Chapter 3 [ a phone call]
It was a few days from the night terror, thankfully candle has been blessed with more good and sweet dreams these past days. Able to bring back her habit of sleeping in and missing breakfast. As she slowly sits up a small yawn escaped her lips, one arm came to rub her eyes while the other stretched out. A small drowsy smile glimmered across her lips. She took her lighter and lit her wick.
She looked to her left and of course, silver spoon was no longer there. She gets up, and checks her phone, apparently her quad ran out of things and someone in her group chat asked for her to buy some more. Candle WAS hoping for a day of hanging out with her friends, but she could do that any day, and it was going to take long. She didn't want to seem mean by saying no anyway.
She grabbed her satchel, and walked out of her room. The fresh smell of eggs and bacon were around the air, perhaps today was one of dose days were she woken up early enough to still get her fare share of food already made! She walked herself down stairs, passing by and saying 'hi' to some residents she meets on her way. Once she finally went downstairs she is finds only a few plates of food left. She took a plate with bacon, toast, and hash browns.
She sits herself in a lone table and starts to eat at her meal, occasionally those will come over to say hi and commit to small talk. Once the meal was finished, candle made her way out of the hotel. The small pebble road turning into a wooden boardwalk and soon a sidewalk.
And soon she was met of a big sign from the super market. A small step inside, bright lights shown, the white and yellow asthic blurred with many, many isles. Candle was surprisingly able to find everything that was on the list. And was about to head to the cashier when her phone ranged.
She picked it up to see it was her mom, a clump of wax, calling her. It was quite the nice chat candle had with her, they talked about old funny stories of her childhood, even spoke of her sister wicky, who was a small candle such as candle, except she was teal, and was packed in with glass, she had a black wick which didn't need to be lighten up like candle.
But it wasn't until candle has reached the edge of the forest, about to enter the hotel with bags in hand, (or well- arm) did her mother decided to change the subject..something more serious than candle could hoped for. "Ahahahah! I know right? Your father was more accident prone then, if only he was still here..sigh. Candle, dear..we need to talk..there was another reason I called you.." said her mother, candles amused face turned into a worried one, she could easily tell that something was wrong."m-mother? Oh my, what's the matter?" Candle asked, but a hand to her lip.
"There something I need to tell you..something I should have mention a long time ago.." her mother muttered sadly, all candle could do was wait with anticipation. "You see, your father and I..well...we aren't...really..your parents.." candela mother trembled, unable to let the words out of her mouth. Candle jaw dropped slightly, almost her whole expression was blank.
"I-I'm..?" Candle muttered, " are adopted..." her mother finished for her, "b-but at least wicky was too right? We are still connected right??" Candle asked, hope filled with in her voice, but the hope was quickly taken out. "......" silence on the other end. A small silence broke out from the two.
"No..." was all that was muttered from the other end, it left candle shocked for the most part, and somewhat paralyzed. "I just wanted you to know that, I knew I should've told you sooner, but just know that we ALL love you dear in our hearts! We're so glad to choose you! And..." her mother rambled on, trying to comfort candle. Though, candle quickly tuned her out, questions filled her head, and she couldn't help but blurt them out. " why was I adopted anyway?" "O-oh! Well uh, you see, we went to the doctors multiple times, and they told us it was less than likely for us to have kids, but we wanted to have a family, it was our dream. So we went looking and found you!"
"W-who was my mother? My real mother?" "Oh I haven't a clue!-" "is she still out there?" " well, I don't know-" "how did you have my sister?" " the doctor never said we couldn't have them, it's was just a low chance." " dose wicky know about this?" "She had known since 8th grade.." "why was I at the adoption center, why did she leave me there was she okay? Maybe she hated me, or maybe-" candle was interrupted, " dear please!...calm down okay? I get it! You have questions, but I can't answer them all right away! I promise I'll get to you! But calm down please? I'm sorry..." candle's "mother" pleaded.
Candle stared at her feet, a blank expression wiped along her face. " r-right..sorry..m-mom?..hmm..I'm glad I was able to talk to you, but I should get going. " candle muttered, " please promise me this information won't ruin our relationship?" Her "mother" asked, a small tremble in her voice.
Candle let out a small whole-hearted chuckle, as a Sorrow filled smile came a crossed her. " heh, of course, I will always love you.." the two share their goodbyes and candle hung up. Candle let out a sigh as she stared at her now turned offed phone. Filled with sorrow but also some underlying determination. She walked into the hotel, perplexed. The more she tried to think about this, the lower her social battery got.
' I should go recharge' candle thought to herself.
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