Asta looked at him in complete shock as he caught the book. Killua stretched a little. "Just for this match, to make it more exciting." Not that it would have mattered in this fight anyways if I'd used it. This guy's magic power is pathetic, maybe having a sword will make it more exciting. Asta's eyes shined as he lifted the sword out of the grimoire. "So cool!" He whispered, making a few test swings. "Is that allowed?" One of the captains said, frowning down at the match. "Certainly not, get them off the stage-"
"Hold up, this is interesting. I say let 'em and see where this goes."
Killua glanced up at the gruff voice who'd just spoken, turned out to be the captain with the black cloak. Killua didn't remember what squad he was in charge of, but he seemed a lot more laid back then the other captains. "Alright!" Asta yelled, holding the sword in a ready position. "I'm ready!" Killua started strolling forward, hands in his pockets. Asta hesitated, confused. "Huh-" Killua yawned. "Baaka, the match has already started. You just gonna stand there or-?"
Asta did not wait another moment, he launched forward and swung hard at Killua. The white haired teenager threw up a hand to block, stopping the sword dead in it's tracks. Asta's eyes widened in shock. "H-Holy crap you're fast-" Killua flicked the sword away, then landed a punch right in the center of his chest. Asta flew back with a grunt, but impressively managed to land on his feet. Killua had been holding back quite a lot, but he was impressed that he'd managed to stay standing despite the blow knocking the breath out of him. I wonder how strong he is? I bet... Killua faked a yawn. "This is boring, definitely not a fair fight. How about we settle this with an arm wrestle?"
Asta blinked. "Huh? Oh- sure, I'm good at those." Killua sat on the floor, and Asta followed in suit. There wasn't exactly a table they could use, but the floor would work. "Alright, so what's your good arm?" Asta held out his right arm. "This one!" Killua offered his other arm, and set his elbow on the ground. "Alright. Three, two one, go!" Asta's veins protruded slightly as he struggled, pushing as hard as he could. Killua's arm didn't budge, but he was actually slightly impressed. He's actually pretty strong. Nowhere near my level of strength, but it's still impressive. I don't think he's using any magic enhancers either. Does he...not have magic at all?
Killua let him struggle for about ten seconds, before slamming his hand into the concrete of the stage mercilessly. "G-Gah!" Asta lay on the floor, clutching his hand and groaning softly. Killua didn't exactly feel bad, but he had to admit he did go a bit overboard. The floor was shattered, and the poor kid's hand was bleeding, Killua wouldn't be surprised if it was broken. "Guess I won?" Asta groaned, sitting up. "I'm not done yet!" Killua snickered, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I mean we could go again but it wouldn't end any differently-"
"That's enough."
Killua and Asta both looked up to see the bird masked individual speaking. "You two have broken rules, not to mention neither of you even showcased your magic power so nobody would even consider choosing you. Please exit the premises and return home." Killua shrugged. "Eh, whatever. I took this exam for fun anyways." He said, sliding his hands in his pockets and starting to walk off. "Wait" Killua blinked, glancing upwards at the captain with the black robe, who'd spoken. "I'll take 'em" He said, with an amused grin. Eh?
"Y-Yami you can't be serious," the orange haired captain said. "They broke several rules, and neither really participated in the exam seriously-" "Those two are fuckin hilarious, and I said i want them in my squad. Got a problem?" Asta's eyes were wide and shining as he stared up at the captain, but Killua didn't feel all that elated. He was more surprised. Well that took an unexpected turn. Killua sighed. "Gonna have to decline, I'm a bit busy-" , "Did I say you got to refuse?" Yami asked, in a threatening tone, staring directly into his eyes. Killua let out a soft chuckle. "Very well then, I'll wait for you outside." He exited the stadium as he retrieved his bag of Yule, ignoring the looks people gave him.
"Captain Yami sir, why did you accept them?" Finral asked, gazing at his captain with confusion. Sure Yami could be unpredictable at times, but this was downright insane. Yami blew out a puff of smoke, then glanced over at him. "Hm? Well the short one's got heart, and the tall one's interesting." he said. Finral couldn't believe his ears. Is that all there really is to it? Is he serious? Oh who am I kidding, captain Yami's almost never serious. He sulked internally. This is gonna be a handful..
"Hey, Wait up!"
Killua took a glance over his shoulder as Asta ran after him, behind due to having to get his hand healed. "Hey! You forgot your grimoire!" he said, holding the battered book out to him. "Thanks for letting me borrow it, even though I totally lost. But this doesn't mean I wont-" Killua let out a scoff, cutting him off. "Keep it." Asta blinked for a few moments. "H-huh?" Killua shrugged, placing his hands behind his head. "Never used the damn thing anyway, all it can do is make that and I prefer using knives." Asta gave him a nervous look. "Knives..?"
Is that suspicious? Shit. Killua let out a sigh, reaching for some kind of excuse to make his words sound less odd. "I mean like throwing knives, my parents made me participate in a sport when I was younger." Asta looked a tad bit confused and slightly alarmed. "Wait, that's a sport-?" Killua huffed. "Commoners." He said sassily, quickening his stride to pull ahead of him. Killua had to admit he somewhat enjoyed pretending to be some kind of royalty. Asta huffed and picked up the speed as well. "So what if I'm a commoner? We got into the same squad!" Suddenly he winced and nearly doubled over, his stomach making ungodly sounds. "I-I uh- gotta go- I'll be back!" Killua watched in amusement as he quickly ran off, presumably to the bathroom.
Killua leaned against the wall as the sun started to set, looking up at the stunning streaks of yellow, orange, and pink. He missed Gon, and a lot. However he couldn't deny the feeling of excitement balling up inside him. He might not have been planning for this outcome, but there were so many opportunities that came into light with this development. I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me...
1139 words
To be continued...
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