Killua watched, surveying the situation for a few moments longer. He kept his bloodlust at bay as much as he could, but the moment the thought of blood spilling it was like a fire was ignited inside him. There was a feeling surging through him. A mixture of anger, and excitement. Someone was going to end up dead, that was for sure.
One kid caught his eye, a blonde one with shaggy hair. He was bent over an old man who was bleeding out, crying his eyes out. "W-Where are you magic knights..." The man with the scar on his face checked a watch, a stopwatch. "we're behind schedule..." he said softly, a disapproving look across his face. Killua decided to just end it already, before this could go further. Killua stretched his fingers, sharpening them into claws. He tensed his body, then in an instant several things happened. He deactivated his zetsu, and activated godspeed with his stored up electricity. While his body was moving much faster than it should've been able to because of his godspeed, he let go of the reigns on his bloodlust.
The instant he did so, he could see the scarred man tense, frozen by the sudden wave of fear. In the split second it took for him to reach the man, he managed to turn his head and begin to open his mouth to cast a spell. Killua drove his hand into the man's chest, directly through the heart and back out the other side. Blood dripped from the man's lips and back as he sputtered, unable to utter a single word. Time seemed to have frozen for the onlookers as he removed his hand, the once tyrant now nothing more than a sack of bones and flesh, devoid of all life. The body hit the ground with a sickening thud.
Both the mist and the hovering shards of ice evaporated in a matter of moments. Killua turned to the man's underlings. He didn't say a word, he didn't have to. All three of the minions scattered in an instant, not even bothering to try and save their master. Killua slowly cleaned his blood slicked fingers using his clothing, he'd dispose of them later. "Good riddance..." Something caught Killua's eye as the minions fled. A small gemstone was lying on the ground, one of them had dropped it. He tentatively picked up the stone, however before he could examine it he sensed someone approaching.
Killua slipped the stone in his pocket and quickly activated zetsu as he heard rapid footsteps, and leapt atop a building in the blink of an eye. As he watched, several people in magic knight robes turned the corner. I'm not sure what squad that is, man I should've paid more attention during the exams. He assumed that due to the timing of their arrival, that they'd gotten lost in the mist well before that all went down. For a night squad to be all the way out here was odd, he'd figured they were most likely on a mission. A female with long curled orange hair knelt down beside the injured, and he thought he saw plants sprouting from the ground.
Killua didn't stick around much longer, simply making his way back to the bulls hideout, dunking his hair in a stream on the way to wash out all of the color. He washed his face as well, trying to clear his head. Man I don't know what came over me there. It was like he couldn't control himself. He'd lost all semblance of control in that moment. I really need to keep better control over my temper. He thought, biting his lip. Killua was generally fairly good at keeping his anger under control, but occasionally the emotions inside him boiled over. This hadn't been the first time it had happened, far from it actually.
Killua let out a deep sigh, raking a hand through his curly white locks when he suddenly remembered something. Killua slipped the shining purpleish pink stone out of his pocket. It was cut into a squarish shape and was decorated with a golden crescent moon. Three small stars lay within the crescent. As Killua stared at the stone, he couldn't help but think. Man, Bisky would go crazy over this. A grin split across his face. You know...maybe I'll keep this, just to shove in that old hag's face. I mean, unless she wants to buy it from me. He slipped the shimmering stone back into his pocket, perhaps he'd see if there were more such stones and start a collection.
As Killua made his way back to the hideout changing his clothes before he did anything else. There was a lot of noise, far much more noise than usual. He sighed, peeking in to see what the fuss was about. The rest of the squad seemed to be having some sort of barbecue. Vanessa turned her head and blinked. "There he is!" Suddenly most of the squad had their attention on him, and he huffed. "Did I miss something again?" Charmy was floating on a cloud of her cotton creation magic with a groan, nearly bumping into him. "man, I'm stuffed, la." Finral let out a sigh. "Yeah, Noelle and Asta went on their first mission today with Magna and we got a gold star." what is this, kindergarten? He thought with amusement. Although logically, it probably actually meant something significant. "Oh?"
Finral seemed to notice his silent questions. "Yeah, the Wizard king hands them out to people for doing noble acts and such." Killua thought that sounded kind of like the star system for hunters, except for the whole squad instead of just one person. Interesting. "oh also payday just came. Here." He reached into a portal and fished out a bag, dropping it into killua's hands. Killua was a bit surprise at the amount of money but decided to keep up his noble façade. "Payday? More like pocket change." He said sassily, with a fake sigh. Noelle huffed from nearby. "I know right?" Magna groaned from his place across the grill. "Oh will you two stop being so..." He trailed off, squinting a little. Killua raised an eyebrow. "so...what?"
"N-nevermind." he grumbled. Vanessa laughed a bit. "Say! Since you've got some pocket change why don't you come with me and the other newbies on a little shopping trip tomorrow? We have the day off." Killua contemplated that for a moment. It would be perfect to build relations with my other squadmates- He paused, rubbing his temples. This isn't work, you're not working Killua. No need to focus on that stuff. Killua had a bad habit of looking at situations just as how he'd look at a job, completely logically and strategically. But this wasn't work, it was an adventure. He redirected his thoughts, looking back down at his bag of Yule. A shopping trip would be fun wouldn't it? Perhaps I'll save a fourth for emergency purposes... Killua had already saved up quite a bit of money for emergency use, so he didn't need a whole lot. He glanced back up at Vanessa and gave her a smile. "Sounds fun, I'm in."
1194 words
To be continued...
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