Chapter Forty-Two
Aizawa goes inside to get the pills once the time is up. They even drove around for an extra thirty minutes per Kaminari's request.
Kaminari is freaking out so much, Bakugo notices.
"Sparky, are- chill out, yeah? You'll be okay. You can stay in my room, or I can stay in yours with Smushy. I'll make sure you're okay."
His words put Kaminari a little more at ease, but it's the weight of everything and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Kaminari just nods, as tears start streaming down his face once again. He looks down at his lap before hiding his face in his hands and sobbing grossly.
"I'm being so fucking emotional and I don't even know why. Okay, I know why but I never let it get to me like this. Just give me a moment," Kaminari says, sniffling which sounds so nasty, and Bakugo looks around the car.
He opens the glove box and sees napkins, so he hands them to Kaminari.
"I'll be outside the car for a bit. I'll come back in when Aizawa comes. Cry it out. It's okay," he says, smiling softly at Kaminari and getting out of the car, closing the door behind him.
Aizawa left the keys in the car obviously which means the music is still playing, so Kaminari can cry pretty loud if he wants.
He just focuses on trying to stop, though.
He takes a few breaths, wipes his eyes, and blows his nose like ten times.
By the time Aizawa comes out, Kaminari has calmed himself down enough and checked his face in the rearview mirror to check if his face was red and only his eyes and nose were.
Bakugo says something to Aizawa, and the man nods.
Aizawa opens his own door and looks back at Kaminari.
"You doing alright, kid? You need or want anything before we head back?" He asks.
Kaminari wants junk food. He wants chocolate and chips and soda. He wants to pig out and bundle up in his blankets as he listens to sad music and texts Shinso with Bakugo in the room taking care of him.
He wants so much.
"Can we go to the store?"
Aizawa nods. "Yeah, no problem."
When Aizawa sits down, Bakugo opens his own door and gets in the car, looking back at Kaminari and nodding supportively.
They drive to the closest store to the school which isn't far, and before Aizawa can turn off the car, Kaminari stops him. "I'll be quick. Unless you need anything?"
Aizawa shakes his head and so does Bakugo when Kaminari looks at him.
"Okay, then I'll be right back."
With that, he gets out of the car and hurries inside, letting his tears fall once he's inside the store, heading straight for the junk food.
He wanted to get a whole bunch of junk food, but he feels embarrassed about heading out with so much just for himself.
It makes him cry harder as he chooses whether to get candy or chips.
His vision blurs because of the tears, but he keeps looking.
He decided to get both and the soda he wanted, but feels so bad about it, so when he goes up to the register, the lady looks at him weirdly.
She tells him the total and he pulls out the money and places it in the tray.
He grabs his bag and wipes the tears as fast as he can as he's given his change and walks out, eyes and nose still red but no fresh tears.
Holy shit he needs to stop being a little bitch. He shouldn't be crying of every little fucking thing.
When he gets back into the car, the only sound is the music playing before Aizawa clears his throat. "You ready?"
"Yeah," Kaminari replies.
With that, they head to the dorms.
After going over when he takes his pills, Aizawa lets Bakugo and Kaminari go inside the dorms.
Bakugo looks over at Kaminari, and he's kind of just- holding himself together.
Bakugo doesn't want to leave Kaminari alone, but maybe he just needs time alone right now.
"Can you stay in my room with me?"
Bakugo looks up so fast.
He wants Bakugo to be with him?
"I just- maybe think that- I can tell you about everything. I also don't think that being alone will end up well... right now. You know?"
Don't cry.
"Okay, let's go."
Bakugo leads the way into the elevator and clicks Kaminari's floor. He doesn't really know what to do, really. All he can do is be there.
It's kind of upsetting how little he can do for Kaminari.
He wishes he would've known way before and killed Kisho a long time ago.
Thinking about it, he was probably capable of murder at 4 years old if Kisho thought Kaminari was able to endure such trauma at the same age.
What kind of fucked up human being puts a literal fucking child through that.
Like of course no one deserves that ever, but a fucking four year old? Are you fucking kidding?
And that bitch barely got any jail time.
Bakugo tries not to get visibly upset because then Kaminari might think that Bakugo is mad at him.
Once they get to Kaminari's room, Kaminari bundles up in his bed near the wall with a laptop and his snacks, bag from the mall placed on his desk, and Bakugo goes over to sit on the chair.
"You can stay on the bed. There's a lot of space," Kaminari says, and Bakugo looks over.
Yeah there is a lot of space but only because Kaminari is practically rolled into a ball on the opposite side of the bed.
Without a word, Bakugo sits on the bed, and Kaminari throws a blanket at him.
After Bakugo wraps one around himself, the room goes quiet.
A meow breaks the silence between the two teens. Sure, the fan made noise, but it wasn't on high, so it was pretty quiet.
Bakugo obviously perks up, and Kaminari can't help but smile at the noise his cat made
Smushy came from under the bed, jumping onto it and heading for Kaminari who's arms opened for her slightly where he was laying in a ball.
Bakugo had a face that let Kaminari know how bad Bakugo wanted to hold or pet her, but Smushy was a nervous and anxious cat who didn't get along with new peo-
Smushy walked over to Bakugo.
That bitch.
Bakugo pet her and she started purring happily at the attention.
Bakugo had to bite back a smile.
That was when Kaminari decided that telling him everything would be best. Bakugo was distracted with Smushy, so he wouldn't look at him as often even if Bakugo already didn't really look at him when he spoke about serious stuff.
Bakugo knew how Kaminari hated when people did that, so he wouldn't do that to Kaminari.
When Kaminari finally starts explaining and telling Bakugo everything, Bakugo just focuses on trying not to get mad and it's only the beginning of it all.
Since Kaminari has to take his medications at three different times of the day, he tries to work his schedule out around that.
He can take the anti-anxiety one as soon as he wakes up with the anti-depressant, but Arai said that taking it at the same time every day before a meal will help him remember to and actually eat.
That also means he'll have to eat at the same time every day because the pill is recommended to take at the same time.
So, he takes the anti-depressant when he wakes up, the anti-anxiety before he eats, and then the medication for insomnia right before bedtime.
It's a lot to think about when he doesn't want to.
He doesn't want to think about how he has to take medication.
Three types.
Three different medications.
He won't get over that any time soon. It'll probably take him years to get used to the fact that he's taking medication that his parents knew about.
Maybe they think he's insane.
Or maybe his mom is realizing that he's actually fucked up over this because it actually happened.
Either that or she really thinks he's taking his 'lie' this far.
He doesn't know which one he prefers.
He sighs and sees Bakugo look over to him to check on him, but Kaminari pretends not to notice, focusing on the laptop as he watches the same old movie for the tenth time that summer.
It hasn't even been a month.
After he told Bakugo the whole situation, the angry blond nodded and looked way too calm which let Kaminari know how mad he actually was.
Bakugo was way too good of a friend and gave Kaminari advice, but not in a way that made Kaminari feel pressured. He just told Kaminari what worked best for him, and told Kaminari that even though he knew that their situations were way different, that hopefully they'd be able to help him.
It was nice to hear how much Bakugo trusted him. He was giving Kaminari information that he hadn't shared with anyone and Kaminari felt more at ease knowing that Bakugo also didn't automatically get better.
It wasn't easy for Bakugo either.
He's not alone in this.
The little amount of validation that he got from Bakugo was way too good for him to hear.
After that little talk (which felt astronomical to Kaminari), they both started doing their own things, but Bakugo stayed in the room.
Kaminari stayed in his little ball watching on Shinso's laptop and texting said teen for hours as Smushy roamed around the room, got pets and attention, and took so many naps, but ultimately ended up resting on him.
Kaminari shared his snacks with Bakugo, and just tried to focus on being less anxious.
Yeah, he can just take his medication for that right now, but he doesn't want to start until tomorrow, well, other than the insomnia pill. That one he is taking tonight.
After thinking about it for some time, he decided that he wants to start tomorrow off well, so taking the pill to help him sleep will definitely (hopefully) help to start tomorrow off well.
Since it's summer, he starts his routine off later than when he did during school, so he'll be taking his anti-depressant around nine, but when school starts, he'll have to take it earlier, so maybe at 6?
So, he'll have to wake up earlier and earlier as school gets closer to starting so that when he does start school, he's already used to the time he's supposed to take them.
He's getting frustrated just thinking about this.
If he keeps thinking so much about his pills he's going to start thinking about why he has to take them and he doesn't feel like falling into the flashbacks at the moment.
Well, he never feels like it, but today it's especially not wanted.
"Wanna help me make dinner?"
Kaminari turns his head every so slightly as to not disturb Smushy where she rested her head on his cheek.
He doesn't want to move Smushy, but leaving his room for a bit will be good for him, and maybe he can take her downstairs.
He likes that idea, so he wakes Smushy up by poking her and she meows unhappily.
Once she lifts her head, he gets up and grabs her, turning to see Bakugo there waiting for him. Smushy makes a noise and he turns to face her but she's just glaring at him.
"Okay, let's go."
Smushy fills him with so much joy, it's insane.
They head downstairs and Kaminari sets down Smushy. She immediately goes to look around, and he watches for a bit as Bakugo finishes washing his hands. Once he does, Kaminari washes his and then they get started on dinner.
Bakugo is making something new and he seems really excited about it, so Kaminari feels a bit more happy at that.
They're halfway about done and both are really busy doing their own task when Kaminari decides to thank Bakugo.
"You know, uh, you're really cool. I know a lot of people make you seem like a bad guy and it really sucks because you're not. Thank you for being a good friend."
Kaminari can see Bakugo looking at him from the corner of his eye as he washes the vegetables, and Bakugo where he paused from turning on the stove.
Both jump at the new and monotone voice and turn so fast to where the voice came from.
"Oh, apologies."
Fucking Todoroki.
Bakugo huffs.
"Should put a fucking bell on you, Dumbass," Bakugo says angrily, muttering curses as he goes on doing what he was doing.
Kaminari's heart is still beating so fast, and he tried to act as normal as possible even though he's trying not to break down at this very second.
He laughs, and points in the direction of the common area, "My cat is somewhere around there. You can bother her if you want."
Todoroki immediately turns around when he mentioned a cat and before he leaves, he looks over in Bakugo's direction. "Would putting a bell on me make you happy?"
Oh my god, this dumbass.
Kaminari can't help but laugh, stopping himself immediately.
"No, fuck. Damn, just go play with the cat. We're making fucking dinner if your shitty ass is hungry."
"I don't think my ass is shitty," Todoroki replies as he walks away.
Neither does Bakugo apparently.
Kaminari laughs at him and Bakugo glares at him as his face goes red.
"Not subtle," Kaminari comments and Bakugo turns around in embarrassment, hiding his face.
Ugh, Bakugo and Todoroki are so gross.
Word Count: 2,311
Yall so like I went out with my friend yesterday and it was so fun oml and MY FIT WAS SO GOOD LIKE ??!?!???!! i was do proud of it and like i cut my hair a bit more to make it more how I wanted it, and I really didn't cut a lot, just fixed it up before going out yesterday and holy shit it looks great😭😭 like WOWOOWOWOW AND WITH THE FIT I PUT TOGETHER?!? i looked good yesterday 🐧 (the penguin emoji is🧍♀️for me). It took me fucking forever to feel comfortable in like smallish clothes cause of the fear i had of people looking at my body or wtv🤪🤪🤪🤪 but yesterday was so good. anyway i hope y'all liked this chapter. The next chapter will go up next Sunday at 8pm central time. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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