Your POV
I woke up in a cardboard box next to Lucifer and snuggled close to him. He's so cute...
He started mumbling something in his sleep and I giggled a bit. "(Y-Y/N)...Hugs....Cuddle..." Was all I could really hear. Suddenly I saw two red eyes peak into the box. Maou stood there in his uniform.
"Sorry...did I wake you (Y/N)?" He asked me. I shook my head and he looked relieved. "I'm going to work. Call me if it does anything you don't like" He said pointing to Luci. I giggled and nodded. "Bye...Dad" He seemed a bit shocked but smiled a bit. He left and I drifted back to sleep.
When I woke up Luci wasn't next to me so I crawled out of the box to look for him. When I got out I saw a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She was by the sink chopping some cucumbers. Luci was next to her talking and I heard her laugh.
I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I sniffled a bit and crawled back into the box holding my knees. "(Y/N) are you awake?" I heard Luci ask. "Who's this '(Y/N)' person?" She asked in a monotone voice. I slowly crawled out of the box and nodded.
"Here. You should eat" Luci said, handing me some noodles in a bowl . I took the bowl and smiled a bit. "T-thanks" I whispered. The girl turned to me. "Who are you and why are you hear?" She asked coldly. I winced a bit. "M-my name..I-Is (Y/N)...I live here..."
Ashiya was probably out shopping. She looked judgingly at me. Luci was already back on his computer. Then she quietly walked over to me and whispered "A Neko? I thought the Church had them all extinct. No matter my name is Suzuno....I don't know what your relationship with Lucifer is, but just know he would never want a weak, pathetic Neko like you." I felt my eyes tear up. She walked back to what she was doing and left me standing there.
When I processed what she said I dropped the bowl and ran out of the house crying. She's right...Luci would never really love me...I should've been killed back in Ente Isla... I don't care where I run to..just anywhere away from there.
Lucifer's POV
I heard the bowl fall to the floor and turned to see (Y/N) run our of the house. Crestia was still cooking more noodles. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO HER!?" I yelled. She turned slightly "nothing...She just ran out. But.." She turned to me and walked over slowly. "Now that she's gone.." She leaned closer to me and I back up. She followed me and I pushed past her running out of the house.
"(Y/N)!!!? (Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU!!!? PLEASE ANSWER" I yelled loudly looking for her. I didn't care if people saw me. I needed to find (Y/N). I spread my wings and flew off to find her. Suddenly I spotted a (F/C) cat. I landed next to it and picked it up. "(Y/N) is that you?" I asked. Suddenly the cat transformed into the person I was looking for. We were in a small clearing in the forest and I wasn't worried about people seeing me.
She looked at me with teary eyes and an expression that broke my heart. "(Y/N), I was so worried about you...why did you run away?" I asked her calmly. She sniffled back a few tears and looked away. "S-Suzuno...she..she said that there was no'd l-love me...a-and that I was j-just a-an unwanted N-neko.." She broke out into tears. I pulled her closer to me so that she was on my lap and kissed her forehead.
"(Y/N) I do love you...even though your a Neko. And Suzuno...she's a bitch by nature...don't worry about what she says..ok? I will always love you. Never forget that." She wiped away her tears and looked up at me. Her fingertips slowly grazed the outline of my wings and I couldn't help but let out a small moan.
She blushed at this but continued to pet me. I decided to see if things that would calm down a cat would calm her down, so I hesitantly reached my hand up to her (F/C) cat ears and stroked them lightly. She bit her lip, in a failed attempt to suppress her own moans. I decided it was best not to do this outside so I hid my wings while she hid her ears and tail.
Your POV
When we arrived Suzuno gave me a cruel look and Maou ran over and hugged me tightly. "Your ok!!? Suzuno said you suddenly left! What happened?" He asked me hurriedly. I could almost feel the intense glare Luci was giving Maou. In response Maou let go of me and I told him I just needed some fresh air. "Sire, the poor girl looks tired" Ashiya said calmly. Maou nodded and Suzuno tapped my shoulder. "May we talk outside?" She asked.
Luci got up from his computer and stood next to me.
"No." Was all I said.
"I insist Ms. (L/N)" she persisted trying to keep her civil act.
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll go with you." Luci said assuringly.
I nodded and went outside into the hallway with Suzuno and Luci. "Lucifer a moment with her please." She said calmly. Lucifer shook his head. "Not after what you said last time." He responded. "Fine I shall say what I had to, to both of you. (Y/N) I would like you to know that from this day on there is nothing between you and Lucifer. Or-" I didn't let her finish her sentence. I cut her off by punching her full force in the face. She winced a bit as blood trickled down her lip.
Lucifer's POV (really short)
I saw Suzuno get punched at looked at (Y/N) shocked. Wow...who knew she could actually hit... I must say it was pretty interesting to watch. Suzuno slowly backed up and entered her apartment slamming the door. When we went to go back into the apartment (Y/N) hugged me tightly. "We...are always going to be together...and no one will come between us." She whispered.
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