Night Time: Hour iv. pt. iv. - Sweet Dreams
Delirious helped a limping Luke as he walked at a slow pace.
The tense atmosphere worsened once Luke came into the picture, making Delirious more awkward than usual. Every time Carlos would talk to him, Delirious stuttered awfully, which earned him weird looks from Vanoss. And once Delirious cleared his throat and apologized, everything became dead silent once again. It was a routine, one that Delirious didn't like at all.
Vanoss seemed irritated by the silence as well, since his steps turned heavy and more frequent -- causing the sounds to bounce off the walls and echo. And once in a while, he would tell Delirious to keep up; which was very hard, considering that Luke took his time on every step, or limp.
It was until Vanoss stopped at an area that was circular and didn't have a single puddle of murky water. Delirious raised an eyebrow at him, and before he could speak, Vanoss interrupted him, "We'll rest here for a while."
Delirious was about to object, until he suddenly realized how numb his legs felt, making him wobble slightly. How was he tired? Did he not notice that they walked for a long time? Or was it the fact that he was supporting another person as he walked? He didn't know at this point nor did he want to find out, so instead of protesting, he just nodded in agreement.
Vanoss calculated the center of the room as he sat down. Delirious didn't hesitate to do the same as he helped Luke sit down with him. Vanoss looked down at his flashlight, ". . . As much as I'd like to use this as a light source, I'm afraid that the flashlight's batteries will disagree."
"Can't w-we just make a fire?" Carlos suggested.
"Hm, not a bad suggestion. . ." As Vanoss said this, he tore some strip of cloth from his shirt.
Funny enough, the cloth was longer and thicker than expected and once it was taken off, the spot where it used to cover -- which was his stomach area -- revealed his eye-catching abs. Delirious did not know what was weirder, the fact that he stared for a while or that he blushed in embarrassment when looking away. But he did know one thing though; he had never been so grateful for his hockey mask cameo, until now.
Vanoss noticed Delirious looking and he grinned, "Like what you see?"
But this time, Delirious did not want to stay silent, "Shut the fuck up. . ."
Vanoss laughed as he took out a lighter, setting the strip of cloth on fire, "If anyone is willing to donate to the Piece of Cloth foundation, then please, go ahead."
Delirious bit his lip as he tried ripping his shirt, and this caught Vanoss's attention, "Do you need some help there clown?"
"Oh! No no, I got it." Delirious said nervously as he got a knife out.
As he tried to stick his knife into his shirt, Vanoss seemed to disapprove of this action, so he immediately got the knife out of Delirious's hand. "You know if you try that, chances are you're going to get hurt."
Delirious didn't say anything as Vanoss tore off some cloth from the side of his shirt. The closeness was extremely uncomfortable to him, but he didn't protest. Once Vanoss threw the cloth towards the fire, he backed away -- acting as if nothing peculiar had just happened. Delirious stared at him, but he just licked his lips and looked at Luke, "Hey, you doing ok?"
Luke nodded, ". . . Yeah, I am. Thanks."
Vanoss rolled his eyes, "Well if that's the case then try to keep up with us more often."
Luke glared at him, but he didn't talk back. Delirious frowned, "You do know that you hurt him, right?"
"Does it look like I shot him in the fucking knee?" Delirious looked away and Vanoss huffed, "That's what I thought. . ."
"W-Well, I would also move in pain i-if I got shot." Carlos said, "I-It's a miracle he survived too."
"It's just a shoulder wound, he's lucky I didn't shoot him in the head instead."
"Well aren't you just special." Luke spat, "Just because everyone talks about you non-stop on the media, doesn't mean that you're the main shit here in a group of four."
"Hilarious that you bring up the media, really, it is. I honestly don't give a flying fuck about them. Bring them up all you'd like, but I'm one in a million in this fucking country and I'm nowhere near special. To sum it up, I'm basically a nobody, like you."
"Can you two just stop." Delirious growled. "You guys just met and you're shitting on each other already."
Carlos sighed, "I can't believe we're going to have to deal with this for eight hours. . ."
"Then you'd better get used to it." Vanoss mumbled.
Carlos shook his head and he laid down on his side. Once seeing Carlos laying comfortably, Delirious got the strangest pang of tiredness, which made him yawn. Vanoss saw this and he scooted over to him, "So, you're tired."
"How can anyone not be? I always sleep pretty early and we've been walking around for hours." Delirious sighed, "Of course I'm tired."
"You know we're not even halfway there. . ."
"Halfway down the sewer? Thanks for reminding me. . ." Delirious murmured.
"No, I meant that we're not even halfway through the purge." Vanoss said.
Delirious kept quiet for a moment, ". . . Can't we just sleep through the whole thing?"
Vanoss stared at him, but said nothing. Delirious looked back at him with hope, "Im serious! Can't we just, sleep down here through the whole night? And once it's over, we can go back out and we won't have to worry about anything!"
Vanoss sighed as he shook his head, "You make it seem so simple. . ."
"It is! I mean, think about it, who in their right mind would come down here?" Delirious asked.
"Your group."
Delirious raised an eyebrow at him, "But they only knew me for a few hours, why would they care about me?"
". . . And my group." Vanoss muttered uneasily.
Delirious didn't know how to reassure him after that. If Vanoss was so uneasy, then it was obvious that the group was loyal to their leader. The leader that was stuck down in the sewer. The leader that murdered countless lives on this specific holiday. The leader that was having a casual conversation with Delirious at this very moment. . .
Delirious knew that Vanoss was dangerous, but he didn't realize exactly how dangerous until now. "But. . . We're all stuck. We're just stuck in different parts of the sewer, so they obviously can't get to us."
"Believe me clown, this place is like a maze. There are many paths to choose from, and they're bound to run into us if we stay in one location throughout the whole purge. Or worse, some random strangers might come across us and they won't hesitate to kill us four in our sleep."
"So, what you're saying is. . ."
"Yeah. . . We have to keep moving." Vanoss murmured.
Delirious sighed and he took off his jacket and placed it under his cheek. Right as he was about to drift off into oblivion, Vanoss got up and sighed as he slowly paced around the area. Delirious frowned, until he felt soft tapping on his shoulder. Confused, he turned around and his eyes met with Luke's. Delirious raised an eyebrow at his friend as he sat up. "Hey. . . What's wrong?"
"Do you honestly trust this guy?" Luke asked, getting straight to the point.
Delirious's eyes widened at him, but he said nothing. Luke glared at him, "I'm going to repeat the question again if I have to -- do you trust this guy?"
"It's not like I trust you too." Delirious muttered in annoyance.
Luke sighed, "I know that us meeting again is so sudden, but come on, Vanoss? Even the mexican guy is more trustworthy than him."
"Luke I'm not stupid, I'm not some sort of stupid prepubescent girl chasing after a bad boy just because everybody else does it. I'm. . . I'm glad you care, alright? I just think it's completely unnecessary that you point this out. . ."
Luke frowned, "I just. . . I know that you don't want to kill anyone. I can tell. But if you stick with this guy, then you'll have blood-stained hands in no time."
Delirious tensed, but he let out a shaky sigh, "Well, you're bound to get a bit messy at some point during the Purge, aren't you?"
". . . Yeah, I suppose. . ." Luke placed his backpack under his cheek as he winced and laid down. "I'm just looking out for an old friend. . . That's all. . ."
"Honestly I thought you'd forget about me, not gonna lie." Delirious chuckled.
"Well you were one of my closest friends, plus, you were the hardest one to forget." Luke admitted.
Delirious smiled, "I mean, I rarely made friends in highschool so you obviously popped out more."
"Glad we both finally agree on something." Luke yawned and got comfortable, "Well, as much as I would like to add to this conversation, I'm just going to get some shut-eye. Talk to ya in a bit."
Delirious nodded, "Sleep tight. . ."
"Don't let the Vanoss bite. Or, well, kill." Luke said.
Delirious chuckled as he turned to face the other way -- concluding their conversation. As he did so, he caught glimpse of Vanoss -- who was looking at him -- before he abruptly looked away. He was slightly confused at Vanoss's behavior, since the Asian was impatiently counting the money he had in his hand. He messed up more than once, and when he did, he cursed and counted the money even faster than before.
Delirious felt like he should walk over to him and ask him what was wrong, but he didn't budge. Instead, he let the darkness consume him as he slowly closed his eyes,
And he reminded himself of what was to come later on.
This is the last filler chapter I promise
And I'm sooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long ;-;
The first two or three weeks of school were pretty rough and I had no inspiration whatsoever
So I apologize T-T
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