Chapter 15-19: Friendly Competition and Caught on Tape
(A few weeks later)
Y/N was just getting ready to go to the gym for his daily workout session, but his day at the gym would turn out to be a competition as Pete texted him for a friendly challenge between two former military airmen.
Y/N got his gym bag and left his apartment after he gave his two dogs their food. As he went downstairs, the airman received a message from Alexa.
Alexa: what are you up to?
He replied back immediately.
Y/N: on my way to the gym. You?
The Goddess replied back.
Alexa: Ryan is out buying some food at the market
Y/N was surprised of Alexa's text.
Y/N: Wonderful Boy is not at the music studio huh? Interesting
He replied back to the Goddess as their back and forth conversation went on.
Y/N: well unless he is finally giving time for you
Alexa: for once...
Y/N: I still don't trust him
Alexa: it's fine and I understand Y/N, but you were there for me when he wasn't
Y/N: that is true
Alexa: alright, I'll let you go now
Y/N: okay, we'll talk soon
Alexa: 😘
Y/N smiled at the emoji as he got in his car and drove to the gym for his physical fitness challenge against Pete. The airman parked in front of the gym and saw Pete waiting for him.
Y/N: Petey, ready to lose?
Pete: you lose to me? Yeah, I'm ready
Y/N: I did more push ups than you in training
Pete: well I did more pull ups than you
Y/N: I did 8 seconds on the rope climb
Pete: you're lucky because I slipped on that
Y/N: alright, let's go inside
The two military buddies went inside and began their first round of their competition by starting at the barbell.
Y/N: so what is the challenge here?
Pete: do as many reps as you can in one minute
Y/N: reps in one minute, got it
Pete: I'll start first
Y/N: alright I got the clock
Pete got in position with his hand on the bar.
Y/N: ready... go!
Pete began his reps as the clock started to countdown.
(A minute later)
Y/N: and stop!
Pete: 36 reps, beat that
Y/N smirked.
Y/N: watch me
He handed him the stopwatch and got in position on the barbell.
Y/N: start the clock
Pete: your one minute starts... now!
Y/N didn't waste any time as he rapidly begins to do his reps. Pete's mood immediately changed as he watched Y/N do his reps fast.
(A minute later)
Pete: time's up!
Y/N: ha ha! 45 reps boy!
Pete: alright, you beat me by 9 reps, but this is just the first round, so don't get cocky
Y/N: alright, Lt. Mitchell, what's round 2?
Pete: follow me
Pete led Y/N to the next part of their competition which is the pull up bar.
Y/N: god damn it, pull ups?
Pete: why Y/N? Are you backing out?
Y/N: fine, let's do this. So as many pull ups in one minute?
Pete: yeah, and since you won the first round, you can go first
Y/N took a deep breath and got on the bar and about to start the biggest weakness of his physical training back in boot camp at Fort Macdill.
Pete: and... go!
Y/N successfully did two pull ups on the first go, but then struggled and pulled up slowly.
(A minute later)
Pete: time!
Y/N: oh goddess, I only did 10 pull ups
Pete: you did better than in boot camp when you did only 8
Y/N: my arms hurt
Pete: shake it off, man
Y/N: alright, your turn
Pete got in position on the bar.
Y/N: go!
Y/N said as he started the clock, and Pete didn't waste any time as he does his pull ups.
(A minute later)
Y/N: time's up, dude!
Pete went down with a smirk on his face.
Pete: I beat you by one, 11 pull ups, boy!
Y/N: alright, you beat me, so we're tied
Pete: it won't be after the third and last round
Y/N: which is?
Pete: push ups, but with a twist
Y/N: what's the twist?
Pete: instead of the old regular push ups, we're doing fist or knuckle push ups
Y/N: oh, that's the tough one
Pete: yeah, and since I won the pull ups, I'll go first
Pete got in position and Y/N got the clock ready.
(A minute later)
Pete struggled his last fist push up as the time expired.
Y/N: how many?
Pete: 12 fist push ups
Y/N: alright, my turn
Pete started the clock and Y/N went on to do his fist push ups.
(A minute later)
Pete was surprised to see Y/N still looking strong as the last second of his one minute is up.
Y/N: 20 fist push ups. I win!
Pete: congratulations man
Y/N smirked as the two friends fist bumped. Then the two went to the shower and changed into their clean clothes.
Y/N: let's go get some lunch
Pete: let's stop by the super market first, I'm gonna buy some groceries for the kids
Y/N: alright sure, we'll stop by there first
The two exited the gym and got in Y/N's car to drive to the market.
(Minutes later)
The two parked in front of the market and went inside.
Y/N: yeah, I'm gonna buy some groceries too
Pete: alright, I'll see you in a few minutes
Y/N nodded as the two separated to different areas of the market.
Y/N got some dog food for his pets along with some frozen meat and vegetables. Then as he was walking he saw a familiar figure in the dairy section, that familiar figure was none other than Ryan Cabrera.
Y/N: strange, I assumed he would be in the music studio
Then Y/N saw that Ryan was with his friend Tom, and then he heard the two talking, which caused him to get out his phone and video record their conversation.
Tom: you two still together?
Ryan: oh yeah
Tom: and she has no idea
Ryan: oh Alexa thinks I'm her wonderful person who makes her smile
Tom: hmm
Ryan: I always know how to play victim, especially when I ruined that jerk Y/N's birthday
Tom: oh man that was awful... for him!
Ryan: and until now, Alexa has no idea I'm using her for her fame, so my career can benefit from her popularity
Tom: and what about Y/N?
Ryan: what about him? He's nothing!
The two shared a laugh as they continued with their shopping. Y/N pressed stop and reviewed the video.
Y/N: I'm nothing huh? Soon, you will be nothing, Cabrera
Y/N continued to shop as he proceeded to checkout and purchase his groceries. He waited for Pete by his car outside, and Y/N didn't wait too long for his air force buddy to come out with his bag of groceries.
Pete: you alright dude?
Y/N: man, I saw someone
Pete: who?
Y/N: Ryan
Pete: are you serious, man?
Y/N: yeah, and he was with his friend, who I beat up before
Pete: what were they doing there?
Y/N: well besides shopping, I eavesdropped on their conversation and also recorded it on my phone
Pete: let me see it
Y/N went to his gallery and played the video for Pete.
Pete: holy shit... what an asshole
Y/N: and Alexa doesn't know about it
Pete: how are you explain this?
Y/N: I don't know man, I really need to think this over, I also need to tell Mike and Vanessa about this too
Pete: well good luck soldier, this is a solo mission for you
Y/N: yeah
Pete: give me a ride home, man
Y/N: sure
The two got in Y/N's car and drove off. After a few minutes, Y/N stopped in front of Pete's place.
Pete: thanks man, and think it over of how you will tell Alexa about what you saw and listen
Y/N: I will man
Pete: take care of yourself
Pete patted his friend's shoulder as he got his groceries and got inside his house. Then Y/N drove back to his apartment.
After he put his groceries away, Y/N sat down on the couch and watched the video while thinking to himself of how he will tell Alexa about the true colors of the jerk known as Ryan Cabrera.
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