Chapter Thirty-Five
It took a while to get Smushy settled, but once he did, she had fallen asleep rather quickly. She was dirty, but he could wash her later.
After that, he had messaged Shinso quickly, making a playlist to listen to, and then started cleaning the second floor of the dorms. He wouldn't go into anyone's rooms, but he could clean their doors and the halls.
The floors where there rooms are, are actually very open and have lots of space. There could be a common area on every floor if they wanted to have one.
He does the best he can to forget how he ruined the amazing day he'd had.
He told Shinso the truth, but also said not to worry and then he told him about the events of the day. Shinso was very happy for him since he got to take Smushy to the dorms with him. Having his own cat and Mr. Aizawa was a great privilege.
Shinso has also been so good to him.
Trying not to think about how he wishes his mom could be there for him is hard. It's one of the hardest things he's had to think about.
It's his mom.
But WHATEVER, it's so chill vibes.
He's a cucumber.
He sings along to the songs he's playing, really getting into the cleaning mood because it gives him something to do as he tries not to succumb to hurting himself or the unwanted thoughts.
As he puts more force into cleaning, the strain makes the bruise near his temple begin hurting.
It's actually not that bad after a while, and soon, he's finishing up by mopping after wiping down the windows, and yes the walls. They get dusty, especially near the corners. It was always something that annoyed him, and this job only urged him to finally clean that.
Once it's dark out, he realizes that he's listened to the small playlist he made at least twice, but lets the music keep playing as he takes the laptop downstairs to get himself something to eat.
He'll work out as he leaves the chicken to defrost.
As soon as he takes the chicken out to defrost, he goes upstairs to change into something to workout in, making sure to put pause on the music.
Once he's back downstairs, he debates where he should workout. It's scary in the dorms alone. Also knowing that Mr. Aizawa or other teachers he trusts aren't on campus, he freaks out just a tad bit more, but shakes it off because it's UA.
There's a gym in the dorms, he had yet to get to cleaning that, but it's on the main floor so maybe he should have cleaned it yesterday. He thinks about it as he changes and decides it's too late now, so he'll clean it on the same day he cleans the 2-A classroom. It's a whole plan.
He sighs at how bored he is alone without his phone, having to rely on watching shows and movies rather than texting his friends and reading the stuff he wants on his own device.
He should save up for one. Maybe with the money from cleaning, he can do that.
Things got worse when he was lying in bed after one a.m. He had tried to get Smushy to get out from under his bed so that he could cuddle her, but she had hidden from him after he'd showered her. She was holding a grudge at that.
Just lying there with his thoughts was not helping him at all. He was thinking so many things, and not one was good.
This itchy panic-y feeling was all over him, and he had a feeling it had to do with downstairs. Did he forget to lock the dorms? Did he not turn off a light? Did he turn off the stove?
He threw the sheets off of himself and huffed in fake annoyance. He was more scared to go alone downstairs so late when he was so on edge.
It was unnecessary fear.
And the unnecessary fear always made him want to cry at any noise, even if he knew the noise was coming. Now, though, any noise could be made without him knowing and he might freak out so bad that he starts crying. It's almost gotten that bad before, and he'd rather not live that fear.
He turns on the lights and heads down to the main floor. He takes the stairs because if he takes the elevator, the doors will open to something unknown.
For some reason he pictures a character from a horror film jumping out at him and also someone from the league. He doesn't know which one would be worse for him. Either way, he'd shit his own pants.
He's wearing the clothes Shinso got him, so he'd rather not ruin them so soon.
He thought they'd make him feel better, and they did, up until the thoughts overran his brain. Stupid thoughts.
Once he's on the main floor, he turns the lights on as quickly as possible.
Immediately, after scanning the floor, he lets himself relax just slightly, but still cautious as he heads to the kitchen, thinking he left the stove on. Once he gets closer, he sees that he did, in fact leave the stove on, and he completely relaxes, face-palming. How reckless.
What if something had happened? His safe space at UA would have been completely taken away from him. What if they kicked him out or made him go home for a while?
He shakes his head to get rid of those questions.
Just then he hears a noise and he completely tenses up and his head shoots towards the direction of the door to see someone standing there. Just knowing someone was there, scared the fuck out of him and he jumps, accidently releasing some of his quirk, and screaming in fear.
It registers in his mind that it was one of his teachers, but way too late. He had already embarrassed himself in front of them.
The fact that it was a teacher that he wasn't fond of, made him more on edge, but at least it wasn't a villain or the grudge. Thank fuck for that.
"Jesus, Kaminari. What was that reaction? I didn't mean to scare you, but if I did, I at least expected you to attack," Midnight sighs, shaking her head in disappointment.
Kaminari hates her. Is scared of her. Her quirk is ideal for taking advantage of people. Just seeing what it did to Bakugo that first time in the Sports Festival was enough to put him on edge every time someone even mentioned her.
Even before that, though, he was just scared of her.
A sexual hero who had a sexual personality. It was uncomfortable to be around her, and the comments she made towards them all always sent shivers down his spine and left him in a cold sweat.
And now he's alone with her in the dorms. There were no cameras in here. Mr. Aizawa had just said that they were outside.
She could do something right now.
Literally anything. Just a whiff of her quirk and he'd be out like a light. He was scared. He'd never been alone with her. Ever.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
He sounded too nervous. It would let her know that he was on edge, and if that was the case, she would start asking questions and stay longer. He'd rather that didn't happen.
"I saw the lights turn on, so I decided to see what was up. Aizawa told me that you were here alone, so I also thought that I'd check up on you. Are you okay?"
I was better before you showed up.
"Yeah, I just came down for a glass of water," he lied.
The entire time, she had her eyes scanning him. Watching him. It was scary. Hated been looked at so closely, and with her, god that made all of this worse. She was wearing her hero costume. She could really just do anything right now.
He felt himself start to panic even more.
"Alright. Goodnight," she said, not wanting to keep the conversation going to which he sighed in relief. Thank fuck she didn't seem to like him.
He did not wish her a good one. He was already on edge, and he watched intently as she closed the door behind her. Quickly, he had locked the door, and gone back to the kitchen, taking out one of the plates of desserts that was left.
Being alone in this huge ass building was not good for him. He was way too stressed.
He wishes Bakugo and Todoroki would come back already.
His alarm woke him up in a startle, making him feel ridiculous at waking up in such an unpleasant way.
The night before, he had set it so that he didn't wake up too late and make Aizawa wake him up and wait for him. He has done so much for him already, given him opportunities. The least he can do is not make him wait, so with a stretch and a yawn, he gets up and gets ready for the day.
It's only seven, but he doesn't know at what time Mr. Aizawa was coming, so he'd rather wait for the man rather than make him wait for the blond. He'll try to get Smushy to come out of under his bed in that time. She was really mad at him for showering her, hissing and trying to bite him. It was chaotic. He'd rather not have to do that again, but it was inevitable.
He serves her some food, and he hears her meow from under the bed, but she doesn't come out, so he huffs, and gets on his belly to get under there and get her.
Sure enough, there she is in the corner, face angry and hissing as she tries to get farther from him.
"Come on, Smushy, I have food for you."
She meows when he shakes the bowl of food, being really noisy with it.
He grunts and tries again.
"Come on, please," he tries, going 'psst psst' at her.
She gets closer, but then just lies down, yawning and resting her cute little head on her front paws, closing her pretty green eyes.
Kaminari finds her so incredible adorable and decides that cats being that adorable would kill him.
Dying for a cat would be a heroic death.
He just leaves the food on the floor, almost under the bed, but not quite, hoping she'd come closer so he could grab her at some point.
After standing back up, he stretches again and slumps forward dramatically. He's so tired.
Last night took a lot out of him, and even then, he couldn't fall asleep for another hour after that. Stupid Smushy had also been no help since she hadn't come out so that he could cuddle her. He'd even tried baiting her with treats. Damn her.
Once he grabs the laptop Shinso had lent him, he heads downstairs, making a few eggs as he texts Shinso, and even as he eats, he texts the other boy. Towards eight, Kaminari starts falling asleep, and decides that taking a nap on the couch would be good. That way he could hear the door when it opened, and Mr. Aizawa wouldn't have to trouble himself by going upstairs for him.
Maybe Mr. Aizawa wasn't going to show up.
It would be fine if he didn't, but the thought that maybe he really wouldn't show up made him want to cry. It quickly went away since he had knocked out on the couch as soon as he covered himself with a blanket he left there.
Word Count: 1,949
YALL im sorry i had not written shit for this chapter at all and was legit busy all week, but i have days off this week and will definitely post another chapter this week to make up for this. this chapter is so short, too. IM REALLY SORRY. I love you all and tysm for reading. I'll post sometime this week at a random time and again next Sunday hopefully at 8pm central time<3
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