,,Sungjin, can you please open the door? I'm in the kitchen, cooking." Yuqi asked, throwing a pancake into air, letting it land on the pan again.
,,Of course, my darling." Sungjin paused the movie titled 'Train To Busan' he was watching and got up, went to the door, opening it and was met by is own son, Yunho waving at him slowly, muttering a quiet 'Hi'.
,,Hello, Yunho. Come in." Sungjin was glad to see Yunho but was confused because of not knowing the reason of his sudden visit. As much as he knew, he was supposed to spend some time with Mingi at the group's flat so him being here was a big surprise.
,,Hello mum." Yunho greeted Yuqi. She turned around and smiled when saw her son. Yunho spread his hands and Yuqi who was way shorter than him, ran into a big hug.
,,I'm glad to see you here. The lunch is almost ready, sit down." A note of happiness could only be heard from her voice and she followed Yunho to the kitchen.
,,N-No, mum...I actually came here to tell you guys something important..."
Those sentences made both parents stop in their actions and look at Yunho who was staring back nervously.
,,We're listening to you." Sungjin said.
Yunho didn't know how to say what he was about to say. He had finally gathered all of his courage with a big help of Mingi to tell his parents the truth about him being gay and already in a relationship with his best friend...That he was now sleeping with and kissing that exact same person who his parents loved like their own second child.
,,Mum, dad...There's something that I've hidden from you since...since I graduated from elementary school..."
Yuqi's eyes widened.
He took a deep breath before continuing.
,,As you may know...Mingi is my best friend and means a lot to me..." He sighed deeply. ,,But three years ago, when his parents wanted to divorce, he needed someone and I was there for him all the time, listening him continually repeating that it's his fault and crying. I told him that this is something he doesn't have to worry about and sadly, that's how life sometimes goes..." He looked up. Sungjin and Yuqi both were looking at him, listening carefully. They didn't interrupt him even though they had heard this story many many times before.
,,Well, that's what you know...But something else happened too. B-besides that I...I..." He bit his lip as he felt tears in his eyes. ,,W-Wh-When he looked at me with his beautiful dark eyes and perfect features I couldn't just help but feel something inside my heart becoming warm...For a while I didn't understand what it was but then I realized..." He let the silence fill the room as he took a few minutes to gather himself, appreciating his parents' patience.
,,I-I a-am g-gay and t-the t-thing I realized was that...I-I'm in l-love w-with Mi-Mingi..." Yunho took another shaky breath and continued. ,,And on h-his b-birthday...we...we k-kissed and he told me he feels t-the s-same..." Then he fell on the chair besides him and hid his face into his hands as he let out quiet sobs he couldn't hold in anymore. ,,I-I'm so s-s-sorry..."
Yuqi and Sungjin switched a look. Mother sighed, supporting her head on her hand. Neither of them hadn't expected something like this. To be honest, they hadn't even suspected anything. Of course Yunho and Mingi had been very close since the first time they met which was already in the kindergarten but they never thought that something more than a friendship would grow out of it.
They had never been very fond of gays or anyone like them but accepted the fact that they existed, lived in this world. As long as they didn't have much contact with them, they were okay. And Yunho knew that; it was the reason why it was very hard for him to tell them the truth.
To hear your own son say that he has been gay for like the half of his life was something totally different.
That changed everything.
Then the silence was interrupted by Sungjin.
,,Yunho, look at us." He said firmly.
Slowly, the boy raised his head, afraid of what his family will say.
Yuqi took a deep breath. ,,We..." She looked at the other parent who nodded.
,,We need some time to think." She finished, doing an uncertain move with her hand and you could hear from her voice that she was still shocked because of what she had been told earlier.
Yunho looked down and nodded, understanding how they felt.
,,Your father will send you out." She then said quietly and walked upstairs, pinching the bridge of her nose and sighing deeply on the way.
Yunho stood up and longed to the front door. He didn't like seeing his parents like this and the knowing that it was all because of him didn't make it any better.
But before he could open the door and step out, Sungjin pulled him back into a hug, wrapping his hands around him.
Suddenly, Yunho heard him say something.
,,I thought we raised you better." He spat in a cold tone and pushed Yunho away from himself.
,,Open your eyes, nobody loves you like this." He looked at his son with much disgust and anger in his eyes and before the other could even say something, he opened the door and threw him out.
Yunho stumbled a few steps forward and when he turned around, he was welcomed by a door smashing close right in front of his nose.
He placed his hand on the door when felt something in his heart broke. He ran his hand through his hair when some painful tears dropped on the ground. He couldn't believe this. Of course, Yunho knew that his family wasn't the most friendly when it came to gays but he had never expected them to react like this. And it hurt. A lot. Every mean word his father had said had made him feel pitiful for himself. Why did he have to be like this? Why couldn't he just be normal and like girls? He was so pathetic.
Suddenly, he was turned around by someone and two long arms placed themselves on his back while Yunho hid his face into the hugger's chest.
,,Baby...why are you crying?" Mingi asked. To see his precious angel crying broke his heart.
Yunho's sobs became louder when he tried to speak.
,,Th-They h-hate me M-Mingi..."
,,Who hates you?" The other asked in confusion.
,,M-My p-parents..." Yunho looked up slowly.
,,What are you talking about? Nobody hates you, they love you...I love you..." And with those words he pressed his lips against Yunho's, tasting a bit of his salty and sad tears. Yunho's breathing steadied when he felt Mingi's soft lips against his own.
,,I should've told them about my sexuality earlier, right after I discovered who I am...Now I might have messed everything up...I'm an idiot, Mingi." Tears started running down his face again as he broke away from the other's hold, running downstairs. ,,Why can't I just be normal and like girls?!" He shouted.
Mingi's heart skipped a beat. He didn't just say this...
No, he's just upset, he didn't actually mean it...
Tears wanted to come but he swallowed them down, telling himself that Yunho loves him and he'd never do something that will tear them apart.
Mingi followed Yunho and grabbed his elbow, pulling him back.
,,Stop..." The other whined but Mingi didn't have time for his bullshit so he made him be quiet by kissing him once again. Yunho relaxed a bit and when Mingi pulled away, he said quietly,
,,I just don't understand what did I do wrong..."
Mingi shook his head. ,,You didn't. None of this is your fault. They just...need some time...Believe me, everything will be fine soon."
Yunho nodded.
But there was still one thing in his mind.
,,M-My father...he...he told me that nobody loves me like this...I-Is this t-true?" He asked in a weak voice.
Mingi's eyes widened in surprise. ,,W-What?"
,,I don't know...I just-"
,,Listen to me now; whoever says something that idiotic to you is a blind douchebag and I absolutely don't care a shit about the fact that he is your father. Yunho, you are loved; by the group, the rest of your family, even my family: my sister adores you and I can call myself the happiest person alive because I have an angel as my boyfriend; you. Your father just has to accept you the way you are because you deserve the best; all the love that there is in this world."
Yunho just stood there, unable to believe that Mingi was telling him something like this right now. It was...the sweetest thing ever...
He must really care about me...
Then he understood that had been staring at the other for a little bit too long and now blushed in embarrassment.
Mingi smiled and pulled him closer. ,,What do you think about a movie night? We could cuddle on the couch and I could just repeat to eternity how much I love you...Will that make you feel better?"
Yunho giggled. ,,I'm already feeling better." He got on tiptoes and placed a kiss on Mingi's forehead. He didn't actually need to tiptoe because he was already a little taller than Mingi but neither of them didn't mind.
,,Shall we get going?" Mingi asked and Yunho nodded.
They started walking towards a small shop to buy some snacks and Yunho intertwined their hands. More than anything, he loved to hold hands with Mingi. It was such a simple thing but made his heart flutter every time.
And neither of them didn't need nothing more.
- You can get over this. You're stronger than before. Love yourself. Be happy.
I have so much faith in you...And whenever you need a hug, I'm always here for you -
*deep sigh* I mean, I'm still in the beginning of getting to know TXT, AB6IX, SF9 and VAV members but NCT is already annoying me...Iol. Also I hope this book is still worth reading cause I've been really missing some motivation lately but that's getting better :)
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