Chapter 15-17: Thanks for Nothing
(A couple of weeks later)
Weeks have passed since the group of amazing friends had fun at Universal Studios' Halloween festival, with the year almost ending, Y/N wants to end it with a positive note, but before he can get to his favorite holiday Christmas, he must go through Thanksgiving first, in which his diet is not a big fan of. He went to the mirror to see his current body frame. Earlier, he got an invite from Mike for a Thanksgiving party at his house with Nessie.
Y/N: 170 pounds plus how much food for later tonight
He patted his stomach and went to change into his work out clothes. As he was about to leave, Y/N got a call from his mom.
Y/N: hi mom
M/N: hi son
Y/N: today is Thanksgiving, so are you and dad coming over?
M/N: oh we are coming, but we didn't had time to prepare the food
Y/N: oh that's okay, Mike invited me over, and I told him that you and dad are coming, and he said yes
M/N: oh that's great son, is uhh, Alexa coming too?
Y/N: according to Mike, yes she is coming... along with her "wonderful person"
M/N: oh no
Y/N: yup
M/N: we'll try to keep our cool, especially your dad
Y/N: oh don't worry mom, nothing will go wrong
M/N: hope so
Y/N: okay mom, I have to let you go, I am on my way to the gym for my work out since we will eat a lot later tonight
M/N: okay son, see you later
Y/N: bye
The pure fan ended the call and as he went inside his car, he went on Instagram to see Alexa's latest post which is a picture of her with Ryan.
Y/N: oh, Mr. Wonderful finally came back to spend time from his busy work schedule breaking people's ears
Y/N smirked and shook his head as he puts his phone on the passenger's seat and drove off to the gym for his essential Thanksgiving work out. While he was at the dumbbell station, he said one word with every lift.
Y/N: Turkey. Ham. Stuffing. Mashed Potatoes. Pumpkin Pie. Gravy.
Y/N breathed hard set after set throughout his one hour session.
After his one hour workout, he showered and then changed into his clean set of clothes. As he went in his car, he received a text message from Nessie.
Nessie: Mike forgot to buy the pumpkin pie, can you go buy some for us?
Y/N: oh Mike, you forgot the best part, and my favorite
He then replied back to Nessie.
Y/N: yup, no problem
He then drove off to the market to purchase two pumpkin pies. For lunch, Y/N decided to eat light, so he only ate nothing, but a salad.
While Y/N was playing Mortal Kombat 11 as RoboCop, he received a some sort of warning from Mike.
Mike: it's confirmed, Ryan is coming as well
Y/N smirked and replied back.
Y/N: he tries anything, I'll happily serve him a knuckle sandwich
As he sent Mike the text, Y/N defeated his opponent with RoboCop's Fatality. Y/N then played through a couple of the game's Towers of Time mode to rank among others as the prize was to change the announcer's voice to Johnny Cage.
(Couple of hours later)
It was almost time for the party, so Y/N got dressed and brought along the pies. He called out Comet and Waffle to come along as well. Y/N and his two dogs got in the car and drove to his parents' hotel to pick them up.
After that, the family drove to Mike's house just in time for the party.
(30 minutes later)
Y/N parked in front of his best friend's house.
Y/N: mom, dad this is my best friend's house
M/N: Austin got a nice house, son
(A/N: Austin is Mike's real name)
Y/N: he does, come on
Y/N led his parents to the door and knocked. The door opened and it was Mike.
Y/N: Mikey, I got the pies you forgot to buy
Mike: oh real funny, man
Y/N chuckled and went inside.
Mike: M/N, F/N nice to see you two again, please come in
F/N: thank you
Then Y/N's dad smelled something.
F/N: turkey!
Y/N: slow down dad, not everyone is here yet
Nessie: we're waiting for Alexa and... you know who
Y/N can only nod.
Mike: deep breaths, man
Y/N took a deep breath while his dad patted his shoulder.
Nessie: Y/N, where's Pete?
Y/N: oh Pete is spending Thanksgiving with his family, pretty sure Goose is there as well
(Minutes later)
As everyone gathered around the table, they heard the doorbell ringing.
Nessie: that must be them
F/N: breathe son
Y/N: I know dad
As Nessie went to the door, she said something to herself.
Nessie: this will be chaotic
Then she opened the door to see Alexa and Ryan.
Nessie: Alexa, Ryan glad you two can make it
Alexa: well thanks for inviting us
Ryan: couldn't spend Thanksgiving without the one I love
Nessie: well everyone is here, so come on in
Ryan: everyone?
The out of tune singer was confused as he and Alexa came in. Then his question was answered as they reached the dining room, where he saw Y/N.
Ryan: oh what is he doing here?
Y/N stood up, but he was held back by his dad.
Y/N: I was gonna ask you the same thing, asshole!
Nessie: hey hey, there will be no fighting at the table, let's put the hostilities aside for a while and enjoy the food
Y/N: just make him sit far away from me
Ryan: something I can agree on
Alexa: we can sit here, Ryan
The Goddess pointed a spot to sit which is far away from Y/N and his parents. Y/N took a deep breath and fixed his jacket before sitting back down.
(An hour later)
Everyone has ate and they were all full, and then they went around on what they're thankful for, with Ryan being last saying.
Ryan: I am thankful of having someone like Alexa in my life of who I love
He said while he glared at Y/N while the pure fan clenched his fist under the table and trying to keep his cool.
F/N: well that was great Ryan, so son anything you thankful for?
Y/N: well... I am thankful of having such a great family and friends who were always by my side when things get tough
Y/N's parents, Mike, Nessie and Alexa all smiled at his message which caused Ryan to be a bit livid.
Ryan: excuse me, uhh F/N, M/N; can I ask you a question?
M/N: yes?
Ryan: why did you raise such a violent guy as your son?
F/N: hey, don't you talk to my boy like that!
Y/N then stood up.
Y/N: easy dad, I got this
F/N sat back down.
Y/N: well this "violent guy" you mentioned happened to rescue your girlfriend while you were out somewhere promoting your crap
Ryan: oh we're going with this again
Y/N: yeah, we're going again with this
Ryan: why don't you back off and leave me and Alexa alone?
Y/N: why don't you have a pair of balls in between your legs to come help and save your girlfriend from being harassed?
Everyone was watching as Y/N and Ryan came to blows. Then Y/N took a piece of pumpkin pie.
Y/N: oh that's right you don't have any balls to come to Alexa's aid, let alone spend time with her instead of leeching off her fame to benefit yours!
Then he slammed the piece of pie to Ryan's face.
Mike: oh straight to the face, man!
Ryan: you're gonna pay for that
Y/N: oh did I ruin your "wonderful" ugly face, boy?
Ryan: that's it!
Ryan threw a fist, but Y/N caught it and delivered the proverbial knuckle sandwich in the form of straight right hook to the singer's face, causing Ryan to fall to his knees.
Y/N: you never learned
Ryan: Alexa, let's go
Alexa: no, you drive yourself home
Feeling defeated, Ryan left the house and drove off on his own.
Then Y/N turned to Alexa.
Y/N: you okay?
Alexa smiled and nodded at him before Y/N sat back down.
Y/N: sorry, you had to see that
Mike: oh we're happy you kicked him out, man
F/N: that's my boy, learned it from his old man
Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: learned from the best
M/N: no one insults our son like that
F/N: especially in front of us like that, dear
Nessie: well there's still a lot of pie left, so let's not waste this
Everyone agreed and they went to eat the pie until it was all gone.
Y/N: guys, that was delicious
Alexa: yeah
Nessie: we're all happy you guys enjoyed
Mike: and Y/N, be sure you exercise tomorrow
Y/N: I know Mike
Y/N helped his best friends washed the dishes and throw the garbage outside while his parents looked on.
M/N: we raised such a wonderful son, dear
F/N: he is a man
Then they saw Alexa.
M/N: you feeling okay, dear?
Alexa: oh I'm okay
F/N: we know that you had a relationship with my son, so is there possible second chance between you two?
Alexa: only time will tell
M/N: no rush Alexa, just let fate decide
Alexa nodded in agreement.
(A few minutes later)
Everyone thanked Mike and Nessie for the dinner and Y/N gave his parents and Alexa a ride back. Y/N dropped his parents off to their hotel first and then drove Alexa home.
Alexa: is your fist feeling okay?
Y/N: oh it will be fine, just a bit disappointed that I wasted a good piece of pie
Alexa laughed at his joke.
Alexa: I didn't get to say this earlier, but I'm thankful for you always protecting me from danger
Y/N: of course Alexa, what are friends for?
Alexa smiled and then saw that Y/N stopped in front of her house.
Alexa: thanks for the ride, Y/N
She smiled and hugged him.
Y/N: be safe, Bliss
The Goddess smiled and got out of his car while Y/N watched her walk until she reached her door. Alexa gave him the okay signal, in which Y/N nodded and waved goodbye to Alexa. Then Y/N, Waffle and Comet drove back home.
The former airman changed into his night clothes and got in bed; he then saw that Mike posted pictures from the Thanksgiving dinner after Ryan left. Y/N smiled and liked the post before he put his phone to the side and went to sleep for the night.
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