Night Time: Hour viii. - Reunited
Delirious didn't know how to react.
He didn't know whether to laugh, cry, etc. So many questions swam through his head: Who did this? Why would they do this? Do I grab my stuff?
But most importantly: What just happened?
Delirious let go of the now cold and limp hand, which he held for the first and last time. The more he examined Luke, the more repulsed he felt. Blood trickled out of the man's mouth and down his cheek. His eyes, which sparkled whenever he met eyes with Delirious, were now lifeless and dull.
Delirious closed his eyes and slowly opened them again, glancing up and staring up at the arm that held the silver weapon. He then moved his eyes over to a masculine face; recognizing it immediately.
"You fucking monster." Delirious whispered out. By then he noticed that tears were streaming down his cheeks. He didn't know when they appeared, but he didn't really care.
Vanoss set his arm down, "Delirious I. . ." He seemed almost, nervous.
Delirious's face twisted into one of confusion and fear, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
The asian slowly approached him, "I . . . I won't. . ."
Delirious's eyes widened and he backed up almost immediately, "G-Get away from me!" He didn't know what it was, but a sudden burst of fear and energy made him grab Luke's backpack, get up clumsily and run away from Vanoss as fast as possible.
The clown then heard Vanoss's muffled voice from behind him, getting fainter and fainter as he ran down the park -- weaving in between the trees, just in case he shot at him. He knew Vanoss was running after him, so he didn't plan on stopping.
Once he went out into plain view, he panicked. What if someone shot him? He knew that was the worst case scenario, so he internally prayed that no one was seeing him. But he soon got his answers when he heard random bullet noises coming from out of nowhere. His eyes widened but he kept running down the bank's parking lot; hiding behind a dumpster.
He heard bullets penetrate the dumpster, scaring Delirious. No. . . Not like this please.
After a few moments of desperation, he put his face in between his knees, extremely lost as to what to do. Luke was gone -- hell, Carlos was probably gone too, and Delirious, for the first time during the purge, felt extremely weak, helpless, and lonely. Delirious looked up from his position, seeing Vanoss in the distance. He seemed to be shooting at someone in the distance whilst he hid behind the trees. But the clown had to wipe the tears from his eyes more than once with his hoodie since they blinded him; making it difficult for him to see.
Delirious then looked at both him and Luke's backpack, and to his surprise he found a weapon. He reloaded the handgun and slowly glanced around the corner. To his horror, he glanced up and met eyes with a complete stranger, who grinned at him and pressed a gun against the clown's forehead. "Well hello there."
Delirious's breath hitched in his throat. He didn't know what to do, and he was desperate to find an answer.
"Now give me your shit." He hissed. He seemed to make sure to stay out of Vanoss's sight, and he glanced over his shoulder every once in a while.
Wordlessly, Delirious gave the guy what he wanted. But the stranger seemed, unsatisfied, almost. He growled under his breath and got Delirious up on his feet using his hoodie. "Come on, we're not done yet."
Delirious didn't know who this guy was, or why he was listening to his orders. But he knew that if he didn't do as he was told, then his journey would end sooner than he had hoped. Delirious was dragged by the person, and they trudged to the other side of the building, and out of Vanoss's sight. Not that it was safer that way anyway.
Delirious shook a bit once the guy dumped the contents from both backpacks to his', not really caring if some spilled out or not. He then looked to one side and then turned to the other constantly, as if someone were looking for him. Delirious bit his lip when money spilled out from the second backpack. He almost forgot about that. The stranger's eyes shined with greed, and once he was done, he swung his backpack on.
Delirious felt awkward as he stood there, not knowing what to do. The stranger studied his figure, which wasn't really that impressive. Delirious wished he could fight him, but he was skimpier and shorter than him, so if he tried to do something, he'd be dead meat.
The guy then dragged Delirious down until they managed to enter the bank. Delirious examined the building. It looked very different from when this group first got in. It was graffitied (he had no idea who in their right mind would go out in the purge just to graffiti buildings), dirty, and a few pieces from the walls were chipped -- due to Lui's C4. But of course, no one else knew that except him. He wondered if the hole was still there. . .
But his thoughts were soon cut off when the guy pressed him against the rough surface -- his chest facing the wall. Delirious's eyes widened, What the hell?!
"Wh-What. . . ?"
Everything was clear once he felt the guy's hands go under his hoodie, making Delirious panic. Is he going to. . . ?
Delirious then snapped once he felt the guy's hands handle his pants, fighting against it. Angry, the guy pressed his loose hand against both Delirious's arms which were now behind his back, "Don't. Move."
He then bit at the clown's pale skin while he fumbled with the belt on his jeans, not bothered by Delirious's quiet pleas. Anger slowly overcame Delirious and he knew then that he had to do something -- and quick.
Delirious, angered, squirmed against the guy's movements as much as he could, and once he managed to wiggle out a bit and felt a bit of free space, his elbow made contact with the stranger's jaw. The guy growled and immediately backed away from Delirious. Once the clown realized this, he ran as fast as he could and out of the bank. But the problem was that he had no idea where to go.
But he ran either way, adrenaline taking over his mind and body. He was only so far from the bank when he felt something heavy pounce onto him. Delirious gasped and fell down on the dirt with an oof. He was then turned around forcefully by the stranger, who's face was full of anger, "Where the hell do you think you're going you little shit?"
Delirious tried to squirm out of his gasp until he felt something hard and cold being pressed against his forehead. The stranger then cocked his gun without hesitation. This is it, this is the end of me isn't it? Delirious thought to himself as he struggled a bit, even though on the inside he knew it was over for him.
And so, a gun went off, but what surprised Delirious the most was the fact that he wasn't dead yet. He opened his eyes, and he felt the stranger's weight get lighter as he fell off of him. Delirious backed away almost immediately, Holy shit. . .
The clown turned to look at whoever had shot the stranger. He gasped when his eyes met with a familiar guy wearing a pig mask -- a weapon in his hand. A shy Mexican slowly emerged from behind him, his face turning into one of hope when seeing Delirious again.
"Hey there clown." Wildcat smirked,
"Did ya miss me?"
Last chapter was like 2,800+ words meanwhile this one is just around 1,300, so this was relieving ^^'
if you're a new reader then you don't have to worry about that lol
OK (●⌒∇⌒●)
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