45: Reborn
A few days go by and I don't hear from Fred.
Robbie is sullen and withdrawn. I feel like she's in mourning, but my recent revelations haven't made her anymore open. She watches out the window carefully. In the mornings, we walk to the Floo Network together. She's never been secretive about being a Muggle-born, and maybe that is to her detriment now.
The days become monotonous. We stop going on our window shopping trips, and Robbie gets rid of our Muggle games. It's like she's trying to destroy that part of her.
After three weeks, I can't take it any longer. I write Fred a letter.
Dearest Fred,
I hope this finds you well. I do not know if you wish to hear from me, but I cannot bear to leave us on these terms. I told you I would not leave again, and I meant it. I pray this is not you leaving me, but you are allowed to make that choice. No matter what, I respect it.
With love,
I don't sign it with my last name. I've stopped telling it to people, because it brings me so much shame. Sometimes, people in the grocery store or the nearby café will recognize me and give me a knowing nod. Those same people look at Robbie with disgust.
The worst of the shame comes knowing that I hate a name that could give Robbie a better life.
I get a letter back a day later, at the end of September.
I just needed to cool off. We're good.
He doesn't sign it with love, and I'm worried about what is to come.
So, even though it is rude, I go to see him. The day before my birthday, when Robbie is at work, I arrive at the store and notice a large display in the window.
Oh Merlin, what have these boys gotten themselves into now?
I walk inside, and a bell in the doorway chimes. It is early on a Saturday morning, so no one is out and about. The buzz of their store is beginning to quiet down, it seems, especially with Hogwarts back in session.
It is my second year at Hogwarts. A war is going on? I'm not sure if there is one, because it seems the wizarding world has succumbed to pure-blood supremacy overnight. That is, except for this sign in the window.
"You like it?" George asks from behind me.
I continue to stare at the display. They seem to be candies, which I assume cause constipation. "Isn't that a little dangerous? Asking for trouble?"
"We Weasleys only know how to ask for trouble," George laughs. When I turn to look at him, I watch as he leans down to whisper in my ear. "I don't blame you for going after Silas."
I stand on my tiptoes, and I'm about to whisper back when I notice his ear is gone. Instead, I speak at a normal volume. "Thank you."
He winces, pulling back. "Mate, I may not have an ear, but I've got a bloody eardrum."
"Sorry," I manage, wincing with him.
He brushes me off and smiles. "Nah, don't worry about it. Come along, Fred's upstairs."
We head upstairs and into the flat portion of the building. There is a mess in the living room. Wrapping paper is strewn about and Fred is sitting on the floor in front of it all. He sees me, and immediately moves his hands behind his back.
"Oi, what you doing, George?" he demands. "I'm a little busy."
"Right," George says, and shuts the door.
I try to peer through the crack in the doorway, but no luck.
"You ought to go home," George points out.
"What's he wrapping?" I ask. "He did not get me something for my birthday, did he?"
"Well, Larkin, I'm sworn to secrecy," George tsks me.
Then, I furrow my brow. "Why's he doing it by hand?"
"He misplaced his wand," George answers. He gestures for me to leave with one hand, revealing two wands in his fist. "Off you go."
I listen and head home. I feel bad because I've never gotten Fred something for his birthday. I've never had the chance. He's never gotten me anything before either.
The rest of the day blurs by, and I don't even speak to Robbie when she comes home. I can hear her weeping through the walls. Everything makes me nauseous. How could we celebrate my birthday at a time like this.
I barely get any sleep and I wake up early to the sound of Robbie humming in the kitchen. I walk in to find Fred, George, and Robbie, all working together stirring things in the kitchen. There are a few wrapped gifts in a pile together, but they look like they've been wrapped by a child. I guess I technically have George to thank for that, even if it was Fred's doing.
"Morning," George says.
"Please don't tell me you're raising a hullabaloo for my birthday," I groan. I'm still wearing my pajamas, and I was hoping that I could just have a peaceful day of relaxation.
Those Weasley twins are anything but relaxing.
"We aren't," Fred says. He walks over and kisses my cheek, but his body is oddly stiff. "Just a cake and presents."
Sure, that might not seem like a lot, but it is for me. I'm not a celebratory kind of person. I didn't get anyone anything for Christmas, and no one got anything for me. Exactly the way I like it.
Robbie's birthday is in March. I will need to get her something then.
"Thank you all," I say, because I've been taught to be gracious, even when something is happening that makes me rather uncomfortable.
"Before you thank us, open your present," Robbie hands flail slightly as she shakes with excitement.
Her hands are covered in batter, and it splashes on George's pants. He laughs and begins to rub it off with a cloth, crinkling his nose at Robbie.
"Now?" I ask.
She nods, looking over at Fred. "He did most of the work. We all just pitched in a little."
Fred nods. He looks at me sheepishly, before looking down again. "It's delicate, be careful."
The three pause, waiting for me to begin. Finally, I pick up the first wrapped gift. Slowly, I peel off the tape and unwrap it. Inside, I find thyme. Then the next, an occamy eggshells, in a jar.
I don't need to open the rest to know what's inside. "You did not."
"We did," George grins and nudges his twin.
"Yeah," Fred says. "It's been a few months, but we've been putting it together for a while. Looking for sales and such. Don't worry about it?"
"Don't worry?" I ask. "How much money did you put into this?"
"A few Christmas's and brithday's worth," he sighs.
Robbie interjects, taking a step forward. "You don't like it? I warned them you might be a little hesitant because of the first time."
"This must have cost at least a few thousand galleons," I say.
Fred shrugs. "Business has been doing well. Figured you'd be excited to get your hands on liquid luck again."
I am beyond excited. I'm ecstatic. If I can brew it, I can sell it and give the money back to them. Actually, this isn't all too bad, if I'm honest. I just can't believe they fronted the cash for this.
Even though their hands are still covered in batter, I run up and pull them all into a hug. Fred seems to relax into me.
Now that I'm no longer worried about the money, I can't help but beam. Brewing has become so simple, so easy, even Veritaserum. Now, I am up for a challenge.
We spend the rest of the morning chatting and eating cake, and we play a few wizarding games, and Fred seems to lighten up a bit. By the end, he is laughing along.
When he and George go to leave, Fred winks at me. He blows me a kiss, and they apparate home.
I realize how grateful I am for all of them. So very grateful.
This is so sweet. Fred is still behaving weird, but I think he is a big grudge holder overall. I really like emphasizing the differences between the twins. Do you think they are too different now? Let me know in the comments.
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