A deal
A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while...life has been pretty depressing. Anyway here is the next chapter.
Your POV.
I woke up in the hotel room with Lucifer beside me. I blushed remembering the events of last night. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. I stared at his sleeping figure. When I looked back at his face I saw two pairs of amethyst eyes staring into my (E/C) ones.
"Morning (Y/N)" he said founding half asleep. I smiled and snuggled closer to him. "Morning? Its 2:00 in the afternoon.." With that he jumped out of bed throwing on some clothes. I giggled and got dressed as well. When we walked home we were both quiet.
~timeskip to the apartment~
As soon as we walked through the door Maou ran over and hugged me, earning a nasty look from Lucifer. "Are you OK!? Did the NEET do something to you!? Did you-"
"I'm fine..really...and.." I looked over to Lucifer who looked away blushing. "He was really sweet..." I finished smiling. Maou let go of me and Ashiya was questioning what happened that we came back so late. I made up some excuses and said we just slept in.
Ashiya didn't seem convinced and then shit went downhill. Emi kicked down the door. I jumped back behind Lucifer.
Maou and Ashiya backed up into the corner. "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU WERE WITH THAT NEET LAST NIGHT NOW TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I blushed even more causing Emi to go on more of a rampage.
She summoned he sacred sword and began chasing Lucifer. As worried as I was I couldn't stand by and watched so I grabbed her hair and pulled her out of the apartment. "(Y/N) what is going on?" "We'll make a deal.."I said slowly. "A deal?" She questioned. Her green eyes glinting. "Emi if I tell you what happened will you please him alone?" I asked. She looked like she was thinking it over.
She nodded and I took a deep breath. "Well...we kinda..-" I trailed off embarrassed. She looked ready to explode again. "You and that demon did what!! At least tell me you used protection !?" She yelled. Suddenly my face went pale...we didn't use protection ..I silenced Emi and reminded her of our deal. She nodded and began talking on her phone. When things calmed down, Ashiya was cooking dinner and Maou was reading another manga, I turned to Lucifer.
"What happened out there?" He asked his worry showing. "I told her what happened. In exchange she can't attack you." I told him whispering slightly. He began playing some game on his computer. Wow...he's so cute when he's in his gaming zone. I moved closer to him. What I didn't know was that he tensed at this.
Suddenly he paused his game. His eyes were closed and I looked at him. "Are you OK?" I asked concern lacing my voice. He nodded but didn't open his eyes. "Lucif-" before I could finish my sentence his lips were on mine. I kisser him back almost instantly, forgetting that Maou and Ashiya and began Emi were still there. His tongue slid against my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly excepted. As our tongues fought for dominance someone cleared their throat. We immediately separated. His face was almost as red as a lobster, and I knew I was blushing.
Maou's POV (finally)
I was reading my manga when I heard (Y/N) ask Lucifer if he was OK. She's so sweet... I was surprised when I didn't gear him answer, but what surprised me the most was that when I looked over at her Lucifer was kissing her.
As impressed as I am that she hasn't pulled away yet, I'm a little shocked at the same time. Just then Emi cleared her throat...this was gonna be a long day of ranting...
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