They were quiet the whole road downhill, no words were spoken or any questions asked. Just complete silence.
When Mingi finally saw his car a smile appeared on his face. All the hiking had been so tiring and he was looking forward to finally get back home and jump into his warm bed and fall asleep comfortably.
He hopped onto the asphalt happily and was soon followed by Yunho. Meanwhile he started to look for his car keys and when found them, he opened the car and threw his backpack inside. He turned around to take Yunho's but saw it laying on the ground next to the other boy who was facing the mountains, wind moving his hair. Mingi looked at him and understood his sadness, even his figure looked miserable. He was sad and Mingi knew he had to do something.
Yunho was looking at the beautiful nature in front of him when he suddenly felt two hands gently wrap around him. It was Mingi. Yunho didn't give any reaction like usually; his thoughts were somewhere else. They was already missing the camping place, picnic, star watching, Mingi's parents' restaurant...everything. And when Yunho tried to cheer himself up somehow, he failed completely. Nothing wasn't wrong with going back home and being with the other boys and family again but Yunho knew that he couldn't be so touchy-feely with Mingi there since someone would've noticed and say something about it, making him feel embarrassed...and that was way worse.
He felt something wet roll down on his cheeck.
Mingi was a little startled when saw the tear. It dropped on the ground and he looked at Yunho's sad expression what was staring down.
,,Why so down?" He asked quietly. ,,Tell me."
He heard a deep sigh and saw Yunho playing with his fingers before looking up and answering.
,,I just...don't want to leave this place at all..." He whispered and Mingi heard endless unhappiness in his voice. ,,It has so many memories for me and I don't want to leave them behind..."
Those words made Mingi think. Yunho was right, this place was really special to him before but now even more since he had come here with Yunho, the person he was in love with. They had shared many good moments here as well as some sad ones what had actually made them even more closer and it was hard for him to leave too...but...
,,You know what?" He asked. Yunho let out a quiet 'mh?'.
,,I don't want to leave this place as well but we both know that we can't stay here forever. We have people waiting for us at home. And..." He turned Yunho around so he was facing him now and took a hold of his hands gently. ,,we can come back here whenever we want to. This place won't disappear anywhere. It's always going to stay here. And I promise, we are going to come back." He smiled and when Yunho looked up, he couldn't help but smile too even though it was still a little bit sad. But it was already more than enough for Mingi. He had made Yunho smile and that was what mattered.
,,So, are we going back home now?" He asked.
Yunho nodded and they climbed into the car and Mingi started it. He drove to the highway and took the direction towards home. Yunho looked at the mountains but now happily. He knew that when Mingi had promised that they'll come back, they actually will come back and the thought of it made him feel better.
,,Do the boys and our parents know that we're coming back today?" He suddenly asked since they were originally supposed to go back on Sunday, yesterday.
,,Yes. I sent them a message yesterday and asked my mum to tell yours too."
Since Yunho didn't answer anything, Mingi turned his head to the older and saw him staring at him.
Yunho turned his head away. ,,Nothing."
Mingi's eyebrow raised. ,,Yunho...I know that you have something in your mind so stop screwing around and tell me. Now."
Yunho sighed. ,,It's just that...I feel so useless."
Mingi frowned.
,,I mean, you put the tent together, made a lovely fireplace for us with logs and then put everything back together not to mention other efforts you have put into this...And what have I done? Nothing. And even when I tried to help you put up the tent, I still managed to mess everything up." Yunho threw his hands into air. His voice sounded a little annoyed but mostly sorry.
,,Yunho...don't feel like this, you weren't useless, not at all, I assure you. I actually liked doing all the things myself a lot and I don't blame you for nothing. You hadn't done none of those things before and had no idea how to act. And I had already made so many plans up in my head how I wanted to do this or that and as much as I know, you can't read my mind, right?"
Yunho chuckled. ,,Yeah..."
,,So stop blaming yourself. For me your presence was already more than enough."
By that time, Yunho was smiling widely. ,,Thank you." He quietly said.
,,No problem, I'm always here for you. And stop being so miserable, I want you to smile that beautiful smile of yours. You know I love it..." Mingi blushed lightly.
Yunho felt warmth starting to grow inside him. God how lucky he was to have a person like Mingi in his life. He was always supporting him and cheering him up when he felt down, he made Yunho feel special and valid in this world...
Mingi changed the gear and left his hand in the center for a few seconds but in that time, Yunho put his hand on it. Mingi was surprised by the sudden move since usually was he the one who did things like this. But Yunho's courage only made him happy since he was usually so shy and quiet. Mingi smiled and his heartbeat fastened as Yunho started talking about something like nothing hadn't happened.
This video of those two beautiful young men:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
My love for you since we reached 1K reads!! ^^
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