Chapter 15-14: Camping With Amazing Friends
(A couple of weeks later)
Y/N had his pay day for this week and he used his hard earned money to buy some more groceries along with another game, a game that automatically satisfies his stress, especially that his stress comes from one Ryan Cabrera, the title from one of the most acclaimed fighting game franchises, Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath.
Y/N: Terminator, Joker, Spawn and now freaking RoboCop, let's go!
As the game was installing the data to his PS4 hard drive, Y/N got a call from Mike.
Y/N: Mikey boy, what's up?
Mike: you sound in a good mood, man
Y/N: yeah, I am, so you have Mortal Kombat 11 right?
Mike: yes
Y/N: is it the standard version?
Mike: yup
Y/N: oh you suck Mike, because I bought Mortal Kombat 11, but it's the Aftermath expansion version
Mike: what?!
Y/N: oh, you sound disappointed Mikey
Mike: yeah, because your version has RoboCop, Fujin and Sheeva along with the Kombat Pack while mine is just a standard version
Y/N: aww, that's sad
Mike: let me borrow it sometime
Y/N: sure, so what you called me for?
Mike: ah, well Nessie and I are planning to go camping tomorrow, and we have invited Alexa since obviously her so called "wonderful boyfriend" is out as usual making people's ears bleed, I was wondering if you want to come
Y/N: yeah sure, the only closest thing I had to camping is the bunk bed back at the Air Force base
Mike: oh man
Y/N: so anyone else coming besides Alexa?
Mike: I've invited Pete and he is also coming
Y/N: alright, I have a tent that I haven't used in a long time, and just let us know when we're going
Mike: I'll keep you updated man
Y/N: alright, I'll see you tomorrow
Mike: yeah
The two best friends ended the call, and Y/N saw his game has been installed and the former airman went to play the game.
While Y/N played, he got a video call message from Alexa. He pressed the accept button and he saw the Goddess.
Y/N: oh hey
Alexa: hey Y/N, what you doing?
Y/N: I bought a new game, and I'm playing right now, what are you up to?
Alexa: packing for the camping trip tomorrow
Y/N: ah, Mike just called me about that earlier
Alexa: so you're coming as well?
Y/N: yeah, I got a tent and after I play, I'm gonna pack my clothes and some snacks
Alexa: alright
Y/N: so how are you holding up? Where's Ryan?
Alexa: you know where
Y/N: damn it, is he out again?
Alexa: obviously
Y/N: don't worry, you don't have to be bored and alone tomorrow in your house because we're camping
Alexa: yeah, with my amazing friends
Y/N: yup
Alexa: alright, I'll let you go because I still have stuff to pack tomorrow
Y/N: yeah, I'll see you tomorrow
Alexa: good night and take care
The Goddess said as she blew a kiss at the screen before she hung up. Y/N smirked at her gesture and went back to play his game.
After two hours, the pure fan let his console rest as he packed his bag and got his tent out of his storage closet. Y/N's tent can fit two people in which is a lot of room. After everything was packed, Y/N went to bed for the night.
(The next day)
Mike has sent everyone a message that they'll leave for the camp site at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, which gave Y/N a lot of time to do his routine along with buying some more snacks so that everyone will share. Y/N started his day with feeding his two dogs before leaving for the gym for his one hour daily work out.
After his work out, Y/N went to the market to buy some more snacks for the camping trip which included the classic marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers.
Y/N: s'mores, the classic
He purchased the food and drove back home to check if everything he needed is packed. Y/N saw he had 3 hours to kill, so he used his time to play MK11.
(2 and a half hours later)
It was now 3:30 p.m., and Y/N didn't wasted time in getting ready, he put on his casual outdoor clothes, and as he was about to leave, he got a call from Alexa.
Y/N: hey Alexa
Alexa: Y/N, can you come pick me up?
Y/N: yeah sure, I was about to leave my apartment
Alexa: okay
The two ended the call and Y/N left his apartment room. The pure fan got in his car and drove to Alexa's house to pick her up.
(15 minutes later)
Y/N arrived at Alexa's house to see the Goddess standing outside. He honked his car horn to get her attention.
Y/N: hop in!
He said as he opened the passenger door for her.
Alexa: thanks!
The Goddess got in his car and put her bag in the backseat. Then the two drove off.
Alexa: thanks for the ride
Y/N: it's no problem
Then Y/N noticed something was missing.
Y/N: uh Alexa?
Alexa: yes Y/N?
Y/N: where's your tent?
Alexa: oh no, I forgot it
Y/N: you forgot your tent?
Alexa: I was in a hurry to pack because I got lost in time
Y/N: it's alright, we can share mine
Alexa: are you sure?
Y/N: my tent can fit two people, so we're good
Alexa: thanks Y/N, you're a lifesaver
Y/N: that's what friends are for
They continued to drive until they stopped at Mike's house to see that Pete has already arrived. Mike and Nessie put their stuff in their trunk.
Mike: just follow us!
Y/N: you got it!
Mike drove off and lead the group along the open road with Pete and Y/N right behind him. As they drove, Alexa opened up a conversation with Y/N.
Alexa: so Y/N, is this the first time camping for you?
Y/N: third time actually
Alexa: oh really?
Y/N: first two camping experience was a youth camp for my church confirmation class
Alexa: how was it?
Y/N: it was fine, but it sucked the second time
Alexa: what happened?
Y/N: it rained
Alexa and Y/N shared a laugh as they continued driving to the site.
After 20 minutes, the group arrived at the camp site which was a local national park. The five friends got out and observed the area which is like straight out of the documentary series, Planet Earth.
Pete: fresh air
Nessie: not too hot, not too cold
Y/N: like a desert, but we can see some trees in the area
Alexa: this place is perfect
Mike: I agree, let's set up camp guys
Mike, Pete and Y/N set up their tents while Nessie and Alexa gathered some sticks for the campfire. With the sun still up, the five friends took the opportunity to take a group picture from Alexa's phone.
Then the Goddess posted the picture on Instagram with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: First time ever camping! 🖤 was so much fun with my amazing friends!! @mikeromewwe @mynessielife @MaverickMitchell @Y/N_L/N
Y/N went inside his tent to lay out his blanket and pillow and got the snacks out. While he was doing that, he heard Alexa coming in.
Alexa: room for one more?
Y/N: yeah come on in, there's space for you
Alexa smiled and set her blanket and pillow on her side of the tent.
Y/N: all good?
Alexa: yeah
Y/N: alright, I bought the stuff to make s'mores, so let's go
Alexa: yes, I love s'mores!
The two got out of the tent to see the campfire already started.
Y/N: alright, who wants s'mores?
Everyone raised their hands and Y/N gave them each a marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers.
While they ate, Pete and Y/N shared stories of their time together in the Air Force.
Pete: Y/N and I always go to this bar with my co-pilot, call sign Goose and his family, and he sings this song while playing the piano.
Nessie: what song?
Y/N: Mav, Goose and I will always sing Great Balls of Fire
Alexa: can you give us a performance?
Mike: yeah
Nessie: let us hear your talent
Pete: if only we have Goose and a piano
Y/N: let's give it to them man
Pete: alright
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, oh what a thrill
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
Nessie, Alexa and Mike clapped for the two airman as they sung.
Pete: well that's all we know since Goose doesn't know the rest of the song
Alexa: you two sound so good
Pete: well it's just three airmen fooling around
Y/N: I had to drive you home because your ass was so drunk
Pete: hey, we had fun that night
The group shared a laugh as they continued to tell stories. Then before their campfire died out, they took one more group photo before settling in their tents for the night.
Pete: good night guys
Y/N: night Maverick
Nessie: good night
Mike: night
Alexa: night
Then Y/N and Alexa settled into his tent. The pure fan zipped his tent up so that the cold air or any mosquitos won't get inside. They laid down on their pillows.
Y/N: good night Alexa
Alexa: good night Y/N, I really had fun
Y/N: I'm glad you enjoyed
He smiled at the Goddess. Then Alexa took a deep breath and moved closer to Y/N and then she laid on his chest which surprised him.
Alexa: keep me warm and comfortable please
Y/N smiled and nodded as he wrapped his arm around her.
Y/N: okay
He gently rubbed her back which made the Goddess melt in his arms as she closed her eyes. Then Y/N turned off his lantern and went to sleep as well.
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