done." Mak hands the papers over to the officer.
"If we need you, we will call. Stay safe. And, thank you Makil Oliver. We have been looking forward to this day." The officer shakes Mak's hand.
"Um, sir?" Mak asks.
"Yeah?" The officer replies.
"He's gonna recover, right." Mak asks.
"Yeah, the bullet lodged in his stomach. Missed all vital organs." The officer pats Mak's shoulder as he turns to walk away.
"Mak?" My Dad calls.
"Yes, Sir." Mak whispers.
"I'm sorry." My dad walks up to Mak. He lifts his hand under my sweetheart's chin and looks him directly in the eyes.
"For what?" Mak asks incredulously. His head tilts to the side.
So beautiful.
"We were almost too late." My dad admits.
"Almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades." Mak winks at my dad.
My dad guffaws and yanks Mak straight off my lap into his burly arms.
"Marry this one Grey." My Dad winks over Mak's head.
"I plan on it." I smile widely. I hop off the back of the cruiser and my father releases Mak back into my arms.
"What should we do?" I look down on my stunning other half.
"I need a shower, mouthwash, a Brillo, an incinerator and bleach." Mak glares over to the SUV that is being wrapped in crime tape.
"Planning on committing a murder?" Mark jokes.
"Shit, I couldn't even do that right." Mak rolls his eyes.
Mark slaps his hand across Mak's mouth and pulls him into his chest.
"Don't admit that out loud." Mark laughs.
"Self defense." I bark.
"I wouldn't want his blood on my hands. It's bad enough it cost me a shirt." Mak growls.
Kip and a Mario laugh.
"We will get you another." I promise.
"How 'bout that bleach?" Mak asks seriously.
"Let's go clean up." I nod my head at Mak and pull him carefully to my side.
We all walk together, away from the worst day of my life.
If I thought a seizure was bad, nothing compares to the thought that Mak was on the receiving end of that bullet.
I silently thank God. I may have 99 problems, but losing Mak isn't one.
We get into my car: blood, dirt and all. We drive towards our home. This day has been too much.
Time to continue cherishing my greatest gift.
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