"I was busy a few miles away, sorry."
Magna growled. "The hell were you doing anyway? And what's with the sack?" Noelle wrinkled her nose at the smell. "Smells pungent." Killua opened the sack, dumping its contents on the table. All four of his squad member's eyes widened, much to killua's confusion. "What? You've never seen large game before?" Suddenly Yami started laughing, pounding his hand on the table. Am I missing something? He thought, with a slight frown.
"Hey no fair!" Asta suddenly shouted, looking agitated. Killua was enormously confused by the energy of the room. Yami was still cackling, Asta was yelling at him, Noelle was staring in disgust at the dead boars, and Magna was giving him an 'are you kidding me?' expression. Yeah, I'm definitely missing something. "Why exactly are you yelling at me? Is me bringing home large game really that big of a deal? I mean, I did kill a whole herd of these annoying bastards, I could go buy them back if you want one that bad." He asked, placing his hands behind his head with a slightly irritated frown. "We were supposed to go on the mission together and you went by yourself!"
Killua blinked. "Mission? What mission?" Asta hesitated. "Huh-?" Yami's laughter finally came to a stop, and he leaned back on the couch he was lounging on. "We were just telling the other newbies about a fresh new mission that popped up this morning, but it seems like you've already taken care of it. Oh. Well that explained a lot. Killua shrugged, keeping his relaxed stance. "You're welcome I guess." Asta growled, shooting a glare at Killua. "Damn, I was really excited for my first mission, you suck!" Noelle turned her head away. "Can you get that putrid dead animal off the table? It's disgusting!"
Killua huffed and put them back in the sack. "I only took them out because i was asked to." Noelle let out a sigh. "well at least that's one thing taken care of, I'm going back to my room. Come get me when there's a real mission to do." She grumbled, before walking away. Killua couldn't help but ask a question he had burning in the back of his mind. "why boar hunting?" Before Magna could answer, Asta blurted out. "they lost a poker game can you believe it!?" Poker? Killua's eyebrows raised. "Oh? To who, if I may ask?"
"Seihi, the chief of Sosshi. Man he wiped the floor with us"
Approximately 45 minutes later he was over at Sosshi for the third time today, peeking into the casino. Honestly he could've made it sooner, but he made an effort to change his appearance just enough so he wasn't recognized as a magic knight. Seeing as Yami and Magna were gambling perhaps there was no need, but Killua made it a habit of changing up his appearance to gamble in case he got kicked out for winning too much. Regrettably he didn't have his full makeup kit, hair kit, or various styles of clothing with him as he did at home. He'd just put some temporary brown hair dye in his hair and straightened his curls a little by dampening them so they drooped more downward, and put on a more commoner looking outfit. He finished the look with some light contour to alter his face's apparent shape slightly. Wasn't his best job, but it'd work.
As Killua peeked inside his eyes shined. There were people playing cards, roulette, and several other games. Oh hell yeah. Killua hadn't seen a casino in far too long. "Hey kid! You ever played poker before?" A woman said from the side of the room, a slight smirk gracing her lips. Killua hummed. "hm? Oh sure, but I prefer darts." he said, with his own grin. The casino was one of the rare things in life that gave Killua copious amounts of joy. "care to make a wager?" The woman pursed her lips thoughtfully. "sure, why not?"
The next hour and a half was amazing, Killua had the time of his life pretty much every game in the casino, he even tried out some of the purely luck based games just for the hell of it even though ordinarily he'd never do that. Suddenly though a...chill, hit the air. The casino fell silent, the only noise being the soft murmur of wind outside. Something...doesn't feel right. The air suddenly felt extremely foreboding. A frown crossed Killua's face and he slowly peeked out of the window only to see a thick layer of fog outside. That's... not natural. He realized. It must be some sort of magic, the atmosphere around here isn't right for this kind of fog.
"Do you feel that?" Killua glanced over his shoulder, as he listened to the whispers. "yeah, I can feel it. It's so strong..." Sense? I don't sense anything. What could a common villager sense that he couldn't? He thought for a few moments. Then, it hit him. It must be the person who's causing the fog, they must have strong magic. It must be similar to how one senses powerful Nen. Killua slowly opened the door and was immediately blinded by the fog. He gritted his teeth, activating En as far out as he could. His En wasn't very good, one of his least practiced techniques. However, it allowed him to make his way through the town without bumping into anything. The streets were eerily quiet, a bit too quiet. Where are all the people?
His eyes closed, and he listened as he walked. In the distance he could hear a faint shuffling noise, the sound of people. As he grew closer and closer to the people, the fog thinned. Not much, but just enough so he could see more than just obscure shapes. There were several people huddled in a circle. Men, women, children, people of all ages. There were also mages in robes surrounding them. Killua stiffened slightly as he noticed the magic spell hovering above them, sharp threatening ice spikes looming above the group. Is the village being attacked?
His eyes narrowed. Attacking harmless civilians? I won't feel a drop of remorse for what I'm about to do next. Death had never bothered Killua. He was raised on it pretty much. However there was a difference between taking a life in battle, and preying on those who couldn't fight back. He activated zetsu and crept closer, hand slipping into his pocket and resting on the knife he always kept on him at any given moment. There was a man with a long pale scar arcing across his face standing in front of the circle, issuing orders to what Killua assumed were his underlings. "gather up the rest, and bring them here." Killua's eyes glinted, and he let go of the knife. I suppose getting my hands dirty wouldn't be that big of a deal...right?
1148 words
To be continued...
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