,,Ah, I'm so tired~" Mingi whined, entering the bedroom where Yunho was reading a book on the bed. He looked up and saw the other standing on the doorway, looking exhausted and chuckled a bit.
,,Go to sleep then."
Mingi walked over to him and fell face forward onto the bed, making Yunho laugh even more as he covered his mouth with hand.
They were currently at their group's flat, wanting to spend the night together- maybe a few more -and that was just the perfect place. Families knew and thought that this was just their usual 'best friends being together' thing since neither one of them hadn't told their families about their relationship yet.
Yunho looked down at the younger. ,,That birthday was tiring, right?" He asked softly.
,,Yeah-" Mingi said, turning around. ,,but the best one I've ever had."
,,Well, everyone worked really hard for it-"
,,You know what I mean." He took the book away and pulled Yunho on top of him, placing his hands on his hips. The other blushed and then they just looked at each other. Mingi touched his braid lightly, wondering for how long had he worn this for now, and let his fingers slide along his face, fondling his soft cheeks, then jaw, neck and finally stop back on the hip. Mingi's touch made Yunho's heartbeat fast; it was still unusual and needed some time to get used to.
,,Why are you so perfect?" Mingi asked, making the other blush even more.
,,I could ask you the same question."
A smirk appeared on Mingi's face and he got up on his elbows so that only an inch separated their faces.
,,Kiss me." He whispered with deep voice.
Yunho's eyes flickered between his plump lips and eyes before he started to lean in. But he stopped before their lips could touch and asked,
,,Mingi, what are we?"
,,Whatever you want us to be." The other answered calmly, actually a little bit annoyed that he didn't get the kiss.
,,Then...Song Mingi, will you be my boyfriend?" He then asked, smiling shyly.
Mingi showed his gummy smile and Yunho's ear tips turned red right after he had asked the question.
,,Of course, Jeong Yunho." He replied. ,,Now, kiss me." He said again, coming even closer.
Then Yunho leaned in and kissed him. Mingi had already gotten used to it but his body reacted to it like it was his first time. He loved feeling Yunho's soft lips on his and felt calm and happy.
They parted from the long and deep kiss to breath and put foreheads together.
,,Yunho...your ears are red."
Yunho's eyes widened and he hid his face into Mingi's chest, mumbling an embarrassed 'Oh God' which Mingi found absolutely adorable. He chuckled, telling him that in his opinion it's actually precious and they laid down on the bed, Yunho's head on Mingi's chest and bodies close. Mingi put his hand around the boy, pulling him even more closer and before he switched off the lamp, he placed a gentle kiss on Yunho's head, making him smile peacefully.
Yunho woke up because he felt emptiness next to him where Mingi was supposed to be. He sat up and yawned, still wearing yesterday's clothes and decided to switch them to an oversized sweater and black shorts.
Looks okay. He thought while looking at himself in the mirror.
He then heard some noises coming downstairs and decided to go and investigate, discovering cooking Mingi behind the stove. Whatever he was making smelled sweet and Yunho noticed some jam on the counter too with two plates and glasses filled with orange juice. He sat down on the bar chair, supporting head on hands and watched how Mingi worked.
When he turned around, a wide smile appeared on his face.
,,Good morning." He greeted the sleepy head. Yunho waved with his hand vaguely, making Mingi chuckle. He slid a pancake on one plate and Yunho licked his lips.
,,Looks delicious."
,,Wait for me too." Mingi said and went behind the stove again. Next to him was another plate with some extra pancakes.
Yunho walked next to him; Mingi glanced at him. When Yunho rubbed his eyes sleepily, he couldn't help but coo over his boyfriend. He was so cute so he pulled him closer by waist and kissed him sweetly.
,,So everything that happened yesterday was a reality not a wild dream..." Yunho whispered.
,,Well I'm glad it was." Mingi touched Yunho's nose with his, making him giggle and scrunch his nose. Yunho supported his head on Mingi's shoulder, patiently waiting for him to finish.
When Mingi stopped cooking, they sat down and started eating. The breakfast was delicious like the smell before.
,,When will we tell our parents?" Yunho suddenly asked.
,,Well, to be honest, my mum kinda knew about my feelings for you before...We talked about it when we were at our family's restaurant and you were playing with Siyeon and her friend..."
,,For how...For how long have you h-had them?" Yunho asked quietly, afraid of the answer. The other thought a bit, calculated something and then answered.
,,Just got three years before I told you. Since the time when my parents almost divorced..."
Yunho couldn't believe that. For so long?
What made him even more surprised was the fact that they had liked each other for the same amount of time but neither hadn't understood anything. He had been so blind.
,,I-I a-actually have liked you since that event too..."
Now it was Mingi's turn to be surprised.
,,Wow..." Was the only word he could say and ran his hand through his colorful hair nervously.
,,Yeah..." It was awkward and Yunho would've just wanted to hide in the corner in embarrassment. He had been so blind. His own best friend had been liking him for three years and he had never suspected anything not to talk about noticing something.
,,I feel stupid...that I didn't understand..." He mumbled to himself but Mingi still heard.
,,I feel you." He chuckled akwardly. ,,But it's okay now, right? We confessed."
Mingi noticed Yunho's hand laying on the table, shaking lightly. Without thinking, he put his on it, making Yunho look up and blush lightly.
,,You're beautiful." Mingi said quietly, changing the topic and mood immediately but Yunho was only glad about it. ,,Are you really my boyfriend?"
,,Yes." Yunho answered, pinkish shade getting stronger on his cheeks.
,,Sorry for asking that but it's just that I'm..." He took a deep breath. ,,...scared that this is a dream and-"
Before he could continue, Yunho stood up and kissed him over the table. Mingi let out a quiet moan of satisfaction.
When he pulled away, Mingi was caught in his light brown eyes, not able to look away as they drilled into his.
,,Nobody couldn't love you so much in a dream like I love you in real life, here and now...And that's a lot, Mingi; don't you never ever forget that." His eyes started sparkling because of tears. Mingi didn't know what to do and just nodded. Yunho bit his lip and wanted to sit down when Mingi grabbed his sweater collar, pulling him back to kiss him deeply, making sure to let him know how much he loves him too.
A while ago I let a very special person Dimples_Gummysmiles choose either A or B. Each option would've changed the same three things in this book but differently. (hopefully you understood what I meant).
She has no idea what things are going to be changed and how exactly so she's in the same darkness like you guys but she chose B.
And, since this chapter, her answer is going to affect the storyline a lot. So if someone dies then you can blame her.
No, joke, please, send her only love and read and vote for her amazing Yungi book 'Darkest Fates', it's so freaking good!
Also, this is the last update for a while since I'm going to a trip to the Corfu island in Greece and I can't wait!
Stan NOIR, (i'm so whipped for them like they're sooo talented and amazing and my heart is so full of them!) take care and see you soon ^^!
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