It was 7pm when the last person, Jongho arrived, carrying a gray backpack with him. San jumped on the couch when he dropped it onto the ground, making a loud thump echoe in the apartment.
,,Everyone's here now." Yeosang said and stepped out of the way of jumping Wooyoung. ,,Calm down." He mumbled.
,,It's so exciting, don't you think?" The jumper shot Yeosang a bright smile and continued skipping around the flat like a five-year-old.
Hongjoong was walking up- and downstairs, a little worrying look on his face and told something to Seonghwa who just shrugged it off.
,,Okay, guys, attention please!" The mullet boy said, gaining their attention within seconds. ,,So, ummm...I totally forgot about the fact that we have only three beds and two couches so we might have a small problem with the sleeping..."
,,...unless some of you don't agree to share a bed with someone else. It's not a problem for me and Joongie here." Seonghwa finished, wrapping his hand around his boyfriend who smiled to him.
,,I want the couch!" Jongho yelled. ,,And I'm the youngest so I can have whatever I want!" His statement made everyone laugh a bit.
,,Okay, Jongho gets the couch...but what about the rest-"
,,We can draw lots." Yunho, who had been the quietest the whole time, recommended. ,,And share with the person we'll get, no exceptions except the person who gets to sleep alone on the other couch."
Hongjoong nodded. ,,I think it's a good idea. Let me get a pen and some paper first. Seonghwa darling, please find a hat or a bowl or something into what to put the names."
While they were dealing with the names and stuff, the others discussed the possible pairings.
The only one who wasn't so excited about it was Yunho. He had mixed feelings about it. Of course it was interesting not to know who you'll get but none of the other boys didn't have crush on their best friend either. And the chance of getting Mingi was big enough for Yunho to worry too much.
Calm down. You still have the chance to sleep alone.
He peeked into the kitchen where Hongjoong and Seonghwa were preparing the lot drawing and sighed.
,,You okay?" Someone suddenly asked. Every time when Yunho was deep in his own thoughts and you 'interrupted' him, he winced and right now was no exception. And the fact that the asker was Mingi, didn't make it any better. He looked at the younger one and tried to smile believably.
,,Yeah. I'm fine."
Now it was Mingi's turn to sigh and shake his head. ,,Yunho, when will you understand that there's no reason to lie to me since I'm your best friend and obviously understand when something's wrong." He didn't really like to say 'best friend' since he felt something more for Yunho but he obviously couldn't say it out loud even though he wanted to do it more than anything else.
,,When you know, then why do you even bother to ask not to get to the point straight away?" Yunho snapped quietly.
Mingi tried to ignore his toxic tone and gave him the 'really?' look while crossing his hands on chest.
Yunho's look shot down at the ground and he sighed. ,,You're right. I'm kind of nervous- not exited -about the lot drawing because I don't know who I'll get..."
,,Well...whoever gets you is probably the luckiest person ever." Mingi said, gently pushing Yunho's hair behind his ear to see his face better. He also noticed how his cheecks turned bright pink which was absolutely adorable.
Yunho looked at him, smiling shyly. ,,Why are you like this?" He then quietly asked.
,,Like what?" Mingi's voice automatically changed to quiet one when Yunho's did, it had always been like this.
,,Caring, kind, always making me feel good and very supportive and sweet..."
,,Oh, that...That's just...how I'm around you..."
They both blushed in silence between them and Yunho felt the urge to hug Mingi but somehow managed to control himself. The other secretly glanced at him and felt warmth inside him. How beautiful he was.
Should I tell him-
,,Okay, we're done!" Hongjoong's yell interrupted their moment and they quickly stepped away from each other. ,,We here thought that we'll choose the second person who'll sleep alone first. So, everyone's going to pull a paper piece and the one who gets an empty one is the second lucky guy today."
Everyone nodded and Seonghwa let them pull a paper from a light blue bowl he was holding; then did the action himself too.
,,One, two, three, open!" He counted and on the mark, all the boys quickly opened the pieces, hoping for the emptiness.
Some annoyed voices were heard which were suddenly interrupted by a yell of happiness.
,,Yaaas!" Someone yelled.
It was San.
He started dancing around the room weirdly and yelling 'I got it, I got it'.
Wooyoung giggled at his ridiculous actions while other were a little jealous.
,,Others put the papers back here and I'm going to mix them a bit and then we'll find out who'll share a bed with who."
,,But we only need one person to pull since you two are going to sleep together anyways and the ones remaining are a pairing too." Mingi said.
,,Yes." Seonghwa said, pulled a random piece from the bowl, let Hongjoong open it and read the name out loud.
,,And the only puller is...Yeosang."
Yunho didn't know what to think. He was staring at Hongjoong who had just read that name. Suddenly, all of his senses were messed up. If Yeosang's going to pull Mingi or him, then everything's fine...but...if he pulls Wooyoung...
,,You ready?" Seonghwa said slyly, mixing the papers once again. Yeosang stick his tongue out and smashed his hand into the bowl, scrunching his nose when it hit the bottom.
,,Chill." Said San. Wooyoung bit his lip.
Yunho held his breath as he watched how Yeosang's hand travelled through the bowl and then came out, holding a paper piece like a trophy. He opened it.
Yunho's heart was beating fast.
,,Wooyoung." Yeosang read out. Yunho's heart dropped to the bottom of his soul. One thing was to sleep next to Mingi in different sleeping bags under different blankets but the totally other thing was to sleep with him in the exact same bed.
Even though Yunho didn't admit it, he was kind of glad to be with Mingi again.
The two boys looked at each other while Yeosang rolled his eyes at the person he got.
,,Wooyoung punches people in his sleep, I can't sleep with him!" He whined but the named one didn't let him say nothing more as he jumped onto him, wrapping himself around him like a monkey. Yeosang groaned in annoyance.
Well, at least Wooyoung is happy with his roommate.
Yunho looked at Mingi for a second and saw him smiling at the happening scene.
Maybe it isn't going to be a disaster. Maybe I won't embarrass myself after all...
,,We should watch a movie." Said San who was laying on the sofa in Wooyoung's embrace. ,,But something exiting."
,,I think we should have some movies here too...lemme go and check..." Hongjoong stood up and went to the white shelf next to the tv. He was wearing a yellow pajama with minion slippers. Once, years ago, Mingi called him Korean Big Minion since he was wearing a yellow shirt with blue suspenders and then everyone else started calling him that way too. At the beginning, Hongjoong hated it but soon found it funny too and went along with it.
Yunho was wearing his light gray pajamas and was sitting next to Jongho. Mingi was next to Seonghwa on the other side of the couch even though he really wanted to sit beside Yunho but he kept telling himself that it would seem suspicious and strange if he's always together with Yunho. And by always he really meant always.
,,Okay, so, we have-" Hongjoong stood up and the boys saw many CDs he was trying to hold with his small hands but Yunho saw that it won't work out and walked to him, taking some of the films before he would've dropped them.
,,Thank you." Hongjoong quietly said, shooting his precious smile at Yunho and the other smiled back.
Mingi was watching his best friend who was being so kind and sweet all the time, even right now. He really loved Yunho's smile what brightened up the whole room in seconds. The sun was shining...
,,We have 'The Maze Runner' here and 'Harry Potter'..." Hongjoong started naming the films and movie series.
Mingi looked at Yunho who didn't give any reaction to the called film series, even though he was the biggest Harry Potter fan ever. He tilted his head in question. What's going on with him?
Yunho was thinking about the night and how he's going to sleep and just couldn't get that thought out of his head. His life seemed to hate him. A lot.
,,...and lastly, 'World War Z'." Hongjoong finished.
,,That's a great movie." Jongho said. ,,With Brad Pitt."
,,Oh, Joongie likes Mr. Pitt or correct me if I'm wrong." Seonghwa teased, smirking.
You could see how Hongjoong's face turned red in embarrassment and anger. ,,Seonghwa-" He started angrily.
,,You do like him! Oh, go and ask for his autograph and then live with him-" Seonghwa couldn't finish his sentence because he started laughing.
,,I don't know why you always say this; it sounds like you want to get rid of him because you don't love him anymore." Yeosang took some chips from the bowl and looked at Seonghwa like nothing had happened. Now it was the blonde's turn to turn red.
,,Gotcha~" Jongho drew out and everyone laughed a bit.
But Seonghwa recovered quickly.
,,Hey, Yeosnag, at least I have someone." He came back, took a few chips like Yeosang before and ate them arrogantly, pissing the other off.
Jongho saw how angry Yeosang got and understood that he has to say something before the other literally attacks Seonghwa. ,,O-Okay guys, w-we saw how good you both are in roasting but c-could we focus on the movie choice again now? No need for dead bodies today." He mumbled, making everyone laugh again.
,,Fine." Yeosang said and Seonghwa nodded in agreement. They both had actually enjoyed the roasting.
,,So which one?" Hongjoong asked from the boys.
,,What's that there?" San suddenly asked, pointing at a black CD in the shelf.
,,I, ummm...It's 'IT'." Hongjoong said, gulping. ,,A horror movie."
,,We could watch this."
,,I-I don't really know-"
,,Who wants to watch 'IT'?" San asked and raised his hand with Wooyoung. Jongho and Yeosang joined them right away but Seonghwa just shrugged. ,,I don't care. You guys decide."
Everyone looked at Mingi because like they all knew, he got scared easily. Like very, very easily.
,,I...I mean...I could try..." He said doubtfully, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
,,Yunho?" Wooyoung raised his eyebrow.
,,I can't raise my hand because I'm holding all these CDs but it's a yes...hm, probably."
,,Okay, 'IT' it is then." Hongjoong sighed, put all the films back and took 'IT' out, putting it into the player. He himself wasn't a fan of the horror movies either but as long as he was in Seonghwa's safe embrace, everything was fine.
Yunho had said yes with the most firm voice he had but Mingi understood that he was scared. He gulped nervously when Hongjoong took the remote to put on the movie. Wooyoung got up and turned the lights off.
Are you kidding me...
That was Mingi's thought.
The movie started with rainy weather and a kid named George building a paper boat. Yunho had been a little scared before but the movie seemed okay so far.
Meanwhile Mingi felt shivers running along his whole body and he had hard time trying to keep his hands from shaking too much. He rubbed his wrists.
When the movie got to the point where the boy went outside and his boat disappeared into the sewerage opening, Mingi's heartbeat was crazy and the thought that the film will last many more hours made him even more terrified.
Then someone's face appeared in the sewerage hole and Mingi winced, eyes widening in fear.
Yunho was calm. Okay, yes, there was a slight thunderstorm thingy but at least it didn't scare him to death like in real life.
Suddenly he saw something jump from the corner of his eye. He understood that it was Mingi right away.
Without thinking he stood up and sneaked to Mingi, sat down next to him and put his hand around his shoulders lightly. The others didn't care about his place switch, they were intrigued with the movie.
Mingi was staring at the tv with wide eyes and squeezing the pillow. He jumped when felt Yunho's touch, then looked at the older with fear in his eyes.
,,Y-Yunho..." His lips quietly formed that name and that was the moment when the other understood how needed he was. Mingi moved closer to him and now Yunho's heart went crazy because of him not the scary movie.
A jumpscare.
Mingi yelled for a second and covered his face with his shaking hands. Yunho knew he had to find a way to calm Mingi down since there was no way he could or would've moved right now to just leave the room or something.
He placed a gentle kiss on Mingi's head.
Mingi understood what it was but couldn't process it. He looked up at the kisser and when his gaze met Yunho's warm smile, fear just disappeared and he felt nervousness and electricity running through his body because of Yunho's touch.
'It's okay. I'm here. You're safe.' Yunho mouthed. Mingi smiled back to him and supported his head on him, heartbeat fastening quickly, now because of the loved one.
Yunho's breathing got heavier because of how close Mingi was to him and he looked down at him, smiling when saw how cute and small he looked. Soon, Mingi started playing with his fingers to distract himself from the film and Yunho tried to stay in place even though his heart wasn't. It was going crazy because of the other's soft touches. Mingi looked up at him and smiled, then rested his head on Yunho's lap and continued watching the movie.
I cried while watching 'Wave' and 'Illusion' MVs, I'm just so freaking proud ATEEZ and they look so beautiful and healthy and happy and my heartu is so full of them ^^
Also, can we talk about that tRaNsItIon 'Crescent' from 'Illusion' to 'Wave' I'M DYING THE WHOLE ALBUM IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE !!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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