42: Liberated
Fred and I get back into the groove of things. We fit together in ways that I don't understand. Even when we aren't together, I'm thinking of him. Amortentia smells of firewood, and cinnamon, and the rain. No hint of vanilla at all. When I'm brewing the Polyjuice potion at work, I manage to think of him. No reminders are needed.
On late nights, my fingers trail over his body. He's covered in freckles, all over his cheeks and chest and back. There are a few moles here and there, and they form a galaxy across his body. I wish I had taken astronomy in school, but even the stars don't compare to him. He burns brighter than the sun.
We go to cafés and parks and stores. The four of us hang out too, doing plenty of muggle activities that Robbie says are a right of passage into adulthood. We bowl, and play monopoly, and we go to muggle bakeries. It gives me something to talk to Fred's father about when we go over to their place. His mother is much too busy caring for the house to talk to me, but when she does, she asks me about their brother Percy. I do my best to keep both of them engaged, and I'm beginning to think they like me.
One day, I ask Fred to hang out and he turns me down. It's odd, and I ask him why. He's never turned me down before, not without explanation. Not that I necessarily need one. We've agreed not to keep secrets between us.
The one about my brother torturing us stays hidden though. I refuse to share it with anyone, outside of George of course.
He tells me that he cannot meet up because it's Order business. More specifically, the Order of the Phoenix. I'm not a part of the organization that his parents are members of, and all I know about them is that they oppose Voldemort. He's not part of it either. I'm kind of glad. If he asked me to join, I'm not entirely sure what my answer would be. While I don't want Robbie to die, I don't want to die either.
I've felt the depths of pain, and I'm not ready to feel it again.
Robbie and I sit in the living room late that night, playing Wizard's Chess. The flat is beginning to get cold, as September is rolling in.
I want to ask Robbie who she was in love with at Hogwarts, but I don't want to prod. It's probably some summer Muggle fling from her childhood or some Hufflepuff I've never heard of. Still, I want to know. However, I know what her response would be. She'd ask me why I left my brother again. I couldn't bear to answer.
She takes my queen, and then my king moments after. One after the other, in just two moves. I am not very good at Muggle chess, but it seems like the way the game ought to go. The Queen before the King. Every time.
Robbie looks up at me, tinted in turquoise light, and she looks behind me.
I turn around. There's a glowing bird, made of mist, tilting its head as it looks at me. A magpie.
I approach it, and it fades to dust.
Robbie's hand is on my shoulder, pulling me back.
"Was that for you, or me?" I ask, trying to keep my breath steady.
"What?" she asks. "That's Fred's Patronus."
"Or George's," I point out, turning around to face her. The two twins have the same Patronus after all.
Robbie recoils off me. She turns around and spins a strand of tight curly hair between her fingers. "George wouldn't be trying to contact me."
"What, what do you think has happened?" I ask. "Where could they be?"
"I... I don't know," Robbie says, still not facing me. "They could be anywhere. Did Fred tell you where they were going?"
I shake my head. I can feel my breath beginning to catch up to my racing heart. What's going on? Why would he be trying to contact me? What would he be saying?
"I've got to go," I tell her.
Without waiting for a response, I go to leave. Putting on my boots and my cloak, I dart out of the flat. I run through the streets, my hand on my wand in case any strange man dares pop out at me. I squeeze down alleyways, making my way as fast as possible to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Once I finally make it there, I run up the backstairs and knock on the door.
When no one answers, I seeth.
"Alohomora," I whisper, pointing it at the lock until it comes undone.
From there, I make my way inside the flat. Everything is nice and neatly kept. I was expecting to find them, or their plans, or something, but there is nothing here to that effect.
Finally, I see no other option, except to head to the Burrow. I head into the fireplace and drop the Floo powder, shouting the name of the place I am hoping to find the Weasley twins.
I come tumbling out of the firepit and onto the ground. As I cough, I wave my hand in the air trying to clean out the smoke from my eyes. Fred and George really need to clean their firepit more often.
Someone grabs me by the collar and drags me up. I try to wipe the soot out of my eyes, but looking hurts. I feel the sharp tip of a wand pressed against my neck.
"Who are you?" I gasp, trying to use my sleeve to wipe my eyes despite the grip of my attacker. "Let go of me. Where's Fred?"
I finally open my eyes to see that Professor Lupin is dragging me outside. He grabs me by the neck and stares into my eyes. "What game was Larkin Travers playing at Christmas when Professor Lupin complimented her duelling?"
"What?" I've got no clue what he is getting at. "I'm Larkin. You can't be serious, Professor."
"You think you can use your daughter to get to us then, Travers?" Lupin chuckles. "You think we aren't ready to see your tricks. You're lucky I haven't killed you already."
"I'm not my father, I swear," I turn over his shoulder. "Fred!"
"He's not coming, not after what you did to his brother," Professor Lupin continues on, his face in shadows. He turns back towards the house. "I've caught one!"
"What?" I exclaim.
He digs into my pocket, snatching my wand from me. He raises his own, and begins to mutter the beginning of a spell.
"Wait!" Fred yells behind me.
The door to the front of the house shuts behind him. He looks over at me, and then at Lupin. "Let me ask her a few questions first before you go and blow her brains out, alright?"
Professor Lupin doesn't lower his wand. Instead, he gently nods to Fred.
"When did I first kiss you?" Fred asks.
"Really, in front of our teacher?" I ask.
He smirks. "I just want to make sure it's something your brother wouldn't know."
I swallow. "In Flitch's broom closet, the end of our seventh year. I was bewitched at the time."
"When you say it like that, it makes me sound like a predator," Fred rolls his eyes. His shoulders are tense though, hunched, and not from the cold. He's tapping his foot on the ground, looking between Moody and me.
"When did I first tell you I loved you," he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.
Not, I stiffen. I can see my breath in the cold September air. I count the seconds as I try to figure out his trick. Is this really Fred?
"You haven't," I tell him.
He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"
I would remember it. I'm sure of it. There is a smirk on his face though.
"You knew I was downstairs," I manage. "At Christmas."
"I have half a dozen siblings, I know when someone is eavesdropping," he smiles, but it's weak. His brow is furrowed and he shakes his head back and forth. "She's good, Lupin, but if you're feeling super paranoid, let's just tie her up for an hour and see if the Polyjuice fades."
"She could still be working for Travers," he manages.
I shake my head back and forth. "Never again."
With the nod from Lupin, I run over to Fred. He puts an arm around my shoulder and snaps his fingers at Lupin. Our professor passes me back my wand. From there, we make our way back over to the living room. A broom is already sweeping up the mess I made on the carpet.
Lying on the couch, George looks up at me. The left side of his face is drenched in blood, dark and dried.
"Larkin, you look shaken," George says, grunting in the middle of his sentence. "You can talk to me. I'm all ears."
"They're just getting worse," Fred points out, rolling his eyes.
I look closer and notice that George's ear has been gone.
"Were you guys sending for Robbie?" I ask since she might be able to help. "I can go get her."
"No sense, it's gone for good," George says. He moves like he is going to sit up but continues to lie down.
Fred steps away for a second, and I look around. There are other people in the room beside us, like his mother who is trying to keep her eyes open in the recliner. His father and Lupin are whispering in the corner.
Since no one seems to be listening, I lean in. "At least now I'm not the only amputee here."
George snorts and shakes his head once. He winces and stops. "I got out better than Mad-Eye. He didn't make it."
"I'm sorry," I say.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch, so you're welcome to take the bedroom upstairs with Fred. You should probably shower first. You look coal-ed."
I look down at the ground, the smallest of smiles on my face. "Are we good then?"
George exhales. "Look, Lark. I don't think you deserve Fred, but I don't think anybody will ever deserve him. Just, don't leave."
I'm not leaving. Never again.
I do quite enjoy this. The wedding is coming up soon, and I am so excited! I hope you all are too. Who is your favourite character so far? I'd love to hear what you think, or what you like and what you don't.
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