Mingi was making dinner while Yunho was laying on the couch on his phone, typing something. It was an early evening. The apartment was filled with silence as both boys were quietly minding their own business.
They hadn't done anything special lately but Mingi wasn't the one who really liked just chilling and being so he was continually thinking of what they could do together. It had to be something exciting as well as relaxing but so far he didn't have any good ideas. He didn't want to ask Yunho either because Mingi wanted it to be a surprise.
Good smell of food filled the room as Mingi finished cooking and took out the plates and cups, placing them on the table.
,,Dinner is ready, baby.'' He said lovingly, served the food on the plates and took them behind the dining table. Yunho was still on his phone and not reacting at all.
Mingi put his hands on his hips firmly and frowned playfully. ,,Yunho? Come now. It's gonna get cold this way.'' He tried to sound inviting, looking like a housewife.
But the other still didn't give him any reaction, irritating Mingi a bit. No, not a bit. A lot.
To be honest, this kind of behavior was pretty normal already, it had happened so many times already. The thing was that after the club night, Yunho had changed. He was being really closed up and always on his phone or when it beeped, announcing a new message, he flinched- which seemed in fear to Mingi -and replied later when he thought the other didn't see. Well, he actually didn't but what Mingi did see was enough to make him suspicious. He felt bad about the strange feeling inside him. He didn't like it at all because last time he had it...
Yes, that feeling right now was pure jealousy. A thing that was in human's natural personality and couldn't be pushed it away. But Mingi didn't like it because it seemed as if he didn't trust the other.
He only knew that his boyfriend was chatting with someone. And every time he tried to get a proper look at who exactly, Yunho hid his phone screen or put it away at all wich only annoyed the other even more. He wanted to know what was going on so badly. Mingi tried telling himself that it's okay and Yunho would never hide something important from him but it didn't help, only made him more anxious.
What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he found someone new? Someone better? Someone like......a girl?
These thoughts didn't leave him alone, making him fall deeper into the hole of sadness.
,,Yunho, please come already. I won't start eating without you.'' He continued, trying to sound happy but failed horribly, so he decided to stand there for a while but nothing happened. As usual.
Then something cracked inside him. That's when he had enough of this bullishit.
Mingi marched to Yunho and yelled,
,,Yunho, please put the phone away and join me!'' He grabbed the phone away from the older's grasp and slammed it on the table, not caring aboout that its screen might've broke. Yunho didn't too, he just looked at his boyfriend with a bit scared expression. Mingi was very intimidating when he was angry and it scared Yunho. He was always scared that the older was too pissed off at him and didn't want to do anything with him anymore. First thing that popped up on his mind was the feeling he always had when his parents got mad at him. Then everything went downhill...He was always scared of the history repeating which was why he was always so quiet and shy and obedient...
Suddenly Mingi's look softened as if the realization of what happened had hit him. His eyes looked at Yunho's slightly cracked lips and glistening eyes and he started feeling very guilty.
,,Y-Yunho...I...I'm sorry for raising my voice at you but I just..." He sighed. ,,Sorry." He said, putting it simple. There was no reason to talk to Yunho about it more deeply, it was just a waste of their time and Mingi knew it. He had been an idiot once again. He sat down next to Yunho and put his hand on his shoulder. ,,W-Will you please j-join me a-at d-dinner?" He tried asking once again. But that answer didn't matter anymore; there was something more bigger up in the air.
There was a quiet moment between them.
,,O-Okay..." Yunho finally said but very quietly. He stood up, not giving Mingi a single glance and started walking to the table but suddenly his boyfriend stopped him, turning him around. Even though Yunho was a bit sad his heart still started beating faster when he saw Mingi's face close to his. Butterflies filled his stomach fast and a light blush was already painting his cute cheeks. Mingi noticed it all and smiled.
He pulled Yunho into a kiss. It was gentle but passionate. It didn't matter how either of them was feeling, they still loved kissing each other. That was something you couldn't change.
They parted slowly, Yunho's eyes switching between Mingi's lips and his a bit confused but mostly sad look.
,,I-I'm s-sorry...I didn't want to hurt you, I'd never..." Mingi let go of Yunho's waist and stepped away. The latter felt a wave of coldness rush through his body. He loved when Mingi held him. No matter how angry he was, the way he touched Yunho was always gentle and loving. His love was that strong.
Yunho looked into Mingi's sad eyes which were looking down.
Suddenly, they shot up. ,,I'm just gonna say it."
Yunho gulped nervously.
,,You're too much on your phone and not just wasting time, you're talking to someone, Yunho. And the fact that you don't let me see who it is, makes me sad and even though I don't want to admit it, jealous. Very, very jealous." He breathed in. ,,We promised to tell each other everything and..."
Yunho noticed that the other's eyes were wet and a wave of guilt splashed him, covering him with a realization moment and heartbreak.
,,...and all of this that has been going on for a good while now, making me think you've found someone else or you just don't like me in that way anymore. I know, it sounds crazy but I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I love you more than anything in this world and I want you to be happy..."
Yunho would've wanted to sink to the core of the earth right there and right now. Of course he knew he was on his phone a lot but he had totally forgotten about how it might make Mingi feel. It was funny if you started to think that he was the one Yunho wanted to spend his whole life with. He felt more than guilty. He knew Mingi needed someone better than him- and this right here was just a proof to it -but hearing the other actually say he thinks that Yunho had found someone else hurt too much. It broke his heart. He wasn't a good friend, a good boyfriend or a good person at all. And he knew it. Very well. Especially now.
,,Mingi...I...I don't know how to put this..." Yunho swallowed down the tears that already started to force themselves out of his eyes. ,,I trust you. I really do. With my whole life. I don't trust my parents but I trusted you that you'd still want to be with me after I came out to them and they threw me out. And you still loved me. You still wanted to be together. You had no conditions. I know that whenever something's bothering me, I can come to you and every time I just frowned or anything, you were already concerned about me...and with every time my trust put so much energy and time into me...But...this thing particulary is something that I don't want to waste your time with. I can deal with this myself." He straightened bravely, eyes sparkling with tears and voice slightly shaking. ,,I will throw it away, end it and I will start it now. I won't be away from you, I will kiss you and cuddle while falling asleep, give you the best laughs and...and..."
His voice broke.
,,I-I...I'" He managed to say between sobs. ,,I-I'm s-sorry t-that I'm t-taking d-down t-t-this rela-relationship..." He collapsed on the sofa while burying his face into hands. But that wasn't a good barrier either, the tears just slipped through his hands straight onto the floor...
Imagine Yunho laughing. Laughing as he forgets all of the other things in this world while sun shines above him. Laughing together with Mingi...
And now, imagine this same laughing but without sun and Mingi...
Now, don't change anything.
Just make it into crying and you'd supposed to be left with right now's situation- how heartbreaking it was and sounded at the moment.
Mingi didn't know what to do. He hated seeing Yunho like this. It broke his heart, hurting his soul too.
But right now, his legs moved faster than his thoughts and he sat down next to Yunho, putting his hand on his back.
,,Y-Yunho...please...p-please don't cry." He moved closer. ,,It's not your fault. You've been the most amazing boyfriend and you will continue to be one, I know because that's how you are." Mingi smiled weakly. He wrapped his hands around Yunho and pulled him close. ,,I love you." He whispered, voice breaking. He couldn't stay strong anymore either...
If it wasn't before, it was now you just had to see the bond these two shared. When Mingi was hugging his boyfriend, a transparent bubble or shield wrapped them inside. Two soulmates unlike no others they were. It didn't matter how tough was the situation they were in, they would always come out together.
And if there really were some unknown things trying to pull them apart, they would still overcome those. Together.
Yunho raised his head slowly and pulled Mingi into a kiss while the tears were still running. ,,I love you m-much..."
,,Don't cry." Said Mingi, voice shaking too hard but he managed to contain himself enough to talk properly. His hands were shaking slightly so he grabbed Yunho's and looked him into the eye. The latter locked their eyes. There was something in his eyes Mingi couldn't understand. Was Yunho sad? Disappointed? Angry? Glad? Guilty? All of these emotions seemed to be mixed up.
Older then lowered his head. ,,I'm sorry for constantly messing everything up. My parents were right-"
Mingi pulled him into another kiss quickly to stop the words. Yunho melted into it, wrapping his hands around Mingi's neck. The latter pulled him into his lap smoothly and slid his hands along Yunho's sides. Suddenly the older pulled away. ,,No, this is messed up...I...I can't do this to you right now..."
Mingi smiled softly. ,,It isn't."
Yunho let hands fall into his lap. ,,I-It i-i-is. I m-m-made a mi-mistake..."
,,And I did too. I overreacted and didn't even ask you politely what you're doing before..."
,,And I just ignored you..." Yunho looked really sad. Mingi took his hands which were warm and soft. He loved holding them and a good, homey feeling filled his body.
,,We both made a mistake. But it does not matter anymore 'cause we both understood it and apologized...even though I still need to apologize for making you cry and being so harsh...I was just so pissed you didn't react and are on your phone all the time...but now I know that you have some important things to do and I...I'm sorry..."
Yunho nodded. ,,Apology accepted." He smiled for a vague moment. ,,And I am so sorry too."
Seeing the other smile made Mingi happy too and the edges of his lips raised up. ,,Apology accepted...So, can I kiss you now?"
Yunho blushed. ,,I-I g-guess s-so..."
And the younger pulled him into a deep kiss...
There are many misunderstandings like this in every relationship throughout life but the most important thing is to talk to each other and figure it out. You are both in relationship and you both must give everything to keep it alive. You have to communicate as well as listen and definitely make time for each other. Listen to your heart, it most certainly knows always what to do.
But for this lovely duo, it was all fine now.
I am so sorry for not updating but I really don't have much time right now but hopefully everything will be fine for the beginning of March :').
Thank you for still reading (this chapter sucks) and supporting me as well as being patient; I guess 'Touch Me' will get a new update too soon so if any of you guys is reading it then you have something to wait for!
Also, YOU MUST WATCH 'LOVE BY CHANCE', IT IS THE MOST AMAZING SERIES I HAVE EVER SEEN, I REALLY DO RECOMMEND IT!! After that, listen to MONSTA X's new album 'All About Luv' and stream the MVs because I'm still crying here how talented and amazing they are qwq.
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