Chapter Fifty-Two
It was officially bring your parents to school day.
Last year's was kind of messy with Mitsuki Bakugo and her temper. Everyone saw where Bakugo got it from, but this year she was more tame.
She was quiet and spoke to Bakugo civilly.
A year had gone by and she was this different?
So was Bakugo. He'd accepted help, and even though his mom still made him feel like shit, she was trying.
She was going to counseling, group therapy, and doing family therapy along with couples therapy.
Bakugo had told him and the rest of the squad about it a while back.
The feelings from before where she was mean and put him down still lingered, so be was hesitant about fixing his relationship with her.
He still opted to be away from her when he could, but the changes she was making had Bakugo leaning towards healing their broken bond.
Bakugo had brought up the change, but it was different seeing it.
Just like last year, Kirishima's moms brought cookies for everyone, and Midoriya's mom brought brownies. Midoriya's mom made some specifically for Bakugo, and even though she does that often, he loves it every time.
It makes him feel special.
All the mom's love him.
Kaminari's mom liked him, too until the whole thing came out.
When Bakugo's mom sees how liked he is by the other moms, she kind of doesn't know how to react.
Koda's mom loves Bakugo since he knew how to sign. Koda's mom is deaf and sometimes Koda goes completely mute, so when Bakugo came in signing like a pro, Koda's mom favorited him instantly.
It made Koda embarrassed.
Bakugo loved it, though. Even if he didn't say it out loud.
All the parents knew what had happened with Kaminari's parents as they were all giving him sad looks, and the braver ones would actually go up to him and give an apology for what happened to him.
That was only Yaoyorozu's parents and Asui's.
He knew Bakugo's mom along with Kirishima's, but neither had gone up to him yet which was weird.
Sure, he hadn't seen them since before everything came out, but he didn't like it.
Shinso's mom, though.
When she came in, she went straight for Kaminari, apparently already knowing what he looked like.
Shinso blushed so hard it was almost concerning.
"Oh my god," she yelled.
"You are so much more handsome in person, young man. Ah! And my baby is dating you. This is wonderful," she exclaims, making the other parents looks over.
Shinso got close to them and whispered, "Mom, please quiet down."
"Are you embarrassed?" She said, and not quietly either.
On the other side of the room, Bakugo laughs at the sight, and everyone else looks in curiosity.
"Just with how loud you're being, Mom," he complains.
The sight has Kaminari smiling dumbly.
So this is how he is with his mom?
How cute.
She huffs in annoyance and spins around to hug her son tightly. He's obviously caught by surprise because he doesn't have time to react.
He does hug her back, though.
"Hi mom," he greets correctly.
"Hi Hitoshi."
They pull away and everyone goes back to minding their own business.
"Your father is coming in a bit, I practically ran here I was so excited," she tells Shinso, turning back to the blond, grabbing his hands.
Kaminari doesn't expect it, but he let's it happen.
Shinso just watches carefully.
"I've been waiting to meet you. Ever since my little Toshi over here started talking about you, I've just been dying to actually see you in person. All he does is send me little pictures or vid-"
Was Shinso whining?
Kaminari laughs.
"Well, I've heard about you, too. He doesn't send me pictures or videos of you, but there are stories," Kaminari tells Shinso's mom.
His mom loves that answer, and then gets this sad look on her face, so Kaminari's mood kind of shifts, knowing what's coming.
"I heard what happened. If you ever need anything ever, you're always always welcome to call me," she says, pulling out her phone, which makes him realize her should take his out, too.
"O-okay," he responds, giving her his phone and grabbing hers to add in his number.
He looks over at Shinso quickly, and he's already looking at Kaminari. When they make eye contact, Shinso scrunches his nose at him lovingly.
Kaminari bites the inside of his cheek and goes back adding his number.
When their phones are returned, a man suddenly appears next to Shinso's mom, and it almost makes Kaminari jump.
"Took you long enough," the woman says to him.
The man just laughs, scratching the back of his head. "You were the one who ran out of a moving car. You're crazy."
Shinso gasps. "Mom, what the hell?"
She rolls her eyes, waving him off. "I told you I was excited. Now, let me spend time with your boyfriend. We have much to discuss," with that, she drags Kaminari away, leaving Shinso to greet his dad and worry about Kaminari.
Kaminari gets overwhelmed sometimes, and if his mom says something dumb, it might set him off.
Obviously his mom wouldn't do that on purpose, but random things could do that.
Shinso takes a deep breath, remembering that Arai had told him to relax about things like these.
"So, how's it going with your boyfriend?" Shinso's dad asks.
Shinso flushes.
"Shut up. Go meet my classmates or something," he says, embarrassed at the teasing way his dad smiles at him.
"Okay," he smirks and walks off to where his wife was.
Shinso looks around to see if anyone is looking and of course Todoroki is from the corner of the room. He's just there. Observing.
Shinso makes eye contact with him and when Todoroki keeps looking, Shinso puts a finger up to his lips in a 'shush' motion and then drags his thumb across his throat, threatening to keep quiet about the embarrassing moment between him and his parents.
Todoroki just smiles from across the room and shakes his head, walking over to Bakugo first who was nearby.
Oh that traitor.
He rushes over to the two and hears Bakugo snickering before noticing Shinso approaching and turning to glare at him immediately.
The soft spot he has for Todoroki is amazing.
"Todoroki, what are you telling Bakugo?" He asks with a glare.
"Oh, yes. Bakugo you should have seen Shinso blushing-"
"Asshole," Shinso yells, making Todoroki actually laugh.
"Fine, fine," Todoroki says, turning his head to look away, observing the class as he was before.
His sister and brother are coming, but sometime later.
"Okay love birds, I'll leave you two be," Shinso says and leaves but not before noticing Bakugo's dad whip his head around at his son and Todoroki.
Bakugo's face pales so much, it makes Shinso laugh as he walks away. "Good luck."
"FUCK YOU," Bakugo yells, but before Bakugo can say or do anything else, his dad is teasing him and asking both him and Todoroki questions.
Shinso only did that knowing Bakugo's parents knew he was gay. Bakugo's told the squad this many times, so it's common knowledge.
He's heard Bakugo on a phone calls where his mom is asking him about finding a man strong enough to bring home.
It's very funny.
Todoroki is also out to the entire public.
He tweeted about how men are much more 'desirable' than women and after the press went wild and the media asked Todoroki his sexuality, Todoroki's following tweet was, 'Is that because I'm gay?'
Endeavor was furious. What an asshole, but Todoroki was, in fact, out.
Aizawa also gave the whole class a lecture on 'Netiquette' and how to go about social media because the school was swarmed with press for the next week.
He'd sighed dramatically before saying. "At least give us a heads up. That way we can prepare for the press."
Shinso looks over to where his parents and Kaminari are. His mom is showing Kaminari something on her phone and he rushes over.
Please don't be baby pictures. Please don't be baby pictures.
"Look at how small he was," his mom says fondly.
Dammit. It's baby pictures.
"Mom," Shinso calls.
She turns, handing her phone to Kaminari who happily takes the device, swiping through more photos.
"No," he complains, "don't keep swiping."
Kaminari laughs at his boyfriend.
"Fine," Kaminari relents holding out the phone for Shinso's mom, "Here, Mrs. Shinso."
She frowns, turning around, "None of that. You'll call me Etsuko."
Kaminari laughs nervously. "O-okay. Well, here you go Mrs. Etsuko," he says, still holding the phone out.
Etsuko laughs, taking the device.
"I guess that's fine," she says.
"You can call me Yuma," Shinso's dad says, holding out his hand to give Kaminari a firm handshake.
Kaminari does shake his hand and nod. "Okay."
That's going to take a while.
Later into the day, Kirishima's moms went up to say hello.
It took them over two hours to actually go up to him, and Kaminari kind of didn't like that at all.
It made him nervous.
"Hi, sweety."
Kaminari smiles at them and waves.
"We're sorry for being so distant. We didn't want to start crying as soon as we came up to you, so we had to calm down," Sugi says.
She's the one with blond hair and dark brown eyes. Kirishima is more like her when it comes to emotions.
"Yeah, that wouldn't have been cool of us. We miss having you at the house. It's always lively when Eijiro brings home his friends," Takara says.
Takara has the dark hair. It's black. She doesn't have sharp teeth, though. Kirishima is more like her when it comes to speaking.
"Ah," he doesn't really know what to say, "I'll have to tag along next time he goes home then."
He'll probably get nervous about asking Kirishima and end up not asking.
"Yes, that would be so great," Sugi squeals.
They talk about how he's been doing in school, and he tells them about his determination to do better. He tells them his schedule and his plans.
They offered their advice and Kaminari even told them about his therapy and stuff.
They were proud of him.
They said that and he was so happy he almost exploded.
Then it was the Bakugo's.
Mitsuki had practically stomped over and breathed in deeply, Masaru standing behind her.
"Your mom coming? I need to beat some sense into her. Her shitty husband, too," she whisper-yelled.
No one's attention was drawn except for Bakugo's and Shinso's.
Bakugo looked like he was gonna go up to them and shoo his mom away but Kaminari signaled him to leave it alone. He reluctantly did and Shinso just watched nervously, getting a bit closer.
"No, uh- I didn't tell her about today. I'm not talking to her," he says, smiling a bit.
Mitsuki gets this proud look on her face.
"Good. She doesn't deserve you. You need better than her."
Kaminari almost smiles, looking down a bit.
"I wish I didn't need better. I wish she just was better."
"Screw them. Masaru and I aren't the best parents, but we're doing our best to be what Katsuki deserves, and we'll be here for you, too. Don't ever forget that, Sparky," she says, and then slowly bumps his shoulder.
"Now," she whispers, getting closer to Kaminari, "give me the dirt on that Ice King over there and my kid. Are they a thing?"
Kaminari laughs, caught by surprise at the change in her tone.
She sounds childish and sneaky.
"My son deserves the best. So, what is it with that Poké Ball that has my son head over heels?" She asks and Masaru looks intrigued, too, leaning in.
"You didn't hear this from me, but Bakugo likes that he's always ready for a fight. And," he says, smirking, "Bakugo thinks he's pretty."
Bakugo had gotten suspicious of the whispering, so he stomps over, way too late, and asks what the whispering was about.
Shinso apparently heard, because he was laughing into his hand at the exchange.
Bakugo whips his head over to him and glares. "You know something. Now, spill."
"Yikes. Can't do that. You might kill my boyfriend," Shinso shrugs.
Mitsuki snickers. "You chose a good one," Mitsuki tells Shinso.
"Trust me, I know."
I'm the one who chose the good one, Kaminari thinks.
The next day at lunch, Bakugo stands, making a sound like he just realized something.
Kaminari freezes at the tone.
Dammit. He knows that he was the one who blabbed about Todoroki to his mom.
"That's how I know it was you. You're so dead during training."
Kaminari groans, melting dramatically into the table with regret. "How'd you find out?"
"You were the only one who was buddy-buddy with my mom yesterday," Bakugo seethes.
"But Shinso called you and Todoroki love birds in front of your dad," Kaminari says, deflecting and shifting some blame on Shinso with a laugh.
His boyfriend scoffs and shoves him lightly.
"You jerk," he calls.
Kaminari just sticks his tongue out at him like a child.
"You're both dead. I can kill both of you at training," Bakugo decides, sitting back down with a determined look on his face.
Kaminari looks at his boyfriend.
"Wouldn't you want to spar with Todoroki instead? I could set that up for you," Kaminari tries, putting his hands together in front of him in a pleading gesture.
When Bakugo doesn't answer and it's silent, Kaminari looks up slowly, thinking that maybe Bakugo has had it and he's about to die. Like right at this moment in lunch on a random Friday.
Bakugo isn't mad though. He is scowling and glaring at Kaminari, but he looks like he's considering it.
"Don't worry about it, I'll make sure Todoroki spars against you instead," Kaminari says quickly, deciding for Bakugo.
Everyone goes back to eating much to Kaminari's luck.
And Shinso's now, too because Kaminari just threw him under the bus. Or, well, dragged him under the bus with him.
"You just got both of us killed by Bakugo," Shinso's complains, falling dramatically onto Kaminari, wrapping his arms around Kaminari's waist.
Kaminari feels warm and bubbly at that, especially when Shinso squeezes him.
A small laugh escapes him and Kaminari looks down to where his boyfriend is resting his head on his shoulder, nose scrunching up with affection.
"I think it's romantic to die together," Kaminari pouts.
"Not by Bakugo," Shinso frowns, pinching his boyfriends stomach, make him squeal with shock since it also tickles.
"That was not nice," Kaminari says, slapping Shinso's hand.
Shinso shrugs, still melted into Kaminari.
Word Count: 2,462
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALL AAAHHH. i hope you all are having a wonderful pride month so far:) I GOT SICK 😭😭 i think it was Wednesday night that I went to bed shivering like crazy. I live in South Texas so it's fucking hot but I went to sleep cold as fuck like it took me a while to fall asleep because I was shivering so hard. And then I woke up at 3am sweating like crazy and I knew I was sick😭 when I get sick, my throat is attacked:( LMAO so I had to deal with the worst throat pain agh. It's much better now. It literally stopped hurting so much just today😭😭 i also just finished watching the new season of stranger things. I can't wait for the second part to come out😭 anyway I hope yall liked this chapter. The next one will go up next Sunday at 8pm central time. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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