Chapter Thirty
Everyone heads up to get their scores, going by the order of their numbers.
As soon as everyone has their papers, they all open them, both eager and nervous to see.
Mr. Aizawa didn't look mad or upset at all, so Kaminari feels as though everyone passed. It wound be scary to think that someone could fail. Today is also the day that Kaminari will ask Mr. Aizawa about the summer.
Then, before he knows it, he's looking at his scores, all high passing grades and he smiles so wide that it hurts his face.
"Congratulations everyone, you passed. There were no failing grades so there will be no summer school. Get ready for physical training now," Mr. Aizawa says, and Kaminari deflates in happiness.
He'd been so worked up over this.
Well, it was one of the many things he was worked up over.
Today his dad would be released, he's probably out now, roaming about, and then tomorrow is his birthday.
God, his birthday.
Since his mood is still great because of the test scores, he decides he'll talk to his teacher at this very moment, waiting for everyone to stop congratulating each other and file out before making his way to the dead-looking man.
"Hey, um, Sir?"
Said man looks up, wondering why the blond is here instead of getting ready like he'd instructed.
The blond fiddles with his fingers behind his back.
"I was wondering if the dorms would be open for the students during the summer break? Like the entire break?" He asks.
He really hopes the answer is just yes because having to explain his situation would be so embarrassing for admit, especially to a teacher who he looks up to.
"I don't think that would be allowed unless there was a certain reason," he tells the student. Kaminari is suddenly overwhelmed with so much nervousness. What if his reason still isn't enough to stay at the dorms?
"I- since my dad gets out today, he's going back home. And since I put a restraining order out, it would be complicated. Also, the reason... For the restraining order..." He trails off, letting the teacher realize.
Once the teacher comes to the conclusion, Kaminari can see it.
It's kind of like a light went off and then it was replaced by anger. Hopefully at his parents and not him.
"He's just, going back?" He asks in annoyance.
He nods in embarrassment.
"And your mom is fine. She's fine with that?"
Another nod.
Mr. Aizawa shakes his head in disbelief. "Jesus, kid. I'll see what I can do. You deserve better parents than them. Shit, they're so stupid," he takes a deep breath, calming himself down, "take it easy and don't let him slow you down. Tomorrow is your birthday, too, so, enjoy it."
With that, he dismisses Kaminari and the blond makes his way to change quickly.
The validation he gets from these people around him is insane. It feels too good to be true, but he won't say anything.
Quickly changing, he joins his friends who, of course, were waiting for him and congratulated him on his scores and for working so hard to get them. They'd seen his hard work.
It was noticed.
"Meh, I guess they were good," Shinso says, bumping their elbows.
Kaminari smiles widely.
Okay, things are going great.
He passed his finals.
Mr. Aizawa is getting the okay for him go stay at the dorms.
His friends are amazing.
It's probably not a lot, but it is to him.
He also killed it in training today.
No, he didn't win against Bakugo, but he was close, and fighting with the angry blond always ended with him learning more about his strategies.
There was also that he won against Shinso. Well, they each won one.
With how they're working out together and training together all the time, they pretty much have equal ground unless it comes to quirks. That part is really just Shinso defending himself correctly with his capture scarf, trying to keep his distance from the blond.
They didn't fight with quirks at all, though.
"You still suck at high kicks," Kaminari tells Shinso.
"Like you're any better," he bites back.
"Yeah, but I'm not always trying to use them."
"Ugh, whatever. We should also focus some workouts on flexibility," Shinso notes.
Kaminari nods in approval.
"We almost scored the same on the written exams," Shinso says, hiding a smile.
Kaminari does smile, though. "Yeah, I know. I'm pretty smart, huh," he says, trying to make Shinso admit it.
"No way."
A huff from Kaminari makes Shinso smile.
"We should go out to eat," he blurts.
Kaminari turns red, and faces Shinso. "What?" The blond asks.
Shinso faces him and nods, faking confidence.
"We should go out to eat. Just me and you. Wherever you want," he decides right then and there, smile widening.
Kaminari squints at him. "Hm, okay. Today?"
The taller nods.
"Today at 6."
The blond feels a rush of excitement in his belly. Butterflies in his stomach.
God, this is so cheesy and gross he could vomit, but oh god this is happening to him. Shinso just asked him out on a date. 'Just them two'.
He's going to cry and punch a wall holy shit.
He's winning right now.
His crush asked him out, he passed his finals with such high scores his mom will be eating her fucking words, and he killed it in hero training today. Damn, he is on a roll.
The giddy feeling in both of them linger throughout lunch, their friends noticing the air around them.
Even after lunch, during training then, did the feeling linger, helping both Kaminari and Shinso through their fights against classmates.
Impress Kaminari.
Impress Shinso.
Ran through their minds the entire time after.
They were disgustingly cute, and the entire class noticed their mood changes.
Suddenly it was six and both were ready.
The way Shinso asked felt different and both of them knew. It was a good different and a type of different that Kaminari didn't even think he was ready for, but as soon as Shinso asked, he knew in his gut that maybe it was time to start trying.
Start small for now.
And with Shinso, he knew he was safe. He would make sure Kaminari was okay with everything and anything he did.
Shinso was a safe person.
A knock on his door and Kaminari was rushing to open it, having on his favorite jeans and button-up shirt, with his nicest looking shoes.
Shinso looked- holy shit Shinso looked so good.
Always, but damn.
His white button-up went well with his black pants and shoes.
Kaminari felt so damn happy.
"You ready?" Shinso asked.
He was biting back a smile.
"Yeah," Kaminari said, fighting back his own.
They walk in a sort of tense silence as they walk out of the dorms. It's not uncomfortable, just a different kind of feeling was in the air between the two.
"You never said where you wanted to eat," Shinso realizes out loud, once they made it outside of the campus.
Kaminari laughs, breaking the kind of serious mood that their feelings brought, it made Shinso feel lighter, which helped Kaminari ease up a bit.
It was a well-needed laugh.
"Um, I don't know, I guess a good burger place?" Kaminari half says, half asks.
It's kind of warm out, Kaminari realizes as he breathes in deeply, feeling way better than he has a in a while.
He feels so good he could cry.
"Great, I know a great place," the other says and starts leading the blond to said great burger place.
Since Kaminari knows Shinso will never do anything without his say, Kaminari decides to make the first move of the night.
"Can I hold your hand?" He asks.
And the question is a lot easier to ask than he realized. Maybe because it's Shinso.
The smile that had been fighting it's way onto Shinso's face finally makes an appearance and he nods. "Be my guest."
He feels bold enough to intertwine their fingers and sighs a breath of relief at the whole situation.
"You know, since we're holding hands now, or whatever, the mood has definitely shifted, so I just wanna say- no, don't look at me," Kaminari says, pushing Shinso's face the other way with a laugh, "thank you for making this an easy thing for me to experience. I felt weird before because I never wanted to go out with anyone before and felt weird for that. I guess your dumb ass was all it took for me to want simple things like going out."
Kaminari's hand stayed on Shinso's face as they continued walking, which kind of made it difficult for Kaminari to do normally since they were also still holding hands.
"That was really gross," Shinso says, pushing Kaminari's hand to face him a bit as they walked.
"Guess I have to get used to that cheesy talk from now on," he adds.
Kaminari scrunches his nose. "And I'm cheesy?"
"I want fries so bad," Kaminari frowns, melting onto the table.
Shinso rolls his eyes affectionately, loving the warm feeling he gets when he's around Kaminari.
"Just wait. We ordered a while ago so the food should be getting here," Shinso assures.
Kaminari turns his head the other way to look at Shinso, head still on the table, blinking at Shinso dramatically. He just really wants fries.
"You never showed me that movie that goes 'Wow, San Francisco' and I've been waiting for it since we started watching movies together," Shinso suddenly remembers.
Kaminari gasps, and sits up. "I completely forgot about that. Man, we're watching that as soon as we get home- I mean, to the dorms. Well, pfft, my soon to be home. Anyway, yeah we're watching it. I get hugs," Kaminari decides right then.
Shinso has no reason for rejecting that whatsoever and is loving how comfortable Kaminari is getting with him.
"I apologize for the wait, here is your food, I will be passing every now and then if you need anything," the waiter says, giving them their meals and making her leave with a smile.
Kaminari inhales the air dramatically and sighs. "Man, that smells so good."
He obviously digs for his fries, nodding in approval at the taste.
"Fries are good. Let's see the burger," he says, wiggling his eyebrows before taking a bite.
His eyes widen as he chews, nodding and humming in thought.
"Good?" Shinso asks.
And, of course, Kaminari being Kaminari, he smiles with all the food in his mouth and Shinso can't help but laugh at him, even if it's gross.
"Ew," he says, laughing so freely and enjoying this time with the blond.
Yeah, they're almost always together now, but this is their first date and Shinso feels good knowing that Kaminari is enjoying himself. It's just them out and about, having a good time.
The burger place is mostly empty, but the workers don't seem to mind the loudness of the two. Every so often, Shinso will catch a worker or two smiling at the teenage boys, even looking at their feet which Kaminari had decided to intertwine some time ago.
"Mr. Aizawa is being really nice to me and I can't tell if it's cause he feels bad for me or if it's because he actually likes me," Kaminari rambles, talking about how all the teachers have gotten better around him.
"Are you still distant with Midnight? I don't like her either," he asks.
Kaminari groans, taking another bite and nodding.
He quickly finishes what's in his mouth before continuing. "Yeah, she's so fucking weird, and Mr. Aizawa gives her looks when she's near me," he laughs, "I don't know, usually I think it'd annoy me that he's doing that, but it's funny when he does it with her."
Shinso smiles, taking in the information that the blond is providing.
"I barely know shit about you, what are your parents like? You said they were cool earlier and I want to hear about them," Kaminari prompts, urging Shinso to give up something about his family life.
"My mom is really understanding and talks to me about everything. Since I'm an only child both her and my dad spoiled me rotten and helped out when I was being picked on for my quirk. I told you about that, right?"
Kaminari nods, looking at Shinso with all of his attention, loving when he talks because he rarely does.
"Yeah, well, they helped me through that and pushed me to get into UA, and I did, thankfully, or, not so thankfully cause you're here," he jokes, moving his leg to jostle the blond who laughs, scrunching his nose and god if Shinso doesn't absolutely melt at that.
"Always, anyway, when I didn't get into the hero course, they also helped with helping to transfer into Class A. They do a lot for me, and they know about you and the Bakusquad. I think you should meet them," he finishes off, and Kaminari's eyes widen, pushing himself back a little.
Shinso nods, smiling lightly.
"I don't think they'd like me," he laughs, but it's different this time, face falling a bit and Shinso feels a small tug at his heart, knowing Kaminari's relationship with his own parents.
"I'm positive they'll like you. Based on what I've told them, they're eager to meet you the most, but don't tell the others that. I promise they're not going to hate you or not like you."
Kaminari bites the inside of his mouth, nodding a bit as his mood gets better again.
"Ah, sorry, I just automatically assume all parents hate me because mine do," he half laughs.
"I can promise you, your parents are one of the worst parents I have ever heard of. Mine will love you," he promises, and Kaminari trusts him so much, so he nods.
"I hope so."
Word Count: 2,343
I was supposed to start actual school tomorrow cause I quarantined and did the virtual conference thing my school offered so I didn't get marked absent from school, but then my school decided to go virtual for just this coming week(hopefully they extend it to the end of the year 😫) so im still gonna do virtual except now I'm actually gonna be learning cause my teachers will be teaching me instead of me staying with three administrators who sit and do nothing 😫😫😫. I hope y'all liked this chapter ☝😋. Next one will go up next Sunday at 8pm central time. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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