Knock, knock.
,,Oh my gosh, are those really them?!" Wooyoung yelled in excitement, jumping up from next to San.
,,Wooyoung-ah! My perfect card tower fell over thanks to your unconcern!" San scolded him since he had worked on that for the past hour.
Wooyoung's head popped up from behind the wall. ,,Sorry, Sannie." He giggled like a five-year-old and ran to the door where Seonghwa already was. He opened the door and the childish one pulled the comers into a warm embrace, hugging their souls out of them.
,,Woo...young, I...can't brea..the." Mingi said and Wooyoung let go of them, shining like a disco ball. ,,So, are you guys official now?" He asked, clapping hands together, and Jongho who had gotten there, hit his head playfully, holding back laughter ar the same time.
,,Ah!" Wooyoung yelled, rubbing his head. ,,What?"
,,Go and do something useful, like tell our socialistic friend Yeosang to come downstairs." Seonghwa told him.
Jongho laughed, Wooyoung did like said and Seonghwa invited Mingi and Yunho in.
,,Joongie!" He yelled.
,,Yes?" Hongjoong asked from the kitchen.
,,Could you please serve some snacks and stuff for us?"
,,Are Yunho and Mingi back already?" You could hear the surprise and happiness in his voice.
,,Okay. Just a few minutes!"
Seonghwa smiled lovely and sat down on the sofa. San was trying to build his card tower back up again but gave up when the room started to fill with people who are definitely going to mess it up. He sighed when stuffed the cards back to the pack but a wide smile appeared on his lips when Wooyoung, who had come back downstairs, wrapped his hands around him, giving him a hug.
,,Sorry for ruining your tower Sannie." He apologized.
San chuckled. ,,It's okay." He said, making Wooyoung smile since he was forgiven.
,,Okay, lovebirds, make some space." Yeosang commanded, waving for San and Wooyoung to move.
Yunho saw a light blush appearing on their cheecks and smiled. San and Wooyoung obviously liked each other, everyone understood it since the way they always teased each other but also had a lot of skinship and actually cared about each other a lot too.
,,Someone looks happy." Said Hongjoong who walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of snacks and some glasses filled with juice on a tray.
Yunho understood that the sentence was meant to him and laughed nervously. ,,Y-Yeah, we indeed had a lot of fun."
Wooyoung nudged San and they bickered, earning a death look from Seonghwa. ,,Get yourselves together guys."
,,So, how was it? We need details!" Hongjoong took Seonghwa's hand and everyone looked at Mingi and Yunho, waiting for answers.
The boys looked at each other, Yunho giving Mingi a 'you talk' look what the other understood like a best friend actually should and started talking.
Yunho looked at the older who was enthusiastically talking about their trip and just admired him; his sparkling eyes, that wide smile what appeared on his face when he talked about some parts he liked. Yunho noticed that he was a big part of those moments even though Mingi didn't mention him a lot which he actually didn't mind because, honestly, those moments were a little...personal. He really made the camping look amazing, almost like a big trip to some other country.
,,It's obvious that you both enjoyed the hiking a lot." Hongjoong said, smiling at them warmly.
Mingi smiled even more widely what made his eyes disappear which Yunho found so cute that he even blushed himself. Mingi looked at him, then at the others again.
,,Yes, we did. Yunho's literally the best company for things like that."
,,Thanks." Yunho whispered shyly on the compliment and Mingi put his hand around him, making the older one's heart beat faster. ,,No problem." He whispered back with his deep voice that sent shivers down Yunho's spine. The others didn't notice their small moment but it was only good since Yunho didn't want to turn even more red than he already was.
,,How was the nature?" Yeosang asked, jumping forward. He may seem a savage and tough guy but he was actually very interested in small beautiful things. For example, the nature.
Mingi told them about it too and didn't forget to mention how happy and shining Yunho was every time he discovered a new plant or something, making him look like a little child. He felt his face become more and more red within every word that came out of Mingi's mouth.
,,Okay, stop!" He yelled, laughing, and curled into the smallest ball he could, covering his face with hands; very embarrassed.
Mingi looked at the adorable little boy in front of him and smiled widely, his eyes disappearing again. Yunho had always been the only one whose actions or sayings could cause that adorable smile. Right now was no exception.
Everyone else laughed and Mingi helped Yunho to get up. He clinged to Mingi's hand, desperately trying to hide his face what only made the others laugh harder.
How cute he is when he's embarrassed...
,,You okay?" He asked Yunho who nodded slowly and sat back up normally. Yeosang smirked at his red face and whispered something to Jongho on what the other quietly giggled.
,,That story...It sounded so freaking beautiful." Wooyoung exclaimed when they had calmed down. He was now sitting beside San but his hands were still wrapped around the other tightly like he was afraid to lose him.
,,It indeed was." Mingi said, happiness beaming from his voice. It made Yunho happy too and he forgot about his embarrassment what had happened only a few minutes ago. He was glad to see Mingi happy because of the camping and that he had more good than bad memories about it.
Hongjoong showed them his pure smile. ,,I'm sincerely so glad that you guys spent some very great time together."
Seonghwa looked at his boyfriend who was supporting his head on his shoulder and gave him a gentle kiss on forehead.
Something shot trough Yunho. It wasn't pain. Neither was it something good. Don't understand him wrong, he liked to see his friends in a healthy relationship but...it just reminded him of many many things which he'd better like to forget forever. He felt like standing up and walking away but somehow managed not to move even though he still moved a little bit away from Mingi. It wasn't the latter's fault. None of this was but it was easier for Yunho like this. To keep a little distance from Mingi.
Even though it hurt like hell.
Wanting to change the topic, he quietly asked, ,,Can we...ummm..." He stared down.
His sudden expression and mood change didn't go unnoticed for only one person in the room: Seonghwa, but he kept his mouth shut since Yunho always had a good reason for the change. Still, he was wondering what was the cause of it.
Everyone else just looked at him while he attempted to say something.
,,Well, you guys wanted to have a meeting here...is there a particular reason for it or is it just...?" Yunho finished his question.
Hongjoong took a bite of a enormous cookie what barely fit into his mouth and then answered, ,,Yes, there actually was a reason for this." He swallowed the bite down and continued. ,,As you know, we, as a group, have many tradition like things what some we do every year. For example, the pajama party in the beginning of the summer."
The room filled with happy blabbering and smiles and 'aaahhh's when the boys understood what he was talking about.
,,Oh, do you guys remember the last time when San was laying upside down on the couch and tried drinking milk from a straw-" Jongho started but Wooyoung interrupted,
,,-and then ended up waterboarding himself, coughed for 10 seconds and tried again?"
Everyone laughed.
,,My stomach hurts from laughing so much." Mingi said but it made everyone laugh even harder.
,,I didn't ask but I guess this a yes for having the pajama party again?" Hongjoong guessed and earned many eager nods from the boys.
,,Great. How about tomorrow until Thursday? That would make two-three days."
,,Sounds great." Mingi said and others nodded in agreement.
,,Okay then."
Wooyoung rubbed his hands together. ,,It's going to be awesome!"
I'm back guys and introducing you one of my favorite kpop bands: DAY6 :)
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