Mingi yawned behind the wheel and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
,,You tired?" Yunho asked. ,,I can drive if you want." He looked at him concernedly.
,,No it's okay."
,,You sure? You look really tired-"
,,I said I'm fine!"
Yunho was taken aback of his sudden harsh tone and removed his hand from holding Mingi's.
,,Okay..." He said quietly. ,,But if you want something, then just let me know, okay?" It was almost like a whisper.
Mingi didn't answer anything but drove to the side of the road and stopped the car. Yunho didn't really care about the strange move, he was just staring out of the window, thinking why had the other yelled at him.
After a minute, Mingi looked at him. ,,There's actually something that I want..."
Yunho turned his head and his eyebrow raised.
Mingi inhaled. ,,I want you."
Yunho blinked a few times and couldn't understand the answer in his head which was a little more than confused. But he also didn't have time since Mingi slowly climbed over the center and sat down on his lap, looking at Yunho. The latter couldn't understand that look but his heart was going slowly insane and he gulped when felt the other's body against his. He looked up at Mingi, eyes widened.
-- Slight smut ahead - over when you see two lines --
Mingi put his hands on Yunho's chest and moved them down slowly, making sure to stop when he reached the shorts. Yunho's breathing became heavier.
,,Mingi-" He started but was cut off by the other putting his finger on his lips.
Mingi then leaned in and let their noses touch before moving down on Yunho's neck, making the other shiver under him because of the breaths he felt tickling his neck. Suddenly, he pressed his lips against Yunho's neck and started placing wet kisses on it. Yunho gasped but then moaned and Mingi felt himself turning on. He came up and traced his lips along Yunho's jawline. A tease.
,,You like it, don't you?" He asked, voice deep and slow. Yunho gripped the seat, lips slightly parted.
,,Ah, shh, don't say anything, just moan for me...baby."
Yunho felt electricity shoot through his body when Mingi continued kissing him, slightly biting the skin and touching him from different places. It made the older one's body go crazy. Yunho bit his lip to hold back a whimper when Mingi's hands went under his shirt, moving up and down and slightly tickling his skin.
,,Don't hold it back." Mingi whispered into his ear. ,,I love the sounds you make..." He made Yunho shiver again and chuckled when felt it. He put his hands on Yunho's thighs, moving them towards his crotch, starting to grind on him. Yunho was sweating and his breathing fastened.
,,Easy..." Mingi whispered and put his hand on Yunho's bulge. Yunho gasped but it was quickly followed by deep moaning when he felt Mingi starting to rub it. Mingi felt himself getting more and more turned on at the sounds the other made and grinded on him more. Yunho closed his eyes and bit his lip. Mingi smirked when felt the other getting hard. He traced one of his fingers up to Yunho's chin and made him look at him.
,,Nobody can't hear us, be as loud as you want babe, I love the sounds you make under me..." He said huskily and attacked Yunho's neck with kisses, giving him no time to think. Yunho let out a loud groan and Mingi smirked again, enjoying the power he had over Yunho.
,,Louder..." He commanded and took off Yunho's shirt, teasing him by licking his nipple.
,,Mingi-ahhh..." Yunho moaned at the pleasure the other's touches were giving him.
,,Stop teasing me...please..."
Mingi's eyebrow raised. ,,Why? I like it..." He traced his fingers along Yunho's tight, up to his stomach and chest. ,,But if that's your wish then...okay..." He grabbed Yunho's member through his shorts, making him gasp. ,,But I'm not going to go easy on you." He smirked, and did something that made Yunho moan loudly in deep pleasure...
Yunho jumped up on his seat, almost hitting the dashboard which he quickly grabbed to be steady. He was hyperventilating and sweating.
Did I just saw...? Oh, shit...
-- Mentions of the wet dream and everything related to it until the end of the chapter, no smut anymore --
He put his hand on his chest and felt his racing heartbeat.
,,Yunho? Is everything okay?"
He just kept panting, eyes widened and lips slightly parted. When he focused on what he had seen, he felt that he was still hard.
Mingi notices his hand supporting on the dashboard while the other is pressing on his chest. He pulls the car to the road edge and turnes to Yunho.
,,Yunho? Please answer me." He asked, now truly worried about the other.
When receiving no answer he yells, ,,Yunho!"
But his voice was only a blur for the other.
When Mingi slightly touched his shoulder, Yunho flinched and jumped away. Mingi was surprised at the reaction but then noticed something.
Why does he look so...scared?
,,Yunho?" He asked, wanting to put his hand on the other's but Yunho pulled it away.
,,Don't..." He said quietly.
Mingi was confused. ,,W-What happened? You were sleeping so peacefully and then at one moment you jumped up, looking like you saw the worst nightmare ever..." He moved himself closer to Yunho since he was speaking quietly to not to scare the other but Yunho backed even more.
,,Stay away from me!" He suddenly yelled. ,,Don't come closer or touch me!"
Mingi stopped and fell back on his seat; Yunho's harsh tone hurt him. He didn't understand what was wrong.
,,Just stop! Shut up and start the god damn car and drive!"
Mingi's eyes became wet but he did like said, tightening his jaw in hope to keep the tears back.
Yunho breathed out when they started driving again and stared out of the window, still shocked at what had happened...Well, more like what he had seen. His palms were still sweaty and heartbeat fast as a storm.
Did I saw a... wet dream? A dream of me and Mingi having sex together?
He would've wanted to hit himself when his body reacted at the erotic dream.
The way he looked at me with the lust in his eyes when he heard me moan in pleasure his touches were giving me...I wanted him to fuck me so badly...
He shivered.
The worst part wasn't the dream itself but the fact that he had enjoyed it so much and every time Mingi was touching him in real life, he felt something like he had felt in the dream.
I shouldn't have these feelings, they're ruining everything. It has already gotten out of control-
His phone beeped and made both boys jump. Yunho slowly took and unlocked it and read the text what was from Yeosang.
,,What is it?" Mingi suddenly asked. His voice sounded weak and unhappy.
,,Yeosang. He told us that if we get back to the town, they'd like to have a meeting in the apartment."
Yunho nodded in agreement, then continued to look outside but he felt bad for being so mad at Mingi before, he hadn't deserved it, the dream wasn't his fault.
It's all my fault...
,,I'm sorry." He blurted out. ,,For shouting at you before. I just didn't have the best dream and it made me...nervous."
A deep breath.
,,I understand...but I'd like to know what exactly was the dream that scared you."
Yunho was surprised. How can he still be so caring even though I acted like a total idiot with him?
,,I...It's very embarrassing and I really don't want to..."
Mingi sighed. He saw that Yunho had some problems lately and that there were many things that he couldn't handle alone but he never told Mingi about them; he just cried or was scared. Of course Mingi understood that and yes, maybe you aren't ready or don't want to tell everything to everyone, not even to your best friend but the fact that Yunho didn't tell him about any of his problems fully was starting to make him very very worried. If Yunho keeps keeping these things all to himself...he might even get depressed and that was the last thing Mingi wanted. Just the thought of it made him...
So, he didn't answer anything but said, ,,You should try to get some sleep again. Don't worry, I'm here to make sure no bad dream comes to scare you."
Yunho smiled before laying back on the seat again and Mingi smiled too when he saw how his breathing slowed when he slowly drifted back to the dreamland, hopefully about to see something good this time.
Yunho had fallen asleep again like a child and Mingi was driving.
Suddenly, he noticed how Yunho was fidgeting more and more in his seat. He didn't pay much attention to it since it had stopped until he heard something.
,,Mingi-ahhh..." Yunho moans softly as Mingi sees him gripping the seat tightly.
It sounded needy and desperate and Mingi felt himself getting turned on. He glanced at Yunho whose grip loosened and everything seemed to be normal again...
He hadn't thought about it much because only minutes later Yunho jumped up, looking lost and shocked and he only wanted to find out what had caused it.
But now he just couldn't get it out of his head. He knew what he heard; Yunho moaning his name in his sleep while looking pretty tensed up.
Maybe he was just seeing a dream where Mingi was teasing him and he asked him to stop like 'Mingi-ah, stop'...?
No, it was definitely a moan.
Then something hit him like the lightning.
Is it possible that he saw a dream of us together? Like...
,,No!" He yelled whispered to himself.
What the hell am I thinking??! What's wrong with me?!
He gripped the steering wheel.
These feelings are really making my life miserable and crazy. Now Yunho can't even say my name in his sleep without me thinking that he saw something sexual? What next??
He somehow managed to calm himself down and looked at Yunho who was sleeping like a innocent baby boy.
No way that he'd dream of something like that.
That helped Mingi to calm his thoughts down and he decided put on some music to erase the silence.
How about A.C.E? He thought and chose their newest song 'Under Cover'. He loved that song so much and started lip-syncing when the awesome chorus came on. This way, he was able to forget about all of those crazy thoughts for a while.
,,Just the perfect time to wake up." Mingi said to Yunho who was wringing. ,,I just drove into the city." He looked at the sleepy boy. ,,How did you sleep? Better?"
,,Definitely." Yunho smiled and looked at the familiar hometown. ,,It's actually good to be back." He said, showing his sleepy smile which was adorable in Mingi's opinion.
Mingi was happy that the other wasn't so sad anymore.
All of the sudden, he felt Yunho's hand on his and his beautiful light brown eyes looking at him.
,,Thank you, Mingi, for this amazing trip. I absolutely loved it."
Mingi blushed at the other's words lightly. ,,I'm glad you liked it." He had to turn his eyes to the road even though he would've wanted to stare at Yunho's beauty forever. Yunho blinked quickly when understood that he should stop staring at the other and felt a little embarrassed.
,,So...umm, to the apartment now?" He asked.
,,Yep." Mingi answered and turned the car to the street that was the fastest way to the apartment.
wHeRe'S mY hOlY wAtEr 💦??
This was the first smut I've ever published, so, how was it? Horrible, I know. Also A.C.E and their fresh comeback has my whole heart and support, I'm a Choice now ^^
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