"May God be with you all."
With those final words, the Annual Purge was only a second away.
And you better believe that as soon as those horns were heard, those streets were a bloodbath.
Bruce looked out the window, checking to see if anybody dared to go near Wayne Manor. Right when he was about to close the curtain and put on his Batman suit, something lit up.
"Batman and all superheroes are not allowed during the entire of the Annual Purge. - The U.S Government"
"God damnit...." He hissed out
"We're fu*ked."
His phone started receiving messages from his family.
'Dicky: Bruce are you okay? I'm coming over to the manor.'
'Timmy: Bruce what is this?! I thought it stopped over a decade ago! Im coming over'
'Jason:im ready for some sh*t heads, coming over.'
'Damian:Father what is this?! I'm coming home immediately!'
And one last one....
'Hani: Bruce don't worry. I'm coming to get you guys. Make sure nobody gets over that fence except the guys and make sure they're ACTUALLY them. People during the Purge are smarter than you think Bruce. Im 100% sure that by the time i'm there at fence will be ripped down.'
Bruce took one look back out the window and his eyes widened, a group of people , all with masks, were destroying the fence. The fence that was supposed to be invincible. The fence that had almost a million weapons inside of it. The fence that was being so easily ripped out of the ground....
"BRUCE!" He heard the voice from above him.
He recognised it as Dick and it seemed that he had come in from the roof.
'make sure they're ACTUALLY them.' Flashed through his mind.
Bruce looked around, checking different ways of escaping and different weapons.
"This is the real Dick, correct?"
"What? Of course it is. Is this about the text Hani sent? She sent it to me aswell!" Dick panted, out of breath. Was he running from the purgers?
"Well she was right, about the fence."
Dick's eyes widened, he hadnt seen it. As soon as he saw purgers, he ran into the trees and climbed to the roof.
"It's gone?"
He peeked out the window, gasping right after and closing the window.
"They're getting stuff to break down the door Bruce."
Bruce started getting things needed, knives, barricades, things that are heavy,ect.
The barricades, he started putting them up. The bullet proof windows he had could be broken somehow with how bad of damages the purgers were making so far, and the door could just be rammed down.
As soon as he finished he pushed heavy objects in front of the door. Not leaving the opportunity to break the barricades as well open.
He got a random bag he found and dumped all the things on the table, putting all the knives, and even some forks, in there. He saw that the bag he took was a huge purse that Hani had left there and sighed in relief, Hani always carried weapons and art supplies. Art supplies that was normally very sharp at the tips. Maybe even sharp enough to be stabbed into someone. He grabbed the two pouches, one with some clear material that showed pencils and art brushes, and one that was completely with spikes at the tips, and put them back in the purse.
"Let's hope Hani comes real soon."
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